如何从主屏幕控制Belkin WeMo开关


Controlling your lights, switches, and other smarthome products from your phone is really cool, but it can be inconvenient to open up an app just to turn something on or off. Here’s how to make things a bit quicker and easier and control your Belkin WeMo Switch right from the home screen on your Android device, or from the Notification Center on your iPhone or iPad.

通过手机控制灯,开关和其他智能家居产品确实很酷,但是打开应用程序仅打开或关闭某些东西可能很不方便。 这是使事情变得更快,更轻松的方法,以及直接从Android设备上的主屏幕或iPhone或iPad上的通知中心控制Belkin WeMo Switch的方法。

A handful of mobile apps have native widgets that you can add to your home screen or Notification Center to make it quicker and easier to do what you need to do. However, there are still a lot of apps out there that don’t have their own widgets, including many smarthome apps that could truly benefit from such a feature. The WeMo app is one of them.

少数移动应用程序具有本机窗口小部件,您可以将其添加到主屏幕或“通知中心”,以更快,更轻松地完成所需的操作。 但是,仍然有许多没有自己的小部件的应用程序,包括许多可以真正受益于此功能的智能家居应用程序。 WeMo应用程序就是其中之一。

Luckily, not all hope is lost, and with the help of the DO Button app from IFTTT (which stands for “If This Then That”), you can make it a lot easier to turn on and off your Belkin WeMo Switch without even opening up the WeMo app.

幸运的是,并非所有希望都消失了,借助IFTTT的DO Button应用程序(代表“ If This Then That”),您可以轻松打开和关闭Belkin WeMo Switch,甚至无需打开WeMo应用程序。

第一步:创建您的DO按钮 (Step One: Create Your DO Button)

Before we get started, check out our guide on setting up the DO Button app, which will take you through the process of signing up for an account, connecting channels, and creating buttons. After that, come back here to learn how to create your WeMo Switch shortcut button.

在开始之前,请查看我们有关设置DO Button应用程序的指南 ,该指南将带您完成注册帐户,连接频道和创建按钮的过程。 之后,返回此处以了解如何创建WeMo Switch快捷按钮。

After you download the app and create an account, begin by tapping on “Add a Recipe” in the bottom-right corner.



Tap on the “+” icon.

点击“ +”图标。


Tap on the search icon in the top-right corner of the screen.



Type in “WeMo” and it will bring up a list of options you can choose from. Select “Toggle a WeMo Switch”, or if you have the Insight Switch, tap on “Toggle Insight Switch on/off”.

键入“ WeMo”,它将弹出一个可供选择的选项列表。 选择“切换WeMo开关”,或者,如果您具有Insight开关,则点击“ Toggle Insight Switch on / off”。


Tap on “Add”, which will prompt you to connect the Belkin WeMo channel and allow the DO Button app to access your WeMo Switch.

点击“添加”,这将提示您连接Belkin WeMo频道,并允许DO Button应用程序访问您的WeMo Switch。

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To do this, you’ll need to enter in the PIN from your WeMo Switch, which you can get from within the WeMo app.

为此,您需要从WeMo Switch中输入PIN码,您可以从WeMo应用程序中获取。


Open up the WeMo app and go into the settings. Then select “Connect to IFTTT”.

打开WeMo应用并进入设置。 然后选择“连接到IFTTT”。


The PIN will be shown on the next screen.



Holding down on the PIN will highlight it, and then you can copy it to your clipboard by tapping on the Copy button at the top.



Go back into the DO Button app and paste in the PIN. Tap “Connect” and you’ll be all set. Tap on “Done” to continue.

返回“ DO Button”应用程序并粘贴PIN码。 点击“连接”,您就可以完成所有设置。 点击“完成”继续。


From there, you can select your WeMo Switch from the list and then tap on “Add”.

从那里,您可以从列表中选择您的WeMo Switch,然后点击“添加”。


Your WeMo Switch will now show up as a button within the DO Button app.

现在,您的WeMo Switch将在DO Button应用程序中显示为一个按钮。


第二步:创建小部件 (Step Two: Create Your Widget)

Now, we need to add a widget to your home screen. This process is a bit different on iOS and Android.

现在,我们需要向您的主屏幕添加一个小部件。 此过程在iOS和Android上略有不同。

在Android上 (On Android)

Android users have a bit of a leg up, since you can add the widget right to the home screen. Exit out of the app and go to your home screen. Hold down on the screen and then select “Widgets.”

由于您可以将小部件直接添加到主屏幕,因此Android用户可以使用。 退出应用程序并转到主屏幕。 按住屏幕,然后选择“小部件”。


Scroll down and select either one of the DO Button widgets by dragging and dropping it onto your home screen.

向下滚动并通过将其拖放到主屏幕上来选择“ DO按钮”小部件中的一个。


From there, you can tap on the widget to instantly turn on or off the WeMo Switch without going into the WeMo app at all.

从那里,您可以轻按窗口小部件以立即打开或关闭WeMo Switch,而无需完全进入WeMo应用程序。


在iPhone和iPad上 (On iPhone and iPad)

On iOS, you can’t add widgets to the home screen, but rather add them to the Notification Center. So once you create the button in the DO Button app, exit out of the app and follow the instructions below.

在iOS上,您无法将小部件添加到主屏幕,而只能将其添加到通知中心。 因此,一旦您在DO Button应用程序中创建了按钮,请退出该应用程序并按照以下说明进行操作。

Swipe down from the top of the screen to bring up the Notification Center. Go to the “Today” section if you aren’t there already.

从屏幕顶部向下滑动以弹出通知中心。 如果您还没有的话,请转到“今天”部分。


Scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Edit”.



In the list, find “DO Button” and tap on the small green “+” icon next to it.

在列表中,找到“ DO Button”,然后点击旁边的绿色小“ +”图标。


Scroll back up to the top and the widget will now be in the list of active widgets. You can hold down on the move icon to the right to change where you want the widget located. It’s default location will be at the bottom.

向上滚动回到顶部,该小部件现在将在活动小部件的列表中。 您可以按住右侧的移动图标来更改您希望小部件位于的位置。 默认位置在底部。


From there, the DO Button widget will be located in the Notification Center, you can instantly control your WeMo Switch from right there without even opening up the WeMo app itself.

从那里,DO Button小部件将位于通知中心,您可以从那里立即控制WeMo Switch,甚至无需打开WeMo应用本身。


It’s not quite as convenient as having the widget right on the home screen like Android, but it’s the next best option in iOS.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/249801/how-to-control-your-belkin-wemo-switch-from-the-home-screen/





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