如何安装和设置Belkin WeMo电灯开关


Belkin has an entire line of smarthome devices that go by the WeMo name, including a smart light switch that you can control from your smartphone, allowing you to turn on and off lights (or anything else connected to that switch) right from your smartphone.


Warning: This is a project for a confident DIYer. There’s no shame in getting someone else to do the actual wiring for you if you lack the skill or knowledge to do so. If you read the beginning of this article and immediately visualized how to do it based on past experience wiring switches and outlets, you’re probably good. If you opened the article not sure how exactly we were going to pull this trick off, it’s time to call in that wiring-savvy friend or electrician. Also note that it may be against the law, code, or regulations to do this without a permit, or it might void your insurance or warranty. Check your local regulations before continuing.

警告 :这是一个充满信心的DIYer的项目。 如果您缺乏其他技能或知识,请别人帮您完成实际接线并没有什么可耻的。 如果您阅读本文的开头并根据过去对开关和插座的接线经验,立即看到了如何做,那可能很好。 如果您不确定这篇文章的开头,不确定我们将如何实现这个技巧,那么该找这个精通布线的朋友或电工了。 另请注意,未经许可执行此操作可能违反法律,法规或法规,否则可能会使您的保险或保修无效。 在继续之前,请先检查您当地的法规。

为什么要智能灯开关? (Why Would I Want a Smart Light Switch?)

While you could just get a Philips Hue starter kit and control your lights that way, a smart light switch is actually a much cheaper–and often more useful–option. There’s no need to get smart bulbs and, in fact, you can use any bulbs you want.

虽然您可以只购买Philips Hue入门套件并以这种方式控制灯,但智能灯开关实际上是一种更便宜且通常更有用的选择。 不需要智能灯泡,实际上,您可以使用任何想要的灯泡。


Furthermore, a switch on the wall can control much more than just lights. Maybe you have a ceiling fan that you want to control remotely from your smartphone. A smart light switch can make that possible.

此外,墙上的开关可以控制的不仅仅是灯光。 也许您有想要从智能手机远程控制的吊扇。 智能灯开关可以实现这一目标。

Lastly, unlike smart light bulbs, you can buy smart light switches that don’t require a hub. Some do, but the Belkin WeMo Light Switch bypasses the hub and connects directly to your Wi-Fi network.

最后,与智能灯泡不同,您可以购买不需要集线器的智能灯开关。 可以,但是Belkin WeMo灯光开关绕过集线器,直接连接到您的Wi-Fi网络。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Before you even consider getting a smart light switch, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First of all, the WeMo Light Switch (and most other smart light switches) only work for single-pole light switches. That is, it’s the only switch that controls a certain light. If you’re wanting to install the smart light switch for a light that’s controlled by two or more switches, it won’t work.

在考虑使用智能电灯开关之前,您需要牢记一些注意事项。 首先,WeMo灯光开关(和大多数其他智能灯光开关)仅适用于单极灯开关。 也就是说,它是控制特定灯光的唯一开关。 如果要为由两个或多个开关控制的灯安装智能灯开关,它将无法正常工作。


Smart light switches also require neutral wires, which you most likely have. But in the rare cases where your light switch doesn’t have a neutral wire, you won’t be able to use a smart light switch and you’ll have to think of another route to take (like getting Philips Hue bulbs instead). The neutral wire is required to provide the constant power needed to the light switch so that it can stay connected to your Wi-Fi network. A normal switch simply bypasses the neutral wire and is used to either connect or disconnect the black hot wire (on or off, respectively), since it doesn’t need constant power for anything else.

智能灯开关还需要中性线,您很可能拥有中性线。 但是在极少数情况下,您的电灯开关没有中性线,您将无法使用智能电灯开关,并且您必须考虑采取另一种方法(例如换用Philips Hue灯泡 )。 需要零线为电灯开关提供所需的恒定功率,以便它可以保持与Wi-Fi网络的连接。 普通开关只是绕过中性线而已,用于连接或断开黑色火线(分别为开或关),因为它不需要恒定的电源来进行其他任何操作。

It’s not a good idea to install a smart light switch in a junction box made of metal, which can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. Luckily, most houses use plastic junction boxes indoors, but in the off chance that yours are all metal, keep an eye on the Wi-Fi performance of the light switch.

在金属制成的接线盒中安装智能照明开关不是一个好主意,因为它可能会干扰Wi-Fi信号。 幸运的是,大多数房屋在室内使用塑料接线盒,但是如果您的所有接线盒都是金属的,请密切注意电灯开关的Wi-Fi性能。

One of the first things you’ll notice with the WeMo Light Switch is that it’s much larger than a traditional light switch, because it needs to house all of the extra components that make it “smart”. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure your junction box is at least two inches deep. The deeper it is, the better.

使用WeMo灯光开关时,您会注意到的第一件事是它比传统的灯光开关大得多,因为它需要容纳所有使其变得“智能”的额外组件。 因此,您需要确保接线盒的深度至少为2英寸。 它越深,越好。

Lastly, if you’re not comfortable with doing electrical work, then have a knowledgable friend help you out or hire an electrician to do it for you. However, if you feel comfortable enough to tackle such a project, you’ll need a couple tools.

