



Philips Hue lights are great when they’re working properly, but sometimes it’s not all sunshine and roses. Here are some common issues that you might be coming across and how to fix them.

飞利浦Hue灯在正常工作时会很棒,但有时并非所有阳光和玫瑰。 这是您可能会遇到的一些常见问题以及如何解决它们。

您的桥找不到色相灯泡 (Your Bridge Can’t Find Hue Bulbs)

If you’re trying to add lights to your Hue Bridge, but it’s not finding any, that can be really annoying. There are a few things to consider here.

如果您要在“色相桥”中添加灯光,但找不到任何灯光,那可能会很烦人。 这里有几件事情要考虑。

First of all, make sure your lights are actually Hue bulbs. This sounds silly, but Philips’ regular LED lights look an awful lot like Hue bulbs, and more than one person has admitted to buying the wrong kind (my editor being one of them). Check the packaging and make sure they’re Hue lights.

首先,请确保您的灯实际上是色相灯泡。 这听起来很愚蠢,但是飞利浦的常规LED灯看起来像Hue灯泡那样可怕,而且有不止一个人承认购买了错误的那种(我的编辑是其中之一)。 检查包装,确保它们是色相指示灯。

Got that settled? Good. When you go to add new lights within the Philips Hue app, you likely select “Auto Search”, but if it’s not finding any bulbs using that method, then you’ll have to resort to “Manual search”. In our experience, Auto Search can be flaky from time to time, while Manual Search almost always works.

得到解决了吗? 好。 当您在Philips Hue应用程序中添加新的灯光时,您可能会选择“自动搜索”,但是如果使用该方法找不到任何灯泡,则必须诉诸“手动搜索”。 根据我们的经验,“自动搜索”有时会很不稳定,而“手动搜索”几乎总是可行。


When you select that option, you’ll need the serial number for each bulb you want to add, which can be found on the base of the bulbs themselves.



Tap on “Add a serial number”.



Enter in the six-digit serial number for one of the bulbs and hit “Ok”. You can add as many serial numbers as you want to the list.

输入其中一个灯泡的六位数序列号,然后单击“确定”。 您可以在列表中添加任意数量的序列号。


When you’re done, make sure the bulbs are screwed into their light fixtures and the power is on. Hit “Search” and it should be able to locate them and add them to your current setup.

完成后,请确保灯泡已拧入其灯具中,并且电源已打开。 点击“搜索”,它应该能够找到它们并将其添加到当前设置中。


If you get a message saying that some bulbs are unreachable after the lights have been successfully added, there could be a couple of things to look out for.



The first thing to check for is whether or not the problematic bulbs are powered on. If your lights are controlled by a hard-wired light switch (e.g. not a Philips Hue switch), make sure that the switch is on. It sounds obvious, but sometimes you can flip the switch off without even thinking about it, and all of a sudden you have a problem.

首先要检查的是有问题的灯泡是否已打开电源。 如果您的灯是由硬连线的电灯开关(例如不是飞利浦Hue开关)控制的,请确保该开关已打开。 听起来很明显,但有时您甚至可以不考虑就关闭开关,突然之间您遇到了问题。

Furthermore, make sure that all of your Hue bulbs are somewhat close together so that they can all receive a signal from your Hue Bridge. Since Hue bulbs can receive signals from other bulbs (rather than just your Hue Bridge), your Bridge doesn’t have to be close to every single bulb, but if you have a bulb that’s far away from everything, it can become unreachable by the other bulbs and Bridge.

此外,请确保所有色相灯泡都靠得很近,以便它们都能接收到色相桥发出的信号。 由于Hue灯泡可以接收其他灯泡发出的信号(而不仅仅是Hue Bridge),因此Bridge不必靠近每个灯泡,但是如果您的灯泡与所有灯泡都相距较远,则灯泡可能无法到达所有灯泡。其他灯泡和桥。

Siri找不到您的色相桥 (Siri Can’t Find Your Hue Bridge)

When you set up your Philips Hue Bridge, you’ll also set up Siri, which allows you to control your lights using your voice. However, sometimes Siri can be stubborn and the setup process might tell you that it can’t find the Hue Bridge to pair to for setting up Siri.

设置飞利浦色相桥时 ,还将设置Siri,它使您可以使用声音控制灯光 。 但是,有时Siri可能很固执,设置过程可能会告诉您找不到与之配对的Hue Bridge来设置Siri。

This is usually a problem if you reset your Hue Bridge to factory settings and are setting it up again. Your iOS device already has the HomeKit settings from when you set up your Hue Bridge the first time, and for some reason, Philips Hue doesn’t like it when you want to overwrite those settings when you reset your Hue Bridge. Luckily, there’s an easy way to fix this.

