PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4 Slim和PlayStation 4 Pro之间有什么区别?

Sony’s PlayStation 4 has been out since 2013, but there’s a pair of new, updated players on the stage: The PlayStation 4 Slim and PlayStation 4 Pro. But what’s the difference, and which one should you buy?

索尼的PlayStation 4自2013年以来就已推出,但现阶段有一对新的,更新的播放器:PlayStation 4 Slim和PlayStation 4 Pro。 但是有什么区别,应该买哪一个呢?

Figuring out which PS4 to buy can be interesting—even more if you already have a PS4 and are considering an upgrade to the new PS4 Pro. The good news is that the PS4 and PS4 Slim are, for all intents and purposes, the same machine for the most part, and all three machines will play the same games. Some may play them with extra features or better graphics, though, so let’s talk about the main differences.

确定要购买哪个PS4可能会很有趣-如果您已经拥有PS4并正在考虑升级到新的PS4 Pro,甚至会更有趣。 好消息是,就所有意图和目的而言,PS4和PS4 Slim在大多数情况下都是同一台计算机,并且所有三台计算机都将玩相同的游戏。 不过,有些人可能会使用其他功能或更好的图形来播放它们,因此,让我们谈一下主要区别。

PlayStation 4(2013年11月发布) (PlayStation 4 (Released November, 2013))

Ah, the original PlayStation 4. It’s hard to believe this machine is already nearly four years old, but it has actually aged quite well. There are, however, some key specs that are starting to get a little long in the tooth, which is precisely why Sony decided a new Slim model was necessary (just like it did with the PlayStation 2 and 3 in the past).

啊,原始的PlayStation4。很难相信这台机器已经使用了将近四年,但实际上它已经老化了。 但是,有些关键规格开始变得有些冗长,这正是索尼决定需要新的Slim型号的原因(就像过去使用PlayStation 2和PlayStation 3一样)。

Before we get into that, however, let’s talk about the PlayStation 4 itself. Originally launched at $400, it was a state-of-the-art machine for its time, featuring a graphics processor that made the preceding PlayStation 3 look like, well, a last-gen console. It can output true 1080p graphics even in the most intense games, where its predecessor was often limited to 720p. Thanks to a recent update it also supports HDR on compatible TVs, which is a nice enhancement that keeps the original model more in line with the new Slim and Pro models.

不过,在深入探讨之前,让我们先谈谈PlayStation 4本身。 它最初以400美元的价格推出,当时是一台最先进的机器,配备图形处理器,使之前的PlayStation 3看起来像是最后一代的游戏机。 即使在最激烈的游戏中,它的前身通常限于720p,它也可以输出真正的1080p图形。 多亏了最近的更新,它还支持兼容电视上的HDR,这是一个不错的增强,可以使原始型号与新的Slim和Pro型号更加一致。

It also featured a new controller design with the DualShock 4, which introduced a touchpad and replaced the traditional Start/Select buttons with new Share and Options buttons. It also allowed the controllers to be charged when the console was in Sleep Mode, which was a huge omission on the PlayStation 3.

它还具有DualShock 4的新控制器设计,该控制器设计了触摸板,并用新的“共享”和“选项”按钮代替了传统的“开始/选择”按钮。 它还允许在控制台处于睡眠模式时为控制器充电,这在PlayStation 3上是一个巨大的遗漏。

Overall, the PS4 was an excellent console for its time, and a worthy successor to the PlayStation 3. But like I said earlier, some of its features are getting a little long in the tooth, which is the whole reason for the new Slim model.

总体而言,PS4当时是出色的游戏机,并且是PlayStation 3的值得称赞的继任者。但是正如我之前说过的,它的某些功能实在有些长,这就是新Slim机型的全部原因。

PlayStation 4 Slim(2016年9月发布) (PlayStation 4 Slim (Released September, 2016))

As its name suggests, the newest version of the PS4—with a list price of $300, but often available for less—is a smaller, slimmer, and overall more minimal version of the PS4—at least on the outside. It does, however, bring updates to some of the PS4’s more outdated specs, which was honestly needed at this point.