最后,如果您不喜欢做电气工作,那么请一位知识渊博的朋友帮助您或雇用电工为您做这件事。 但是,如果您有足够的勇气来解决这样的项目,则需要使用一些工具。


The absolute must-have tools include a pair of needle-nose pliers, a flat-head screwdriver, and a Phillips-head screwdriver.


Some optional–but very handy–tools include some combination pliers, a wire stripper tool (in case you need to cut wire or strip off wire housings), and a voltage tester.


第一步:关闭电源 (Step One: Turn Off the Power)


This is one of the most important steps and it should be done before anything else. Go to your breaker box and cut off the power to the room where you’ll be changing out the light switch.

这是最重要的步骤之一,应该先做。 转到断路器箱,切断将要关闭电灯开关的房间的电源。

A great way to know if you turned off the correct breaker is to turn on the light switch before cutting the power. If the light that’s controlled by the light switch turns off, then you know you’ve switched the correct breaker off.

知道是否关闭了正确的断路器的一个好方法是在切断电源之前先打开电灯开关。 如果由电灯开关控制的灯熄灭,则说明您已关闭正确的断路器。

第二步:卸下现有的电灯开关 (Step Two: Remove the Existing Light Switch)

Take your flat-head screwdriver and remove the two screws holding the faceplate on.



You can then pull the faceplate right off. At this point, you can use a voltage tester to see if the power is truly off to the light switch before you go any further, but this isn’t required.

然后,您可以直接拉面板。 此时,您可以使用电压测试仪在进一步操作之前查看电灯开关的电源是否确实断开,但这不是必需的。


Next, take your Phillips-head screwdriver and remove the two screws that hold the light switch onto the junction box.



Once removed, take your fingers and pull out the light switch using the tabs at the top and bottom of the switch to expose more of the wires.



Take a look at the wiring configuration of the light switch. You’ll notice that there are two black wires connected to the switch, as well as a bare copper wire, which is the ground wire. Further back in the box, you’ll also notice two white wires that are tied together with a wire nut. (If the colors in your wall are different, make note of which are which, to ensure you connect everything properly.)

看一下电灯开关的接线配置。 您会注意到,有两条黑线连接到交换机,还有一条裸铜线(即地线)。 在包装盒的后面,您还会注意到两条白线,这些白线通过线螺母绑在一起。 (如果墙壁上的颜色不同,请记下哪种颜色,以确保正确连接所有东西。)


As briefly explained above, the black wires are the power (or “hot”) wires and the white wires are the neutral (or “return”) wires. Electricity flows through the hot wire, entering the switch and then into the light fixture, and then returns through the neutral wire.

如上所述,黑线是电源线(或“热”线),白线是中线(或“回线”)线。 电流流经热线,进入开关,然后进入灯具,然后通过中性线返回。

Turning off the switch simply disconnects the power wire from the light fixture, cutting off power from your lights.


Start off by taking your screwdriver and removing the two black wires attached to the light switch. Don’t worry about which black wire goes where, because they’re interchangeable.

首先,带上螺丝刀,并卸下连接在电灯开关上的两条黑色电线。 不必担心哪条黑线可以到达哪里,因为它们是可互换的。


Lastly, remove the ground wire from the green screw.



第三步:为WeMo交换机准备电线 (Step Three: Prepare Your Wires for the WeMo Switch)

Now that the light switch is completely removed, we’ll need to prepare for the installation of the WeMo Light Switch.


Grab your needle-nose pliers and straighten out the black and ground wires. Since they’re bent like hooks from the old switch, they’ll need to be straightened out so that you can attach wire nuts to them later on.

抓住尖嘴钳,拉直黑色和接地线。 由于它们像旧开关上的钩一样弯曲,因此需要将它们拉直,以便以后可以将金属螺母固定到它们上。


Normally when you replace a light switch, you would leave the neutral wires alone, but in this case, we’ll need those in order to provide constant power to the WeMo Light Switch. So, remove the wire nut on the neutral wires by unscrewing it. Leave those two wires connected to each other by twisting them together (they might already be twisted together). We’re simply just going to add a third wire.

通常,当您更换电灯开关时,您将不使用零线,但是在这种情况下,我们将需要这些零线才能为WeMo电灯开关提供恒定的电源。 因此,拧松零线,将其拆下。 将这两根电线绞在一起以保持彼此连接(它们可能已经绞在一起)。 我们只是要添加第三条线。


We’re now ready to install the new light switch.


第四步:安装WeMo电灯开关 (Step Four: Install the WeMo Light Switch)

Grab your WeMo switch and, once again, ensure that your junction box is big enough to house it.



The WeMo Light Switch has four wires coming out of it: two black wires, one white wire, and one green wire. The black wires are power wires, the white wire is the neutral wire, and the green wire is the ground wire (it will have this information on the switch as well).

