



If you’re a PC gamer, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with Valve’s Steam and use it regularly. Steam includes a variety of cool features that you might not notice if you’re just using it to install and launch games.

如果您是PC玩家,那么您很有可能熟悉Valve的Steam,并定期使用它。 Steam包含各种很酷的功能,如果您只是使用它来安装和启动游戏,可能就不会注意到。

These tips will help you take advantage of an SSD for faster game loading times, browse the web from within a game, download games remotely, create backup copies of your games, and use strong security features.


移动游戏文件夹 (Move Game Folders)

Steam stores all your installed games in your Steam directory. This is normally fine, but sometimes it’s not optimal – for example, one of your hard drives may be full or you may want to place a game on a smaller solid state drive (SSD) to take advantage of faster load times. You can do this with standard Windows commands, but Steam Mover automates this process. Using Steam Mover, you can easily move an installed game to another location on your system. Steam Mover creates a junction point in the Steam directory, so it appears to Steam that the game is still located in the Steam folder.

Steam将所有已安装的游戏存储在Steam目录中。 通常,这很好,但有时也不是最佳选择-例如,您的一个硬盘驱动器可能已满,或者您可能想将游戏放置在较小的固态驱动器(SSD)上,以利用更快的加载时间。 您可以使用标准Windows命令执行此操作,但是Steam Mover会自动执行此过程。 使用Steam Mover,您可以轻松地将已安装的游戏移至系统上的其他位置。 Steam Mover在Steam目录中创建了一个接合点 ,因此在Steam看来,游戏仍然位于Steam文件夹中。

Steam Mover can even show you the commands it will run, so you can run them yourself – if you really want to. This tool should work with other folders on your system, too – not just Steam games.

Steam Mover甚至可以向您显示它将运行的命令,因此您可以自己运行它们-如果您确实愿意。 该工具也应与系统上的其他文件夹一起使用-不仅是Steam游戏。


使用蒸汽覆盖 (Use the Steam Overlay)

Press Shift+Tab while playing a Steam game to reveal the Steam overlay. From the overlay, you can chat with your Steam friends, easily take, view, and upload screenshots – or even load a web browser without Alt-Tabbing out of your game. This can be convenient if you’re looking for a walkthrough for the game you’re playing, or just browsing the web during downtime in a multiplayer game.

在玩Steam游戏时按Shift + Tab即可显示Steam叠加层。 通过叠加层,您可以与Steam朋友聊天,轻松获取,查看和上传屏幕截图-甚至可以加载网络浏览器而无需Alt-Tabbing退出游戏。 如果您正在寻找正在玩的游戏的演练,或者只是在多人游戏的停机期间浏览网页,这会很方便。


If you don’t see the overlay, open Steam’s settings window (click the Steam menu and select Settings), select the In-Game tab and enable the Enable Steam Community In-Game checkbox. The overlay can also be disabled on a per-game basis – right-click a game in your Steam library, select Properties, and verify the Enable Steam Community In-Game checkbox is enabled. Bear in mind the overlay doesn’t work properly with some older games.

如果没有看到叠加层,请打开Steam的设置窗口(单击Steam菜单并选择“设置”),选择“游戏内”选项卡并启用“启用Steam社区游戏内”复选框。 您也可以按游戏禁用该叠加层–右键单击您的Steam库中的游戏,选择“属性”,然后确认“启用Steam社区游戏中”复选框已启用。 请记住,重叠广告在某些较旧的游戏中无法正常使用。

远程下载游戏 (Download Games Remotely)

If you leave Steam running on your gaming PC at home, you can start game downloads from a web browser (or the Steam app for Android or iOS) and the games will be ready to play when you arrive home. To start a remote download from your web browser, open the Steam Community site, log in with your Steam account, view your games list, and click one of the download buttons.

如果您让Steam在家里的游戏PC上运行,则可以从网络浏览器(或适用于Android或iOS的Steam应用)开始下载游戏,到家后即可开始玩游戏。 要从Web浏览器开始远程下载,请打开Steam社区网站 ,使用您的Steam帐户登录,查看游戏列表,然后单击下载按钮之一。


创建游戏备份 (Create Game Backups)

Some people miss having offline backups of their games so they can install them from a disc if their network connection goes down – this can be useful if you want to move games between computers without redownloading them, too. You can easily create a backup of one or more installed games by clicking the Steam menu, clicking Backup and Restore Games and selecting Backup currently installed games. Select the games you want to back up and select a location for your backup file, such as an external hard drive. You can use the Restore a previous backup option to restore the games in the future.

有些人会错过游戏的离线备份,因此如果网络连接中断,他们可以从光盘上安装游戏–如果您想在计算机之间移动游戏而无需重新下载游戏,这可能会很有用。 通过单击Steam菜单,单击“ 备份和还原游戏”,然后选择“ 备份当前安装的游戏 ,可以轻松创建一个或多个已安装游戏的备份 。 选择要备份的游戏,然后选择备份文件的位置,例如外部硬盘驱动器。 您可以使用“ 还原以前的备份”选项来还原将来的游戏。


There’s another way you can create a backup copy of your games or transfer games to a new computer, too. Just copy your entire Steam directory. Unlike many programs, Steam won’t complain about missing registry settings if you move its folder between computers – you can just copy the Steam directory and launch Steam.exe without having to install Steam or redownload your games.

您还可以使用另一种方法来创建游戏的备份副本或将游戏转移到新计算机上。 只需复制整个Steam目录即可。 与许多程序不同,如果在计算机之间移动文件夹,Steam不会抱怨缺少注册表设置–您只需复制Steam目录并启动Steam.exe,而无需安装Steam或重新下载游戏。


启用S​​teamGuard以获得安全性 (Enable SteamGuard for Security)

SteamGuard is now enabled by default, but it’s a good idea to check and verify it’s enabled. When you log into Steam from a new computer, SteamGuard will email you a code. You’ll need this code to log into Steam. This prevents people from hijacking your Steam account unless they also have access to your email address.

现在默认情况下已启用SteamGuard,但最好检查一下并确认它已启用。 当您从新计算机登录Steam时,SteamGuard会通过电子邮件向您发送代码。 您需要此代码才能登录Steam。 这样可以防止人们劫持您的Steam帐户,除非他们也有权访问您的电子邮件地址。


To verify it’s enabled, click the Steam menu, select Settings, and look for the Security Status field on the Account tab.

要验证它是否已启用,请单击“ Steam”菜单,选择“设置”,然后在“帐户”选项卡上查找“安全状态”字段。


Do you have any other tips or tricks to share? Leave a comment and let us know about them!

您还有其他技巧或窍门要分享吗? 发表评论,让我们知道他们!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/116708/5-tips-and-tricks-to-get-the-most-out-of-steam/






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