顾名思义,PS4的最新版本(标价为300美元,但通常价格更低)是PS4的更小,更薄,整体更小版本-至少在外部。 但是,它确实带来了PS4某些更过时的规格的更新,这是目前确实需要的。

First, and what I personally feel is the biggest improvement, is the Wi-FI: where the original PS4 only supports 2.4GHz b/g/n networks, the PS4 Slim has both 2.4GHz and 5GHz support, as well as adding Wi-Fi AC to the mix. In other words, it supports all modern network configurations for faster and more reliable Wi-Fi, provided your router supports those same standards. The Slim model also bumps the Bluetooth connection from the long-outdated 2.1 protocol to Bluetooth 4.0.

首先,我个人认为最大的改进是Wi-Fi:原始PS4仅支持2.4GHz b / g / n网络,而PS4 Slim同时支持2.4GHz和5GHz ,并添加了Wi- Fi AC混合。 换句话说,只要您的路由器支持相同的标准,它就支持所有现代网络配置,以实现更快,更可靠的Wi-Fi。 Slim模型还将蓝牙连接从过时的2.1协议扩展到了蓝牙4.0。

The USB ports have been updated to the newer USB 3.1 standard, but Sony also removed the optical audio port from the updated model to fit its slimmer size. That means all audio has to be routed through HDMI for those with home entertainment systems. For most users, this probably won’t matter, but optical audio can be useful in some situations.

USB端口已更新为更新的USB 3.1标准,但索尼还从更新的型号中删除了光学音频端口,以适应其更薄的尺寸。 这意味着对于那些具有家庭娱乐系统的人,所有音频都必须通过HDMI路由。 对于大多数用户而言,这可能无关紧要,但是光学音频在某些情况下可能会有用

When it comes to storage, the original PlayStation 4 was limited to 500GB out of the box, where the Slim comes in both 500GB and 1TB options. That extra 500GB will go a long way.

在存储方面,原始的PlayStation 4限制为开箱即用,最大容量为500GB,而Slim则有500GB和1TB两种选项。 那额外的500GB将会走很长一段路。

Past this handful of hardware differences, the Slim is otherwise identical to the original model—the graphics processor and RAM, for example, are the same. The real update there is in the Pro model, which takes everything to a new level.

除了少数硬件差异之外,Slim在其他方面与原始模型相同,例如,图形处理器和RAM相同。 Pro模型中存在真正的更新,它将所有内容提升到一个新的水平。

PlayStation 4 Pro(2016年9月发布) (PlayStation 4 Pro (Released September, 2016))

The PlayStation 4 Pro ($400) is the big dog of Sony’s “new” lineup, offering more than either of the other two models—including 4K and HDR support for games and video. The overall form factor of the Pro is a bit larger than the original PlayStation 4, though not by much—about 13  percent—it is, however, roughly 43 percent larger than the Slim model, not to mention more expensive.

PlayStation 4 Pro (400美元)是索尼“新”产品线中的佼佼者,它提供的功能远远超过其他两种型号-包括对游戏视频的4K和HDR支持。 Pro的整体尺寸比原始PlayStation 4稍大一些,虽然大约不超过13%,但比Slim型号大了约43%,更不用说更贵了。

It makes sense, though, because it packs a lot more under the hood than the other two models. For starters, it offers three USB ports instead of two (all of which are USB 3.1). Just like the other two, there’s a pair of ports on the front, but now it also offers one in the back—great for USB storage.

不过,这是有道理的,因为与其他两个型号相比,它在引擎盖下的包装要多得多。 对于初学者,它提供了三个USB端口,而不是两个(所有端口都是USB 3.1)。 就像其他两个端口一样,前面也有一对端口,但现在后面也有一个端口,非常适合USB存储。

Sony also updated the HDMI port on the Pro to HDMI 2.0. The older HDMI 1.4 standard (which is on both the original PS4 and Slim models) limits 4K content to 24fps (frames per second), where HDMI 2.0 bumps this up to 60fps—this is crucial for being able to play games in 4K. This newer HDMI standard also features HDCP 2.2, an updated form of copy protection which allows services like Netflix to output 4K content.

索尼还将Pro上的HDMI端口更新为HDMI 2.0。 较早的HDMI 1.4标准(在原始PS4和Slim型号上均使用)将4K内容限制为24fps(每秒帧数),而HDMI 2.0将其提高到60fps,这对于能够以4K玩游戏至关重要。 此更新的HDMI标准还具有HDCP 2.2,这是一种复制保护的更新形式,它使Netflix等服务能够输出4K内容。

All that said, there is one silly omission here: the Pro can’t play 4K Blu Rays. It’s unclear whether this is a software or hardware limitation, so we can’t expect that some software update will fix this in the future. It’s very, very dumb.

