我的Outlook PST数据文件在哪里,以及如何将它们移动到其他地方?


Most people know that Outlook stores email for each account in a personal table storage (PST) file, but figuring out where that file is located depends on what version of Outlook you’re using. Here’s where Outlook stores your files and how you can move them if you need to.

大多数人都知道Outlook将每个帐户的电子邮件存储在个人表存储(PST)文件中,但要弄清该文件的位置取决于您所使用的Outlook版本。 Outlook在这里存储您的文件,以及在需要时如何移动它们。

Outlook is still one of the best desktop email clients for Windows and is the de facto client in most businesses that use a Microsoft Exchange email server. Outlook also works well for personal use. It always provided good support for regular POP3 and IMAP accounts, but has also made a lot of progress in recent years at playing well with email services like Gmail and Outlook.com. It also provides a solid calendar and reminder system that are well integrated. Most of the time, you won’t need to bother with where your Outlook data files are located. But if you want to ensure the files are getting backed up or you want to move them to another hard drive to save space, here’s how to find and work with them.

Outlook仍然是Windows最好的桌面电子邮件客户端之一,并且是大多数使用Microsoft Exchange电子邮件服务器的企业中的事实上的客户端。 Outlook也可以很好地用于个人用途。 它始终为常规的POP3和IMAP帐户提供良好的支持,但近年来在与GmailOutlook.com等电子邮件服务配合使用方面也取得了很大进展。 它还提供了一个良好集成的可靠日历和提醒系统。 大多数时候,您无需担心Outlook数据文件的位置。 但是,如果您要确保备份文件,或者想将它们移动到另一个硬盘驱动器上以节省空间,请按照以下方法查找和使用它们。

什么是PST文件? (What Is a PST file?)

If you’ve used Outlook for any length of time, you’ve likely heard of PST files. Each email account you set up in Outlook gets its own database in the form of a personal storage table (PST) file, where emails, calendar items, contacts, and reminders are all stored. The data in a PST file may or may not be compressed and encrypted, depending on your settings.You may notice that Outlook slows down as more data is stored in your PST file. Occasionally, Outlook will offer to archive your old emails to help alleviate this problem and just so that you have fewer old items to wade through as you go about your day.

如果您使用Outlook已有一段时间,则可能听说过PST文件。 您在Outlook中设置的每个电子邮件帐户都以个人存储表(PST)文件的形式获得自己的数据库,该文件中存储了电子邮件,日历项,联系人和提醒。 PST文件中的数据可能会压缩也可能不会加密和加密,具体取决于您的设置。您可能会注意到,随着PST文件中存储的数据越来越多,Outlook的速度会降低。 有时,Outlook会提供存档您的旧电子邮件以帮助缓解此问题的功能,只是为了减少一天中您需要处理的旧邮件。

You may also notice files with an .ost extension in your Outlook data folder. OST files are the same format as PST, but are generally used as temporary offline storage of email for Exchange servers and for webmail hosts such as Gmail and Outlook.com. The idea is that you can still interact with the messages stored in the OST file when you are disconnected from the email server–such as when you have no internet–and then when you reconnect to the server again, Outloook syncs everything up.

您可能还会注意到Outlook数据文件夹中带有.ost扩展名的文件。 OST文件与PST格式相同,但通常用作Exchange服务器以及Gmail和Outlook.com等网络邮件主机的电子邮件的临时脱机存储。 这个想法是,当您断开与电子邮件服务器的连接时(例如,当您没有Internet连接时),然后再次重新连接到服务器时,您仍然可以与OST文件中存储的消息进行交互,然后Outloook会同步所有内容。

This means your data will be stored in a PST file if you’re using a standard POP3 or IMAP account, or an Exchange account where offline storage is not configured. Gmail, Outlook.com, and other webmail hosts will get an OST file instead. Exchange accounts may even use both an OST file for offline access and a PST file for data backup.

这意味着,如果您使用的是标准POP3或IMAP帐户,或者未配置脱机存储的Exchange帐户,则数据将存储在PST文件中。 Gmail,Outlook.com和其他Webmail主机将改为获取OST文件。 Exchange帐户甚至可以使用OST文件进行脱机访问,并使用PST文件进行数据备份。

我的PST和OST文件保存在哪里? (Where Are My PST and OST Files Saved?)

Where Outlook saves your data files depends on the version of Outlook you’re running. By default, Outlook 2007 and 2010 store PST files in your AppData folder at the following location:

Outlook保存数据文件的位置取决于您正在运行的Outlook版本。 默认情况下,Outlook 2007和2010将PST文件存储在AppData文件夹中的以下位置:


Outlook also stores all OST files in that same AppData location, regardless of what Outlook version you’re running.


Starting with Outlook 2013, the location of PST files moved to the Documents folder. Outlook 2013 and 2016 now store PST files at the following location:

从Outlook 2013开始,PST文件的位置移至“文档”文件夹。 Outlook 2013和2016现在将PST文件存储在以下位置:

C:\users\username\Documents\Outlook Files

You can also find out exactly where the PST file for an email account is stored from within Outlook. In Outlook 2010, 2013, and 2016, click the “File” menu, choose the “Account Settings” dropdown menu, and then click “Account Settings.” In Outlook 2007, you’ll find the “Account Settings” option on the “Tools” menu.

