

If you want your blog posts to reach the biggest audience then it is absolutely crucial that you publish your posts and your social media updates at the optimum time. In this article, we’ll explain how you can find out when the right time to publish is and how you can schedule your posts and social media updates to be published at those times.

如果您希望博客帖子能够吸引最多的受众,那么在最佳时间发布您的帖子和社交媒体更新绝对至关重要。 在本文中,我们将解释如何确定何时才是正确的发布时间,以及如何安排在这些时间发布的帖子和社交媒体更新。

为什么时间很重要? (Why is timing important?)

The internet is often referred to as the information highway and just like any traffic system there are periods when it’s busy and periods when it’s quiet. To get as many people to see your blog post as possible, you need to fire off your emails, tweets and Facebook updates when the most traffic is about.

互联网通常被称为信息高速公路,就像任何交通系统一样,互联网有时会很忙,而有些时候却很安静。 为了使尽可能多的人看到您的博客文章,您需要在流量最多的时候触发电子邮件,推文和Facebook更新。

Sending a tweet at 2 o’clock in the morning telling people about your new post will have no effect unless your article is about a cure for insomnia! Everyone else will be asleep and by the time they wake in the morning they’ll have received that many new tweets, yours will have disappeared into the ether never to be seen again. If this happens, no-one will know you have a new post to read.

除非您的文章是关于治疗失眠的文章,否则请在凌晨2点发送一条推文告诉人们您的新帖子无效。 其他所有人都将入睡,到早上醒来时,他们会收到许多新的推文,而您的推文将消失在以太坊中,再也不会被看到。 如果发生这种情况,没人会知道您有新的帖子要阅读。

You have to get the timing right.


但是什么时候是发布的最佳时间? (But when is the best time to post?)

That, unfortunately, is the $64,000 question. And the answer depends upon a number of factors. These include:

不幸的是,那是64,000美元的问题。 答案取决于许多因素。 这些包括:

  • The channels you use to communicate that you have published a new post (Email, Facebook, Twitter, RSS, etc.)

  • The geographical location of your primary audience (because of time differences.)

  • Socio-cultural routines of your particular target audience. Some audiences, for example, can’t access social media during the working day.

    您的特定目标受众的社会文化习惯。 例如,某些受众在工作日无法访问社交媒体。

To help, there is quite a lot of useful data available on the internet that can provide a clearer picture of when to post. Here, for example, is an infographic from the online marketing site, Quicksprout:

为了提供帮助,Internet上有很多有用的数据,可以提供有关何时发布的更清晰图片。 例如,下面是在线营销网站Quicksprout的信息图:


What Are The Best Times to Post on Social Media

检查您的分析 (Check your analytics)

Another way to find out the best time to post is to check your Google Analytics to see when your website gets the most hits. Below are two Google Analytics graphs, the top graph shows which hour of the day a website gets the most traffic and the bottom graph shows which day of the week it gets the most traffic.

找出最佳发布时间的另一种方法是检查您的Google Analytics(分析),以了解您的网站何时获得最大点击率。 以下是两个Google Analytics(分析)图表,顶部的图表显示了网站在一天中的哪一小时获得最多的流量,底部的图表显示了网站在一周中的哪一天获得的流量最多。

wordpress analytics check

The most popular hours are 20:00 and 21:00.


wordpress analytics result

The most popular day is Monday.


From the information in the two graphs above, you can quickly gather that the optimum time to publish a new post and to publicise it via email and social media would be between 8.00pm and 9.00pm on Monday evenings.


To make this data more accurate, you should filter out organic and direct visitors, so that you can see the hour and day when you get most referral traffic, i.e., traffic from social media and email.


It’s also a good idea to dig even deeper into your data and look at the traffic from specific referral sources. You may find out that traffic from Facebook and Twitter peak at different times on different days. If this is the case, you would schedule your tweets and Facebook updates to go out at different times so that each can have the most impact.

深入研究数据并查看来自特定引荐来源的流量也是一个好主意。 您可能会发现来自Facebook和Twitter的流量在不同日期的不同时间达到峰值。 如果是这种情况,您可以安排自己的推文和Facebook更新在不同的时间发布,以便每次发布都能发挥最大的作用。

试错 (Trial and error)

Whether you use your own website data or sources such as the Quicksprout infographic as a means to determine when to publish and publicise, you should keep a record of when you publicise so that you can analyse the impact. If the times you choose do not show an increase in visitors, then you may want to adjust the timings a little to see if it has the required effect.