综上所述,这里有一个愚蠢的遗漏:Pro无法播放4K蓝光。 目前尚不清楚这是软件限制还是硬件限制,因此我们不能指望某些软件更新会在将来解决此问题。 非常非常愚蠢。

Since this is the 4K model, Sony also bumped the GPU (graphics processing unit) up a notch or two. This make a lot of sense, because 4K resolution is literally four times larger than 1080p, which means there are more pixels to push. The more pixels the unit needs to push, the harder the GPU has to work to do it.

由于这是4K型号,Sony还将GPU(图形处理单元)提高了一个或两个级别。 这很有道理,因为4K分辨率实际上是1080p的四倍,这意味着有更多像素需要推送。 单位需要推动的像素越多,GPU要做的工作就越困难。

My TV doesn’t have HDR. :(
我的电视没有HDR。 :(

The Pro offers an additional gigabyte of RAM over the other models: instead of just 8GB or DDR5 RAM like the other two, it also has 1GB of slower, DDR3 RAM for non-gaming tasks. Instead of using the 8GB of “gaming” RAM for background tasks like Netflix or Spotify, the Pro offloads these much less complex tasks to the slower RAM, making more of the “gaming” RAM available for, well, games. It’s a clever setup that should make the overall system more responsive and games play a little better.

Pro提供了比其他型号更多的GB内存:与其他两个型号相比,它不仅提供8GB或DDR5 RAM,而且还具有1GB的慢速DDR3 RAM,用于非游戏任务。 Pro没有将8GB的“游戏” RAM用于诸如Netflix或Spotify的后台任务,而是将这些不那么复杂的任务卸载到了速度较慢的RAM中,从而使更多的“游戏” RAM可用于游戏。 这是一个聪明的设置,可以使整个系统的响应速度更快,游戏性能也更好。

It’s also worth pointing out that just because all three PS4s are using DDR5 RAM doesn’t necessarily mean they perform equally. According to Polygon, the DDR5 RAM in the Pro clocks at 24 percent faster than the original PS4: 176 GB/second vs 218 GB/second. Again, a marginal bump that will go a long way in increasing the lifespan of the Pro, helping it to stay relevant until Sony releases its next-gen console some years from now.

还值得指出的是,仅仅因为所有三个PS4都使用DDR5 RAM并不一定意味着它们的性能相同。 据Polygon称,Pro中的DDR5 RAM的时钟速度比原始PS4快24%:176 GB /秒与218 GB /秒。 同样,微不足道的障碍将大大延长Pro的使用寿命,帮助它保持相关性,直到几年后索尼发布其下一代游戏机为止。

Beyond this, all the same upgrades available in the PS4 Slim—5GHz and AC Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, etc.—are all available in the Pro. It also comes standard with 1TB of storage—no 500GB option for this beasty.

除此之外,PS4 Slim中所有可用的相同升级-5GHz和AC Wi-Fi,蓝牙4.0等-在Pro中均可用。 它还标配了1TB的存储空间-该野兽没有500GB的选项。

Finally, I want to touch on software. While the Pro’s software is mostly the same as the other models (and should continue to be in the future), there is one feature worth talking about: Boost Mode.

最后,我想谈谈软件。 虽然Pro的软件大多是相同的其他车型(并应继续在未来的),还有一个特点值得一说的:升压模式。

Boost Mode? More like Beast Mode.
增强模式? 更像野兽模式。

Boost Mode is an exclusive feature for the PS4 Pro that was released with the 4.50 system software. Basically, this feature allows existing PS4 games to put that extra GPU power to good use, which can dramatically improve graphical performance. Or, in simpler terms: it makes existing games look better and play smoother, even if they weren’t designed for the PS4 Pro.

增强模式是随4.54系统软件一起发布的PS4 Pro的专有功能。 基本上,此功能允许现有的PS4游戏充分利用这些额外的GPU功能,从而可以显着提高图形性能。 或者,用更简单的话说:即使现有游戏不是为PS4 Pro设计的,它也可以使现有游戏看起来更好,玩起来更流畅。

And this isn’t just something that applies to games that have already been updated to support the PS4’s increased resolution, either—this is for nearly all PS4 games. So, if a game pushes the PS4 to its limits in terms of frames per second, it should be able to zip right along at 60 fps on the Pro with Boost Mode enabled. That said, some games are locked to 30fps regardless, so Boost Mode won’t do anything to improve that. It’s a software limitation within the game itself.

