idea初学者使用_初学者:如何在Outlook 2013中使用便笺以进行便捷的桌面提醒



Notes are simple and very handy. They are basically desktop Post Its, which you can collect and save in your Outlook and display on your desktop as reminders to do stuff.

笔记很简单,非常方便。 它们基本上是桌面上的Post It,您可以将其收集并保存在Outlook中,并显示在桌面上,以提醒您进行操作。

Outlook has a lot going on for it. Obviously, you can use it for your e-mail, but you can also manage contacts together in one address book. If you’re a stickler for keeping a schedule, you’ll no doubt find its calendar skills appealing. Finally, you can use its tasking abilities to create killer to-do lists that help you ramp up your productivity.

Outlook正在进行很多工作。 显然, 您可以将其用于电子邮件 ,但也可以在一个地址簿中一起管理联系人 。 如果您是一个守时的坚持者, 无疑会发现它的日历技巧很吸引人 。 最后,您可以使用其任务处理功能来创建杀手级任务清单 ,以帮助您提高工作效率。

Notes are really meant to be more of a personal use tool. As such, you won’t find yourself and co-workers doing all kinds of collaboration or setting deadlines on notes. Nevertheless, if you like the idea of Post Its but don’t want to have them arrayed all over your display bezels or actual physical desktop, then you can use Outlook’s notes to serve a similar purpose.

注释实际上是更多地用作个人使用工具。 因此,您将不会发现自己和同事进行各种协作或为笔记设置截止日期。 但是,如果您喜欢“发贴”的想法,但又不想将它们排列在整个显示挡板或实际的物理桌面上,则可以使用Outlook的注释来达到类似的目的。

使用笔记 (Working with Notes)

If you have Outlook installed on your computer already, then you’re good to go. If Outlook is totally new to you, we can help you get up to speed. The Notes view is very simple, probably the simplest, feature we’ve discussed thus far. To write a new note, simply click “New Note.”

如果您已经在计算机上安装了Outlook,那么一切就好了。 如果Outlook对您来说是全新的, 我们可以帮助您快速入门 。 Notes视图非常简单,可能是到目前为止我们讨论过的最简单的功能。 要编写新笔记,只需单击“新笔记”。


A new note will appear floating above the desktop. You can type up your reminder(s) and they’ll stay there until you close it with the X in the upper-right corner. Even after you close the note, it will still remain in Outlook’s note view.

新笔记将浮在桌面上方。 您可以输入您的提醒,它们会一直保留在那里,直到您用右上角的X将其关闭为止。 即使关闭便笺后,它仍将保留在Outlook的便笺视图中。


You can change the view, so you sort your notes by subject, or creation date, or even categories. You could also right-click on the details bar and add further ways to sort.

您可以更改视图,因此可以按主题,创建日期甚至类别对笔记进行排序。 您也可以右键单击详细信息栏,然后添加其他排序方式。

Finally, just for the sake of completeness, you can manage and create new views for your notes, or you can modify your current views. This assumes you’re going to do a lot of note-taking and keep them all for posterity’s sake.

最后,仅出于完整性考虑,您可以管理和创建便笺的新视图,也可以修改当前视图。 假设您要做很多笔记并为后代保留所有笔记。

You can also assign categories, which can help you categorize them by subject and importance. We’ll talk more about categories in an upcoming article. Like we said though, notes are really easy; if you use Outlook for anything else, whether it’s email or tasks or calendaring, then chances are you’ll pick them up in no time.

您还可以分配类别,这可以帮助您按主题和重要性对它们进行分类。 我们将在下一篇文章中详细讨论类别。 就像我们说的,笔记真的很容易。 如果您将Outlook用于其他任何用途(无论是电子邮件,任务还是日历),那么您很快就会发现它们。

将注释发布到桌面 (Posting Notes to Your Desktop)

Okay, so enough of the boring specifics, let’s check out some notes in action. You can see from the screenshot, you can array your entire desktop with notes if you like, or you can just have one big note.

好吧,足够无聊的细节了,让我们看看实际操作中的一些注意事项。 您可以从屏幕快照中看到,可以根据需要在整个桌面上排列笔记,也可以只留下一个大笔记。

Notes are resizable, you want to grab the bottom-right corner and drag them to the size that suits you. You can also change the color of each note depending on the category you place them in. Note also, even when you hit the X to close the note, it doesn’t go away. The note is kept and filed away until you delete it. 

便笺可调整大小,您想抓住右下角并将其拖动到适合您​​的大小。 您还可以根据放置它​​们的类别来更改每个音符的颜色。 此外,即使按X来关闭音符,音符也不会消失。 便笺将保留并归档,直到将其删除。

One of the easiest ways to quickly attend to your notes is to just right-click on each one and use the resulting drop-down menu.


Beyond this, however, there’s not a whole lot else to know about notes. They’re a really cool feature. Just remember, your stickies won’t be persistent from one Outlook session to another so, if you shut down Outlook, or restart your computer, your notes will need to be resposted for you to see them on your desktop. That said, if you just let Outlook run in the background, checking mail and doing its thing, they’ll remain for you to refer to, just like regular sticky notes.

除此之外,关于音符的知识还不多。 它们是一个非常酷的功能。 请记住,您的便利贴不会从一个Outlook会话持续到另一个会话,因此,如果您关闭Outlook或重新启动计算机,则需要重新记录笔记,以便您在桌面上查看它们。 就是说,如果您只是让Outlook在后台运行,检查邮件并执行其操作,它们将保留给您参考,就像常规便笺一样。

Of course, there are other ways to keep notes. You could use something like Evernote, which is very popular but can be a little overwhelming for casual users. On the other hand, there’s something like Google Keep, but that’s more the domain of Android and Chrome, which some users may not use.

当然,还有其他记笔记的方法。 您可以使用Evernote之类的工具 ,该工具非常受欢迎,但对于休闲用户来说可能有些不知所措。 另一方面, 有类似Google Keep的东西 ,但是更多的是Android和Chrome,有些用户可能不会使用。

The simple appeal of creating and posting notes in Outlook is that it rounds out the application as one of the most comprehensive personal information managers available. There’s also the appeal of being able to compartmentalize your work and personal lives. You don’t always have to have emails, meetings, to-do’s, and note starting you in the face.

在Outlook中创建和发布便笺的简单吸引力在于,它使该应用程序成为可用的最全面的个人信息管理器之一。 能够将您的工作和个人生活区分开的吸引力也很大。 您不必总是有电子邮件,会议,待办事项和记录,从头开始。

We’d like to hear now from you; tell us what you use to take and keep notes. Have you ever or do you use Outlook or have you adopted another option? As always, our discussion forum welcomes your comments.

我们想立即收到您的来信; 告诉我们您用来记笔记的内容。 您曾经使用过Outlook吗,还是采用了其他选择? 与往常一样,我们的讨论论坛欢迎您的评论。



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