
It’s easy enough to superimpose a logo onto something in Photoshop. But what if your base photo isn’t head-on, so a square logo (or any other image) will look skewed? Here’s how to get your top image aligned with the correct perspective.

将徽标叠加到Photoshop中的某物上很容易。 但是,如果您的基本照片不是正面照片,那么方形徽标(或其他图片)会看起来歪斜怎么办? 这是使顶部图像与正确的透视图对齐的方法。

使用转换工具进行完美匹配 (Using The Transform Tool For Perfect Matches)

Let’s use a gadget screen image as a base: a common need for marketers (or web writers like me). Our source image here is a Nintendo Switch with a regular 16:9 screen, but we need to put on a screenshot of something else—let’s say an image from Zelda instead of Mario. Here are the pictures I’ll be using, so you can grab them and practice on your own:

让我们以小工具屏幕图像为基础:营销人员(或像我这样的网络作家)的常见需求。 我们的源图像是带有常规16:9屏幕的Nintendo Switch,但我们需要添加其他屏幕快照-假设是来自Zelda的图像,而不是Mario的图像。 这是我将要使用的图片,因此您可以抓取它们并自己练习:

Highlight the screenshot image in the Layers tool, then activate the Transformation tool with the Ctrl+T shortcut on Windows or Command+T on macOS.

在“图层”工具中突出显示屏幕快照图像,然后在Windows上使用Ctrl + T快捷键或在macOS上使用Command + T激活转换工具。

If you’ve used Photoshop for any amount of time, you’re probably comfortable with the Free Transform tool already: you should know how to move the image around, shrink or expand it, or rotate it. But you can also skew it considerably, enough to let you alter it to alter the perspective and match it to the image below. This is a pretty straightforward example: we’re going to match this rectangular screenshot of Zelda to the rectangular screen on the Switch, a simple corner-to-corner move.

如果您使用Photoshop已有一段时间,则可能已经对Free Transform工具感到满意 :您应该知道如何移动图像,缩小或扩展图像或旋转图像。 但是,您也可以使其明显倾斜,足以使您对其进行更改以更改视角并将其与下图匹配。 这是一个非常简单的示例:我们将把Zelda的矩形屏幕截图与Switch上的矩形屏幕进行匹配,这是一个从角落到角落的简单动作。

Hold down the Ctrl button on Windows or the Command button on Mac, then click one of the white squares at the corner of the screenshot that are part of the Transform tool. Holding down Ctrl and the left mouse button, drag one of the corners of the top screenshot image to the matching corner on the Switch’s screen on the image beneath. Zoom into the pixel view if you need to match it perfectly.

按住Windows上的Ctrl按钮或Mac上的Command按钮,然后单击屏幕快照角落属于转换工具一部分的白色方块之一。 按住Ctrl键和鼠标左键,将顶部屏幕截图图像的一个角拖动到下方图像上“开关”屏幕上的匹配角。 如果需要完美匹配,请放大到像素视图。

You’ll notice that instead of the normal resize action, the Ctrl or Command modifier lets you grab one corner of the image and move it while the other four corners remain in place.


Repeat this step for the next four corners, moving the screenshot image over the screen of the Switch beneath. Don’t apply the transformation until you’re finished, or you won’t be able to grab all four corners again—they’ll be filled in with transparency. You can make the top layer extend past the bottom one by a pixel or two just to make sure that it completely covers the screen beneath. Press Enter to close the Transform tool.

对接下来的四个角重复此步骤,将屏幕截图图像移到下面的Switch的屏幕上。 在完成转换之前,请不要应用转换,否则您将无法再抓住所有四个角-它们将充满透明度。 您可以使顶层超出底层一个像素或两像素,以确保其完全覆盖下面的屏幕。 按Enter键关闭“变换”工具。

Because both the phone’s screen and the screenshot image have the same aspect ratio, this little cover-up fits perfectly and needs no further editing. Let’s move on to something a little trickier.

由于手机的屏幕和屏幕截图图像的纵横比都相同,因此这种小小的掩盖非常适合,无需进一步编辑。 让我们继续一些棘手的事情。

在奇数大小的图像上使用变换工具 (Using The Transform Tool On Oddly-Sized Images)

Say you’ve got this image of a Mac laptop and you don’t want to use an Apple logo in an advertisement. You’d rather show off your company logo. I’ll use a circular Review Geek logo as an example—both source images are below.

假设您拥有Mac笔记本电脑的图像,并且不想在广告中使用Apple徽标。 您宁愿炫耀公司徽标。 我将使用一个圆形的Review Geek徽标作为示例-两者都在下面。

So you want to cover up the Apple logo just like the phone screen before, but now the plane of the source image (the laptop lid) doesn’t match the layer you want to add (the circular logo), and you still need to keep the perspective right. In this case, we’re going to use something else in the photo as a guide: the roughly rectangular lid of the laptop. We’ll match the logo’s perspective to the laptop lid, then scale it down to the size we need while keeping the perspective locked.

因此,您想要像以前的电话屏幕一样遮盖Apple徽标,但是现在源图像的平面(笔记本电脑盖)与您要添加的图层(圆形徽标)不匹配,并且您仍然需要保持正确的观点。 在这种情况下,我们将使用照片中的其他内容作为指导:笔记本电脑的大致矩形盖子。 我们将徽标的透视图与笔记本电脑盖匹配,然后将其缩小到所需的尺寸,同时保持透视图处于锁定状态。

To begin, press Ctrl+T or Command+T with the top layer selected to open the transformation tool again. Now press Ctrl+Click or Command+Click, select the guide squares at the corners of the logo layer, and match them up with the corners of the laptop lid. The corners are rounded, but you can use the edges of the lid and the transform guide to line up.

