

Nothing stands still in business and that includes a website. Trends change, new technologies are developed, search engines modify their ranking criteria and customers have ever-increasing expectations. A website that was the best thing since sliced bread when you launched it several years ago may now be due for an upgrade. Here, we’ll look at some of the signs to look out for.

没有什么停滞不前的,其中包括一个网站。 趋势变化,开发了新技术,搜索引擎修改了排名标准,客户的期望值不断提高。 自几年前启动切片面包以来,这是最好的网站,现在可能需要升级。 在这里,我们将介绍一些需要注意的标志。

1. 您的网站排名不高 (1. Your site doesn’t rank well)

One of the first clues that you need a website upgrade is if your site is performing less well than it did in search engine results. Search engines are forever moving the goalposts when it comes to how they rank websites and older sites often come out badly as a result. This can be because many of your earlier pages were created using now outdated SEO techniques which no longer carry much weight or, even worse, are penalised for contravening the latest webmaster guidelines.

您需要进行网站升级的第一个线索是,您网站的性能是否比搜索引擎结果好。 当搜索引擎对网站进行排名时,搜索引擎永远在移动目标杆,因此,较旧的网站往往表现不佳。 这可能是因为您的许多早期页面都是使用现在已经过时的SEO技术创建的,这些技术不再具有太大的分量,甚至更糟的是,由于违反了最新的网站站长指南而受到了惩罚。

While it is important to keep abreast of SEO trends and to update your optimisation accordingly, sometimes a complete overhaul may be what’s needed to bring your site up-to-date and to ensure all your content is fresh and relevant.


2. 您的网站混乱 (2. Your website is chaotic)

One of the issues that all websites face is how to manage growth. As the years go by, you’ll make lots of changes to your site, adding pages, posts, products and other features, while removing others.

所有网站都面临的问题之一是如何管理增长。 随着时间的流逝,您将对网站进行很多更改,添加页面,帖子,产品和其他功能,同时删除其他功能。

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep tabs on these changes and they can lead to a number of problems. You may end up publishing duplicate content, have links to content which is no longer there or, perhaps worst of all, having two versions of the same page but with different details, such as pricing, which can cause issues with customers. You may also have features which no longer work properly or which don’t comply with the latest legislation, such as GDPR.

有时很难掌握这些更改,它们可能导致许多问题。 您可能最终会发布重复的内容,拥有不再存在的内容的链接,或者可能更糟糕的是,同一页面的两个版本具有相同的详细信息(例如定价),而这可能会引起客户问题。 您可能还具有无法正常工作或不符合最新法规的功能,例如GDPR。

If your site is getting into such a chaotic state, then it can often be better to start from scratch and create one which is better organised and where everything works as it should.


3. 过时的样式 (3. Outdated styling)

Design trends are continually changing and although you can’t update your website every time a new fashion appears, there comes a time when it begins to look out of date. This isn’t a good thing on the internet where visual impact is so important, so, if your website is still wearing flares and sporting a kaftan, it’s probably time for a makeover.

设计趋势在不断变化,尽管每次出现新时尚时您都无法更新网站,但有时它会过时。 在视觉效果如此重要的互联网上,这并不是一件好事,因此,如果您的网站仍然穿着耀斑服装,穿着长衫,可能是时候进行改头换面了。

Typical things to look out for are dated images that no longer depict the modern-day and tired looking layouts, fonts and backgrounds. Updating to something more modern will give visitors the impression that your company is forward-thinking and on point.

需要注意的典型事项是已过时的图像,这些图像不再描述现代且外观疲惫的布局,字体和背景。 更新到更现代的产品将给访问者留下印象,即您的公司具有前瞻性和前瞻性。

4. 不适合移动设备 (4. Not mobile-friendly)

Google wants website owners to have a ‘mobile-first’ approach to web design, where the focus is on building the mobile site first and then adding other features for devices like tablets and computers. The reason for this is that although we do most of our browsing, around 60%, on mobile phones, many websites do not function well enough on smartphone screens.

