最佳实践 scrum_Scrum仪式的类型和最佳做法是什么?

最佳实践 scrum

Scrum strongly enforces the goals and time boxes for everything, including the ceremonies. This post covers these outstanding events and identifies the goals for each as well as their necessity. Take 7-8 minutes to figure them out.

Scrum会为所有活动(包括仪式)严格执行目标和时间表。 这篇文章涵盖了这些杰出的事件,并确定了每个目标的必要性。 花7-8分钟找出它们。


会议文化又回来了 (Meetings culture is back)

Business meetings are essential to the proper functioning of projects or companies. These kinds of activities are often despised but still are perceived as helpful to the progress of projects.

商务会议对于项目或公司的正常运作至关重要。 这些活动通常被轻视,但仍被认为对项目的进展有帮助。

Often employees spend a lot of time attending meetings and like to complain about it. That's why one of the goals of the meeting moderator is to make employees sure that the meetings are a productivity tool, that the team should learn to use better.

通常,员工会花很多时间参加会议,并且喜欢抱怨。 这就是会议主持人的目标之一就是要确保员工确保会议是一种生产力工具,团队应该学会更好地使用会议。

According to one of the statistical researches, 15% of a company’s time is spent in meetings. Another study proposes 37%. In fact, this depends on the industry, companies' objectives, the number of employees, and many other factors. In any case, companies do not strive to say goodbye to meetings, as these business events can bring real benefits.

根据一项统计研究 ,公司的时间中有15%用于会议。 另一项研究提出37%。 实际上,这取决于行业,公司的目标,员工人数以及许多其他因素。 无论如何,公司不会努力告别会议,因为这些商业活动可以带来真正的好处。

If we are talking about the Scrum culture, then, in this case, meetings are mandatory elements of the concept. The ceremonies in Scrum directly affect the entire team’s performance, its productivity, and efficiency.

如果我们谈论的是Scrum文化,那么在这种情况下,会议是该概念的强制性元素。 Scrum中的仪式直接影响到整个团队的绩效,生产力和效率。


Scrum仪式容易解释 (Scrum ceremonies easy explained)

At first sight, Scrum is quite simple but it can be difficult to master. This Agile approach requires self-organizing teams that can quickly solve challenges in unpredictable environments. Holding Scrum meetings provides regular communication and transparency in these conditions.

乍一看,Scrum非常简单,但是可能很难掌握。 这种敏捷方法需要自组织的团队,这些团队可以在无法预测的环境中快速解决挑战。 举行Scrum会议可以在这些情况下进行定期沟通和透明化。

All Scrum events are inherent elements of the Agile software delivery process. Scrum masters set time boxes for each group meeting according to the length of the sprints. That’s why people sometimes name them Scrum master ceremonies.

所有Scrum事件都是敏捷软件交付过程的固有要素。 Scrum主管根据冲刺的长度为每个小组会议设置时间框。 这就是为什么人们有时将它们命名为Scrum主仪式。

5个Scrum仪式可不断增强您的敏捷团队能力 (5 Scrum ceremonies that constantly empower your Agile team)

There are 5 ceremonies of Scrum (four of them are standard and the backlog refinement is considered as additional — aimed to reduce current impediments). All the meetings ensure that everyone in the team (a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and developers) is in-sync.

Scrum共有5个仪式(其中4个是标准仪式,积压工作被认为是额外的,目的是减少当前的障碍)。 所有会议都确保团队中的每个人(Scrum Master,产品负责人和开发人员)保持同步。

1.冲刺计划 (1. Sprint Planning)

Everything starts with planning. This is the time when the team meets and decides what they need to complete in the coming sprint.

一切都始于计划。 这是团队开会并决定在接下来的冲刺中需要完成什么的时间。

During this meeting, the Scrum team and product owner negotiate user stories and other items of a product backlog. The team will attempt to deliver them at the end of the sprint. The product owner focuses on the most important items that will empower business and generate the most return on investment.

在此会议期间,Scrum团队和产品所有者协商用户案例以及产品积压的其他项目。 该团队将尝试在冲刺​​结束时交付它们。 产品负责人专注于最重要的项目,这些项目将增强业务能力并产生最大的投资回报。

It's crucial for the team to determine its capacity throughout the negotiating process in sprint planning. They estimate the number of story points to attribute to a backlog item that will help to define the relative amount of effort to complete every backlog item.

对于团队来说,至关重要的是在sprint计划的整个协商过程中确定其能力。 他们估计可以归因于积压项目的故事点数,这将有助于定义完成每个积压项目的相对工作量。

Breaking up work into small chunks is a key component of Scrum. If implementing a particular feature requires more than 2 weeks, you need to break it up into smaller features before you can start on it.

将工作分解成小块是Scrum的关键组成部分。 如果实施特定功能需要2个多星期,则需要先将其分解为较小的功能,然后才能开始使用。

Fortunately, today you may use many software solutions for planning work. An appropriate project management tool will offer convenient Scrum boards for sprint planning with a helpful set of additional functionality.

幸运的是,今天您可以使用许多软件解决方案来计划工作。 适当的项目管理工具将提供方便的Scrum板,以进行冲刺规划,并提供一组有用的附加功能。

2.每日站起来 (2. Daily Stand Up)

The daily standup is a short (usually 15-minutes) meeting that makes sure everyone knows what’s happening. This daily event ensures transparency across the team.

