



Though you might not know it yet, there’s a livestreaming revolution brewing just around the corner. As social media juggernauts like Twitter look past pre-recorded video and into the world of “live as it happens” streams, the apps that make it possible for users to instantly get moving images off their phones and into the ether are starting to flood in.

尽管您可能还不知道,但是一场实时革命正在酝酿中。 随着诸如Twitter之类的社交媒体大佬们越过预先录制的视频,进入“实时发生”流的世界,使用户能够立即将图像从手机移入以太的应用程序开始泛滥。 。

Plus, with all the news of cops confiscating cell phones and deleting entire albums worth of evidence from the scene of the crime, nowadays it’s more important than ever to have a way to get an event out to the eyes of the world as quickly, safely, and effectively as possible.

此外,随着警察没收手机的所有新闻并从犯罪现场删除整个相册中的证据,如今,比以往任何时候都更重要的是,有一种方法可以更快,更安全地将事件发布到世界各地。 ,并尽可能有效。

Here’s our list of the best apps you can use to show the world your point of view in realtime.


超流 (UStream)

The originator, the original, and still one of the best, UStream holds the title of being one of the very first applications to enable users to stream events as they were happening right from their laptops, phones, or tablets.


Founded in 2007, the service first gained notoriety during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2012, where the platform was used by hundreds of activists to broadcast the news of the day from the ground of Zucotti Park.


As the corporate media continued to skew the message of the group to protect their own interests, members of Occupy kept their Ustreams going 24/7, complete with a full set of hosts and personalities who gained notoriety on social media as a beacon for the truth that hadn’t been filtered through anyone else’s agenda.


Tim Pool of “The Other 99”

While the cops made a special effort to box out all journalists and cameras when they finally descended on Zucotti, the world was privy to a first-person perspective as SWAT teams blasted tear gas into the crowds and tore down tents with bulldozers throughout the night.


The Occupy Protests were the first sign of what live streaming could do for grassroots organizations, and UStream was the app that made it all possible from the very beginning. You can get your hands on UStream for iOS by visiting the iTunes page, or download it for Android at Google Play here.

占领抗议是实时流媒体可以为基层组织提供服务的第一个迹象,而UStream是一款使一切从一开始就可以实现的应用程序。 您可以通过访问iTunes页面访问iOS的UStream,或在此处从Google Play下载Android的UStream。

移动正义 (MobileJustice)

Inspired by UStream’s role in Occupy and the court’s verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, recently the ACLU announced they would be developing its own streaming app, which allows you to immediately begin uploading video to its servers with just the tap of a button.



Unlike other streaming apps listed here, MobileJustice is specifically designed for the recording of cop encounters-gone-sour with the help of a few unique features. First, if anyone starts recording, the app will immediately alert other owners of the app within a two-mile radius that something is going down and give them the location so they can join in.

与此处列出的其他流应用程序不同,MobileJustice是专门为录制警察遇到的声音而设计的,它借助一些独特功能。 首先,如果有人开始录制,该应用程序将立即在两英里半径内警告该应用程序的其他所有者有发生故障的情况,并为他们提供位置,以便他们可以加入。

Next, the video is uploaded to a team of ACLU lawyers and representatives, most of whom can text you advice as the event plays out so you’ll know exactly how to handle an unruly arm of justice that’s harassing bystanders or demanding that you stop recording. For now, the app is only available to Android and iOS users in California, Oregon, Missouri and New York, though the ACLU says they’re currently in negotiations with multiple state legislatures to expand coverage soon.

接下来,将视频上传到ACLU的律师和代表团队,其中的大多数人都可以在事件进行时向您发送建议,以便您确切知道如何处理骚扰旁观者或要求您停止录制的不公正司法。 目前,该应用仅适用于加利福尼亚,俄勒冈,密苏里州和纽约的Android和iOS用户,但ACLU表示,他们目前正在与多个州的立法机构进行谈判,以尽快扩大覆盖范围。

Both the Android and iOS loadouts are still state specific, but you can find the app that correlates to your home base on the organization’s homepage here.


猫鼬 (Meerkat)

Meerkat was the first of the new breed of streaming apps, designed to take full advantage of cell networks that can handle video quality higher than that of a moldy potato.


Following in Ustream’s footsteps, Meerkat integrates the power of social media right into the core of its platform, allowing Twitter users to chat with streamers, share the video with friends, and even join in on the fun by streaming their own view back at the same time.



These features can be especially useful during local environmental disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, or floods where the act of finding loved ones and collaborating on search and rescue efforts benefits from the ability to see what’s happening through each other’s eyes.


Meerkat is still in beta, though with industry heavy-hitters from Tumblr and Twitter being hired on by the handful, it’s clear the company plans to stay in this market for the long haul.


Download Meerkat for iOS here, and Android here.


潜望镜 (Periscope)

Speaking of Twitter, not but a few months after Meerkat was announced, a team at the micro-social blogging site announced they had their own video streaming app in the works, called Periscope.


Periscope works in identical fashion to Meerkat, save for a few name changes for its features including the ability to both stream and record video at the same time, and use Twitter to link to a stream as soon as it goes live.



Twitter has been touting Periscope as the “next revolution in mobile streaming”, disregarding the fact that the app already found itself in a bit of hot water when lawyers from HBO and Showtime descended on their offices during the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight in May.


As it turns out, members of the crowd had been using the app to stream their angle of the fight right from their phones onto people’s desktops and laptops. The problem was that no sooner would one stream shut down that another would pop up, ad-infinitum for the arena’s 15,000 attendees.

事实证明,人群中的成员一直在使用该应用程序将战斗的角度从手机流到人们的台式机和笔记本电脑上。 问题在于,一个流媒体很快就会关闭,而另一个流媒体则会弹出,这是该竞技场15,000名与会者的无限期广告。

If Persicope (or Meerkat) want the public to grab hold of their technology and run with it, effective copyright protection methods will be a must for any app worth its salt. Ustream already holds the patent on live copyright detection, and if either company wants to knock the current king off its throne, they’re likely going to have to lease out a patent or two for the privilege.

如果Persicope(或Meerkat)希望公众掌握其技术并使用它,则任何有价值的应用程序都必须具有有效的版权保护方法。 Ustream已经拥有实时版权检测的专利,如果任何一家公司想击败现任国王,他们将可能不得不租用一两个专利以获得特权。

Periscope for iOS is out now, while a completed Android build is expected to drop sometime in the next month.


These days, it’s easier than ever to use the lens on the back of your cell phone to broadcast what you see to the rest of the world in an instant. There’s an app for every situation, whether it’s keeping grandma Betty tuned in to a wedding in Hawaii, or preventing a cop from overstepping his bounds during a routine traffic stop.

如今,比以往任何时候都更容易使用手机背面的镜头将您看到的内容即时广播到世界其他地方。 无论是让Betty奶奶参加夏威夷的婚礼,还是防止警察在例行交通站中超越自己的范围,都有适合任何情况的应用程序。

While realtime streaming may not be all the rage just yet, as big names like Twitter throw their hat into the ring, it could only be a matter of time before we’re all blasting the minutia of our daily lives out to no one in particular, just because we can.

尽管实时流媒体可能还不是风靡一时,但像Twitter这样的大牌明星大有作为,但这只是时间问题,然后我们才将日常生活的细节抛诸脑后。 ,只是因为我们可以。

Image Credit: iTunes 1, 2, Twitter, Pixabay


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/217146/how-to-stream-video-to-the-internet-from-your-phone-or-tablet/






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