


Sony PlayStation Dualshock Controller
Roobcio/Shutterstock Roobcio /快门

Game controllers are magnets for dirt and grime. It doesn’t matter if you take really good care of your pads, they’ll eventually need a deep clean to remove skin, debris, and bacteria. Here’s how to do it without damaging your hardware.

游戏控制器是吸附污垢和尘垢的磁铁。 保养好垫子并不重要,它们最终将需要进行深层清洁以去除皮肤,碎屑和细菌。 这是在不损坏硬件的情况下进行操作的方法。

清洁之前 (Before You Clean)

Before you start cleaning your controllers, it’s good to check the following “problem” areas, where grime is most likely to have built up:


  • The “grip zone” where your hands hold the controller while you play.

  • The small gap around the edge of the controller where the front and back plates join.

  • The analog sticks.

  • The charging, headset, and expansion ports.

  • Any tight angles on the controller that aren’t easily wiped.


In order to clean your controller thoroughly without disassembling it, you’ll need the following items:


  • A soft, lint-free cloth

  • Water

  • Isopropyl alcohol (at least 70 percent; higher is better)

  • Q-tips

  • A sheet of paper or wooden toothpick

  • A misting pump bottle (optional)

  • A plastic straw (optional)


You should always use water or rubbing alcohol to clean your controllers. Most gamepads have a nice grippy finish on them, and harsh cleaners, like bleach, could ruin the look and feel of the plastic.

您应始终使用水或酒精擦拭清洁控制器。 大多数游戏手柄的表面都具有出色的抓地力,粗糙的清洁剂(如漂白剂)可能会破坏塑料的外观和感觉。

It’s also a good idea to avoid compressed air, as the force of the air can damage components inside the controller.


A DualShock 4 Controller sitting on top of a piece of a paper next to a toothpick, a Q-tip, a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and a cloth.
We purchased this DualShock 4 controller from a thrift store. The tips we outline here removed the gunk and made it shine.
我们从一家旧货店购买了这款DualShock 4控制器。 我们在这里概述的技巧消除了黑点,使之发光。

如何清洁轻度污染的控制器 (How to Clean a Lightly Soiled Controller)

First, clean the controller with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. Use a bit of water to start, and avoid any and all abrasive cleaners. Wipe the controller all over and remove any obvious grease or grime.

首先,用柔软的湿润无绒布清洁控制器。 使用一点水开始,并避免使用任何和所有研磨性清洁剂。 整个擦拭控制器并清除任何明显的油脂或污垢。

Work the damp cloth into any nooks and crannies that aren’t normally accessible. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners will want to pay close attention to the wells from which the analog sticks protrude. It’s easy for grime to build up in these tight corners.

用湿布擦拭通常无法触及的角落和缝隙。 Xbox One和PlayStation 4所有者将要密切注意模拟棒伸出的Kong。 在这些狭窄的角落,污垢很容易堆积。

A cloth wiping a DualShock 4 Controller.

Now, turn your attention to the analog sticks. Be careful, though—the sticks are coated with a soft rubber that’s prone to wearing away (particularly on Sony’s original DualShock 4 controllers). Get underneath the analog sticks and remove any dust and dirt that has accumulated.

现在,将注意力转向模拟摇杆。 但是要小心-摇杆上涂有易于磨损的柔软橡胶(特别是在Sony原装DualShock 4控制器上)。 进入模拟摇杆下方,并清除积累的灰尘。

You can also hold a direction and rotate the stick while you wipe the “ball” underneath. This won’t fix a sticky analog stick, but it might prevent such problems from occurring in the future.

在擦拭下方的“球”时,您还可以握住方向并旋转操纵杆。 这不会修复粘性的模拟摇杆,但可以防止将来发生此类问题。

A hand cleaning an analog stick with a cloth on a DualShock 4 Controller.

用异丙醇清除顽固的污垢 (Use Isopropyl Alcohol to Dislodge Stubborn Grime)

Isopropyl alcohol is a relatively safe cleaning agent. It helps break down grime that can be easily dislodged, making it an effective cleaning solution that evaporates when you’re finished.

异丙醇是一种相对安全的清洁剂。 它有助于分解容易去除的污垢,使其成为一种有效的清洁剂,完成后会蒸发掉。

One of the most effective ways to use rubbing alcohol is to dilute it 1:1 in water, and then apply it with a misting pump. Give your solution a good shake, mist the controller lightly, and then clean it with a soft cloth. The alcohol should help remove any lingering dirt and kill bacteria in the process.

使用外用酒精的最有效方法之一是将其在水中按1:1比例稀释,然后用喷雾泵涂抹。 充分摇晃解决方案,轻轻雾化控制器,然后用软布清洁。 酒精应有助于清除残留的污垢并杀死细菌。

A DualShock 4 Controller with a Q-tip on top of it next to a bottle of isopropyl alcohol.