如果您将色相桥重置为出厂设置,然后再次进行设置,则通常会出现问题。 您的iOS设备已经具有首次设置Hue Bridge时的HomeKit设置,由于某种原因,当您希望在重置Hue Bridge时覆盖这些设置时,Philips Hue不喜欢它。 幸运的是,有一种简单的方法可以解决此问题。

Open up “Settings” on your iOS device.



Scroll down and tap on “HomeKit”.

向下滚动并点击“ HomeKit”。


Swipe to the left on where it says “Home” and tap “Remove”. This won’t reset your other HomeKit-enabled in your house, but it will delete anyone off the list that you’ve shared your HomeKit settings with.

向左滑动显示“首页”的位置,然后点击“删除”。 这不会重置您家中其他启用HomeKit的功能,但会删除与您共享HomeKit设置的列表中的任何人。

IMG_2353_stomped copy

Go through the Siri setup process again in the Philips Hue app and it should work this time around.

在Philips Hue应用程序中再次执行Siri设置过程,这次应该可以正常工作。

If you set Siri up successfully within Philips Hue, but the Bridge unpairs randomly from HomeKit at some point, it’s likely because you removed the Hue Bridge from within another HomeKit-supported app.

如果您在Philips Hue内成功设置了Siri,但是Bridge有时在HomeKit中随机解除配对,则可能是因为您从另一个HomeKit支持的应用程序中删除了Hue Bridge。

This is what happened to me before I finally figured out what was going on. I didn’t really like how all my Philips Hue lights were showing up in the ConnectSense app, so I removed the Hue Bridge from the app, but doing so completely unpaired the Bridge from HomeKit, resulting in Siri no longer working until I re-paired it within the Philips Hue app.

在我终于弄清楚发生了什么之前,这就是我发生的事情。 我真的不喜欢在ConnectSense应用程序中如何显示所有飞利浦Hue灯,所以我从应用程序中删除了Hue Bridge,但是这样做完全无法与HomeKit配对,导致Siri不再工作,直到我重新在Philips Hue应用程序中配对。


色相灯泡忽隐忽现 (Hue Bulbs Are Flickering and Buzzing)

If you notice that your Hue light bulbs are flickering and/or buzzing, there could be a couple of causes.


First of all, Hue bulbs can be a bit finicky with hard-wired dimmer switches. If you’re using Hue bulbs in a light fixture that’s controlled by a dimmer switch, that’s likely the culprit to any flickering and/or buzzing that you might be encountering.

首先,使用硬连线的调光开关,色相灯泡可能有点挑剔。 如果您在调光器开关控制的灯具中使用色相灯泡,则很可能是遇到任何闪烁和/或嗡嗡声的罪魁祸首。


It really depends on the dimmer switch, though. Some may work great, some may produce a little buzzing, and some will make the Hue lights flicker to the point of being unusable.

不过,这实际上取决于调光开关。 有些可能效果很好,有些可能会产生一些嗡嗡声,有些则会使Hue灯闪烁到无法使用的程度。

Lutron says that its dimmer switches work with Philips’ BR30 Hue bulb, but your mileage might vary. Philips says that if you do use Hue lights with a dimmer, be sure to keep the dimmer on 100% at all times. If you can, it’s probably a safer bet to replace dimmer switches with regular light switches and get Philips’ own Hue Dimmer Switch instead.

路创表示,其调光开关可与飞利浦的BR30色相灯泡配合使用 ,但里程可能会有所不同。 飞利浦说,如果您确实将调光器与调光器一起使用,请确保始终将调光器保持在100%开启状态。 如果可以的话,将调光开关替换为常规的电灯开关,而改为使用飞利浦自己的Hue调光开关,可能是一个更安全的选择。

If you don’t have any dimmer switches, any flickering and buzzing could simply be from a bad bulb, especially if you plug in a different light bulb and it works fine. This is where it might be a good idea to contact Philips directly through their customer support.

如果您没有任何调光开关,则任何闪烁和嗡嗡声都可能是灯泡坏了,特别是如果您插入了另一个灯泡并且效果很好。 这是通过飞利浦客户支持直接联系飞利浦的一个好主意。

您的电灯或开关不可靠或无法打开 (Your Lights or Switches Are Unreliable or Don’t Turn On)

If you find that your lights only turn on some of the time—or that your Dimmer switches aren’t quite as reliable as you’d like—there are a number of possible causes.


First, make sure all your lights are well within range of the Hub or one another. Remember, Philips Hue uses the ZigBee protocol, so not every light has to be in range of the Hub—it just has to be within range of another bulb that can connect to the Hub. If one batch of lights is rather far from another, try sticking a light bulb or Dimmer Switch in between them to see if it solves your problem.

