synology nfs_如何在Synology NAS上停止和重新启动应用程序

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synology nfs

Just like desktop applications, the application packages on your Synology NAS need an occasional restart—but unlike desktop applications, it’s a little less clear on how you do so. Let’s dive into the why, when, and how of restarting application packages.

就像台式机应用程序一样,Synology NAS上的应用程序包有时需要重新启动,但是与台式机应用程序不同,它的操作方式尚不清楚。 让我们深入研究重新启动应用程序包的原因,时间和方式。

Unlike the apps that you open and close with frequency on your desktop computer, application packages on your Synology NAS are more akin to server services than desktop apps, and it’s best to leave them running all the time unless you have some pressing need to turn them off. Here are a few examples of times when you might wish to stop and/or restart an application package:

与您在台式计算机上频繁打开和关闭的应用程序不同,Synology NAS上的应用程序包比台式机应用程序更类似于服务器服务,除非您迫切需要将它们打开,否则最好一直保持运行状态。关。 以下是一些您可能希望停止和/或重新启动应用程序包的示例:

  • An application package is malfunctioning in some way. Restarting it is an appropriate troubleshooting action.

    应用程序包某种程度上出现故障。 重新启动它是适当的故障排除措施。
  • An application package is resource heavy and infrequently used. Stopping it during long spells of disuse is an appropriate action.

    应用程序包占用大量资源并且很少使用。 在长时间不使用时停止它是一种适当的操作。
  • An application package reads or writes to a disk you’re troubleshooting. Temporarily stopping it to avoid strain on the disk(s) is an appropriate action.

    应用程序包读取或写入要进行故障排除的磁盘。 暂时停止它以避免对磁盘造成压力是一种适当的措施。

As a general rule, however, you’ll get the most utility out of your Synology NAS if you leave all your installed packages running. An always-on home server loses a lot of its usefulness if you need to go manually turn on the backup, photo, or music services, after all.

通常,如果让所有已安装的软件包都运行,则可以从Synology NAS中获得最多的实用程序。 毕竟,如果您需要手动打开备份,照片或音乐服务,则永远在线的家庭服务器会失去很多功能。

To stop and restart any or all of your installed packages simply navigate to the web-based interface of your Synology NAS and select the shortcut for the Package Center (either on the desktop or within the full application menu, accessible from the menu button on top toolbar).

要停止并重新启动任何或所有已安装的软件包,只需导航到Synology NAS的基于Web的界面,然后选择Package Center的快捷方式(在桌面上或在完整的应用程序菜单中,可从顶部的菜单按钮访问)工具栏)。

Within the Package Manager, simply select the application you wish to start, stop, or restart from the list of installed applications, as seen below. For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re selecting “Download Station”. Note that the main entry for the application package indicates that the packaging is currently running.

在Package Manager中,只需从已安装的应用程序列表中选择要启动,停止或重新启动的应用程序,如下所示。 出于本教程的目的,我们选择“ Download Station”。 请注意,应用程序包的主条目指示该包当前正在运行。

In the detailed view, select the “Action” drop down menu beneath the application package’s icon, as seen below.


Here, if the application package is running, you can select “Stop” to stop it.


You’ll be prompted to confirm you want to stop the package. Confirm by clicking “Yes.”

系统将提示您确认要停止打包。 点击“是”进行确认。

You’ll see a brief animation as the package is stopped, and the status in the column beneath the dropdown menu will switch from “Running” to “Stopped.” If you’re turning off the package for an extended period of time, you’re done. If you’re restarting it to, hopefully, kick a ghost out of the machine and get things running smoothly again, click on the dropdown menu once more and select “Run” to start the package again.

打包停止后,您会看到一个简短的动画,下拉菜单下方列中的状态将从“正在运行”切换为“已停止”。 如果您长时间关闭包装,就可以了。 如果您要重新启动它,希望将其从机器中踢出来,并使它再次平稳运行,请再次单击下拉菜单,然后选择“运行”以重新启动软件包。

Although your trips into the package manager to stop and restart apps will be infrequent—in our experience the NAS and the application packages are very stable—now you know your way around and can pop in when necessary to give a malfunctioning package a little nudge.



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