

If you are serious about your website or blog, then you simply can’t ignore social media. The problem is that each of these platforms has different requirements for cover photos, profile image, article cover, etc.

如果您认真对待自己的网站博客 ,那么您就无法忽略社交媒体。 问题在于,每个平台对封面照片,个人资料图像,文章封面等都有不同的要求。

This makes it quite overwhelming for new users to get started.


What if there was an easier social media cheat sheet that you can follow to quickly setup all social media profiles, the right way? Something that acts as a social media checklist for image sizes, share images, automated shares, etc.

如果有一个更简单的社交媒体备忘单,您可以按照正确的方法快速设置所有社交媒体个人资料,该怎么办? 用作社交媒体清单的图像大小,共享图像,自动共享等的内容。

In this article, we will share our ultimate social media cheat sheet for WordPress. The goal is to help you quickly manage your social media settings for WordPress without getting distracted.

在本文中,我们将分享WordPress的最终社交媒体备忘单。 目标是帮助您快速管理WordPress的社交媒体设置,而不会分心。

Complete social media cheat sheet for WordPress users
为什么您需要WordPress社交媒体备忘单? (Why You Need a Social Media Cheat Sheet for WordPress?)

If you have been running social media profiles for your blog or website, then you would notice that each platform has different requirements.


For example, Facebook image size has specific requirements while Pinterest needs totally different proportions.


It could be difficult to remember all that information when creating social media images for your articles or profile.


A cheat sheet helps you quickly look up all these options. It will also ensure that you don’t miss anything important when creating a social media profile or publishing a new article on your website.

备忘单可帮助您快速查找所有这些选项。 它还将确保在创建社交媒体资料或在您的网站上发布新文章时,您不会错过任何重要事项。

That being said, let’s get started with our ultimate social media cheat sheet for WordPress users.


Here is a quick overview of the things we will cover in this article:


1.选择您的社交媒体平台 (1. Choose Your Social Media Platforms)

There are so many social media websites, but not all of them are helpful in growing your business or bringing traffic to your website.


Apart from bigger sites like Facebook and Twitter, you can choose niche platforms that work best with your website’s target audience.


For example, if you run a fashion blog, then you may want to utilize Instagram to promote your content.

例如,如果您经营一个时尚博客 ,那么您可能希望利用Instagram来推广您的内容。

A food and recipe blog may want to focus on YouTube and Yummly.


A home decor or DIY website may find Pinterest more helpful in finding the right audience.


Choosing the right platforms for your target audience will help you create an effective social media marketing strategy to grow your business.


社交媒体图像大小清单 (Social Media Image Sizes Checklist)

To promote your blog or business on social media websites, you will need to setup profiles, upload your website logo, cover photo, and create images to accompany your articles and links.


You can see our article on how to easily create images for your WordPress blog to learn how to make beautiful images without hiring a graphic designer.


Now the problem is that each social media platform has specific requirements for these images. Not using the right size would make your images look skewed or stretched.

现在的问题是,每个社交媒体平台对这些图像都有特定的要求。 使用不正确的尺寸会使您的图像看起来偏斜或拉伸。

Here is our quick cheat sheet for social media image sizes that you can use when creating images for your social accounts.


Facebook图像大小 (Facebook Image Sizes)

Example of a Facebook page with cover, profile, and share images

Facebook has specific recommendations for images to be used in different areas.


Cover image: 820 x 312 pixels. Cover images should be less than 100 KB in filesize. It could be in jpeg or png file format. You can create a larger image while maintaining the same aspect ratio, Facebook will automatically create smaller sizes to display on mobile devices.

封面图片: 820 x 312像素。 封面图像的文件大小应小于100 KB。 它可以是jpeg或png文件格式。 您可以在保持相同的宽高比的同时创建较大的图像,Facebook会自动创建较小的尺寸以显示在移动设备上。

Profile image: An square image of at least 180 x 180 pixels. For business pages, this is where you would ideally display your custom logo. This image will be cropped to display in a circle.

个人资料图片:至少180 x 180像素的正方形图片。 对于企业页面,理想的是在此处显示自定义徽标。 该图像将被裁剪成圆形显示。

Shared Image: 1200 x 630 pixels. This image will be displayed on your page with a maximum width of 470 pixels and in the feed maximum width of 504 pixels.