WeMo灯光开关有四根电线:两根黑线,一根白线和一根绿线。 黑线是电源线,白线是中性线,绿线是地线(在交换机上也会有此信息)。


Take the four wire nuts that were included in the box and begin connecting the light switch to the wires from the wall. We’ll start with the ground wire. Connect the green wire from the light switch to the bare copper wire coming out from the junction box. Do this by placing the two wires together side-by-side with the ends matching and then just screw the wire nut on like you’re turning a small knob. Stop when you can barely turn it anymore.

取下包装盒中随附的四个电线螺母,然后开始将电灯开关从墙上连接到电线。 我们将从地线开始。 将灯开关的绿线连接到接线盒的裸铜线。 为此,将两根导线并排放置,使两端匹配,然后像拧小旋钮一样拧紧导线螺母。 当您几乎无法转动时停止。


Next, do the same thing with the two black wires. Again, it doesn’t matter which one goes with which, since they’re interchangeable.

接下来,用两条黑色电线做同样的事情。 再次强调,哪一个与哪一个无关,因为它们是可互换的。


Lastly, attach the white wire from the light switch to the two existing white wires coming out from the junction box.



Next, you’ll need to stuff all those wires back into the junction box while still making room for the light switch. This can be tricky, so don’t be afraid to get rough with the wires and bend them back into the box as far as they’ll go.

接下来,您需要将所有这些电线塞回到接线盒中,同时还要为电灯开关留出空间。 这可能很棘手,所以不要害怕使电线变粗并尽可能将它们弯曲回盒中。


Place the WeMo Light switch into the junction box and screw it in using the two included screws.

将WeMo Light开关放入接线盒,然后使用随附的两个螺钉将其拧紧。


Take the included faceplate and place it over the light switch. There are no screws required here, as it simply just snaps into place. It’s a specialty faceplate, but you can use any decorator faceplate with it that you want.

取下随附的面板并将其放在电灯开关上。 此处不需要螺钉,只需将其卡入到位即可。 这是一个特殊的面板,但是您可以将其与任何装饰面板一起使用。


The light switch is now installed and you’re ready to set it up and connect it to your Wi-Fi network. Be sure to turn the power back on before you begin the set up process.

现在已安装了电灯开关,您可以对其进行设置并将其连接到Wi-Fi网络。 在开始设置过程之前,请确保重新打开电源。

第五步:将其连接到您的Wi-Fi网络 (Step Five: Connect It to Your Wi-Fi Network)

Start by downloading the WeMo app (iOS and Android) to your smartphone if you don’t already have it. Once it’s downloaded and installed, open up settings on your device and go to the Wi-Fi menu.

首先将WeMo应用( iOSAndroid )下载到您的智能手机(如果尚未安装)。 下载并安装后,打开设备上的设置,然后转到Wi-Fi菜单。


Connect to the wireless network of the WeMo Light Switch, which will look something like “WeMo.Light.xxx”. Tap on it to connect your smartphone to the light switch.

连接到WeMo Light Switch的无线网络,其外观类似于“ WeMo.Light.xxx”。 点按它可将您的智能手机连接到电灯开关。


Once connected, open up the WeMo app and it will automatically begin the setup process.



The first step is to give the switch a name and select a custom photo if you want. Tap on “Next” when finished.

第一步是给交换机命名,然后根据需要选择自定义照片。 完成后点击“下一步”。


On the next screen, enter in your email address and whether or not you want to receive offers and other information about WeMo products. Hit “Next”.

在下一个屏幕上,输入您的电子邮件地址,以及是否要接收有关WeMo产品的优惠和其他信息。 点击“下一步”。


You’ll then select your home’s Wi-Fi network from the list.



Enter in the password for your Wi-Fi network and tap “Join”.



Wait a few moments for it to connect to your Wi-Fi network. When it’s done, you’ll likely get a pop-up saying that there’s a firmware update available. Hit “Yes” to update the firmware.

请稍等片刻,使其连接到您的Wi-Fi网络。 完成后,您可能会弹出一个对话框,说有可用的固件更新。 点击“是”以更新固件。


Tap on “Update Now” to confirm the update.



The update will take at least a few minutes, but once it’s done, you’ll get a pop-up saying that it’s complete.



After that, you can begin controlling the WeMo Light Switch from your smartphone by tapping on the power button to the right. When it lights up green, that means the switch is on.

之后,您可以通过点击右侧的电源按钮,开始通过智能手机控制WeMo灯光开关。 当它呈绿色亮起时,表示开关已打开。


The button on the switch itself will also light up green when the switch is on.



And of course, you can control the switch manually just like a traditional light switch by pressing on the black dot. So if your Wi-Fi network is down, you’ll still be able to turn the lights on and off.

当然,您也可以像传统的电灯开关一样,通过按下黑点来手动控制该开关。 因此,如果您的Wi-Fi网络断开,您仍然可以打开和关闭灯。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/275844/how-to-install-and-set-up-the-belkin-wemo-light-switch/

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