For really stubborn grime, soak a Q-tip in alcohol and apply it to the soiled area. The alcohol will cut through whatever’s causing the dirt to adhere to the controller, and then you can simply wipe it away.

对于顽固的污垢,可将Q尖浸泡在酒精中,然后将其涂抹在脏污的区域。 酒精会渗入任何会导致污垢粘附在控制器上的东西,然后您可以简单地将其擦去。

You can also use antibacterial wipes that are already soaked in alcohol. Since there are so many uses for isopropyl alcohol, it’s a good idea to always have some around.

您也可以使用已经浸入酒精的抗菌擦布。 由于异丙醇用途广泛,因此最好随时随地使用。

如何清洁“接缝”和细缝 (How to Clean the “Seam” and Thin Gaps)

Now, let’s take a look at the “seam” that runs right around the edge of the controller, where the front and back snap in place. This tiny gap attracts all sorts of grime and bacteria, but it’s not impossible to clean.

现在,让我们看一下围绕控制器边缘运行的“接缝”,在该处前后对齐。 这个微小的间隙会吸引各种污垢和细菌,但并非不可能清洁。

Fold a piece of paper a few times, until it’s sturdy but still thin. Run the edge of the paper through the gap. As you do so, you should see the dirt accumulate on the edge of the paper. Wipe it away and repeat until the controller looks clean.

折叠几张纸,直到结实但仍很薄。 将纸张边缘穿过间隙。 这样做时,您应该看到灰尘积聚在纸张的边缘。 擦去并重复直到控制器看起来干净为止。

You can also use a thin wooden toothpick to clean this area. The wood is soft enough to get into the gap without scratching the plastic, although, the tip might not survive very long.

您也可以使用细木牙签清洁该区域。 木材足够柔软,可以进入缝隙而不会刮伤塑料,不过,刀尖可能无法存活很长时间。

Avoid using metal objects, like paper clips or knives, as these could easily scratch the controller. You could also hurt yourself if your grip slips.

避免使用回形针或小刀之类的金属物体,因为它们很容易划伤控制器。 如果抓地力滑落,也可能会伤害自己。

A toothpick cleaning the seam on a DualShock 4 Controller.

You can also apply the rubbing alcohol directly with a Q-tip before you clean the seam with the toothpick. In fact, you can do this for any of the fine edges on the controller, including around the touchpad button on the DualShock 4 if you use one.

在用牙签清洁接缝之前,也可以直接用Q型笔尖涂抹摩擦酒精。 实际上,您可以对控制器上的任何细微边缘进行此操作,包括使用DualShock 4的触摸板按钮周围的边缘。

如何修复粘滞按钮和D-Pad (How to Fix Sticky Buttons and D-Pads)

If you’ve spilled something on your controller, the face buttons might be sticky. They might feel mushy and not depress properly, or they might be stuck entirely. While you can open up the controller to attempt a fix, there are a few other things you can try first.

如果您在控制器上洒了一些东西,则面部按钮可能会发粘。 他们可能会感到糊状,无法适当地压抑,或者可能完全被卡住。 虽然您可以打开控制器来尝试修复,但是您可以首先尝试其他一些事情。

Before you attempt to clean these areas, make sure the controller is off and disconnect any removable batteries if you can. Take care not to turn on your controller while attempting this fix.

在尝试清洁这些区域之前,请确保已关闭控制器并断开所有可移动电池的连接。 尝试进行此修复时,请注意不要打开控制器。

Soak a Q-tip in alcohol and drop a small amount of it around the edge of the affected buttons. Then, use the Q-tip to clean any obvious grime in these areas. Press the buttons repeatedly to work the alcohol into the contact mechanism and loosen any grime.

将Q-tip浸泡在酒精中,然后将其少量滴在受影响按钮的边缘。 然后,使用Q-tip清洁这些区域中的所有明显污垢。 反复按按钮以使酒精进入接触装置并释放任何污垢。

A Q-tip wiping a button on a DualShock 4 Controller.

Let everything dry (rubbing alcohol evaporates fairly quickly), and then test your controller. Repeat the process a few times if necessary, until the buttons feel normal again. This might not be enough to salvage your controller, but it’s a lot less of a hassle than opening it up, so it’s worth a try.

让一切干燥(擦拭酒精会很快蒸发),然后测试您的控制器。 如有必要,请重复几次该过程,直到按钮再次恢复正常。 这可能不足以挽救您的控制器,但是与打开它相比,它的麻烦要少得多,因此值得一试。

You can also slice a plastic straw down the middle to form a semicircle shape. Then, you can slide it down the side of the affected buttons. Also, maneuver the straw around the edge of the buttons to dislodge any grime that might be causing them to stick.

