广角镜 畸变_什么是广角镜?

广角镜 畸变

广角镜 畸变

A wide-angle camera lens can make for some pretty interesting photos, but how is it different from other lenses, and when should you use it?


什么是广角镜? (What Is a Wide-Angle Lens?)

A wide-angle lens has a field of view significantly wider than that of the human eye. In other words, it’s got a wider field of view than a normal lens, which has a focal length of somewhere between 40mm and 58mm on a full frame camera.

广角镜的视野比人眼的视野大得多。 换句话说,它具有比普通镜头更宽的视野,而普通镜头在全画幅相机上的焦距在40mm至58mm之间。

This means that, on a full frame camera, any lens with a focal length of less than 35mm is considered to be a wide-angle lens. The lower the focal length, the wider the field of view and thus, the wider the lens. Any lens with a focal length lower than 24mm may be referred to as an ultra wide-angle lens.

这意味着,在全画幅相机上,任何焦距小于35mm的镜头都被认为是广角镜头。 焦距越低,视野越宽,因此镜头越宽。 焦距小于24mm的任何镜头都可以称为超广角镜头。

On a crop sensor camera, wide-angle lenses start at a focal length of around 24mm and go down from there. Ultra wide-angle lenses start at around 16mm.

农作物传感器相机上 ,广角镜的起始焦距约为24mm,然后从该处下降。 超广角镜头的起始点约为16mm。

Let’s look at this in action. This photo was taken at 50mm, a normal focal length, on a full frame camera. The photo appears pretty similar to how things look with your eyes.

让我们看看实际情况。 这张照片是在全画幅相机上以正常焦距50mm拍摄的。 该照片看起来与您的眼睛看起来非常相似。

This photo was taken at 35mm. It just qualifies as wide-angle. Notice how much more of the scene is showing.

这张照片是在35mm处拍摄的。 它只是合格的广角镜。 请注意,还有多少场景正在显示。

This photo was taken at 24mm. This is the start of “ultra” wide-angle. Once again, even more of the scene is captured in the photograph.

这张照片是在24mm处拍摄的。 这是“超”广角镜头的开始。 再一次,照片中捕获了更多场景。

This photo was taken at 17mm, which is as wide as my lens will go. The image looks completely different than the one taken with the normal lens.

这张照片是在17毫米处拍摄的,该宽度与我的镜头一样宽。 该图像看起来与使用普通镜头拍摄的图像完全不同。

广角镜头如何影响您的图像 (How a Wide-Angle Lens Affects Your Images)

The most obvious effect of wide-angle lenses is their massive field of view. You can just capture a huge amount of a scene in a single image. That’s the main reason they’re popular with landscape photographers.

广角镜最明显的效果是其广阔的视野。 您可以在单个图像中捕获大量场景。 这就是他们受到风景摄影师青睐的主要原因。

Wide-angle lenses have a dramatic effect on perspective too. Objects close to the camera will appear much larger than objects further away. It’s an entirely different look to what we see with our eyes. You can see this in the image below.

广角镜头也对视角产生巨大影响。 靠近照相机的物体看起来比远处的物体大得多。 与我们用眼睛看到的东西完全不同。 您可以在下图中看到它。

With wide-angle lenses, it’s very easy to get a large depth of field. The short focal length means that you can have everything from a few feet in front of the camera to the mountains in the distance in sharp focus. This is much more difficult with a lens with a longer focal lens. On the other hand, it’s very difficult to get a shallow depth of field with a wide angle lens, even at wide apertures.

使用广角镜,很容易获得大景深 。 短焦距意味着您可以进行任何拍摄,包括从镜头前几英尺到清晰对焦远处的山脉。 对于具有更长焦距镜头的镜头,这要困难得多。 另一方面,即使在大光圈的情况下 ,使用广角镜也很难获得较浅的景深。

One potentially unwanted side effect of wide-angle lenses is that they can introduce distortion—particularly at wider focal lengths and with cheaper lenses. Lines that are straight in reality appear curved in the image. Look at the photo below, it was taken at 17mm.

广角镜的一个潜在有害副作用是,它们会引起失真,尤其是在较宽的焦距和较便宜的镜头下。 实际上是直线的线在图像中看起来是弯曲的。 看下面的照片,它是在17mm处拍摄的。

I’ve added a straight horizon line in Photoshop, but you can see that the straight lines of the radiator curve away from it. For some subjects, this will matter more than others.

我在Photoshop中添加了一条水平直线,但是您可以看到散热器的直线远离它弯曲。 对于某些主题,这比其他主题更重要。

广角镜的优缺点 (The Pros and Cons of Wide-Angle Lenses)

The big advantage of wide-angle lenses is just how much of a scene you can show in one photo. While they’re used by landscape photographers to capture the scale of nature, this also has other uses.

广角镜头的最大优势就是可以在一张照片中显示多少场景。 尽管景观摄影师使用它们来捕捉自然尺度,但它还有其他用途。

If you’re shooting somewhere tight, like a busy street, nightclub, or party, a wide-angle lens makes it much easier to capture everything. You can be just a few feet away from your subject and still get everything you want in the image. With a normal lens, you’d need to step back much further, and this just isn’t always possible.

如果您在狭窄的地方拍摄,例如繁忙的街道,夜总会或聚会,则广角镜可以更轻松地捕获所有内容。 您可以距拍摄对象只有几英尺远,并且仍然可以在图像中获得所需的一切。 使用普通镜头时,您需要向后退一步,但这并不总是可能的。

The big disadvantage of wide-angle lenses is how they shift perspective and introduce distortion. Photos taken with a wide-angle lens can have a slightly surreal quality. Portraits taken with wide-angle lenses often make it look like the subject has a very large nose. This makes them unsuitable for some kinds of photography.

广角镜的最大缺点是它们如何移动视角并引入失真。 使用广角镜拍摄的照片可能会具有稍微超现实的质量。 使用广角镜拍摄的人像通常会使被摄对象的鼻子非常大。 这使它们不适合某些摄影。

有哪些广角镜可用? (What Wide-Angle Lenses are Available?)

Most wide-angle lenses are zoom lenses, although you can get a single focal length prime lenses. Here are some of the best starting options for different cameras.

尽管您可以使用单焦距定焦镜头 ,但大多数广角镜头都是变焦镜头 。 以下是针对不同相机的一些最佳入门选项。

佳能 (Canon)

尼康 (Nikon)

Wide-angle lenses are great in lots of situations, from landscape to street photography. They’re quite specialized, so they won’t always be the right tool for the job, but I’m a big fan.

从风景到街头摄影,广角镜在很多情况下都是很好的选择。 他们是非常专业的人,因此它们并非总是适合做这项工作的工具,但是我非常喜欢。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309826/what-is-a-wide-angle-lens/

广角镜 畸变

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