YouTube is a social media platform where you can create and upload video content for anyone to view. Some people make whole careers on YouTube, and the feeling of having people watch something you made entices many people to try their hand at it. So how do you start?
YouTube是一个社交媒体平台,您可以在其中创建和上传视频内容,以供任何人查看。 有些人在YouTube上从事整个职业,而让人们观看您制作的内容的感觉诱使许多人尝试一下。 那么如何开始呢?
硬件 (Hardware)
While it’s easy to get started making videos even with just your laptop, if you plan on making a lot of content you’ll want a decently capable computer. What you need vary depending on your situation. For example, if you’re making gaming content, you’ll probably need a much higher end computer than if you’re making other types of content.
尽管即使仅使用笔记本电脑也可以轻松开始制作视频,但如果您打算制作大量内容,则需要一台性能不错的计算机。 您所需的内容因情况而异。 例如,如果要制作游戏内容,则可能需要比制作其他类型的内容更高的高端计算机。
The first thing to consider is your hard drive size. If you’re recording a lot of footage, especially at higher resolutions and framerates, it’s going to take up a lot of space. You’ll likely want 500GB at least to start out. How much space you need will vary depending on how much footage you save, and how often you record, so if you delete all the old footage you have before starting the next video, you can get away with having less space.
首先要考虑的是您的硬盘驱动器大小。 如果您要录制很多镜头,尤其是以更高的分辨率和帧速率录制的话,它将占用大量空间。 您可能需要至少500GB的存储空间。 您需要多少空间取决于保存的素材和录制的频率,因此,如果在开始下一个视频之前删除所有的旧素材,则可以减少空间。
The second thing is your overall system power. Editing footage is processor intensive, and editing software will be a lot slower on lower-end rigs. While it’s certainly possible on almost any hardware, you’ll have an easier time editing on a better machine. RAM is also a factor because if you don’t have enough your computer will be forced to read from the hard drive, which is orders of magnitude slower and can lag your whole system while doing so.
第二件事是您的整体系统功能。 编辑素材需要占用大量处理器,而在低端设备上,编辑软件的速度会慢很多。 尽管几乎在任何硬件上都可以实现,但是在更好的计算机上进行编辑的时间会更短。 RAM也是一个因素,因为如果您没有足够的空间,计算机将被迫从硬盘驱动器读取数据,这要慢几个数量级,并且这样做可能会滞后于整个系统。
获取素材 (Getting Footage)

Whether you’re recording gameplay or from a camera (or both), you’ll need footage for your video. One of the best recording tools for PCs is OBS Studio, which can record (and stream) from nearly anything you connect to your PC. It also has some great built-in composition tools for lining up your camera and stream overlay. If you’re using a webcam as your camera, you should use OBS to record from it. If you have an actual camera, and not a webcam, it’s probably best to use whatever built-in tools you have on the device.
无论是录制游戏玩法,还是从摄像机(或同时从两者)录制,您都需要视频素材。 OBS Studio是PC上最好的记录工具之一,它可以记录几乎所有与PC连接的内容(并进行流式传输 )。 它还具有一些出色的内置合成工具,可用于对齐相机和流式叠加。 如果您将网络摄像头用作摄像头,则应使用OBS进行记录。 如果您有一台真正的相机,而不是一台网络摄像头,那么最好使用设备上的任何内置工具。
Even if you’re doing simple narration over images or other videos and don’t need to record your own material, you’ll still need to get everything in one place before editing.
If you want to animate your videos, Pencil2D is a simple free tool for doing 2D animation, and Blender is a much more complex tool for doing 3D animation. If you want paid tools, there’s Adobe Animate and Cinema 4D. Keep in mind that animation is much more time intensive than recording normally, but if done right can come out well.
如果要对视频进行动画处理, Pencil2D是一个简单的免费工具来进行2D动画,而Blender是一个更复杂的工具来进行3D动画。 如果您需要付费工具,可以使用Adobe Animate和Cinema 4D 。 请记住,动画比正常录制要耗费更多时间,但是如果操作正确,效果会很好。
编辑软件 (Editing Software)