您还可以在中间切一个塑料吸管以形成半圆形。 然后,您可以将其向下滑动到受影响按钮的侧面。 另外,操纵吸管围绕按钮的边缘,以清除可能导致其粘住的污垢。

如何清洁端口和扬声器格栅 (How to Clean the Ports and Speaker Grills)

A dirty charging port could prevent the charger from making proper contact and charging your controller. However, controller ports are sensitive, so it’s a good idea not to stick anything into them too deep. If you do, you could bend or break the pins inside.

充电端口脏污可能会阻止充电器正确接触并为控制器充电。 但是,控制器端口很敏感,因此最好不要将任何东西塞得太深。 如果这样做,则可能会弯曲或折断内部的插针。

A Q-tip cleaning a port on a DualShock 4 Controller.

Dip the Q-tip in rubbing alcohol, and then use it to clean the entrance of any ports. Again, take care not to force it too deep.

将Q-tip蘸酒精,然后用它清洁所有端口的入口。 同样,请注意不要使其过深。

Repeat this process on any speaker grills or other smaller areas you might have missed.


当所有其他方法都失败时,将其分开 (When All Else Fails, Take it Apart)

Taking your controller apart is risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. You could lose small components, like springs or screws, or even give yourself a small shock. That’s why you should always do your homework before you attempt to disassemble it.

如果您不知道自己在做什么,则将控制器分开是有风险的。 您可能会丢失弹簧或螺丝之类的小零件,甚至会受到轻微冲击。 因此,在尝试拆卸作业之前,应始终做作业。

After you disassemble your controller and disconnect the battery, you can clean the affected areas with either alcohol or soap and water. Let everything dry completely before you attempt to reassemble it.

拆卸控制器并断开电池连接后,可以用酒精或肥皂和水清洁受影响的区域。 尝试重新组装之前,请使其完全干燥。

双重冲击4 (DualShock 4)

iFixit has a hub dedicated to Sony’s original and revised DualShock 4 controllers. First, follow the guide and disassemble the controller into three sections.

iFixit具有专用于Sony的原始修订版 DualShock 4控制器的集线器。 首先,按照指南进行操作,并将控制器分解为三个部分。

Then, you can move on to more complex guides, like replacing the face buttons or the battery.


Xbox One控制器 (Xbox One Controllers)

iFixit has also covered most Xbox One controllers, including several revisions of the basic wireless and Elite, which was classed as a whole separate peripheral.

iFixit还涵盖了大多数Xbox One控制器,包括基本无线Elite的多个修订版,它们被归类为一个单独的外围设备。

任天堂Switch Joy-Con (Nintendo Switch Joy-Con)

There’s also an iFixit hub dedicated to Nintendo’s removable Joy-Con controllers. You can learn how to replace the joystick, switch out the battery, or get some pointers on sync issues, too.

还有一个专门用于任天堂可移动Joy-Con控制器的iFixit集线器 。 您还可以学习如何更换操纵杆 ,关闭电池或获得有关同步问题的一些指示。

Xbox 360控制器 (Xbox 360 Controllers)

There’s a detailed guide to tear down an Xbox 360 wireless controller to clean it on iFixit. Head to the wireless controller hub to see guides on replacing face buttons or analog stick covers.

有详细的指南可以拆卸Xbox 360无线控制器以在iFixit上对其进行清洁。 前往无线控制器集线器以查看有关更换面部按钮模拟摇杆盖的指南

DualShock 3控制器 (DualShock 3 Controllers)

Sony’s PlayStation 3 era controllers are also covered on iFixit. You can replace the battery, the motherboard, or even fix the charging port if you need to.

索尼的PlayStation 3时代控制器也包含在iFixit中 。 您可以根据需要更换电池主板 ,甚至固定充电端口

保持控制器清洁 (Keep Your Controllers Clean)

Ideally, you want to prevent your controllers from becoming a health hazard in the first place. Here are some things you can do:

理想情况下,首先要防止控制器对健康造成危害。 您可以执行以下操作:

  • Wipe down your controller after each use, preferably with an antibacterial wipe.

  • Wash your hands before you pick up your controller.

  • Don’t eat while you play, especially chips or other finger foods.

  • Clean the nooks and crannies regularly to avoid having to do a full deep clean.


Unfortunately, accidents do happen. If you spill something on your controller and it affects the button actuation, follow one of the videos or iFixit guides we included above. It’s worth an attempt before you shell out the cash for a new controller.

不幸的是,事故确实发生了。 如果您在控制器上洒了一些东西,并且影响了按钮的操作,请按照上面提供的视频或iFixit指南之一进行操作。 在花钱购买新控制器之前,值得尝试一下。

While you’re at it, your laptop could probably use a good cleaning, too.

当您在使用笔记本电脑时, 笔记本电脑也可能会使用良好的清洁剂。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/509207/how-to-safely-clean-your-nasty-game-controllers/






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