

Selecting the color scheme that will suit your application is a long process since there is an infinite number of existing patterns. So now you can immediately answer this article’s main question: there is no easy way to choose a color scheme for your app. However, do not rush to give up on this text. You may not even realize how significant and exciting this process is.

由于存在无数种现有图案,因此选择适合您的应用的配色方案是一个漫长的过程。 因此,现在您可以立即回答本文的主要问题:没有简单的方法为您的应用选择配色方案。 但是,不要急于放弃此文本。 您甚至可能没有意识到这个过程多么重要和令人兴奋。

Below, we will mention the most crucial points that relate to selecting a color palette for your application. We’ve paid special attention to the UI details and outlined how to increase your brand prevalence and your application usability thanks to the proper colors.

下面,我们将提到与为您的应用程序选择调色板有关的最关键点。 我们特别注意了UI细节,并概述了如何通过适当的颜色来提高品牌知名度和应用程序可用性。

基础很重要 (The basics are vital)

In order to select the correct colors for the application, you must be familiar with the fundamentals. Therefore, the color circle will be your best friend.

为了为应用选择正确的颜色,您必须熟悉基础知识。 因此,色环将是您最好的朋友。


There are two ways to select a color scheme: using the existing standard palettes or creating your own scheme. The first option is preferable if you aren’t confident in your skills and don’t want to risk, or waste too much time. The second option is a huge field for experiments. It suits well if you have enough time and resources to try different variants.

有两种选择配色方案的方法:使用现有的标准调色板或创建自己的配色方案。 如果您对自己的技能不自信,不想冒险或浪费太多时间,则首选第一种方法。 第二个选择是广阔的实验领域。 如果您有足够的时间和资源尝试不同的版本,则非常适合。

There are several methods to detect the proper colors. The

有几种检测正确颜色的方法。 的

类似的 (analogous )

method involves choosing the main color and using it together with the colors that are situated next to it in the circle. As a result, one color dominates while others complement it. The diversity of colors does not hurt the eyes, and all segments look organic and harmonious.

方法包括选择主要颜色,并将其与圆中紧邻它的颜色一起使用。 结果,一种颜色占主导,而其他颜色则对其进行补充。 颜色的多样性不会伤害眼睛,所有部分看起来都是有机且和谐的。

The next method is


单色 (monochromatic)

. With this option, you choose a single color and use only its tones and shadows. Such a method will produce an enjoyable impression for the eyes, especially if you use natural colors, such as blue or green.

。 使用此选项,您可以选择一种颜色,并且仅使用其色调和阴影。 这样的方法会给眼睛带来愉悦的印象,尤其是当您使用自然色(例如蓝色或绿色)时。

Complementary scheme. By using this method, you take a few (usually two) colors that aren’t adjacent in the color circle. For example, red and blue, or green and yellow, which are contrasting. The skilled and limited use and arrangement of these colors will allow highlighting certain elements or parts of your app. This method is applied by experienced designers.

补充方案。 通过使用此方法,您将获得几种(通常是两种)在色环中不相邻的颜色。 例如,红色和蓝色或绿色和黄色形成对比。 这些颜色的熟练使用和有限使用和排列将使您可以突出显示应用程序的某些元素或部分。 此方法由经验丰富的设计师应用。

重要提示 (Important tips)


Whichever method you choose, remember that your application’s UI must be as pleasant and convenient for the user as possible. Here are some tips to maintain this.

无论选择哪种方法,请记住,应用程序的UI必须对用户而言尽可能舒适和方便。 这里有一些技巧可以保持这一点。

  1. 确定您的目标受众 (Determine your target audience)

    . Information about your potential users’ needs, interests and preferences will help you determine the necessary colors. Perhaps, your TA prefers usual color palettes.

    。 有关潜在用户需求,兴趣和偏好的信息将帮助您确定必要的颜色。 也许,您的TA偏爱通常的调色板。

  2. 分析您的竞争对手 (Analyze your competitors)

    . Perform research to find the already existing apps on the market in order to compare them. This will help you identify common design patterns. Although it’s up to you to decide whether to use them or not, it may be better to abandon the existing options and make your application unique in this segment.

    。 进行研究以找到市场上已经存在的应用程序,以便进行比较。 这将帮助您确定常见的设计模式。 尽管您可以决定是否使用它们,但最好放弃现有的选项,并使您的应用程序在此细分中具有唯一性。

  3. 专注于内容 (Concentrate on content)

    . Especially on its quality and the way it is represented. The size of the elements, text, borders — all this will have a huge influence on your application’s final layout.

    。 尤其是在质量和表示方式上。 元素,文本,边框的大小-所有这些都会对应用程序的最终布局产生巨大影响。

  4. 可用性和可读性 (Usability and readability)

    . Make sure that your screen is “clean” and your app’s mechanics help the user to interact with all elements. Choose a scheme that will contribute to an intuitive perception of the product.

