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After years of waiting, dozens of different developer kits, and more beta tests than we can shake a stick at, the era of truly immersive virtual reality headsets is finally upon us. Both HTC’s Vive and Facebook’s Oculus Rift are primed and prepped to hit shelves for everyone to buy for themselves…but with HD screens and gigabytes of extra data for things like movement and spacial positioning, what do these systems really need to get up and running completely?

经过多年的等待,数十种不同的开发人员工具包,以及比我们摇摇欲坠更多的beta测试,真正身临其境的虚拟现实耳机时代终于来临。 HTC的Vive和Facebook的Oculus Rift均已做好准备并准备上架,以供大家购买……但是,由于高清屏幕和千兆字节的额外数据(例如运动和空间定位),这些系统真正需要什么才能完全启动并运行?

耳机 (The Headsets)

As of this writing, there are currently two “VR” headsets that are already on the market: Google Cardboard and the Samsung Gear VR. However calling these true VR is being a bit too kind. Both the Cardboard and the Gear VR are simply mounts that you can stick your phone into with two lenses that create a “VR-esque” experience, though this is limited both by the phone you have and the graphics chip it uses.

撰写本文时,目前市场上已经有两种“ VR”耳机: Google CardboardSamsung Gear VR 。 但是,称这些为真正的VR实在有点太客气了。 Cardboard和Gear VR都是简单的支架,您可以使用两个镜头将手机插入其中,以营造出“ VR式”的体验,尽管这受您所用的手机及其使用的图形芯片的限制。


Coming soon are the Oculus from Facebook, the Vive from Valve and HTC, and the PlayStation VR from Sony (previously known by its codename, Morpheus). While the first two are designed for use with gaming PCs, Sony’s option will be exclusive to the PlayStation 4 and its associated games. We don’t know whether or not Microsoft intends on dipping their hat into the VR ring anytime soon, especially considering how full their hands already are with their upcoming HoloLens AR (augmented-reality) project.

即将面市的有来自Facebook的Oculus,来自Valve和HTC的Vive,以及来自索尼的PlayStation VR (以前的代号为Morpheus)。 前两个是专为游戏PC设计的,而Sony的选择将是PlayStation 4及其相关游戏的专有选项。 我们不知道微软是否打算在任何时候将他们的帽子浸入VR环中,特别是考虑到他们即将进行的HoloLens AR (增强现实)项目的能力已经足够。

Both the Oculus and the Vive will be ready from launch to deliver fully immersive experiences straight out of the box, but they’ll still need some serious computing power to back them up.


硬体需求 (Hardware Requirements)

Each PC-based VR headset has its own hardware requirements to get off the ground. Obviously, these will vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the device you get, but we do know from the few details that have been released so far about what you’ll need to equip yourself with to be ready by the time the Oculus and Vive hit the consumer market. Oculus has already come out with a list of the minimum specs you should expect to have to get the Rift working at its most basic settings.

每个基于PC的VR耳机都有其自身的硬件要求才能启动。 显然,这些情况将根据您所购买的设备的不同而有所不同,但我们确实从到目前为止已发布的一些细节中知道,您需要具备哪些装备才能准备就绪Oculus和Vive冲击了消费市场。 Oculus已经列出了一些最低规格,您应该期望这些最低规格才能使Rift在其最基本的设置下工作。

First, users will need an Nvidia GTX 970 (or AMD R9 equivalent) graphics card, a beast that often costs over $300 on its own. Both the Oculus and the Vive share similar resolutions on their headsets (1080×1200 per screen, 2160×1200 total), that are running at 90Hz each, which means that it’s likely the 970 will represent the absolute minimum for both devices. For comparison sake, on a normal PC, a GTX 970 will run most AAA games with high settings at 1920×1080 and 60 frames per second. So if you want a comparably smooth experience on the Oculus Rift, you’ll likely need an even better card.