共享图像: 1200 x 630像素。 该图像将在您的页面上显示,最大宽度为470像素,在Feed中的最大宽度为504像素。

Group cover image: 1640 x 856 pixels.

群组封面图片: 1640 x 856像素。

Twitter图像大小 (Twitter Image Sizes)

Twitter profile page showing cover photo, profile image, and share image

Twitter is the internet’s conversation hub. Following are the recommended image sizes for Twitter to make your profile more engaging and professional.

Twitter是互联网的对话中心。 以下是Twitter的推荐图像尺寸,以使您的个人资料更具吸引力和专业性。

Header image: 1500 x 500 pixels. This full-width image appears as the cover image of your Twitter profile page.

标头图片: 1500 x 500像素。 此全角图像将显示为Twitter个人资料页面的封面图像。

Profile image: 400 x 400 pixels. This square image is cropped to be displayed in a circular format.

个人资料图片: 400 x 400像素。 裁剪此正方形图像以使其以圆形格式显示。

In-stream image: 440 x 220 pixels. This image is displayed when you share an article, retweet, embed a tweet, upload images, and more. If you are already using Twitter Cards then Twitter will be able to pick the correct image to display with your article description and title.

视频插播广告: 440 x 220像素。 当您共享文章,转发,嵌入推文,上传图像等时,将显示此图像。 如果您已经在使用Twitter Cards,那么Twitter将能够选择正确的图像以显示您的文章描述和标题。

Instagram图像大小 (Instagram Image Sizes)

An Instagram profile

Instagram’s main content is already in visual format. If you are uploading photos directly from your phone using the Instagram app, then it will automatically take care of appropriate image sizes for you.

Instagram主要内容已经是视觉格式。 如果您是直接使用Instagram应用程序从手机上载照片,则它将自动为您处理适当的图像尺寸。

For other uploads, you can follow these Instagram image size recommendations for the best results.


Profile image: 110 x 110 pixels. You can use larger image dimensions as long as it is a square image.

个人资料图片: 110 x 110像素。 您可以使用更大的图像尺寸,只要它是正方形图像即可。

Image thumbnail: 161 x 161 pixels. This image is displayed as your thumbnails for your photos.

图片缩略图: 161 x 161像素。 该图像显示为照片的缩略图。

Shared photos: 1080 x 1080 pixels. You can use a higher resolution image as long as it is an square image.

共享的照片: 1080 x 1080像素。 您可以使用高分辨率图像,只要它是正方形图像即可。

Shared videos: 1080 pixels wide.

共享视频: 1080像素宽。

Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels or minimum 600 x 1067 pixels. File size cannot exceed more than 4 GB which is quite a lot for a high-quality video.

Instagram故事: 1080 x 1920像素或最小600 x 1067像素。 文件大小不能超过4 GB,对于高质量视频而言,这是很大的。

YouTube图片大小 (YouTube Image Sizes)

YouTube channel

YouTube is not only the second most popular social media platform but also the second most popular search engine. Your YouTube channel image, cover image, and video thumbnails are crucial in getting more views for your videos.

YouTube不仅是第二受欢迎的社交媒体平台,还是第二受欢迎的搜索引擎。 YouTube频道图片,封面图片和视频缩略图对于获取更多视频观看至关重要。

YouTube Channel cover image: 2560 x 1440 pixels. You need to make sure that the image is horizontally centered so that it looks good on mobile devices where YouTube may crop the image to fit screensize.

YouTube频道封面图片: 2560 x 1440像素。 您需要确保图片水平居中,以便在YouTube可以裁剪图片以适合屏幕尺寸的移动设备上看起来不错。

Channel icon: 800 x 800 pixels. This image is displayed as your channel icon and may sometimes be cropped as a circular image.

频道图示: 800 x 800像素。 该图像显示为您的频道图标,有时可能会被裁剪为圆形图像。

Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720 pixels. Ask any YouTube creator and they will tell you that the video thumbnail is the most important part of video optimization on YouTube. This is what YouTube users will see on their homepage, in search, and other areas. A highly optimized video thumbnail helps you get more views and grow your channel.