您还可以从Outlook内部找出电子邮件帐户的PST文件的确切存储位置。 在Outlook 2010、2013和2016中,单击“文件”菜单,选择“帐户设置”下拉菜单,然后单击“帐户设置”。 在Outlook 2007中,您可以在“工具”菜单上找到“帐户设置”选项。


In the “Account Settings” window, on the “Data Files” tab, select the account you want to investigate and then click the “Open File Location” button.



Outlook will open a File Explorer window showing the folder containing your PST file (or OST file if you selected an account that uses one).



如何移动我的PST文件? (How Can I Move My PST File?)

If you’d like to move your Outlook files off your primary hard drive, or just place your Outlook files in a more manageable location, there is a way. However, you can’t simply move them to a new location using File Explorer. If you try, Outlook will just create a new PST file in its default location and you may lose access to some of what’s stored in your real PST. Instead, you’ll need to dive briefly into the Windows Registry to change the default location where Outlook stores data files, and then move your existing PST file in File Explorer.

如果您希望将Outlook文件从主硬盘驱动器上移走,或者只是将Outlook文件放在更易于管理的位置,则可以采用这种方法。 但是,您不能简单地使用文件资源管理器将它们移动到新位置。 如果尝试这样做,Outlook只会在其默认位置创建一个新的PST文件,并且您可能无法访问实际PST中存储的某些文件。 相反,您需要简要地进入Windows注册表以更改Outlook存储数据文件的默认位置, 然后在文件资源管理器中移动现有的PST文件。

Standard warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple hack and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.

标准警告:注册表编辑器是一个功能强大的工具,滥用它会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 这是一个非常简单的技巧,只要您按照说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。 也就是说,如果您以前从未使用过它,请在开始之前考虑阅读有关如何使用注册表编辑器的信息 。 并在进行更改之前一定要备份注册表 (和您的计算机 !)。

Start by making sure that Outlook is not running. Then, open the Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open Registry Editor and give it permission to make changes to your PC.

首先,请确保Outlook未运行。 然后,通过单击开始并键入“ regedit”来打开注册表编辑器。 按Enter键打开注册表编辑器,并授予其对PC进行更改的权限。


In the Registry Editor, use the left sidebar to navigate one of the following keys, depending on what version of Outlook you have:


Outlook 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\
Outlook 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\
Outlook 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\
Outlook 2007: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\

Next, you’ll create a new value inside that Outlook key. Right-click the Outlook key and choose New > Expandable String Value. Name the new value ForcePSTPath . Note that if you’re working with an OST file rather than a PST file, you can create a value named ForceOSTPath instead. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to create both values so you can keep all your Outlook data files together in one location.

接下来,您将在该Outlook键中创建一个新值。 右键单击Outlook键,然后选择“新建”>“可扩展字符串值”。 将新值ForcePSTPath 。 请注意,如果您使用的是OST文件而不是PST文件,则可以创建一个名为ForceOSTPath的值。 实际上,创建两个值可能是一个好主意,这样您就可以将所有Outlook数据文件放在一个位置。


Double-click the new ForcePSTPath (or ForceOSTPath ) value to open it’s properties window and type the location where you want Outlook to store new data files into the “Value data” box. Click OK when you’re done.

双击新的ForcePSTPath (或ForceOSTPath )值以打开其属性窗口,然后在Outlook中将要存储新数据文件的位置键入“值数据”框中。 完成后,单击“确定”。


You can now exit Registry Editor. Outlook should now create new PST files in the location you specified and you can also now use File Explorer to drag the PST file from your old location to the new one. When you reopen Outlook, everything should continue working as before.

您现在可以退出注册表编辑器。 Outlook现在应该在您指定的位置创建新的PST文件,并且您现在还可以使用“文件资源管理器”将PST文件从旧位置拖动到新位置。 当您重新打开Outlook时,所有内容应继续像以前一样工作。

Whether you’re a professional with years of emails in Outlook or a personal user that wants to backup their Gmail account offline, Outlook is a standard tool of many of our daily lives.  Now you know a bit more about your Outlook data files and what you can do with them.  With today’s massive inbox sizes, your PST files can often be some of your larger personal data files, but the methods shown in this article can help you store your data files where you want.

无论您是在Outlook中使用多年电子邮件的专业人士,还是想要离线备份其Gmail帐户的个人用户,Outlook都是我们日常生活中的标准工具。 现在,您对Outlook数据文件以及如何使用它们有了更多的了解。 在当今收件箱巨大的情况下,您的PST文件通常可以是一些较大的个人数据文件,但是本文中显示的方法可以帮助您将数据文件存储在所需的位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/21384/where-is-my-pst-file-and-how-can-i-move-it-somewhere-else/

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