首先,请确保所有灯光都在集线器范围内或彼此之间。 请记住, Philips Hue使用ZigBee协议 ,因此并非每盏灯都必须在集线器的范围内,而只是在另一个可以连接到集线器的灯泡的范围内。 如果一批灯与另一批灯相距较远,请尝试在它们之间插入一个灯泡或调光器,以查看是否解决了您的问题。

In our case, this problem was caused by our network setup. We had the Hue Hub connected to a network switch, which resulted in some occasionally flaky behavior. Plugging the Hub directly into our router fixed the issue. So if you have a large network with multiple switches, you may have to reconfigure things so that your Hub is plugged into your main router. (If you have a router hooked up to a modem/router combo, try plugging it into the other one just to see.)

在我们的情况下,此问题是由我们的网络设置引起的。 我们将Hue Hub连接到网络交换机,这有时会导致异常行为。 将集线器直接插入我们的路由器即可解决此问题。 因此,如果您的大型网络具有多个交换机,则可能必须重新配置内容,以便将集线器插入主路由器。 (如果您将路由器连接到调制解调器/路由器组合,请尝试将其插入另一个调制解调器/路由器中,以进行查看。)

If all else fails, try a factory reset and set your lights back up from scratch. It isn’t fun, but sometimes, it does the trick.

如果其他所有方法均失败,请尝试恢复出厂设置,然后从头开始设置灯光。 这不是很有趣,但是有时候会成功。

您收到“桥已配对”错误 (You’re Getting a “Bridge Already Paired” Error)

After you set up your Philips Hue Bridge and you go to pair it with HomeKit for Siri functionality, you might get a pop-up that says, “Another user already paired the HomeKit enabled bridge. Please ask the user to share his/her HomeKit settings in order for you to start using Siri voice control.”

设置好飞利浦Hue桥接器并将其与HomeKit进行Siri功能配对后,您可能会看到一个弹出窗口,“另一个用户已经将启用HomeKit的桥接器进行了配对。 请让用户分享他/她的HomeKit设置,以便您开始使用Siri语音控制。”

This seems to be a pretty common issue that users have come across, and luckily there’s an easy solution.


Start by opening up the “Settings” app on our iPhone.



Scroll down and tap on “Privacy”.



Select “HomeKit”.

选择“ HomeKit”。


Tap on “Reset HomeKit Configuration…”.



Confirm the action by tapping “Reset Configuration”.



Unfortunately, this means that you’ll have to re-pair any other HomeKit-enabled products you might have around the house, but if it means fixing this problem, then it’ll be worth it.


您将收到“正在进行iCloud数据同步”弹出窗口 (You’re Getting a “iCloud Data Sync in Progress” Pop-Up)

Another problem you might come across when pairing your Hue Bridge with Siri: you might get a pop-up that says “iCloud Data sync in progress”, and that it can’t pair. It will tell you to try again in a few minutes, but even when you do that, it gives you the same message, resulting in a vicious circle.

将Hue Bridge与Siri配对时,您可能会遇到的另一个问题:您可能会看到一个弹出窗口,提示“ iCloud数据正在进行同步”,并且无法配对。 它会告诉您在几分钟后再试一次,但是即使这样做,它也会给您同样的信息,从而导致恶性循环。

You can usually fix this by signing out of your iCloud account on your iPhone or iPad and signing back in.


To do this, open up the “Settings” app.



Scroll down and select “iCloud”.

向下滚动并选择“ iCloud”。


Scroll to the bottom and tap on “Sign Out”.



When the confirmation pop-up appears, tap on “Sign Out” again.



Another pop-up will appear asking if you’re sure. Hit “Delete from My iPhone” to continue.

将会出现另一个弹出窗口,询问您是否确定。 点击“从我的iPhone删除”以继续。


It will then ask you what you want to do with your iCloud contacts, calendars, Safari data, and reminders. Select “Keep on My iPhone” if you don’t it all deleted, or select “Delete from My iPhone” to delete all of this information (you’ll get it back any way when you sign back into iCloud).

然后它将询问您要对iCloud联系人,日历,Safari数据和提醒执行什么操作。 如果您没有将其全部删除,请选择“保留在我的iPhone上”,或者选择“从我的iPhone删除”以删除所有这些信息(重新登录iCloud可以通过任何方式将其取回)。


Next, you’ll need to enter in your Apple ID password to confirm the removal of your iCloud account. Enter it in and tap “Turn Off”.

接下来,您需要输入Apple ID密码以确认删除iCloud帐户。 输入它,然后点击“关闭”。


Next, you’ll want to sign back into iCloud, so tap on iCloud in the settings menu.



Enter in your Apple ID email address and password, and then hit “Sign In”.

输入您的Apple ID电子邮件地址和密码,然后点击“登录”。


Go back into the Philips Hue app and try to pair the Hue Bridge with Siri. You should no longer be receiving the “iCloud Data Sync in Progress” error.

返回飞利浦Hue应用程序,尝试将Hue Bridge与Siri配对。 您不应再收到“正在进行iCloud数据同步”错误。

These are just a smattering of issues we’ve encountered in our time with Hue lights, but if you have any of your own, be sure to let us know in the comments–if there’s an easy solution, we’ll be sure to add it to the article.








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