



Podcasts, or webcasts, are shows about many different topics that are broadcast over the web and broken up into parts, or episodes.  You subscribe to podcasts and new episodes are automatically delivered to you as they are released.

播客(或网络广播)是有关许多不同主题的节目,这些主题通过网络广播并分解为部分或片段。 您订阅播客,新情节在发布时会自动传送给您。

We’ve collected the best websites for finding many different types of webcasts and for finding resources to help you in creating and producing your own podcasts.


In the coming weeks, we will be publishing other articles about the best websites for educating and entertaining yourself online, such as sites for eBooks, audiobooks, movies and TV shows, documentaries, user-made videos, free online courses, news and information, and music (downloads, streaming, and radio).


播客目录 (Podcast Directories)

There are several podcast directory websites that offer a central place to search for all kinds of podcasts and provide resources for creating your own podcasts and hosting them. Some also help you with the management and promotion of your podcast.

有几个播客目录网站,它们提供了一个中心位置来搜索各种播客,并提供创建和托管自己的播客的资源。 有些还可以帮助您管理和推广播客。

终极播客收藏 (The Ultimate Podcast Collection)

The Ultimate Podcast Collection contains a user-submitted database that divides the podcast subjects into channels, making it easy to find what you want to listen to.

Ultimate Podcast Collection包含一个用户提交的数据库,该数据库将Podcast主题划分为多个频道,从而可以轻松找到想要收听的内容。

Update: This particular website is no longer available. Read on for more!

更新:该特定网站不再可用。 继续阅读以了解更多!


Podcasts.com (Podcasts.com)

Podcasts.com provides feature-rich podcast hosting for free and allows you to manage your podcast episodes using their easy-to-use backend and setup premium subscriptions. Your podcast also gets featured in their Search Engine Optimized (SEO) directory.

Podcasts.com免费提供功能丰富的播客托管服务,并允许您使用其易于使用的后端和设置高级订阅来管理播客节目。 您的播客也会在其“搜索引擎优化(SEO)”目录中得到推荐。

You can also submit your podcast’s RSS feed to be listed in their directory.

您还可以提交播客的RSS feed,以在其目录中列出。


播客小巷 (Podcast Alley)

Podcast Alley is the podcast lover’s portal. It features a large Podcast Directory and the Top 10 podcasts, as voted on by the listeners. If you’re a registered Podcast Alley member, you can also add your own podcast to the site.

Podcast Alley是播客爱好者的门户。 它具有大型Podcast目录和听众投票的前10名播客。 如果您是Podcast Alley的注册成员,则还可以将自己的Podcast添加到该站点。


Podfeed.net (Podfeed.net)

Podfeed.net is a podcast directory that helps you find and listen to podcasts, read and write podcast reviews, and share your podcast with others. Add your favorite podcasts to a single feed that you can automatically download using podcasting software (see the end of the article for a list of software programs).

Podfeed.net是一个播客目录,可帮助您查找和收听播客,阅读和撰写播客评论以及与他人共享您的播客。 将您喜欢的播客添加到单​​个提要中,您可以使用播客软件自动下载该提要(有关软件程序列表,请参阅文章结尾)。


数字播客 (Digital Podcast)

Digital Podcast is podcast directory that can also help you with creating and producing your podcast, managing the marketing, operational, and technical aspects of your podcast, and promoting your podcast in podcast directories, search engines, and social media sites. They also help you improve the service delivery of your podcast and manage your costs.

Digital Podcast是播客目录,它还可以帮助您创建和制作播客,管理播客的营销,运营和技术方面,以及在播客目录,搜索引擎和社交媒体网站中推广播客。 它们还帮助您改善播客的服务交付并管理成本。


GPodder.net (GPodder.net)

GPodder is a podcast directory and a software program that allows you to manage your podcast clients via the web, subscribe to new podcasts, and even synchronize gPodder on your computer and on your mobile phone, so you can listen anywhere. They also have a list of the 100 most subscribed image, audio, and video podcasts.

GPodder是一个播客目录和一个软件程序,可让您通过网络管理播客客户端,订阅新播客,甚至在计算机和移动电话上同步gPodder,以便您可以在任何地方收听。 他们还列出了100个订阅最多的图像,音频和视频播客


LearnOutLoud.com播客目录 (LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory)

LearnOutLoud.com provides a directory of educational podcasts that will instruct, inspire, and enlighten you. Easily subscribe to the podcasts through Apple iTunes and RSS feeds and choose to download the podcasts or stream them from the site.

