
简要概述 (A brief overview)

The robotics lab opened its doors in 1955, as the university’s oldest department — the department of computer science and control systems — reached its tenth year of operations. Originally it was used for the development of automated ship testing equipment. Later its staff ventured into cybernetics, CAD and robotics.

机器人技术实验室于1955年成立,当时该大学历史最悠久的部门-计算机科学与控制系统部门-成立已有10年。 最初,它用于开发自动船舶测试设备。 后来,它的员工冒险进入控制论,CAD和机器人技术。

Today, the lab staff is primarily preoccupied with the development and enhancement of industrial robots. Man-machine interaction is of particular interest: robots capable of working alongside humans, and new, safer methods of robot control, are being actively developed.

如今,实验室工作人员主要专注于工业机器人的开发和增强。 人机交互特别受关注:正在积极开发能够与人类并肩工作的机器人,以及新的,更安全的机器人控制方法。

Remote control and online automation systems are also on the lab’s proverbial radar.


我们的项目 (Our projects)

Some of the lab’s industrial robotic equipment was purchased from large companies. The rest was created in-house, like this 2-DoF Stewart Platform. You can use it (video) to work on balancing algorithms.

实验室的一些工业机器人设备是从大型公司购买的。 其余部分是在内部创建的,例如此2-DoF Stewart平台。 您可以使用它( 视频 )来处理平衡算法。

The Stewart Platform sports a rectangular sensor-fitted surface the angle of which can be adjusted via USB. It detects and reports back the coordinates of the objects placed upon it. The goal of the operator is to develop an algorithm that keeps the ball in place despite the movement of the surface.

Stewart平台具有矩形的传感器安装表面,其角度可以通过USB进行调整。 它检测并报告放置在其上的对象的坐标。 操作员的目标是开发一种算法,该算法可在表面移动的情况下将球保持在原位。

To ensure accurate results, a set of automatic motors compensates for external interference from vibrations or wind. Another lab machine worth mentioning is the

为了确保获得准确的结果,一套自动电动机可以补偿振动或风的外部干扰。 另一个值得一提的实验室机器是

库卡youBot (KUKA youBot)

mobile robotic arm.


It was used (video), in conjunction with a digital camera and image processing software, for the testing of object tracking algorithms.


To eliminate outside factors, all external interference is being measured and compensated for. The end result is fascinating — the arm is capable of steadily holding tools and correctly moving them alongside a set trajectory.

为了消除外部因素,正在测量并补偿所有外部干扰。 最终的结果令人着迷-手臂能够稳定地握住工具,并沿着设定的轨迹正确地移动它们。

The arm was used in an interesting international project. Torque sensors are expensive — so we partnered up with TRA Robotics from the UK to develop a sensor-less torque measurement system. As a result, we can gather data on robotic tools’ interactions with the rest of our equipment without investing extra money or using extra machinery.

该手臂用于一个有趣的国际项目中。 扭矩传感器非常昂贵,因此我们与英国的TRA Robotics合作开发了无传感器扭矩测量系统。 因此,我们可以收集有关机器人工具与我们其余设备的交互作用的数据,而无需投入额外的资金或使用额外的机器。


FESTO机器人视觉单元 (FESTO Robot Vision Cell)

is capable of simulating many industrial processes. For example, in this

能够模拟许多工业过程。 例如在这个

video a member of our staff is simulating a welding task by programming the robot to follow a specific trajectory. The cell is equipped with a machine vision module and can tell thins apart by colour or by shape. 视频我们的员工正在通过对机器人进行编程以遵循特定的轨迹来模拟焊接任务。 该单元配备了机器视觉模块,可以区分颜色或形状。

Used in conjunction with the Mitsubishi RV-3SDB industrial robot, the FESTO Robot Vision Cell simplifies the process of robot movement programming. Instead of manually inputting a complex trajectory, you can upload a graphic file. The algorithm automatically detects the shape of the depicted object, calculates the required trajectory, and outputs usable code.