    。 确保屏幕“干净”,并且应用程序的机制可帮助用户与所有元素进行交互。 选择一种有助于直观了解产品的方案。

  5. UI组件顺序 (UI components order)

    . The color must help the customer to intuitively understand which elements of your application are interactive and which aren’t, and how these components relate to each other (which unit is more important).

    。 颜色必须帮助客户直观地了解应用程序中的哪些元素是交互式的,哪些不是交互式的,以及这些组件如何相互关联(哪个单元更重要)。

  6. 内容清晰 (Content legibility)

    . Text, borders, buttons, background and other elements of your application must be clearly distinguishable. Make sure that the white elements are not set against a white background, etc. Following the lead of Apple, many brands are now switching to ‘

    。 应用程序中的文本,边框,按钮,背景和其他元素必须清晰可辨。 确保没有将白色元素设置为白色背景等。在Apple的领导下,许多品牌现在都转向“

    dark user interface’. You could also try it to make important content stand in stark contrast to the background.黑暗的用户界面 ”。 您也可以尝试使重要内容与背景形成鲜明对比。
  7. 您的品牌有颜色 (Your brand has a color)

    . You must think strategically and use the colors of your brand in your application in order to make the app & brand recognizable and intuitively associated. Netflix is a very good example. Check it and you will immediately catch the point.

    。 您必须进行策略性思考,并在应用程序中使用品牌的颜色,以使应用程序和品牌易于识别和直观关联。 Netflix是一个很好的例子。 对其进行检查,您将立即抓住要害。

  8. 通过颜色交流 (Communicate through colors)

    . Take advantage of your color scheme to attract users’ attention and pass important information. However, you should do it gently (e.g. — red colors for error notification should only be used for errors, not for any other system notifications).

    。 利用您的配色方案吸引用户的注意力并传递重要信息。 但是,您应该轻轻地进行操作(例如,用于错误通知的红色仅应用于错误,而不能用于任何其他系统通知)。

  9. 地理属性 (Geographical attributes)

    . One of the most important aspects — you should be aware of your audience’s geographical location. Same colors can mean diametrically opposite things in different countries. In China, for example, white color is the first association with death, disease, misery, while for most countries it is life, peace, and calmness. It is crucial to understand your audience’s preferences in order to avoid conflicts. Try to use the most neutral colors if you want to cover as many countries as possible.

    。 最重要的方面之一-您应该了解听众的地理位置。 在不同国家/地区,相同的颜色可能意味着截然相反的事物。 例如,在中国,白色是导致死亡,疾病,痛苦的第一个关联,而在大多数国家,白色是生命,和平与安宁的象征。 了解您的听众的喜好以避免冲突至关重要。 如果要覆盖尽可能多的国家/地区,请尝试使用最中性的颜色。

  10. 乐于助人 (Be open to assistance)

    . It isn’t necessary to risk and choose color pallets on your own if you aren’t sure which layout your application should have. There is a list of excellent resources designed to guide you through the color choosing dilemma.

    。 如果不确定应用程序应采用哪种布局,就不必自己冒险和选择颜色调色板。 这里有一系列优秀的资源,旨在指导您解决颜色选择的难题。

  • Color Hunt. A large collection of users’ palettes is on open access and is free for commercial use. In the Popular section, you can find the most liked and trendy palettes, so your application will have one of the greatest and most recognizable color schemes.

    色彩狩猎 。 大量用户的调色板可以免费访问,并且可以免费用于商业用途。 在“流行”部分,您可以找到最喜欢和最流行的调色板,因此您的应用程序将具有最出色和最可识别的配色方案之一。

  • FlatUiColors. This is another large collection of palettes that grows on a daily basis.

    FlatUiColors 。 这是每天增长的另一大调色板集合。

  • Coolors. This resource will help you generate a free color scheme in a single spacebar click. Then you will see the tones and shades of the selected primary color and be free to interact and experiment with them.

    冷却器 。 此资源将帮助您单击一次空​​格键即可生成免费的配色方案。 然后,您将看到所选原色的色调和阴影,并可以自由地进行交互和尝试。

最后的话 (A final word)


An effective universal color scheme is a myth if you want your app design to be uncommon. The designer must select a scheme based not only on their taste and impressions but also on many other factors like customer perception, brand positioning, and even geographical location of the target audience.

如果您希望应用程序设计不常见,那么有效的通用配色方案就是一个神话。 设计人员必须不仅根据他们的品味和印象,而且还要根据许多其他因素(例如客户的感知,品牌定位,甚至目标受众的地理位置)来选择方案。

Pablo Picasso once said: “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” When creating a design for your app, be Pablo Picasso of sorts — follow your customer and the changes of their emotions. Picking colors for your application is a fascinating process. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make your application unique.

巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)曾说过:“色彩像特征一样,随情绪变化而变化。” 在为您的应用程序创建设计时,请像Pablo Picasso一样-关注您的客户及其情绪的变化。 为您的应用选择颜色是一个有趣的过程。 不要害怕尝试并使您的应用程序独特。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/462867/


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