LearnOutLoud.com提供了一个教育性播客目录,可以指导,启发和启发您。 通过Apple iTunes和RSS提要轻松订阅播客,并选择下载播客或从网站流式传输。


TruMix (TruMix)

TruMix provides access to podcasts and Internet Radio from around the world. Download the podcasts or stream them from the website. Choose from packaged selections of podcasts and music. Create your own account to keep track of your favorite podcasts and radio stations.

TruMix提供来自世界各地的播客和Internet广播的访问。 下载播客或从网站流式传输。 从打包的播客和音乐中选择。 创建您自己的帐户,以跟踪您喜欢的播客和广播电台。


音乐之门 (MusicGoal)

MusicGoal is a site that provides access to over 21,000 podcasts, as well as live online radio stations, webcams, and online games.



新闻播客 (News Podcasts)

Podcasts can provide your daily news rather than having to visit specific news sites to find out what’s going on in the world. The following sites provide news, financial, and sports information from some of the biggest networks.

播客可以提供您的每日新闻,而不必访问特定新闻站点以了解世界上正在发生的事情。 以下站点提供了一些最大的网络中的新闻,财经和体育信息。


教育和信息播客(Educational and Informational Podcasts)

Podcasts are useful tools for learning. The following websites provide podcasts that educate and inform.

播客是学习的有用工具。 以下网站提供了教育和宣传的播客。

PBS播客 (PBS Podcasts)

PBS podcasts, such as the American Experience Podcast, the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and the NOVA Podcast, are available on LearnOutLoud.com (mentioned earlier). In the near future, LearnOutLoud.com will be providing a data feed of all featured PBS videos.

PBS播客,例如American Experience Podcast,Jim Lehrer的Ne​​wsHour和NOVA Podcast,可在LearnOutLoud.com上找到(前面提到)。 在不久的将来,LearnOutLoud.com将提供所有精选PBS视频的数据提要。


美国生活 (This American Life)

This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast on more than 500 stations to about 1.8 million listeners. There’s a theme to each episode, and a variety of stories on that theme. Most of the time, it’s mostly true stories of everyday people. You can also listen to old radio shows from their archive.

《美国生活》是每周一次的公共广播节目,在500多个电视台中向大约180万听众进行广播。 每个剧集都有一个主题,并且每个主题都有很多故事。 在大多数情况下,这几乎是每个人的真实故事。 您也可以从他们的档案库中收听旧电台节目。


《科学美国人》:免费科学播客 (Scientific American: Free Science Podcasts)

Scientific American offers free podcasts about different scientific topics, such as the weekly Science Talk and 60-Second Tech and the daily 60-Second Science and 60-Second Space. Subscribe to the podcasts as RSS feeds or through iTunes.

《科学人杂志》提供有关不同科学主题的免费播客,例如每周一次的Science Talk60秒的技术以及每天的60秒的科学60秒的空间。 以RSS源或通过iTunes订阅播客。


本周技术(TWiT) (This Week in Technology (TWiT))

This Week in Technology (TWiT) is a network of podcasts that cover aspects of technology as well as a few other subjects, such as junk food. It started out with a small cable network called ZDTV, which covered computers, the Internet, and personal technology. Many of the same people who worked on ZDTV now work on TWiT. One popular podcast is Security Now (recorded live every Wednesday at 11:00am PT/2:00pm ET), in which Leo Laporte of TWiT discusses hot topics in security today with Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation, creator of Spinrite, Password Haystacks, and ShieldsUP.

“技术周”(TWiT)是一个播客网络,内容涵盖技术方面以及其他一些主题,例如垃圾食品。 它始于一个名为ZDTV的小型电缆网络,该网络涵盖计算机,互联网和个人技术。 现在,在ZDTV上工作的许多人都在TWiT上工作。 其中一个受欢迎的播客是Security Now (每周三在美国东部时间上午11:00 /美国东部时间下午2:00现场录制),其中TWiT的Leo Laporte与Gibson Research Corporation的Steve Gibson讨论了当今安全性的热门话题, Spinrite密码草堆的创建者,和ShieldsUP


国家广播电台播客 (National Radio Podcasts)

The following four major English-language public radio stations offer their content online. All the programs on these sites are downloadable outside of their native countries.

