大广角镜头 镜头畸变 矫正_如何用广角镜头对焦

大广角镜头 镜头畸变 矫正

大广角镜头 镜头畸变 矫正

Focusing is easy when you’re using an aperture of f/8 or narrower: most things in the scene will be pretty much in focus. When you start using wide apertures like f/2.8, f/1.8, or even f/1.2, however, you’ll start to miss focus a lot more. Here’s how to get the best results when focusing with wide aperture lenses.

当您使用光圈为f / 8或更窄的镜头时,对焦很容易 :场景中的大多数东西都将非常清晰。 但是,当您开始使用f / 2.8,f / 1.8甚至f / 1.2之类的大光圈时,您将开始错过更多的焦点。 以下是使用大光圈镜头对焦时如何获得最佳效果的方法。

When we talk about focus what we’re talking about is sharpness. Say you’re shooting a portrait. Whether you’re using f/1.8 or f/16, the lens will still be focussed on the same point: the model. The difference is that the depth of field—or in focus terms, the range of acceptable sharpness—is much larger at f/16. Let’s look at this in action.

当我们谈论焦点时, 我们所谈论的是清晰度 。 假设您要拍摄人像。 无论您使用的是f / 1.8还是f / 16 ,镜头仍将聚焦在同一点:模型上。 不同之处在于,景深(或聚焦而言,可接受的清晰度范围)在f / 16时要大得多。 让我们看看实际情况。

Imagine you’re using an 85mm lens on a full frame camera with your subject 2.5 meters away. At f/1.8, the in-focus depth of field is just nine centimeters, four centimeters in front of the focal point and five behind it.

假设您在全画幅相机上使用85mm镜头,而被摄对象在2.5米之外。 在f / 1.8时,对焦深度仅为9厘米,在焦点前面4厘米,在焦点后面5厘米。

This means that if you focus on the subjects’ hand six centimeters of their face, their face is going to look blurry in the final image. You can see that in the shot below: the subject’s hands are in focus, but they’re far enough in front of his face that his eyes aren’t.

这意味着,如果您将注意力集中在对象的脸部六厘米处,则最终图像中的脸部将显得模糊。 您可以在下面的镜头中看到这一点:对象的手处于焦点,但它们在他的脸前面足够远,以至于他的眼睛没有。

Imagine you switch to f/16. This time, you’ve got a range of acceptable focus of 82 centimeters, 35 centimeters in front of the focal point and 48 centimeters behind. This is a much much easier target to hit. You can focus on their outstretched arm and still probably get a good photo.

假设您切换到f / 16。 这次,您可以接受的焦点范围为82厘米,对焦点前面35厘米和后面48厘米。 这是一个容易得多的目标。 您可以专注于他们伸出的手臂,仍然可能会拍出好照片。

Aperture is only one of the factors that affect depth of field. The other major one is focal length. If you swapped to a 35mm lens and stayed the same distance from your subject, at f/1.8 you’d have a depth of field of 54 centimeters and at f/16, you’d have a ridiculous 72 meters. This is why what counts as a wide aperture gets narrower when it comes to telephoto lenses. On a 200mm lens f/5.6 is most certainly a wide aperture, but on a 17mm lens, it’s not. Follow the advice in this article whenever you think it will help.

光圈只是影响景深的因素之一。 另一个主要的是焦距。 如果更换为35mm镜头并与被摄对象保持相同的距离,则在f / 1.8时景深为54厘米,而在f / 16时景深为72米。 这就是为什么在望远镜头中,较宽的光圈会变窄的原因 。 在200mm镜头f / 5.6上,最肯定是宽光圈,但在17mm镜头上则不是。 只要您认为有帮助,请按照本文中的建议进行操作。

Note that for these calculations, I’ve been using DOFMaster’s online calculator. It’s a great tool, and I’d suggest you spend a few minutes plugging in the gear you normally use to see what depth of field you get.

请注意,对于这些计算,我一直在使用DOFMaster的在线计算器 。 这是一个很棒的工具,我建议您花几分钟的时间插入通常使用的齿轮,以查看获得的景深。

Right, with that covered, let’s dig in. With wide apertures, unless you’re using old gear designed for manual focus or locking your camera down on a tripod, you need to use autofocus. You won’t be able to focus on the fly manually. This means you need to get autofocus to work for you.

没错,遮盖住了 ,让我们深入研究。使用大光圈,除非您使用的是专为手动对焦而设计的旧设备将相机锁定在三脚架上 ,否则需要使用自动对焦。 您将无法手动专注于飞行。 这意味着您需要自动对焦才能为您工作。

使用单个自动对焦点 (Use A Single Autofocus Point)

Every camera has multiple autofocus points. You can choose between all the different points, sub-groups of them, or a single autofocus point. I covered this in depth on the article on getting the most from autofocus.

