


RGB lighting in computer hardware, especially gaming-branded gear, is a divisive subject. Either you think it’s really cool and you want it in all your stuff, or you have good taste. (I kid, I kid.) But despite the rather flashy nature of LED-soaked “battlestation” gaming setups, there’s actually a surprising amount of utility to be found deep in all that rainbow-colored extravagance. Even if you aren’t a fan of the aesthetic, it’s worth considering the next time you’re assembling a gaming PC.

计算机硬件(尤其是游戏品牌的设备)中的RGB照明是一个分歧话题。 您可能觉得这真的很酷,并且想要在所有东西中使用它 ,或者味道很好。 (我开玩笑,我开玩笑。)但是,尽管LED浸泡的“战场”游戏设置具有相当浮华的特性,但实际上在所有彩虹色的奢侈中都可以发现大量令人惊讶的实用程序。 即使您不喜欢美学,也值得在下次组装游戏PC时考虑一下。

Here are a few of the useful things you can do with those flashy lights.


创建特定于游戏的键盘布局 (Create Game-Specific Keyboard Layouts)

This one’s a bit of a no-brainer, but creating a lighting layout for specific games can help you remember the key bindings for various titles. It’s especially helpful if you often play different types of games, going from a WASD-heavy shooter to a hotkey-laden MOBA game to a custom-bound setup for a deep strategy or simulation game.

这有点不费吹灰之力,但是为特定游戏创建照明布局可以帮助您记住各种游戏的按键绑定。 如果您经常玩不同类型的游戏(从WASD繁重的射击游戏,载有热键的MOBA游戏到深度策略或模拟游戏的自定义绑定设置),则它特别有用。

Using color groups for different kinds of actions is generally the best way to go here. Setups typically break colors into movement, basic attacks, special attacks, healing and other modifiers, and custom macros (see the title photo of this piece). More robust programs offer pre-made RGB themes for popular games, which can be downloaded and installed.

通常,最好将颜色组用于不同类型的操作。 设置程序通常将颜色分为运动,基本攻击,特殊攻击,修复和其他修改器以及自定义宏(请参见此文章的标题照片)。 更强大的程序为流行游戏提供了预制的RGB主题,可以下载并安装。

显示系统信息 (Display System Information)

There are plenty of ways to show your system’s operating information, like current CPU temperature or fan speed. But since you’ve invested in a fancy windowed case and a bunch of RGB lighting, why not put them to some practical use? Some high-end motherboards include both LEDs directly on board components and lighting control integrated into their software.

有很多方法可以显示系统的运行信息,例如当前的CPU温度或风扇速度。 但是,既然您已经购买了精美的开窗盒和一堆RGB照明,为什么不将它们投入实际使用呢? 一些高端母板既包括直接位于板上的LED,又包括集成在其软件中的照明控制。

The high-end lighting systems from ASUS and Gigabyte includes direct access to temperature sensors, letting the motherboard, GPU, other components, and any attached 4-pin LED strips shift from blue to red to indicate the CPU temperature or current load. Naturally, it’s not as precise as a numerical layout, but for some quick at-a-glance info while you’re in an intense gaming, it works well enough. The add-on NZXT Hue+ system can even shift color based on your current game’s frames per second.

华硕(ASUS)技嘉(Gigabyte)的高端照明系统可直接访问温度传感器,从而使主板,GPU,其他组件以及所有连接的4针LED灯条从蓝色变为红色,以指示CPU温度或当前负载。 自然,它不如数字布局那么精确,但是对于在紧张游戏中的一些快速概览信息,它就足够好了。 附加的NZXT Hue +系统甚至可以根据您当前游戏的每秒帧数改变颜色。

使用独立程序和游戏 (Use Stand-Alone Programs and Games)

The various accessory vendors are now releasing full software development kits and APIs for their LED-equipped gadgets. Razer, unsurprisingly, has delved the deepest into this particular pool. Its online gallery of user-submitted Chroma tools includes stand-alone games like Snake and Whack-A-Mole that can be played on the keyboard itself, an audio visualizer that plays across all RGB-enabled devices at once, and even reactive weather app that displays the local conditions.

各种配件供应商现在都在为其配备LED的小配件发布完整的软件开发套件和API。 毫不奇怪,雷蛇(Razer)已经深入研究了这个特定的游泳池。 其在线用户提交的色度工具库包括可在键盘上自行播放的Snake和Whack-A-Mole等独立游戏,可同时在所有启用RGB的设备上播放的音频可视化程序,甚至是React式天气应用程序显示当地情况。

There are also integrations with various third-party tools. In addition to the usual customized game profiles (the countdown timer for bombs in Counter-Strike is particularly neat), users have made Twitch volume tools, Photoshop and Illustrator palettes, and even an Outlook widget for unread emails.

还与各种第三方工具集成。 除了通常的自定义游戏配置文件( Counter-Strike中的炸弹倒数计时器特别整洁)之外,用户还制作了Twitch音量工具,Photoshop和Illustrator调色板,甚至还有用于未读电子邮件的Outlook小部件。

疯狂处理用户提交的效果(或自行制作) (Go Crazy With User-Submitted Effects (or Make Your Own))

At the end of the day, you might as well embrace the disco ball flashiness of your coordinated RGB setup. At this point Razer, Corsair, Logitech, and Gigabyte all offer online repositories of animated “themes” for their various gear and accessories. They allow you to download the reactive and pre-made animations created by other users. Your options will be limited based on which specific pieces you have (themes usually don’t work across devices from different vendors), with some having more engagement from the community than others.

归根结底,您不妨接受协调的RGB设置的迪斯科舞会闪光感。 此时, RazerCorsairLogitech技嘉都提供了在线动画“主题”存储库,以存储各种装备和配件。 它们允许您下载其他用户创建的React式和预制动画。 根据您拥有的特定作品(主题通常在不同供应商的设备上不起作用),您的选择将受到限制,其中一些作品在社区中的参与度要高于其他作品。

If nothing strikes your fancy, you can always make your own. Even the companies that don’t offer an online repository typically install of the companies that offer desktop software to tweak RGB setups also offer pre-baked “effects,” and tools like the Chroma Configurator allow you to tweak them to your heart’s content.

如果没有什么让您满意,那么您随时可以自己做。 即使是不提供在线资源库的公司,通常也安装了提供桌面软件来调整RGB设置的公司,这些公司也提供了预烘焙的“效果”,并且诸如Chroma Configurator之类的工具使您可以根据自己的喜好调整它们。

Go on. You know you want to.

继续。 你知道你想。

Image credits: Roxas Keyheart/Razer, ASUS

图片来源: Roxas Keyheart / Razer, 华硕

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306000/how-to-make-your-rgb-gaming-gear-actually-useful/


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