每日站立是一个简短的会议(通常15分钟),可确保每个人都知道发生了什么事。 这项日常活动可确保整个团队的透明度。

The detailed status meeting is rather light and fun, but also quite informative. It consists of every person speaking and answering the following questions:

详细的状态会议非常轻松有趣,但也很有帮助。 它由每个人说和回答以下问题组成:

  • What did I accomplish yesterday?

  • What will I do today?

  • Am I blocked by something?


The reason why the meeting is a “Stand up” is connected with the fact that people who are standing feel uncomfortable. So they less likely distracted with unrelated topics. No laptops, notes, important emails, and urgent issues.

会议之所以成为“站起来”,是因为站着的人感到不舒服。 因此,他们不太可能分散无关主题的注意力。 没有笔记本电脑,笔记,重要的电子邮件和紧急问题。

A Scrum master should attend the event to help facilitate possible impediments if they are reported. Team members should report to the rest of their team members. It's highly recommended for product owners to attend the daily standup.

Scrum管理员应参加活动,以帮助缓解可能的障碍(如果已报告)。 团队成员应向其他团队成员报告。 强烈建议产品所有者参加日常站立。

The Stands up should be quick to not waste extra time. If you want to discuss long global issues, it's better to appoint a separate meeting with the people involved.

站起来应该很快,不要浪费额外的时间。 如果您想讨论长期的全球性问题,最好与相关人员单独开会。

3. Sprint审查会议 (3. Sprint Review Meeting)

At the end of each sprint, the product owner, scrum master, and the team are meet together to hold a Sprint review and showcase their work. Stakeholders may also be invited.

在每个Sprint结束时,产品所有者,Scrum Master和团队将聚在一起,进行Sprint审查并展示其工作。 也可以邀请利益相关者。

Each participant reviews new features or whatever they worked on during the Sprint. They demonstrate the finished work and can provide and get feedback from the stakeholders.

每个参与者都要审查新功能或他们在Sprint期间所做的任何工作。 他们演示完成的工作,并可以提供和获取利益相关者的反馈。

Unlike other Scrum events, this review can last as long as it takes to demonstrate all the work done by the team.


In general, these demos communicate the value and nature of your work to your team members.


4.冲刺回顾 (4. Sprint Retrospective)

After the release is finished, it’s high time to discuss what worked and what did not, what mistakes were made and what lessons were learned. The main goal of the retrospective is to make the next Sprint better.

发布完成后,就该讨论什么有效,什么无效,犯了什么错误以及从中学到了什么。 回顾的主要目标是使下一个Sprint更好。

There should be no blames during the discussion. You may anonymize your claims, but after all, we all make mistakes and every mistake is an opportunity to learn something.

讨论中不应有任何责备。 您可以匿名声明,但毕竟我们都会犯错,每个错误都是学习知识的机会。

The retro-meeting includes the scrum master, the product owner, and the development team.


Scrum strives to continuous improvement and the retrospective meeting is the event that makes sure the product and development culture is constantly improving.


5.积压整理 (5. Backlog Grooming)

Most Scrum teams participate in a Backlog grooming meeting (also known as a refinement) once per sprint. This ceremony is a recurring event for Agile development teams.

大多数Scrum团队每个sprint参加一次Backlog修饰会议(也称为优化)。 对于敏捷开发团队来说,该仪式是经常性的活动。

The key goal of the refinement session is to ensure that the next few sprints worth of user stories are prepared for Sprint Planning. It also guarantees that the right stories are prioritized. During the Backlog Grooming, teams usually:

优化会议的主要目标是确保为Sprint计划准备接下来的几个Sprint用户故事。 它还保证正确的故事优先。 在待办事项整理期间,团队通常:

  • discuss user stories

  • break down large user stories into smaller ones

  • answer any questions to smooth out any ambiguity

  • ensure that upcoming user stories meet the definition of readiness


Regular arranged refinement sessions keep the overall health of the backlog in check.


By the way, we've recently shared some insightful thoughts about how to maximize the value of product backlog grooming.



Scrum仪式之外还有其他会议吗? (Are there other meetings outside Scrum ceremonies?)

Sometimes people involved in a Scrum team may attend a range of meetings outside of the ceremonies described above. That's ok.

有时,参与Scrum团队的人员可能会参加上述仪式之外的一系列会议。 没关系。

However, a large number of attended meetings can be harmful, because the employee will really spend a lot of working time on meetings (necessary and unnecessary). By the way, very often we cannot avoid participating in such meetings. For example, team meetings run by HRs, bug triage meetings, global product positioning meetings, etc.

但是,参加大量会议可能是有害的,因为员工确实会在会议上花费大量工作时间(必要和不必要)。 顺便说一下,我们经常不能避免参加这样的会议。 例如,由人力资源负责的团队会议,错误分类会议,全球产品定位会议等。

That's why some companies may replace some of the must-have Scrum meetings with ordinary emails or special spaces created on the server or apps.


外卖 (Takeaways)

Scrum ceremonies and artifacts are aimed to support the Scrum team in delivering on its objectives.


All these events and activities are important to Agile software development teams and should be fulfilled to ensure team performance and effectiveness are at their peak. Do not hesitate to spend time on these meetings. Anyway, practice shows that they are worth being held regularly.

所有这些事件和活动对敏捷软件开发团队都非常重要,应予以兑现,以确保团队绩效和有效性达到顶峰。 不要犹豫,花些时间参加这些会议。 无论如何,实践表明值得定期举办。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/hygger/blog/463871/

最佳实践 scrum





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