每个相机都有多个自动对焦点。 您可以在所有不同的点,它们的子组或单个自动对焦点之间进行选择。 我在关于充分利用自动对焦的文章上对此进行了深入介绍。

Generally speaking, a group of autofocus points hits the best balance in most situations. It gives you some control over where your camera is going to try focusing without being too restrictive. When you’re working with a wide aperture, however, you want to be restrictive. With a shallow enough depth of field, you can get a subject’s nose and eyebrows in sharp focus while their eyes are blurry.

一般来说,在大多数情况下,一组自动对焦点可以达到最佳平衡。 它使您可以控制相机在什么地方尝试聚焦而不会过于严格。 但是,当您使用大光圈时,您希望有所限制。 通过足够浅的景深,可以使对象的鼻子和眉毛清晰聚焦,而眼睛却模糊。

To that end, you’ll get the best results when you use a single autofocus point—or possibly a very small group of points—placed directly over where you want your camera to focus. For good portraits, this means placing the active autofocus point directly on your subjects’ eye.

为此,当您将单个自动对焦点(或可能是非常小的一组点)直接放置在希望相机对焦的位置时,将获得最佳效果。 为了获得良好的人像效果 ,这意味着将主动自动聚焦点直接放在主体的眼睛上。

The only other autofocus option worth using with wide apertures is, if your camera supports it, eye detect autofocus. With it, your camera handles the job of placing the single autofocus point.

值得与大光圈一起使用的唯一其他自动对焦选项是:如果您的相机支持,则眼睛可以检测到自动对焦。 有了它,您的相机就可以完成放置单个自动对焦点的工作。

使用连续自动对焦 (Use Continuous Autofocus)

Similarly, your camera will have three different autofocus modes: Single, Hybrid, and Continuous.


Single autofocus works by searching for focus and then, once it’s found it, staying locked; great for landscapes but if you have a shallow depth of field and a moving subject you’re going to miss focus a lot.

单一自动对焦的工作原理是先搜索焦点,然后找到焦点,然后保持锁定状态。 非常适合风景拍摄,但如果景深较浅且拍摄对象移动,那么您会错过很多焦点。

Continuous autofocus, on the other hand, constantly tracks your subject; you might miss a few shots because your camera decides to focus on the background for a second, but it will be more reliable overall. It’s the one you should use.

另一方面,连续自动对焦可不断跟踪您的主题; 您可能会错过几张照片,因为您的相机决定将焦点放在背景上一秒钟,但是总体上它将更加可靠。 这是您应该使用的一种。

Hybrid autofocus combines single and continuous autofocus. The problem is that when your depth of field is really shallow, hybrid autofocus may not adjust to small movements by your subject. For more, check out our article on the different autofocus modes.

混合自动对焦结合了单次和连续自动对焦。 问题在于,当您的景深真的很浅时,混合自动对焦可能无法适应主体的微小移动。 有关更多信息,请查看我们有关不同自动对焦模式的文章。

连拍 (Shoot in Bursts)

Even if you’re using a single autofocus point and continuous mode, you’re still going to miss a fair few shots. It’s just the reality of working with a really shallow depth of field. The good thing is you can pump your numbers by using burst mode.

即使您使用单个自动对焦点和连续模式,您仍然会错过一些镜头。 这只是在很浅的景深下工作的现实。 好消息是您可以使用连发模式来增加号码

Now, you don’t have to hold the shutter button down like you’re playing Call of Duty. It’s just that when you take a photo, instead of stopping after one, take three or four shots. Even if your subject moves the autofocus has time to catch up.

现在,您不必像玩《使命召唤》一样按住快门按钮。 只是当您拍摄照片时,而不是在拍摄一张照片后停下来,而是拍摄三到四张照片。 即使您的主体移动了,自动对焦也有时间赶上来。

The other thing is, when you shoot bursts, you don’t have to worry about your subject staying still. You can encourage them to move, switch poses, and generally be active. You’ll get better results and capture more natural photos—as well as getting more shots in focus.

另一件事是,当您连拍时,您不必担心拍摄对象静止不动。 您可以鼓励他们移动,切换姿势并通常保持活跃。 您将获得更好的效果并拍摄出更自然的照片,同时获得更多的照片。

Modern cameras are very good at focusing with wide aperture lenses. You just need to use autofocus properly. One final tip is to check out our article on back button focus. This professional technique gives you even more control.

现代相机非常擅长使用大光圈镜头对焦。 您只需要正确使用自动对焦即可。 最后一个技巧是查看有关后退按钮焦点的文章。 这项专业技术可为您提供更多控制。

Image Credits: Canon

图片来源: 佳能

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396959/how-to-focus-with-wide-aperture-lenses/

大广角镜头 镜头畸变 矫正





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