影片缩图: 1280 x 720像素。 询问任何YouTube创建者,他们都会告诉您视频缩略图是YouTube视频优化中最重要的部分。 这就是YouTube用户将在其首页,搜索和其他区域看到的内容。 高度优化的视频缩略图可帮助您获得更多观看次数并扩大您的频道。

Pinterest图片大小 (Pinterest Image Sizes)

Pinterest profile page

Pinterest is a visual social sharing platform, which means images play the most significant role in growing your Pinterest following.


Profile image: 165 x 165 pixels. You can upload an higher resolution image with maximum filesize of 10 MB.

个人资料图片: 165 x 165像素。 您可以上传最大文件大小为10 MB的高分辨率图像。

Profile cover: Select a board to feature as your profile’s cover. Pinterest will automatically fetch pins from that board to create your profile cover.

配置文件封面:选择一个板作为您的配置文件的封面。 Pinterest将自动从该板上获取引脚以创建您的个人资料封面。

Board cover image: 222 x 150 pixels. Pinterest allows you to choose the cover image from the pins you have saved for that board.

盖板图像: 222 x 150像素。 Pinterest允许您从为该板保存的引脚中选择封面图像。

Pinned image preview: 236 pixels wide. Pinterest automatically scales your pins to fit their grid. For best results, you need to upload the images with an aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5.

固定图像预览: 236像素宽。 Pinterest会自动缩放您的图钉以适合其网格。 为了获得最佳效果,您需要以2:3到1:3.5的长宽比上传图像。

LinkedIn图像大小 (LinkedIn Image Sizes)

LinkedIn Page

LinkedIn can be a great source of traffic, connections, and building a brand image. It is a social networking platform for professionals and businesses, which makes it a powerful tool to help you grow your business.

LinkedIn可能是流量,联系和建立品牌形象的重要来源。 这是一个面向专业人士和企业的社交网络平台,使其成为帮助您发展业务的强大工具。

Personal profile image: 400 x 400 pixels with a maximum image file size of 10 MB.

个人资料图片: 400 x 400像素,最大图片文件大小为10 MB。

Banner image for personal profile: 1584 x 396 pixels with a maximum file size of 4 MB.

个人资料的横幅图片: 1584 x 396像素,最大文件大小为4 MB。

Company cover image: 1536 x 768 pixels.

公司封面图片: 1536 x 768像素。

Shared image: 1104 x 736 pixels.

共享的图像: 1104 x 736像素。

Company profile / logo image: 300 x 300 pixels or higher resolution image with 1:1 aspect ratio.

公司简介/徽标图片:长宽比为1:1的300 x 300像素或更高分辨率的图片。

Company page banner image: 646 x 220 pixels.

公司页面横幅图片: 646 x 220像素。

在WordPress中设置社交媒体优化 (Setting up Social Media Optimization in WordPress)

Now that you have learned about proper social media image sizes, the next step is to make sure that your WordPress site is optimized for social media.


The most important aspect of this optimization is to setup automatic inclusion of open graph meta data. Open Graph metadata is a technology that allows you to include additional information to your web pages that social media and search engines need.

此优化的最重要方面是设置自动包含开放图元数据。 开放图谱元数据是一项技术,可让您将社交媒体和搜索引擎所需的其他信息包含到网页中。

First, you need to install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活Yoast SEO插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Yoast SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin that helps you get more traffic from search engines. It is also a complete website optimization tool including support for social media platforms as well.

Yoast SEO是最好的WordPress SEO插件 ,可帮助您从搜索引擎获得更多流量。 它也是一个完整的网站优化工具,还包括对社交媒体平台的支持。

Upon activation, you need to visit SEO » Social page. From here, you need to first add your social media profile URLs under the ‘Accounts’ tab.

激活后,您需要访问SEO»社交页面。 在这里,您需要首先在“帐户”标签下添加社交媒体个人资料网址。

Add your social media profiles in Yoast SEO settings

You don’t need to add all URLs, you can simply skip the social media websites where you don’t have a profile.


Next, you need to switch to the Facebook tab. From here you need to click on the toggle button to enable Open Graph metadata.