首先,在选择顶层的情况下按Ctrl + T或Command + T,再次打开转换工具。 现在,按Ctrl + Click或Command + Click,在徽标层的角部选择导板,并将其与笔记本电脑盖的角部匹配。 角是圆形的,但是您可以使用盖子的边缘和变换引导线对齐。

Because the lid of the laptop isn’t square, your circle is a little too wide. You can adjust it back down to a square-sized transformation. You can eyeball this if it doesn’t need to be perfect, or rotate the layer beneath and use Photoshop’s Ruler guides if you need more precision. Press Enter to apply the transformation when you’re ready.

由于笔记本电脑的盖子不是方形的,因此您的圆圈太宽了。 您可以将其向下调整为方形变换。 如果不需要完美,您可以盯上它,或者如果需要更高的精度,可以旋转下面的图层并使用Photoshop的Ruler指南。 准备好后,按Enter键应用转换。

Now you have a square image over the laptop screen, and it’s in the right perspective to match the Apple logo beneath. You need to size it down, so it doesn’t look out of place. With the Transform tool active, hold Alt+Shift on Windows or Option+Shift on a Mac, then click one of the corners and drag it inwards to scale the logo image down, so it’s not much bigger than the Apple logo.

现在,您在笔记本电脑的屏幕上有一个正方形的图像,并且在正确的透视图中可以匹配下面的Apple徽标。 您需要缩小尺寸,以确保它不会错位。 启用“转换”工具后,在Windows上按住Alt + Shift或在Mac上按住Option + Shift,然后单击其中一个角并将其向内拖动以将徽标图像缩小,因此它的大小不会比Apple徽标大很多。

Here’s the final result:


If your bottom image is fairly regular, with a perspective skew that’s predictable on one side, you can hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift on Windows or Command+Option+Shift on Mac to use the Transform tool in Skew mode. It’s pretty rare that your image will line up perfectly for this, though.

如果您的底部图像相当规则,并且一侧具有可预测的透视偏斜,则可以在Windows上按住Ctrl + Alt + Shift,在Mac上按住Command + Option + Shift,以在偏斜模式下使用“变换”工具。 但是,您的图像为此而完美排列的情况很少见。

在不规则曲面上使用自由变换 (Using Free Transform On Irregular Surfaces)

Okay, so now you can match a perspective and resize as needed. But what if you’re trying to get something on a surface that isn’t flat? Let’s try one more example: putting the Review Geek logo on a ball. Once again, use the images below in your copy of Photoshop for practice.

好的,现在您可以匹配透视图并根据需要调整大小。 但是,如果您试图在不平坦的表面上放置物品,该怎么办? 让我们再尝试一个示例:将Review Geek徽标放在球上。 再次使用下面的图像在您的Photoshop副本中进行练习。

Using the tools you learned in the previous sections, it’s easy to get the logo image onto the top of the ball and even adjust its perspective to match the orientation of the ball itself. But the logo file looks odd because it’s flat and the surface of the ball is not.

使用您在上一节中学到的工具,可以轻松地将徽标图像放到球的顶部,甚至可以调整其视角以匹配球本身的方向。 但是徽标文件看起来很奇怪,因为它是平坦的,而球的表面却不是。

To fix this, press Ctrl+T or Command+T to activate the Transform tool and look at the top of the Photoshop window. You’re looking for the curved rectangular button that activates Warp Mode. Click it.

要解决此问题,请按Ctrl + T或Command + T激活“变换”工具,然后查看Photoshop窗口的顶部。 您正在寻找可激活变形模式的弯曲矩形按钮。 点击它。

With the Transform Tool in Warp Mode, you can move the image around at any point on the inside or outside, not just the corners. This lets you click and drag different parts of the image into irregular positions. You’ll see the nine guidelines move along with the image, helping you to see how you’ve changed things.

使用“变形”模式中的“变换工具”,您可以在内部或外部的任意点移动图像,而不仅仅是角落。 这使您可以单击图像的不同部分并将其拖动到不规则位置。 您会看到九个准则随图像一起移动,从而帮助您了解如何进行了更改。

The Warp Tool takes some practice to use effectively. You might need to undo and redo your work several times. But within a few minutes, you should be able to match the curve of the ball pretty well. Press Enter to apply the transformation.

变形工具需要一些练习才能有效使用。 您可能需要撤消和重做几次。 但是在几分钟之内,您应该能够很好地匹配球的曲线。 按Enter应用转换。

For surfaces that are a little more predictable, but still too irregular for the regular Transform tool, you can use the pre-set Warp tools on the right side of the upper menu.


You can combine the techniques above with any other tools in Photoshop, like color corrections, curves, filters, blurs, et cetera, to get your top layer to match your bottom layer. Play around with these tools, and you’ll soon be matching up logos and screenshots with ease.

您可以将上述技术与Photoshop中的任何其他工具(例如色彩校正,曲线,滤镜,模糊等)结合使用,以使顶层与底层相匹配。 使用这些工具,您很快就会轻松匹配徽标和屏幕截图。

Image credit: Shutterstock/Wachiwit, Shutterstock/Africa StudioShutterstock/YgorYiorgos GR/Shutterstock.comNintendo

图片来源: Shutterstock / WachiwitShutterstock / Africa StudioShutterstock / YgorYiorgos GR / Shutterstock.com任天堂

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394887/how-to-make-perfect-perspective-shifts-in-photoshop-for-images-and-logos/





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