

Backlog grooming is not a magic wand; it's a comprehensive activity aimed to ensure that all the tasks are always in clear order. How can the grooming process be improved? And what are the special things about it?

积压整理不是魔杖; 这是一项全面的活动,旨在确保所有任务始终井井有条。 修饰过程如何改善? 还有什么特别之处呢?


The tasks in the backlog have no value if they do not bring any system or structure optimization. It’s crucial for product managers to work with the product backlog properly to get relevant tasks. Product backlog grooming is the process that streams to help do it correctly.

如果未进行任何系统或结构优化,则积压中的任务没有价值。 对于产品经理来说,正确处理产品待办事项以获取相关任务至关重要。 产品积压整理是流式处理以帮助正确完成的过程。

The parallel with caring about one’s appearance really fits here as any product also requires attention to be high-demanded.


另一种Scrum会议 (One more type of Scrum meeting)

Backlog grooming is a team meeting in Scrum that highlights the discussion of the backlog details and the next Sprint planning. Another name of the meeting is Product Refinement (or sometimes — Storytime session).

积压整理是Scrum中的团队会议,着重强调了积压细节的讨论和下一个Sprint计划。 会议的另一个名称是“产品优化”(有时也称为“故事时间”会议)。

At first sight, it may seem that the most experienced product managers and product owners know how to turn routine backlog management into a successful process. However, in order to achieve this, they must be able to carefully care and «cherish» their product backlog, know how to clean and optimize it. All these actions compose a product backlog refinement.

乍看起来,经验最丰富的产品经理和产品所有者似乎知道如何将常规的积压管理转变为成功的流程。 但是,为了实现这一目标,他们必须能够仔细护理和“珍惜”积压的产品,知道如何清洁和优化产品。 所有这些动作构成了产品积压工作的改进。

Let's be honest — any product, like a human, requires attention and care.


产品管理中的战略修饰感:如何增加其价值 (Strategic sense of grooming in product management: how to increase its value)

A product backlog is the list of user stories that are not in the current sprint. It defines the remainder of the project’s scope. The separate items in this list can quickly become the reason for overwhelming. It often leads to panic concerning what should be done when the product backlog grows rapidly.

产品待办事项列表是当前冲刺中未包含的用户故事的列表。 它定义了项目范围的其余部分。 此列表中的单独项目可能很快成为不堪重负的原因。 当积压的产品数量Swift增长时,这常常引起人们的恐慌。

Team members can lose focus on important tasks and user stories’ status may become unclear, the challenges with time and resources estimating may appear.


The backlog refinement aims to conduct a productive meeting between a product owner/product manager and a customer’s representative. The main goal is to break the backlog down into user stories and reprioritize them. It's better to arrange the grooming regularly. The process should be based on deep analysis and clear acts.

积压的改进旨在在产品所有者/产品经理与客户代表之间进行富有成效的会议。 主要目标是将待办事项分解为用户素材,然后对其进行优先级排序。 最好定期进行梳理。 该过程应基于深入分析和明确行为。

The well-conducted grooming makes sure that the tasks presented in the backlog are relevant and those that are presented at the top of the list are ready for planning in a sprint, implementation, and release.


Backlog grooming is often called a pre-planning process. Usually, the product owner and team representatives organize it in the middle of a Sprint. It is not considered as a formal part of Scrum. However, it is recommended to allocate up to 15% of each Sprint for this activity.

积压整理通常被称为预计划过程。 通常,产品所有者和团队代表在Sprint的中间组织它。 它不被视为Scrum的正式部分。 但是,建议为此活动分配最多每个Sprint的15%。

Here’re some opinions drawn from Quora about how much time should team spend supporting the backlog grooming activity:


«The time spent in backlog refinement is a function of the maturity of the team (technology-wise as well as embracing Agile), size & complexity of the product, organizational structure, lifecycle state of the product, and environment surrounding the team. In general, a team can start with two to four hours a week and let it settle down».

Tushar Jain, Agile coach, trainer, and speaker

«在积压订单上花费的时间取决于团队的成熟度(在技术方面以及敏捷方面),产品的规模和复杂性,组织结构,产品的生命周期状态以及团队周围的环境。 通常,团队每周可以开始2到4个小时,然后让他们安顿下来»。

Tushar Jain,敏捷教练,培训师和演讲者

«It depends on your team, your stories, and how much „grooming“ you want to do. Typically, I've managed grooming in with Sprint Planning, as a „before“ or „after“ task where we discussed new stories or upcoming stories that might have questions or issues that would need to be resolved before they can be acted on. We aim for 15-30 minute Sprint Planning sessions, so it's usually easy to use the leftover half-hour or so to go through other upcoming stories».

Cliff Gilley, Product Management professional

«这取决于您的团队,您的故事以及您想做多少“修饰”。 通常,我已经完成了Sprint Planning的梳理工作,这是一项“之前”或“之后”任务,我们讨论了新故事或即将发生的故事,这些新故事或即将出现的问题可能需要解决才能采取行动。 我们的目标是15-30分钟的Sprint计划会议,因此通常可以轻松使用剩下的半小时左右来浏览其他即将到来的故事»。

Cliff Gilley,产品管理专业人员

«Sometimes 1–2 hours per Sprint are enough, sometimes it takes much more than that. If you see the warning signs, put more effort into grooming! Remember that stories should be talked through and estimated during grooming, NOT during Sprint planning (although occasional re-estimation is fine). It is the Product Owners duty to keep the backlog current, relevant and aligned with the business goals – the grooming is there to help them. The grooming also helps the team to shorten planning sessions and spread the business knowledge necessary to implement features».