Google希望网站所有者采用“移动优先”的方式进行网页设计,重点是首先构建移动网站,然后为平板电脑和计算机等设备添加其他功能。 这样做的原因是,尽管我们在手机上进行了大部分浏览(约60%),但许多网站在智能手机屏幕上的运行状况仍然不够好。

This requires website owners to go beyond using responsive themes as even these don’t always put the needs of the mobile user first. They may render the website in a way that is readable, but often some of the functions don’t work effectively and some of the navigational features are not user-friendly for the thumb-operated screens.   

这要求网站所有者不能使用响应式主题,因为即使这些主题并不总是将移动用户的需求放在首位。 它们可能以可读的方式呈现网站,但通常某些功能无法有效运行,并且某些导航功能对于拇指操作的屏幕不友好。

With increasing numbers of people browsing and buying on smartphones, any website that doesn’t provide for these users is going to lose out and find their search engine rankings getting worse.


5. 用户体验差 (5. Poor user experience )

Where, once, customers simply wanted the cheapest prices, today, many of them will purchase from the website that offers them the best user-experience – even if the price is a little higher. This is great news for those working with small margins but means you will need to up your game when it comes to your website. 

曾经,客户只是想要最便宜的价格,而如今,即使价格稍高一些,许多客户仍会从提供最佳用户体验的网站上购买。 对于那些利润微薄的人来说,这是个好消息,但是这意味着到您的网站时,您需要改进自己的游戏。

Providing a great customer experience covers all aspects of a website. It needs to be easily navigable, have detailed information (i.e. text, images, video and other content) that directly answers the questions customers have. It needs to offer users the opportunity to get quick responses, such as those offered by live chat. It will provide personalised shopping experiences and offers, swift delivery, customer reviews and additional services like wish lists or gift wrapping. It may also offer expert advice in the form of blog posts, engaging content (such as competitions) and even reward schemes for loyal customers. Importantly, a simple and quick checkout process is also needed.

提供出色的客户体验涵盖了网站的所有方面。 它需要易于导航,并具有直接回答客户所提问题的详细信息(即文本,图像,视频和其他内容)。 它需要为用户提供获得快速响应的机会,例如实时聊天提供的响应。 它将提供个性化的购物体验和报价,快速交货,客户评论以及附加服务,如愿望清单或礼品包装。 它还可能以博客文章,引人入胜的内容(例如竞赛)甚至忠实客户的奖励计划的形式提供专家建议。 重要的是,还需要一个简单而快速的结帐过程。

6. 加载缓慢 (6. Slow loading)

Customers expect websites to load instantly, so if yours takes its time to render on their device,  you may lose a lot of business. Even a one-second delay has been shown to drop conversions by 7% and up to 40% of visitors abandon a website when the landing page takes more than a couple of seconds to load. Few people are ever going to make it to the checkout if this happens on every page.

客户希望网站能够立即加载,因此,如果您花时间在其设备上进行渲染,则可能会失去很多业务。 当登陆页面花费几秒钟以上的时间时,即使是一秒钟的延迟,转换率也下降了7%,多达40%的访问者放弃了网站。 如果每页都发生这种情况,很少有人会去结帐。

If that doesn’t encourage you to update to a faster website, you also need to remember that search engines use loading times as a ranking factor. Speeding up means you’ll rank higher and get more organic traffic, whereas being slow will have the opposite effect. You should also consider moving to a faster hosting package as this, too, can dramatically speed up your site.

如果那不鼓励您更新到更快的网站,则还需要记住搜索引擎将加载时间用作排名因素。 加快速度意味着您将获得更高的排名并获得更多的自然流量,而速度过慢则会产生相反的效果。 您还应该考虑迁移到更快的托管程序包,因为这也可以大大加快您的网站速度。

结论 (Conclusion)

Websites are like cars. When we first get them, they are shiny, new and have all the latest features. However, after a few years, they have been superseded by shinier and newer models that have even smarter features. If the signs mentioned in this post apply to your website, then it may be time to upgrade to one which is better suited for today’s internet.

网站就像汽车。 当我们第一次获得它们时,它们是闪亮的,新的并且具有所有最新功能。 但是,几年后,它们已被功能更智能的新颖,更新机型所取代。 如果本文中提到的标志适用于您的网站,则可能是时候升级到更适合当今互联网的标志了。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-signs-that-you-need-to-upgrade-your-website/






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