与三菱RV-3SDB工业机器人结合使用,FESTO机器人视觉单元简化了机器人运动编程的过程。 您可以上载图形文件,而不必手动输入复杂的轨迹。 该算法自动检测所描绘对象的形状,计算所需轨迹,并输出可用代码。

The machine is capable of executing tasks that involve precise movement — from portrait drawing (as seen in this video, where our ‘resident artist’ draws the portrait of Alexander Pushkin with a marker) to complex industrial-grade welding.

该机器能够执行涉及精确运动的任务-从肖像画(如本视频所示 ,我们的“驻场艺术家”用记号笔绘制亚历山大·普希金的肖像)到复杂的工业级焊接。

A three-fingered robotic arm with pressure sensors is another highlight of our lab. Such a tool can handle fragile objects other robotic arms would break.

带有压力传感器的三指机械臂是我们实验室的另一个亮点。 这种工具可以处理其他机器人手臂可能折断的易碎物体。

On top of that, we still develop and test dynamic positioning systems — and house a number of remotely controlled semi-autonomous model boats for that purpose.


For now, our indoor lab pool is too small to accommodate larger models, but the


较小的船 (smaller boats)

are deployed right at the lab.


Here you can see the process of testing a dynamic positioning algorithm. A small model boat is placed in the centre of the pool, and pushed around. The boat detects the interference and returns to its original position. We’re planning on building a larger pool to enact more complex scenarios. 在这里,您可以看到测试动态定位算法的过程。 一艘小模型船被放置在游泳池中央,并被推向四周。 船将检测到干扰并返回其原始位置。 我们正计划建立一个更大的池来制定更复杂的方案。

合作伙伴和未来计划 (Partners and future plans

We previously mentioned our partnership with the British company TRA Robotics. Together we’re developing new algorithms for industrial robot automation. The new generation of fully automated manufacturing plants will be completely controlled by robots and AI — from prototyping to final assembly.

前面我们提到了与英国公司TRA Robotics的合作关系。 我们将共同开发用于工业机器人自动化的新算法。 从原型制作到最终组装,新一代全自动生产工厂将完全由机器人和AI控制。

In conjunction with CRSI Elektropribor, a state-owned research center, we are developing mechatronic and robotic systems. Our staff helps them create new software and tools for robot-related tasks. Our staff is working closely with Navis Engineering JSC to help them build dynamic positioning systems for surface vehicles. And, last but not least, we’re partnered with General Motors and InfoWatch. 

我们与国有研究中心CRSI Elektropribor一起开发机电一体化和机器人系统。 我们的员工可以帮助他们为机器人相关任务创建新的软件和工具。 我们的员工与Navis Engineering JSC紧密合作,以帮助他们为地面车辆建立动态定位系统。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们与通用汽车和InfoWatch合作。

You don’t have to be a student to get a taste of robotics at ITMO University. We operate a youth lab for schoolchildren, where kids can access similar equipment and prepare for international robotics competitions. In 2017, our youth team won the World Robot Olympiad in Costa Rica. The following year, they earned two medals at the All-Russian Robotics Olympiad for schoolchildren. 

We are planning on attracting a greater number of partners, and doing more to promote robotics among the younger generation. Perhaps, their innovations will help take dangerous and repetitive tasks off the hands of factory workers once and for all.

您不必成为学生即可在ITMO University体验机器人技术。 我们为小学生开设了一个青年实验室,让孩子们可以使用类似的设备并为国际机器人大赛做准备。 2017年,我们的青年团队赢得了哥斯达黎加的世界机器人奥林匹克大赛冠军 。 第二年,他们在全俄机器人奥林匹克竞赛中为小学生赢得了两枚奖牌 。 我们正计划吸引更多的合作伙伴,并为促进年轻一代中的机器人技术做更多的工作。 也许,他们的创新将帮助他们一劳永逸地摆脱工厂工人的危险和重复性任务。

进一步阅读: (Further reading:)






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