首先,用户将需要Nvidia GTX 970(或与AMD R9相当的显卡),这是一款价格通常超过300美元的野兽。 Oculus和Vive在头戴式耳机上共享相似的分辨率(每个屏幕1080×1200,总屏幕2160×1200),并且各自以90Hz运行,这意味着970可能代表两种设备的绝对最小值。 为了进行比较,在普通PC上,GTX 970将以1920×1080和60帧/秒的速度运行大多数AAA游戏,并具有较高的设置。 因此,如果您希望在Oculus Rift上获得相对平稳的体验,则可能需要更好的显卡。


Next, Oculus recommends that users have at least an Intel i5-4590 processor (or again, an AMD equivalent) along with 8GB of DDR3 RAM, a requirement which will probably jump even higher for the Vive thanks to its two light-tracking towers. As difficult as it is for a computer to take a keystroke and translate that into movement for a character in a game, the act of pulling in data from dozens of different IR sensors and two cameras and then turning that into you looking left or walking right is exponentially more difficult and taxing on your system.

接下来,Oculus建议用户至少拥有一个Intel i5-4590处理器(或同样是AMD的同等产品)以及8GB DDR3 RAM,由于其两个光跟踪塔,Vive的要求可能会更高。 电脑要敲击按键并将其转换为游戏中角色的动作非常困难,这是从数十个不同的红外传感器和两个摄像头中提取数据,然后将其变成您向左看或向右走的动作难度成倍增加,并且对系统造成负担。

If you want to see if your computer can handle VR, check out SteamVR’s performance test and Oculus’ Rift Compatibility Tool. Steam’s test will do a benchmark of your system and tell you what kind of performance you can expect in VR, and Oculus’ tool will check your hardware against a list of compatible devices to tell you what, if any, problems you might encounter.

如果要查看计算机是否可以处理VR,请查看SteamVR的性能测试Oculus的Rift兼容性工具 。 Steam的测试将对您的系统进行基准测试,并告诉您可以在VR中获得什么样的性能,Oculus的工具将根据兼容设备的列表检查硬件,以告诉您可能遇到的问题。

空间要求 (Space Requirements)

When talking about VR, it helps to know what kind of virtual reality experience the different headsets are able to offer. While the PlayStation VR and Oculus Rift will only need as much space as you can muster between your screen (or anywhere you mount the tracking camera) and your chair, the Vive is what the company calls “spacially immersive”, which means that all your movements in the real world will be translated into movement in the virtual world at a 1:1 ratio.

在谈论虚拟现实时,它有助于了解不同头显能够提供什么样的虚拟现实体验。 虽然PlayStation VR和Oculus Rift仅需要在屏幕(或安装跟踪摄像头的任何地方)和椅子之间聚集尽可能多的空间,但Vive是公司称之为“特别沉浸式”的空间,这意味着您所有现实世界中的运动将以1:1的比例转换为虚拟世界中的运动。


The Vive is capable of tracking rooms up to 15-feet long and 15-feet wide, though it can go as small as 8-feet by 8-feet while still providing all the same functionality you’d get out of a larger space. This is no small requirement, however. Finding a spare plot in your home that’s completely free of furniture or anything you might trip over while you’re blinded by the headset is a tall order, and unless people are shopping for their next home with an extra “VR-exclusive” room addition in mind, it’s hard to predict how well the Vive will do in comparison to the Oculus given the need for so much extra space.

Vive能够跟踪长达15英尺长和15英尺宽的房间,尽管它的尺寸可以缩小到8英尺乘8英尺,同时仍提供从更大空间中获得的所有相同功能。 但是,这不是一个小要求。 在您的房屋中找到一个完全没有家具的闲置地块,或者在您被耳机蒙蔽的时候找到可能会绊倒的任何东西,这是一项艰巨的任务,除非人们在购买带有“ VR专用”房间的下一个房屋考虑到,鉴于需要这么多额外的空间,很难预测Vive与Oculus相比的性能如何。

财务要求 (Financial Requirements)

In the case of VR, there’s no getting around the hard fact: VR won’t be cheap if you’re looking for a truly virtual 100 percent immersive experience. While technically there are cheaper alternatives like Google’s Cardboard and Gear VR ($25 and a compatible smartphone in the case of the former, $400 and a Galaxy Note 4 for the latter), in reality these sorts of introductions to the technology are just that: an introduction.