接下来,您需要切换到Facebook选项卡。 在这里,您需要单击切换按钮以启用“打开图”元数据。

Social settings for Facebook

Below that you need to provide an image, title, and description for your website’s front page. The image you provide here will be displayed when someone shares your website’s front page or root URL on Facebook.

在其下方,您需要提供网站首页的图像,标题和描述。 当有人在Facebook上共享您网站的首页或根URL时,将显示您在此处提供的图像。

Next, switch to the Twitter tab and enable Twitter cards for your website. Below that, you can choose the default card display for your website.

接下来,切换到Twitter选项卡并为您的网站启用Twitter卡。 在此之下,您可以选择网站的默认卡显示。

Twitter social settings

Summary with large image option will display your Twitter share image with a summary of your article.


You can now switch to the Pinterest tab. From here you can add the Pinterest confirmation tag to your website. You can click on the link on the screen to claim your website and get the confirmation code.

现在,您可以切换到Pinterest选项卡。 在这里,您可以将Pinterest确认标签添加到您的网站。 您可以单击屏幕上的链接以声明您的网站并获得确认码。

Add Pinterest verification code to your site

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.


WordPress帖子和页面的社交媒体设置 (Social Media Settings for WordPress Posts and Pages)

Just like the SEO settings for posts and pages, you can also optimize them for social media websites.


Yoast SEO plugin allows you to easily set social options for your individual posts and pages.

Yoast SEO插件可让您轻松设置各个帖子和页面的社交选项。

Simply edit the blog post or page you want to optimize, and then scroll down to ‘Yoast SEO’ section below the editor.

只需编辑您要优化的博客文章或页面,然后向下滚动到编辑器下方的“ Yoast SEO”部分。

Social settings for WordPress posts and pages

Switch to the social tab by clicking on the share icon. From here, you can upload a custom title and description as well as share image for Facebook and Twitter.

通过单击共享图标切换到社交选项卡。 在这里,您可以上传自定义标题和说明,以及分享Facebook和Twitter的图像。

After that, you can save or publish your post.


If you want to see how your post would appear when shared, then you can do so by using the Facebook debugger or Twitter card validator tools.


Simply enter your post or page’s URL and these tools will show you how your post would look when shared on these platforms.


Facebook debugger
在您的网站上添加社交共享按钮 (Adding Social Sharing Buttons to Your Website)

The easiest way to promote your website on social media is by encouraging your users to share your content. This can be achieved by adding social sharing buttons to your blog posts and pages.

在社交媒体上推广您的网站的最简单方法是鼓励用户分享您的内容。 这可以通过在博客文章和页面上添加社交共享按钮来实现。

First, you need to install and activate the Shared Counts plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活Shared Counts插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Shared Counts is the best social media plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily add social sharing buttons to your WordPress blog posts.

共享计数是WordPress最好的社交媒体插件。 它使您可以轻松地将社交共享按钮添加到WordPress博客文章中。

Upon activation, simply head over to Settings » Shared Counts page to configure plugin settings.


Shared Counts settinngs

From here you need to scroll down to the display section and select the social media websites you want to display. After that, you can choose a button style and location where you want to display the buttons.

从这里,您需要向下滚动到显示部分,然后选择要显示的社交媒体网站。 之后,您可以选择按钮样式和显示按钮的位置。

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.


You can now visit any post on your website to see social sharing buttons in action.


For more detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add social share buttons in WordPress.


在WordPress中设置自动社交共享 (Setting up Automated Social Sharing in WordPress)

Social media platforms are great for building a following and bring more traffic to your website. However, it can become quite time-consuming to share content across different platforms and engage with your audience.

社交媒体平台非常适合建立追随者,并为您的网站带来更多流量。 但是,跨不同平台共享内容并与您的受众互动可能会非常耗时。

Luckily, there are several online tools that you can use to automate the process.


We hope this social media cheat sheet for WordPress helped you improve your social media marketing strategy. You may also want to see our list of best content marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.

我们希望这个针对WordPress的社交媒体备忘单可以帮助您改善社交媒体营销策略。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress最佳内容营销工具和插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/social-media-cheat-sheet-for-wordpress/


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