

No matter how original and well thought-out it is, it has to provide cultural value to succeed. Otherwise you become the knockoff brand. Below are three ways to quickly integrate brand’s culture into your content-marketing strategy, and what’s even more important — scale it with little to no additional resources.

不管它多么原始和经过深思熟虑,它都必须提供文化价值才能成功。 否则,您将成为仿制品牌。 以下是将品牌文化快速整合到您的内容营销策略中的三种方法,更重要的是-几乎没有附加资源即可进行扩展。

Dmitry KabanovDmitry Kabanov

保持自己的活动中心 (Remain the center of your own campaign)

Sending review units of your product to bloggers might seem like a good way to get exposure. And while it works for some established brands, there are plenty of opportunities for it to backfire.

将产品的评论单元发送给博主似乎是一种获得曝光的好方法。 尽管它适用于一些知名品牌,但它有很多机会适得其反。

Think about this: bloggers’ main priority is keeping their audience entertained. To them, maintaining an online persona of their own is more important than accurately conveying what your brand actually stands for.

考虑一下:博主的首要任务是保持听众的兴趣。 对他们而言,保持自己的在线角色比准确传达您的品牌实际代表的重要性更为重要。

At best, some of your reviewers’ positive aspects will rub off on you. At worst, you will be trashed for the sake of entertainment. Either way, you will let someone else define your culture instead of affirming it yourself.

充其量,您的某些审稿人的积极方面会给您带来好处。 在最坏的情况下,您会为了娱乐而被丢弃。 无论哪种方式,您都可以让别人来定义您的文化,而不是亲自确认。

their own media space and use it to propagate their culture the way they want it. 自己的媒体空间,并用它来传播自己想要的文化。

A great example of this is Red Bull. They are clearly more than just another energy drink. Their youthful yet sophisticated public image was formed by a wide variety of branded content. They release feature films and host a phenomenal talk show about music. And they aren’t just slapping their logo onto something unrelated to improve brand awareness. It’s about declaring your values and becoming a part of a larger community.

红牛就是一个很好的例子。 他们显然不仅仅是另一种能量饮料。 他们年轻而成熟的公众形象是由各种各样的品牌内容形成的。 他们发行故事片并主持有关音乐的精彩脱口秀 。 而且他们不只是将徽标拍打到与提升品牌知名度无关的事物上。 这是关于声明您的价值观并成为更大社区的一部分。

如何: (How-to:)

A great way to incorporate this into your marketing campaign would be to launch a podcast featuring the people who represent your corporate values. Podcasts are a great medium because they can be as formal or informal as you like. No matter how ‘serious’ your brand image is, you can still find a format that works for you. Many people listen to podcasts during their daily commute so it doesn’t require a big time commitment.

将此整合到您的营销活动中的一种很好的方法是发起一个播客,播客中代表您公司价值观的人员。 播客是一种很好的传播媒介,因为它们可以根据您的喜好正式或非正式。 无论您的品牌形象有多“严重”,您仍然可以找到适合自己的格式。 很多人在每天上下班时都收听播客,因此不需要花费大量时间。

Dmitry KabanovDmitry Kabanov

Listening to a podcast is a lot like having a friendly conversation. It creates an illusion of intimacy, making it hard to stop listening once you get to know the hosts. It’s a great way for your brand to befriend your target audience. Which is what you ultimately want to achieve — become something more than just another product.

听播客很像进行友好的对话。 它产生了一种亲密感,使您一旦了解主机就很难停止倾听。 这是您的品牌结识目标受众的好方法。 您最终要实现的目标-不仅仅是其他产品。

花时间在内容上,而不是短期分析上 (Spend time on content, not short-term analysis)

Brands waste too much time comparing different media platforms. Let’s say you are looking to publish a PR article, but you haven’t settled on a particular publication. So you gather your marketing team and start the never ending process of comparing different publishers’ metrics. You think you’re doing this to ensure the right decision is made, but you’re lying to yourself. If your TechCrunch piece doesn’t work out, you can still get a return on your investment because you used this opportunity to

品牌浪费太多时间比较不同的媒体平台。 假设您要发布PR文章,但您尚未选择特定的出版物。 因此,您召集了营销团队,开始了比较不同发布者指标的永无止境的过程。 您认为这样做是为了确保做出正确的决定,但您在自欺欺人。 如果您的TechCrunch产品无法解决问题,您仍然可以获得投资回报,因为您利用这次机会

与发布者建立关系 (build a relationship with the publisher)

. If later on they ask you to a comment on some other issue, you won’t deny their request.

。 如果稍后他们要求您对其他问题发表评论,您将不会拒绝他们的请求。

and work. 工作的人会得到好东西。

Of course, not all short-term analysis is useless, especially in determining relative value proposition of different marketing tools. But it doesn’t take a genius and a great deal of time to point out that you should have a good reason to pay for a TV ad, because the same amount of money can help you reach a wider audience online.