就VR而言,没有一个难解的事实:如果您正在寻找真正的虚拟100%沉浸式体验,那么VR并不便宜。 虽然从技术上讲,有较便宜的替代品,例如Google的Cardboard和Gear VR(前者为25美元,兼容的智能手机,后者为400美元,Galaxy Note 4),但实际上,这些技术的介绍只是:介绍。

If you really want the full-on feeling of a spaceship trying to shoot you out of the sky or a monster lurking just around the corner, you’ll need to be ready to drop a substantial chunk of cash on the hardware and software that’s necessary to get it working at its best. Both Oculus and Vive intend on bringing entire worlds into your living room in ways that we’ve never seen before, and in order to do so they’re going to have to have a decent bit of horsepower available to back them up.

如果您真的想要一艘太空船的完整感觉,试图将您射出天空或一个怪物潜伏在拐角处,那么您需要准备好在必要的硬件和软件上投入大量现金使它发挥最佳作用。 Oculus和Vive都打算以前所未有的方式将整个世界带入您的客厅,为了做到这一点,他们将必须有相当大的能力来支持它们。

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The Oculus Rift is now available for pre-order, with a hefty price tag of $600. Coupled with the necessary PC hardware, Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe says consumers should expect to pay upwards of $1,500 to get one of their units fully functional, including the cost of both the headset and the PC necessary to turn it on. That’s a big hit for the average customer, which means that at least for the first few months of sales, it’s expected that only the most passionate and wealthy gamers will be standing in line outside their local Best Buy to get their hands on the first version. (Though you may not have to pay the full $1,500 up front, if you already have a gaming PC you can upgrade.)

Oculus Rift 现在可以预订 ,价格高达600美元。 Oculus首席执行官布伦丹·伊里贝(Brendan Iribe)加上必要的PC硬件后说,消费者应该期望支付1,500美元以上的费用才能使其中一台设备正常工作,包括耳机和打开该设备所需的PC的成本。 对于普通客户而言,这是一个巨大的打击,这意味着至少在销售的最初几个月中,预计只有最热情和最富有的游戏玩家才能站在他们当地的百思买之外排队获得第一版游戏。 (尽管您可能不必预先支付全部1,500美元,但如果您已经拥有游戏PC,则可以升级。)

We attempted to build a computer containing all of the company’s minimum specifications, which came out to around $1,100, which puts Oculus’ estimations close, but a little under what you’ll really end up paying since the headset itself is $600. Pricing details for the Vive or PlayStation VR are still left up to speculation and rumors for the time being.

我们试图制造一台包含该公司所有最低规格的计算机,价格大约为1100美元,这使Oculus的估算接近了,但是由于耳机本身是600美元,因此最终您要支付的价格要少一些。 Vive或PlayStation VR的定价细节目前仍由猜测和谣言决定。

Like any new technology, virtual reality is expensive. You need a seriously beefy computer to run the hardware, and the headsets themselves are expected to sail into the hundreds at minimum, a price you’d already expect to pay for a full-fledged console on its own.

像任何新技术一样,虚拟现实也很昂贵。 您需要一台功能强大的计算机来运行硬件,并且耳机本身至少要成百上千种,您已经希望自己购买一个成熟的控制台。

That said, as anyone who’s tried a Vive or Oculus on themselves can attest, you simply can’t put a price on the way being immersed in these environments makes you feel. I’ve personally had the pleasure of using both, and can say unequivocally that I’m already stacking my chips for the day these go on sale, because VR really is that good. It’s gaming on a level like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, a whole world unto itself, and although we may have to pay a premium to get the chance to dive in early, I can’t wait.

就是说,就像任何尝试过Vive或Oculus的人都可以证明的那样,您完全无法为沉浸在这些环境中而感到付出代价。 我个人很高兴能同时使用这两种软件,并且可以明确地说,在这些产品发售之日,我已经在堆放芯片了,因为VR确实很棒。 这是一个前所未有的游戏水平,整个世界本身,尽管我们可能不得不支付高额费用才能有机会尽早潜水,但我等不及了。

Image Credits: Maurizio Pesce/Flickr, Nan Palermo/FlickrRoadToVR, Wikimedia 1, 2 Sony

图像现金:莫里吉奥Pesce的/ Flickr的 ,楠巴勒莫/ Flickr的RoadToVR ,维基12 索尼

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/233415/vr-is-almost-here-what-will-i-need-to-be-ready/


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