


Like clockwork, every couple of months some “fact” about Facebook goes viral. Facebook is going to start charging you money! Copy and paste this status or Facebook will cook your children! As soon as you upload them, Facebook owns your photos!

就像发条一样,每隔几个月,关于Facebook的一些“事实”就会流行开来。 Facebook将开始向您收取费用! 复制并粘贴此状态,否则Facebook将为您的孩子做饭! 您一上传照片,Facebook便拥有您的照片!

That last one is especially common, so let’s talk about it.


Facebook对您的照片有什么权利? (What Rights Does Facebook Have to Your Photos?)

Let’s start by getting on the same basic page: no, Facebook doesn’t own your photos. That’s not how copyright or real life works. They’re still your photos, not Facebook’s. In fact, it’s right in Facebook’s terms of service: “You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook.“

让我们从进入相同的基本页面开始:不,Facebook不拥有您的照片。 版权或现实生活并非如此。 它们仍然是您的照片,而不是Facebook的照片。 实际上,这在Facebook的服务条款中是正确的:“您拥有在Facebook上发布的所有内容和信息。”

Got it? Good. Myth busted. Now let’s address what rights Facebook does have with your photos once you upload them. Here’s the relevant bit of the terms of service:

得到它了? 好。 神话破灭了。 现在,让我们解决一下上传照片后Facebook 您的照片拥有的权利。 以下是服务条款的相关内容:

You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In addition:

您拥有在Facebook上发布的所有内容和信息,并且可以通过隐私和应用程序设置控制共享方式。 此外:

  1. For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.

    对于受知识产权保护的内容,例如照片和视频(IP内容),您明确授予我们以下许可,但要取决于您的隐私和应用程序设置:您授予我们非专有,可转让,可再许可的特许权使用费-免费的全球许可证,可使用您在Facebook上或与Facebook相关联发布的任何IP内容(IP许可证)。 当您删除IP内容或帐户时,除非您的内容已与他人共享并且他们尚未删除,否则此IP许可将终止。
  2. When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).

    删除IP内容时,其删除方式类似于清空计算机上的回收站。 但是,您了解到,删除的内容可能会在备份副本中保留一段合理的时间(但其他用户将无法使用)。

So Facebook gets a “non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license” to your photos. Let’s break it down.

因此,Facebook对您的照片获得了“非排他性,可转让,可再许可,免版税,全球范围的许可”。 让我们分解一下。

A “royalty-free worldwide license” means Facebook is free to use your photos pretty much how they’d like anywhere in the world without paying you a penny or asking your permission.


“Transferable” and “sub-licensable” mean that Facebook can either transfer the license to another entity or just sub-license it, again without your permission.


Finally, “non-exclusive” means that you’re free to license your photo to anyone else you want. Just because you’ve uploaded a photo to Facebook, it doesn’t mean you can’t share it on Twitter, or do whatever else you want with it.

最后,“非排他性”意味着您可以自由地将照片许可给您想要的其他任何人。 仅仅因为您已将照片上传到Facebook,并不意味着您不能在Twitter上分享它,也不能对其进行任何其他操作。

These are all pretty broad and scary terms but, for Facebook to work as intended, it needs this sort of vague license. Displaying the photos you post to Facebook in your friend’s News Feeds would be impossible otherwise: if you hadn’t given them a license, it would be a violation of your copyright for them to show that photo to your friends.

这些都是相当宽泛和令人恐惧的术语,但是,要使Facebook按预期工作,它需要这种模糊的许可证。 否则,在您朋友的新闻源中显示您发布到Facebook的照片是不可能的:如果您没有向他们授予许可证,则他们将这些照片显示给您的朋友将侵犯您的版权。

您仍在掌控之中 (You’re Still In Control)

The most important sentence, however, is “subject to your privacy and application settings”. Through Facebook’s privacy settings you’re able to control exactly how your images are used. If you only want your close friends to see them? You can do that. This means that, even though Facebook’s license is broad, you’re still in control of how it’s implemented.

但是,最重要的一句话是“取决于您的隐私和应用程序设置”。 通过Facebook的隐私设置,您可以精确控制图片的使用方式。 如果只希望您的密友看到他们? 你可以那样做 。 这意味着,即使Facebook的许可范围很广,您仍然可以控制其实施方式。

Another important clause is, “This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account.” Again, this gives you control. If you delete a photo, Facebook’s license is revoked. It’s the same when you delete your account.

另一个重要的条款是,“当您删除IP内容或帐户时,此IP许可将终止。” 同样,这使您可以控制。 如果删除照片 ,Facebook的许可证将被吊销。 删除帐户是一样的

To sum up, this all means that:


  • Facebook doesn’t own your content, you do.

  • Facebook’s terms of service sound scary but really aren’t.

  • Your privacy settings control how Facebook uses your photos.


There’s no need to worry about Facebook using your photos to make T-shirts or flogging them on stock photo sites. They make about $60 a year for every US or Canadian user; selling your photos of you at Coachella or playing Dungeons and Dragons wouldn’t even come close to generating that sort of revenue.

无需担心Facebook使用您的照片制作T恤或在库存图片网站上鞭打它们。 他们每年为每个美国或加拿大用户赚取约60美元 ; 在Coachella卖给您的照片或玩《龙与地下城》,甚至都无法带来这种收入。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304037/does-facebook-own-my-photos/


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