当然,并非所有的短期分析都是无用的,尤其是在确定不同营销工具的相对价值主张时。 但这并不需要花费天才,也无需花费大量时间指出您应该有充分的理由为电视广告付费,因为等量的钱可以帮助您在网上吸引更多的受众。

如何: (How-to:)

Your main focus should be on the long term value of utilising your content. Scaling your brand through a high number of tactical short-term marketing decisions is possible, but stressful and unreliable. Like the stock market, you get the best returns by investing and waiting. Viral exposure is good, but

您的主要重点应该放在利用内容的长期价值上。 通过大量战术性短期营销决策来扩展您的品牌是可能的,但是压力很大且不可靠。 像股票市场一样,通过投资和等待,您可以获得最佳回报。 病毒暴露是好的,但是

genuine cultural influence is much better. So instead of wasting time choosing your marketing channels, you should focus on creating content. You can try out all the available formats — podcasts, video blogs, etc — it doesn’t hurt! 真正的文化影响要好得多。 因此,与其浪费时间选择营销渠道,不如将精力集中在创建内容上。 您可以尝试所有可用的格式-播客,视频博客等-并没有伤害!

不要害怕重新包装 (Don’t be afraid to repackage)

Branded content is expensive. Publishers charge anywhere from $1500 to $30000 for a single sponsored piece. And an article or two will not change a lot — if you want to scale your online presence you will have to pay up. These so-called native projects are typically made by the publications themselves, robbing you of image consistency and the sense of agency in relation to the end product. It’s pretty easy to spot disparities between different pieces of outsourced branded content. This will make you look like you lack a voice of your own. While it may provide short term return, this tactic is unlikely to have a lasting impact on your brand.

品牌内容昂贵。 出版商为单张赞助作品的价格从1500美元到30000美元不等。 一两篇文章不会有太大变化-如果您想扩大自己的在线形象,就必须付费。 这些所谓的本地项目通常是由出版物本身制作的,从而使您失去了与最终产品相关的图像一致性和代理感。 很容易发现外包品牌内容的不同部分之间的差异。 这会使您看起来好像缺乏自己的声音。 尽管它可以提供短期回报,但这种策略不太可能对您的品牌产生持久的影响。

Dmitry KabanovDmitry Kabanov

如何: (How-to:)

The best way to cut the cost of producing branded content is to hire an editorial team of your own. It will allow for both efficient scaling and flexibility you can’t have when relying on publishers.

减少制作品牌内容的成本的最佳方法是雇用自己的编辑团队。 它将提供有效的扩展能力和灵活性,而这是您依赖发布者时无法做到的。

One of the best things an editorial team can do is repackage your content. The podcast we discussed earlier can easily be turned into a transcript and later into an article. It can also be streamed live to your Instagram followers, filmed, edited and uploaded to YouTube.
编辑团队可以做的最好的事情之一就是重新包装您的内容。 我们前面讨论的播客可以轻松地转换成笔录,然后再转换成文章。 它也可以实时流式传输到您的Instagram粉丝,进行拍摄,编辑和上传到YouTube。

This rehashing allows you to produce a much larger amount of content at a significantly lower price. Not to mention that this team will let you maintain a consistent corporate image across all your platforms.

通过重新哈希处理,您可以以低得多的价格生成大量内容。 更不用说这个团队将使您在所有平台上保持一致的企业形象。

争取文化影响力 (Aim for cultural influence)

In the world of online marketing there are no shortcuts or get-rich-quick schemes. Brands with lots of cultural influence, like Rolex, Red Bull, or Moët, are only this prominent because they’ve been producing quality branded content for decades. Their culture has become more important than the product they are selling. And if you follow the three rules outlined above, you, too, can attempt to shape your own culture, and scale it fast.

在在线营销领域,没有捷径或快速致富的计划。 劳力士(Rolex),红牛(Red Bull)或Mo悦(Moët)等具有深厚文化影响力的品牌之所以如此突出,是因为它们数十年来一直在生产优质的品牌内容。 他们的文化比他们销售的产品变得更加重要。 而且,如果您遵循上述三个规则,那么您也可以尝试塑造自己的文化并Swift扩大规模。

About the author:

Dmitry works with tech brands to create all types of content and promote corporate culture at scale. He is acting as an advisor for both the SXSW Pitch & SXSW Release IT event (since 2017), and a Techstars Startup Digest curator (since 2013). Email: dmitry.kabanov [@] startupdigestmail.com

Meet A Content Strategist: An Interview with Techstars Curator & SXSW AdvisorThe Game of Archetypes: How Storytelling Works for Tech Brands
How Brands Can Break Through the Tech Media Bubble

Dmitry与技术品牌合作创建各种类型的内容并大规模推广企业文化。 他是SXSW Pitch和SXSW Release IT活动(自2017年起)和Techstars Startup Digest策展人(自2013年起)的顾问。 电子邮件:dmitry.kabanov [@] startupdigestmail.com

原型游戏:科技品牌的叙事方式 品牌如何突破科技媒体泡沫

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/vsce/blog/491894/






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