以下四个主要的英语公共广播电台在线提供其内容。 这些站点上的所有程序都可以在其本国之外下载。


美国政府播客目录(U.S. Government Podcast Directory)

The U.S. Government Podcast Directory provides access to podcasts from many different sections of the government, such as Science and Technology, History, Arts, and Culture, Business and Economics, and Public Safety and Law.



白宫播客 (White House Podcasts)

White House Podcasts provide access to White House Press Briefings, the Weekly Address, Speeches and Events, Music & the Arts, and Open for Questions, which is a series of live chats with White House officials and the general public covering a wide scope of topics.



大学播客 (University Podcasts)

The following are websites providing podcasts from major universities. Some are podcasts of courses and some are about various other topics.

以下是提供主要大学播客的网站。 有些是课程的播客,有些是关于其他主题的。

来自大学的免费教育播客 (Free Educational Podcasts from Universities)

Open Culture provides a collection of educational podcasts created by leading universities. These are not class lectures, but rather information covering various topics such as science and law, and some cover internal issues within the universities.

开放文化提供了由一流大学创建的教育播客的集合。 这些不是课堂讲课,而是涵盖诸如科学和法学等各个主题的信息,其中一些涵盖大学内部的问题。


UCLA课程网络广播 (UCLA Course Webcasting)

UCLA Course Webcasting (or BruinCast) is provided by the Office of Instructional Development. Some course lectures are made available to the public online as audio podcasts, but some have restricted access.

UCLA课程网络广播(或BruinCast)由教学发展办公室提供。 有些课程讲座可以作为音频播客在线上向公众开放,但是有些讲座的访问受到限制。


牛津大学播客 (University of Oxford Podcasts)

The University of Oxford Podcasts site features podcasts about topics such as public lectures, teaching material, interviews with leading academics, and even information about applying to the University. The material may be in audio, video, or document format and is arranged within a series of related talks or lectures. A full list of all the series is available.

牛津大学播客网站提供有关主题的播客,这些主题包括公开演讲,教材,与知名学者的访谈,甚至是有关申请大学的信息。 该材料可以是音频,视频或文档格式,并且安排在一系列相关的讲座或演讲中。 提供所有系列的完整列表

Content is regularly added to the site and all content is free to download and watch, listen to, or read.



喜剧播客 (Comedy Podcasts)

Once you’ve listened to some educational podcasts or gotten your daily dose of news and information, you’re probably ready for a break from serious content. Well, you can entertain yourself with the following popular comedy podcasts:

一旦您收听了一些教育性播客,或者每天获得大量新闻和信息,您可能已经准备好摆脱严重的内容。 好吧,您可以通过以下流行的喜剧播客来娱乐自己:

There are many more comedic podcasts available on the web you might like, depending on your taste in humor.



播客指南和工具 (Podcasting Guides and Tools)

Podcasting guides and tools are available online for those of you who want to create and produce your own podcasts. There’s “producer” software that helps you create and edit podcasts and deliver podcasts to end users and “catcher” software that allows you to receive the podcasts and RSS feeds and listen to them.

那些想创建和制作自己的播客的人可以在线获得播客指南和工具。 有“生产者”软件可以帮助您创建和编辑播客并将播客交付给最终用户,还有“麦田守望者”软件可以使您接收播客和RSS提要并收听它们。

The following sites provide guides and tools to help you create, host, manage, and promote your own podcasts.


iPod的 (iPodder)

iPodder is a resource for discovering and enjoying podcasts, or downloadable audio programs. The website includes tutorials, how-to articles, and other information designed to help you make the most of your podcast experience and your portable music device and how to create and publish your own podcasts. They also provide a list of podcast tools and software you can use when creating your own podcasts.

iPodder是发现和欣赏播客或可下载音频程序的资源。 该网站包含教程,操作方法文章以及其他旨在帮助您充分利用播客体验和便携式音乐设备以及如何创建和发布自己的播客的信息。 它们还提供了在创建自己的播客时可以使用的播客工具和软件的列表。


PoducateMe播客指南 (PoducateMe Podcasting Guide)

The PoducateMe Podcasting Guide is meant for those creating podcasts for education, but the information in the guide is useful for anyone looking into starting their own podcast. Topics cover the entire process from selecting a microphone to getting a finished podcast onto iTunes.