Matthias Orgler, Agile Coach, Business Innovator

«有时每个Sprint 1-2小时就足够了,有时所花费的时间远远超过此。 如果您看到警告标志,请加大整理力度! 请记住,故事应该在梳理过程中进行讨论和评估,而不是在Sprint计划中进行(尽管偶尔进行重新估算是可以的)。 产品负责人有责任使积压的订单保持最新,相关并与业务目标保持一致–整理工作可以帮助他们。 梳理还可以帮助团队缩短计划会议并传播实施功能所需的业务知识»。

Matthias Orgler,敏捷教练,业务创新者

积压整理的目标 (The goals of backlog grooming)

The key goal of product backlog grooming is to discuss the current items list and identify clear suggestions for its improvement.


To improve the backlog, the meeting participants may act the following:


  • Add new user stories

  • Re-assess priorities

  • Break some user stories down into smaller ones

  • Remove the user stories that are not already relevant

  • Add and estimate new features, prioritize them

  • Refine the previously written user stories

  • Review time and personnel estimates for individual issues

  • Redefine testing criteria

  • Correct estimates in accordance with newly defined data, and some more essential acts.


Actually, the grooming process ensures that the requirements will be clarified and user stories will be prepared for work in advance. While planning the future interactions, all the participants will have a well-defined set of stories, split into the independent components and clearly prioritized.

实际上,整理过程可确保明确要求,并为事前准备用户案例。 在计划未来的互动时,所有参与者都将拥有一组定义明确的故事,分为独立的部分并明确确定优先级。

哪些工具可以帮助修饰? (What tools help to groom? )

Since defining priorities is a key part of the grooming activity, it is rather important to correctly visualize the relationship of tasks for further working with them.


Professional prioritization is a crucial thing. Fortunately, product owners can easily use modern prioritization frameworks that can be found in the functionality of some product management software (Hygger, ProductPlan, Airfocus, etc.) 专业优先级是至关重要的。 幸运的是,产品所有者可以轻松地使用现代优先级划分框架,该框架可以在某些产品管理软件(Hygger,ProductPlan,Airfocus等)的功能中找到。

For example, Hygger.io proposes to prioritize your backlog, remove not relevant user stories, increase or decrease the priority of separate tasks, add and revise new features, and much more. You may choose one of the available prioritization models from the simple one (Value vs Effort matrix) to the more complex solutions (ICE scoring model or RICE prioritization framework).

例如, Hygger.io建议优先考虑您的积压工作,删除不相关的用户故事,增加或减少单独任务的优先级,添加和修改新功能等等。 您可以选择一种可用的优先级模型,从简单的模型(价值与工作量矩阵)到更复杂的解决方案(ICE评分模型或RICE优先级框架)。


精心安排的积压整理有什么结果? (What is the result of the well-arranged backlog grooming?)

You backlog looks healthy after the refinement process when:


  • User stories look clear to all team members

  • The number of tasks at the top of the backlog is enough for 2-3 Sprints

  • User stories are rated by team

  • The stories have a normal size to implement several of them in one Sprint


积压整理不是Sprint计划! (Backlog grooming is not Sprint planning!)

Sometimes the grooming activity is confused with Sprint planning.


  • Product grooming means keeping the backlog up to date and getting backlog items ready for upcoming Sprints.

  • The core idea of Sprint planning is agreeing on the goal for the current Sprint and Sprint backlog. It’s not only about communicating requirements but about learning, defining options and making decisions together.

    Sprint计划的核心思想是就当前Sprint和Sprint待办事项的目标达成一致。 这不仅与沟通需求有关,还与学习,定义选项和共同制定决策有关。
结论 (Conclusion)

To sum it up, we can easily define the key advantages of product backlog grooming:


  • Leads to effective sprint planning

  • Removes uncertainty of user stories

  • Increases product efficiency

  • Assists to avoid rework in development and testing

  • Saves time for the development team for further discussion during the Sprint cycle because they give clarity about the requirements

  • Identifies dependencies within the team

  • Helps to foresee risks

  • Provides product owners and managers with more chances to enhance the requirements with more information if it’s required.


Do not save time on grooming and remember that product backlog refinement should become a constant activity. This process will ensure the qualitative development of your product.

不要节省时间进行修饰,请记住产品积压细化应该成为一项持续的活动。 此过程将确保您产品的定性开发。

The key moment is to optimize tasks in the backlog for subsequent work with them. Grooming the backlog, you clarify the relevance of tasks, review existing challenges and get additional info about tasks that are still unclear.

关键时刻是优化待办事项中的任务,以供后续使用。 整理积压的事务,您可以阐明任务的相关性,查看现有挑战并获得有关尚不清楚的任务的其他信息。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/hygger/blog/462117/






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