
A pile of used electronics including a laptop, headphones, mouse, and keyboard.
Damrong Rattanapong/Shutterstock.com Damrong Rattanapong / Shutterstock.com

We’re big believers in selling your used gadgets. Your old gear is probably useful to someone, and it’s a shame for it to gather dust. But not everything can be sold, or it just might not be worth your time.

我们是出售您的二手小工具的坚定信徒。 您的旧装备可能对某人有用,并且灰尘堆积起来实在可惜。 但是,并不是所有的东西都可以卖掉,或者可能不值得您花时间

Rather than creating more trash or spending hours searching for a buyer for a $2 used gizmo, we recommend recycling your old electronics. It’s faster and easier than you might think.

我们建议您回收旧的电子产品,而不是制造更多的垃圾或花费数小时为2美元的二手小发明寻找买家。 它比您想象的更快,更容易。

在回收(或出售)旧技术之前先擦拭它 (Wipe Your Old Tech Before You Recycle (or Sell) It)

As always, you’ll want to wipe your hardware of any personal data before recycling it. If it’s an old phone, perform a factory reset. If it’s an old computer, wipe its hard drive. You don’t want your personal data left on any device that leaves your possession.

与往常一样,您需要先清除硬件中的任何个人数据,然后再进行回收。 如果是旧手机,请恢复出厂设置。 如果是旧计算机,请擦拭其硬盘驱动器。 您不希望您的个人数据留在任何您拥有的设备上。

But what if you have an old hard drive or another storage device that doesn’t work anymore? If it has private information, you’re probably better off destroying the drive rather than trying to donate or recycle it. That will ensure no identity thieves can get at your tax documents, emails, or other private data.

但是,如果您有旧的硬盘驱动器或其他无法使用的存储设备,该怎么办? 如果它具有私人信息,则最好销毁该驱动器,而不要尝试捐赠或回收该驱动器。 这样可以确保没有任何身份盗用者可以获取您的税务文件,电子邮件或其他私人数据。

只要将它捐赠到一个地方(即使是破碎的东西) (Just Donate It to One Place (Even the Broken Stuff))

A Goodwill sign in front of some trees.
Ken Wolter/Shutterstock.com 肯·沃尔特/Shutterstock.com

Recycling doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to perform a web search for twenty different places in town to donate all your gear. You can probably take all your old tech to somewhere like Goodwill—yes, even if it’s broken, Goodwill will take it.

回收不必太复杂。 您无需在镇上二十个不同地点进行网络搜索即可捐赠所有装备。 您可能会将所有旧技术带到诸如Goodwill之类的地方-是的,即使已损坏,Goodwill也会接受。

Goodwill will take everything from old desktop PCs, laptops, and computer monitors to printers, scanners, smartphones, and even the Microsoft Zune. Other household electronics are accepted, too. As this Goodwill South Carolina‘s website says, “It’s all valuable to Goodwill!”. If your old gear can be refurbished and sold, it will be. If it can only be recycled, it’ll be recycled instead. You don’t have to think about it.

商誉将处理所有内容,从旧的台式机,笔记本电脑和计算机显示器到打印机,扫描仪,智能手机,甚至是Microsoft Zune。 也接受其他家用电子产品。 正如南卡罗来纳州善意网站的网站所说:“这对善意都是有价值的!”。 如果您的旧齿轮可以翻新和出售,那就可以了。 如果只能回收,将改为回收。 您无需考虑。

If you prefer another donation organization—perhaps a local one—there’s a good chance they also accept electronics. Perform a search for “electronics recycling” in your town, and you’ll find other places you can take it. Want to support local thrift stores that won’t recycle everything? Donate your best, most valuable gear to them and then donate the old, broken stuff to a larger thrift store or electronics recycler instead. Even Best Buy offers electronics recycling at its stores.

如果您更喜欢另一个捐赠组织(也许是本地的捐赠组织),那么他们也很有可能也会接受电子产品。 在您所在的镇上搜索“电子回收”,您会找到其他可以使用的地方。 是否想支持不会回收所有东西的本地旧货店? 将最好的,最有价值的装备捐赠给他们,然后将旧的,破碎的东西捐赠给更大的旧货店或电子产品回收商。 甚至百思买也在其商店提供电子回收。

It’s just that simple: You can likely take all the technology you want to get rid of to a single place. That organization will find the best home for your old gear, and you won’t have to think about it.

就这么简单:您可以将所有想要摆脱的技术都放在一个地方。 该组织将为您的旧设备找到最好的家,而您无需考虑它。

You’ll even get a tax receipt for your trouble. (Of course, that’s only useful if you itemize your deductions.)

您甚至会因遇到麻烦而得到一张税收收据。 (当然,这只有在逐项列出扣除额时才有用。)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/438328/how-to-easily-recycle-the-old-electronics-you-cant-sell/





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