《 PoducateMe播客指南​​》是为那些创建教育播客而设计的,但是该指南中的信息对于希望开始自己的播客的任何人都非常有用。 主题涵盖从选择麦克风到在iTunes上完成播客的整个过程。


播客411 (Podcast 411)

Podcast 411 contains information to teach you practically anything you want to know about podcasting. They also produce their own podcast with interviews of popular podcasters.

播客411包含的信息实际上可以教您有关播客的任何知识。 他们还通过采访流行播客来制作自己的播客。


如何播客 (How to Podcast)

The How to Podcast site contains a free, thorough, step-by-step tutorial on how to podcast for minimal cost. It’ll help you take your podcast from concept to launch.

如何播客”站点包含有关如何以最低成本进行播客的免费,详尽的分步教程。 它可以帮助您将播客从概念转变为发布。


播客工具 (Podcasting Tools)

The Podcasting Tools site provides a comprehensive set of resources, including tools and how-to articles, that help you create podcasts, with an emphasis on distribution. There is a wealth of information detailing everything you need to know about podcasting.

播客工具”站点提供了一套全面的资源,包括工具和操作方法文章,可帮助您创建播客,并侧重于分发。 有大量信息详细介绍了您需要了解的有关播客的所有信息。


播客软件 (Podcast Software)

Some of the podcasting guides and tools sites mentioned above contain information about podcasting software. However, here are some additional links to software for creating and editing podcasts (producers), posting podcasts, and receiving podcasts (catchers).

上面提到的某些播客指南和工具站点包含有关播客软件的信息。 但是,这里有一些指向软件的附加链接,这些软件用于创建和编辑播客(生产者),发布播客和接收播客(麦田守望者)。

  • Use iTunes (Windows, Mac) to encode podcasts into MP3 format and to subscribe, download, and play podcasts.

    使用iTunes (Windows,Mac)将播客编码为MP3格式,以及订阅,下载和播放播客。

  • Use Windows Media Player (Windows, Mac) to download and play podcasts.

    使用Windows Media Player( WindowsMac )下载和播放播客。

  • Use Audacity (Windows, Linux, Mac) to record and edit sound.

    使用Audacity (Windows,Linux,Mac)录制和编辑声音。

  • Use the LAME (compiles on Windows, Linux, and Mac) codec to encode MP3 files.

    使用LAME (在Windows,Linux和Mac上编译)编解码器对MP3文件进行编码。

  • Use FileZilla (Windows, Linux, Mac) as FTP client to upload your podcast. FileZilla is also available in a portable version.

    使用FileZilla (Windows,Linux,Mac)作为FTP客户端上传您的播客。 FileZilla也有便携式版本

  • Use Juice (Windows, Linux, Mac) as a podcast receiver, to capture and play podcasts. Juice is also available in a portable version.

    使用Juice (Windows,Linux,Mac)作为播客接收器,以捕获和播放播客。 果汁也有便携式版本

  • Use gPodder (Windows, Linux) as a podcast receiver to download and manage your podcast subscriptions. gPodder is also available in a portable version.

    使用gPodder (Windows,Linux)作为播客接收器来下载和管理您的播客订阅。 gPodder也有便携式版本

  • Use Pull (Windows) as a free, portable podcast receiver to automatically download podcasts and vidcasts (videos). Pull is not meant to be a media player or catalog.

    使用Pull (Windows)作为免费的便携式播客接收器来自动下载播客和vidcast(视频)。 拉并不意味着是媒体播放器或目录。


人民选择播客奖 (The People’s Choice Podcast Awards)

The People’s Choice Podcast Awards is the most important award in the world of podcasting, featuring the best by subject and production quality. The front page includes links to all of the current nominees.

人民选择播客奖是播客界最重要的奖项,其主题和制作质量均达到最佳。 主页包括指向所有当前提名人的链接。


How-To Geek has also published a guide to creating and running your own audio podcast. If you subscribe to podcasts in iTunes and you have an Android phone, you can learn how to sync iTunes to your Android phone so you can listen to your podcasts on the go.

How-To Geek还发布了创建和运行自己的音频播客的指南。 如果您在iTunes中订阅了播客,并且拥有Android手机,则可以了解如何将iTunes同步到Android手机,以便在旅途中收听播客。

Whether you just want to subscribe and listen to podcasts or create your own, this list should help you fully enjoy the world of podcasting.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/117297/the-best-websites-for-listening-to-podcasts-and-learning-how-to-create-your-own/






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