logitech sdk_如何使用Amazon Echo和Logitech Harmony Hub控制电视或立体声

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If using a remote to turn on your TV is too old school for you, here’s how to use the Amazon Echo to turn on your television using your voice.

如果使用遥控器打开电视对您来说太老了,请按照以下方法使用Amazon Echo通过语音打开电视。

Unfortunately, you generally can’t do this with just an Echo and a TV—you need some sort of smart hub hooked up to your TV that the Echo can communicate with. We recommend the Logitech Harmony Hub.

不幸的是,您通常不能仅通过Echo和电视来做到这一点—您需要某种类型的智能集线器连接到电视上,以便Echo可以与之通信。 我们建议使用Logitech Harmony Hub

Once upon a time, you had to use the mildly clunky IFTTT to link these two together. But Logitech eventually added native support for the Amazon Echo, making it easier than before to hook up the two devices and control your home theater with custom voice commands. And, as of January 2017, it can do more than just turn your TV on and off.

曾几何时,您不得不使用笨拙的IFTTT将这两个链接在一起。 但是Logitech最终增加了对Amazon Echo的本机支持,从而比以前更容易连接两个设备并使用自定义语音命令控制您的家庭影院。 而且,截至2017年1月,它不仅可以打开和关闭电视,还可以做更多的事情。

The Echo’s Harmony integration isn’t all-powerful, but it’s capabilities are continuously growing. It can control “activities” that you have set up on your Harmony Hub, which means it can turn any number of devices on and off. Alexa can also adjust the volume, play or pause whatever you’re watching, set a sleep timer, and even switch to specific channels (either when viewing live TV or using Roku). If you’re already using a Harmony Hub, you likely already have it all set up, but if not, we have a thorough guide that takes you through the process.

Echo的Harmony集成功能不强大,但功能不断增长。 它可以控制您在Harmony Hub上设置的“活动”,这意味着它可以打开和关闭任意数量的设备。 Alexa还可以调整音量,播放或暂停您正在观看的内容,设置睡眠计时器,甚至切换到特定频道(在观看直播电视或使用Roku时)。 如果您已经在使用Harmony Hub,则可能已经全部设置完毕,但是如果没有,我们将为您提供详尽的指导,以指导您完成整个过程。

Once that’s done, you’ll need to install the Harmony Alexa skill, which you can do within the Alexa app. We have a guide that shows you how to install Alexa skills (as well as some useful ones you should try out), but the gist of it is this: open the Alexa app, tap on the sidebar menu button in the top-left corner of the screen, select “Skills”, search for a skill, and then tap on “Enable Skill” to install it.

完成后,您需要安装Harmony Alexa技能,您可以在Alexa应用程序中进行此操作。 我们有一个指南,向您展示如何安装Alexa技能(以及一些您应该尝试的有用技巧),但是要点是:打开Alexa应用程序,点击左上角的侧边栏菜单按钮在屏幕上,选择“技能”,搜索技能,然后点击“启用技能”进行安装。

Keep in mind that there are two Harmony Alexa skills to choose from. You’ll need to install the newer one with the red logo. You can install the older skill with the blue logo, which will simply just allow you to forgo the “tell Harmony” bit in voice commands. So instead of saying “Alexa, tell Harmony to turn on the TV”, you can simply just say “Alexa, turn on the TV”—though you’ll only be able to do this for a few commands, like turning activities on and off.

请记住,有两种Harmony Alexa技能可供选择。 您需要安装带有红色徽标的较新版本。 您可以使用蓝色徽标安装较老的技能,这只会使您放弃语音命令中的“ tell Harmony”位。 因此,您不必说“ Alexa,告诉Harmony打开电视”,而只需说“ Alexa,打开电视”,尽管您只能通过一些命令来执行此操作,例如打开和关闭活动。关。


When you go to enable the Harmony skill, you’ll need to log into your Logitech account, and after you do so, you may need to update your Harmony Hub before you can use it with Alexa. If that’s the case, open up the Harmony app on your phone and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner.

当您启用Harmony技能时,您需要登录到Logitech帐户,然后,您可能需要更新Harmony Hub才能与Alexa一起使用。 在这种情况下,请在手机上打开Harmony应用程序,然后点击左上角的菜单按钮。


From there, select “Harmony Setup”.

从那里选择“ Harmony Setup”。


Tap on “Sync”.



Tap on “Sync Now”.



Hit “Yes” when the pop-up appears.



Once your Harmony Hub has updated, you’ll need to go back into the Alexa app and install the Harmony skill again, as well as log into your Logitech account (it’s likely a weird bug that causes this).

更新Harmony Hub之后,您需要重新进入Alexa应用程序并重新安装Harmony技能,并登录到Logitech帐户(这可能是一个奇怪的错误)。

After you log in, you’ll choose which activities you want Alexa to recognize. You can also tap on “Add Friendly Name” to provide Alexa with a better phrase to use. So instead of saying “Alexa, turn on Watch TV”, you can use “TV” as a friendly name for that activity. This allows you to say “Alexa, turn on the TV” to invoke that activity. As you can see in the screenshot below , “TV” and “Television” are friendly names that were set automatically, but you can add more.

登录后,您将选择想要Alexa识别的活动。 您也可以点击“添加友好名称”,为Alexa提供更好的用法。 因此,您无需使用“ Alexa,请打开电视”,而可以将“ TV”用作该活动的友好名称。 这使您可以说“ Alexa,打开电视”以调用该活动。 如下面的屏幕快照所示,“ TV”和“电视”是自动设置的友好名称,但您可以添加更多名称。

If you have activities you don’t want to control with Alexa (say, smarthome devices that Alexa already controls separately), you can uncheck them from this list completely.



Tap on the arrow when you’re done with this step.



The next screen is where you’ll set up your favorite channels so that you can switch to them using Alexa. If you don’t have favorite channels set up on your Harmony account, then you’ll see a screen like this below:

在下一个屏幕上,您将设置自己喜欢的频道,以便可以使用Alexa切换到它们。 如果您的Harmony帐户上没有设置喜欢的频道,那么您将看到以下屏幕:


To fix this, you can set up favorite channels within the Harmony app by navigating to Menu > Harmony Setup > Add/Edit Devices & Activities > Favorites.


After you’ve done that, you can go back into the Alexa app to finish setting up your favorite channels and then tap on the arrow in the top-right corner. From there, tap on “Link Account” at the bottom.

完成之后,您可以返回Alexa应用程序以完成您喜欢的频道的设置,然后点击右上角的箭头。 从那里,点击底部的“关联帐户”。


You’ll then get a confirmation that Alexa was successfully linked with Harmony. From here, you can close out of the app and begin using your Echo or other Alexa-supported device to control your home entertainment system.

然后,您将确认Alexa已成功与Harmony链接。 从这里,您可以退出该应用程序,然后开始使用Echo或其他Alexa支持的设备来控制您的家庭娱乐系统。


Unfortunately, you can’t do everything with Alexa, but its integration is getting better. All that you could do in the past was simply turn on and off your entertainment center using Alexa, but now you can control the volume, play/pause content (including Netflix within Roku), and switch to specific channels, all using your voice.

不幸的是,您无法使用Alexa进行所有操作,但是其集成度越来越高。 过去,您所要做的只是使用Alexa打开和关闭娱乐中心,而现在您可以使用声音控制音量,播放/暂停内容(包括Roku中的Netflix)并切换到特定频道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255329/how-to-turn-on-your-tv-using-the-amazon-echo-and-logitech-harmony-hub/

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