无论您是使用自己的网站数据还是诸如Quicksprout信息图之类的资源来确定何时发布和发布,都应保留发布时间的记录,以便分析影响。 如果您选择的时间没有显示访问者的增加,那么您可能需要稍微调整时间以查看它是否具有所需的效果。

观众像预定的帖子一样 (Audiences like a scheduled post)

Once you have established an optimum time to publish a new post, you should aim to keep this as your scheduled publishing time. Consistency and regularity can be very helpful if you have a growing number of visitors and email subscribers as they quickly become accustomed to seeing your new posts at a certain day and time.

一旦确定了发布新帖子的最佳时间,就应该将其保留为预定的发布时间。 如果您的访问者和电子邮件订户越来越多,因为他们很快习惯了在特定的日期和时间看到您的新帖子,则一致性和规律性将非常有用。

Scheduled publishing gives an engaged audience something to look forward to in much the same way that a TV audience looks forward to seeing their favourite weekly show. This can be a great way to generate even more views as your regular visitors always know when to come back.

预定的发布给参与的观众一些期待的东西,就像电视观众希望看到自己喜欢的每周节目一样。 这是生成更多视图的好方法,因为您的常规访问者总是知道何时返回。

不再缺少帖子 (No more missing posts)

If you have already got into the habit of posting at a regular time slot, it can be frustrating if things like a holiday get in the way. Using the inbuilt WordPress scheduler prevents this from happening as you can write your posts before you go and schedule them for publication whilst you are away. Once scheduled, WordPress will publish automatically.

如果您已经习惯于在固定的时间段发布信息,那么如果假期之类的事情变得如此令人沮丧。 使用内置的WordPress计划程序可以防止这种情况的发生,因为您可以在出发前写好帖子,然后在出门在外安排发布时间。 一旦安排好,WordPress将自动发布。

如何安排 (How to schedule)

Now you know the benefits of scheduling, we’ll explain the simple process you need to undertake to schedule the publication of your WordPress posts. Here are the steps:

现在您知道了安排的好处,我们将说明安排WordPress文章发布所需的简单过程。 步骤如下:

  • Finish writing your post and save as a draft.

  • As you normally would, find the publish box in the right-hand

  • Instead of clicking on the blue ‘Publish’ button, find the line above which says ‘Publish immediately’ and click ‘Edit’ at the side of it.


schedule wordpress

  • Once you click on Edit the options appear for scheduling the date and time of publication.


wordpress scheduling

  • Change the date and time to the date and time you want the publication to occur and then click on the ‘OK’ button. (Do not click the ‘Publish’ button.)

    将日期和时间更改为要发布的日期和时间,然后单击“确定”按钮。 (请勿单击“发布”按钮。)
  • Once you have clicked OK, the box will change to this:


wordpress blog scheduling

  • If you are happy with the time and date you have scheduled the publication, click on the ‘Schedule’ button. You post is now scheduled.

    如果您对计划的发布日期和时间感到满意,请单击“计划”按钮。 您的发帖已排定。

将帖子安排到Facebook和Twitter (Scheduling posts to Facebook and Twitter)

There are plugins available for WordPress which allow you to automate publishing your posts to Twitter, Facebook and a range of other social media, examples include the ‘Publicize’ feature on Jetpack and the Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) plugin. Whilst these will auto-publish, they only do so at the time you schedule your post to be published. If you want to schedule your social media messages to be sent at different times, you will need to use an alternate method.

有适用于WordPress的插件,可让您自动将帖子发布到Twitter,Facebook和其他一系列社交媒体,例如Jetpack上的“公开”功能和社交网络自动海报 (SNAP)插件。 这些将自动发布,但仅在您计划发布帖子时才会这样做。 如果要安排在不同时间发送社交媒体消息,则需要使用其他方法。

You can schedule posts to social media using a range of different services, such as Hootsuite, Postify and Buffer. Many of these services are not free, though some of them do offer either a trial period or a basic free account.

您可以使用一系列不同的服务(例如HootsuitePostifyBuffer)将帖子安排到社交媒体上。 这些服务中有许多不是免费的,尽管其中一些确实提供了试用期或基本的免费帐户。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article you should have a clearer understanding of how scheduling posts and publicity can help you reach a wider audience and increase traffic to your website. You should also know how to:

通过阅读本文,您应该更清楚地了解如何安排帖子和宣传可以帮助您吸引更广泛的受众并增加网站访问量。 您还应该知道如何:

  • discover the best times to publish and publicise for your website

  • schedule publication of your posts

  • auto-post to social media

  • find third party services to schedule social media posts


Are you are looking for WordPress hosting?  Then check out our Dedicated WordPress Hosting page. Our affordable packages are packed with helpful features and backed up with expert WordPress support and first-class security.

您是否正在寻找WordPress托管? 然后查看我们的WordPress专用托管页面。 我们负担得起的软件包包含有用的功能,并以WordPress专业支持和一流的安全性为后盾。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/a-guide-to-scheduling-posts-and-social-media-updates-in-wordpress/


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