When it comes to putting your clips together, you have a variety of software options from which to choose. You could use something as simple as Windows Movie Maker, but if you want your videos to look good (and save you a lot of hassle down the line), it’s best to learn to use a better editing program.
将剪辑放在一起时,您可以选择多种软件选项。 您可以使用Windows Movie Maker之类的简单方法,但是如果您希望视频看起来不错(并节省了很多麻烦),最好学习使用更好的编辑程序。
Lightworks is a simple, free editor, and is pretty simple to learn. Adobe Premier is the industry standard for video editing, though its expensive and the learning curve is high—unless you’re making complicated content, it’s probably more than you need. Davinci Resolve is a great and surprisingly free tool and is likely the best free editor that you can get (though they do have a pro version).
Lightworks是一个简单的免费编辑器,非常容易学习。 Adobe Premier是视频编辑的行业标准,尽管它昂贵且学习曲线很高-除非您要制作复杂的内容,否则它可能超出您的需要。 Davinci Resolve是一个出色且令人惊讶的免费工具,可能是您可以获得的最佳免费编辑器(尽管它们确实具有专业版)。
On Mac, Apple’s built-in iMovie is a very good tool, rocking Apple’s signature simple and easy-to-use design. Final Cut is the “pro” version of iMovie, packing high-end features into an interface similar to iMovie. Of course, you can also use all the apps listed above on macOS as well, but iMovie and Final Cut are Mac specific.
在Mac上,Apple内置的iMovie是一个很好的工具,它震撼了Apple标志性的简单易用设计。 Final Cut是iMovie的“专业版”,将高端功能打包到类似于iMovie的界面中。 当然,您也可以在macOS上使用上面列出的所有应用程序,但是iMovie和Final Cut特定于Mac。
渲染和上传视频 (Rendering and Uploading Your Video)

Once you’re finished editing, you’ll want to render out your video to a file in whatever application you used to put it together. This process can take a while, as it’s very CPU-intensive—especially if you’re rendering high-resolution footage. Once it’s done though, you’ll want to head over to YouTube’s upload page and drop the file in there. Alternatively, some apps like Final Cut allow you to sync your YouTube account and upload directly to YouTube, which saves you a step.
编辑完成后,您需要将视频渲染到用于组合在一起的任何应用程序中的文件中。 此过程可能需要一段时间,因为它占用大量CPU,尤其是在渲染高分辨率素材时。 不过,一旦完成,您将想要转到YouTube的上传页面并将文件放在那里。 另外,某些应用程序(例如Final Cut)可让您同步您的YouTube帐户并直接上传到YouTube,从而节省了一步。
Depending on your connection speed, your video might take a while to upload as well. Even if you have high-speed internet, you might have a comparatively low upload speed. YouTube also needs time to process your video before it goes live, to get it ready for distribution. Lower resolutions will process first, so if you see your video is in 480p right after uploading, don’t worry, the higher resolution version will come in later. This whole process usually doesn’t take more than five minutes or so.
根据您的连接速度,您的视频也可能需要一段时间才能上传。 即使您拥有高速互联网,您的上传速度也可能相对较低。 YouTube还需要一些时间来处理您的视频,然后才能将其发布。 较低的分辨率会先处理,因此,如果您上传后立即看到480p的视频,请放心,稍后会显示较高的分辨率。 整个过程通常不会超过五分钟左右。
标题,标签,缩略图 (Titling, Tagging, Thumbnails)

After you’ve uploaded your video and YouTube has processed it, you still have a bit of work to do.
You’ll need to fill out your video’s title, description, and tags—all of which help YouTube more easily figure out how to recommend it to people. Your thumbnail matters a lot as well. YouTube will automatically pick a thumbnail from a random spot in your video, but you’ll almost always want to use a custom thumbnail to attract more people. You don’t even have to do any editing, as you can take a screenshot of the point in the video you want to use as the thumbnail, and upload that. If you want to add text over the thumbnail, you can use a photo editing program like Photoshop or GIMP.
您需要填写视频的标题,描述和标签,所有这些都可以帮助YouTube轻松确定如何向人们推荐视频。 您的缩略图也很重要。 YouTube会自动从视频中的随机位置中选取一个缩略图,但是您几乎总是希望使用自定义缩略图来吸引更多人。 您甚至不必进行任何编辑,因为您可以截取要用作缩略图的视频中的点的屏幕快照,然后上传。 如果要在缩略图上添加文本,可以使用Photoshop或GIMP之类的照片编辑程序。
Image Credit: sutipond/Shutterstock
图片来源: sutipond / Shutterstock
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/365504/how-to-get-started-making-youtube-videos/