而且,这不仅适用于已经更新以支持PS4更高分辨率的游戏-这几乎适用于所有PS4游戏。 因此,如果游戏将PS4推至每秒帧数的极限,则应该能够在启用了增强模式的Pro上以60 fps的速度向右滑动。 也就是说,有些游戏无论如何都被锁定为30fps,因此Boost模式将无济于事。 这是游戏本身的软件限制。

“新” DualShock 4 (The “New” DualShock 4)

Top: Original DualShock 4; Bottom: New DualShock 4. Look at that light bar!
上图:Original DualShock 4; 底部:新的DualShock4。看看那个灯条!

Apart from the new consoles, there are some minor changes in the new DualShock 4 (note: both controllers have the same name, so there’s no differentiation there). Mostly, the newer model has a light bar not only on the back of the controller, but also just above the touchpad. This makes a lot more sense to me, as it’s now a player-facing feature and not just a novelty item.

除了新的控制台以外,新的DualShock 4也有一些小的更改(注意:两个控制器的名称相同,因此没有区别)。 通常,较新的型号不仅在控制器的背面,而且还在触摸板的上方都有一个灯条。 这对我而言意义更大,因为它现在是面向玩家的功能,而不仅仅是新颖性。

The newer model also features USB communication, so you can play games either wirelessly or over USB—an option that wasn’t available on the original DualShock 4.

较新的型号还具有USB通信功能,因此您可以无线或通过USB玩游戏-原来的DualShock 4没有该选项。

Otherwise, the rest of the specs are identical. The new DualShock 4 controller comes with the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, but works on all three systems.

否则,其余规格相同。 新的DualShock 4控制器随附PS4 Slim和PS4 Pro,但可在所有三个系统上使用。

那么,您应该购买哪一个呢? (So, Which One Should You Buy?)

Not everything is black and white, so you can’t just say “here are the specs, and here is what’s under the hood” and expect that to be the entire conversation—that’s only half the story. The rest of the things worth considering are more theoretical or even personal in nature, especially when you consider cost.

并非所有事物都是黑白的,所以您不能只说“这里是规格,这是内幕”,并期望这是整个对话,这只是故事的一半。 其余值得考虑的事物本质上是更具理论性甚至是个人的,尤其是在考虑成本时。

The PS4 Slim officially costs $300, but you can often get it for less, and often in a bundle—this PS4 Slim Uncharted Bundle is going for $255 at the time of this writing. The PS4 Pro, on the other hand, is $400, with no games included—so there’s a bigger difference in cost than it may seem at first glance.

PS4 Slim的正式售价为300美元,但您通常可以以更低的价格获得,而且价格通常是捆绑销售的。在撰写本文时,此PS4 Slim Uncharted捆绑包的价格为255美元。 另一方面,PS4 Pro的价格为400美元,不包括游戏,因此成本差异比乍看之下更大。

So what do you get for that extra money? First, let’s talk about this whole 4K thing. Is a 4K TV necessary to enjoy a PS4 Pro? No, but it is nice. The PS4 Pro is still a decent improvement over the other two consoles on a 1080p TV, thanks to the hardware improvements and boost mode.

那么,这些额外的钱你能得到什么呢? 首先,让我们谈谈整个4K问题。 享受PS4 Pro是否需要4K电视? 不,但是很好。 由于硬件改进和增强模式,PS4 Pro与1080p电视上的其他两个游戏机相比仍然是一个不错的改进。

If you’re in the market for a PlayStation and don’t already have a PS4, then you should absolutely buy the Pro provided it fits into your budget. Not only is it noticeably better, but it’s going to have the longest life—while the other two models will undoubtedly feel dated before Sony releases its next-gen console (whenever that may be). The Pro far more future-proof, making it a much better purchase decision right now, even if you don’t have a 4K TV (yet).

如果您在PlayStation的市场上还没有PS4,那么您绝对应该购买Pro,只要它适合您的预算即可。 它不仅明显更好,而且将具有最长的使用寿命,而其他两种型号无疑会在索尼发布其下一代主机(无论何时)之前感到过时。 Pro更具前瞻性,即使您还没有4K电视,也可以立即做出更好的购买决定。

If you already have a PlayStation 4, however, things get a little more convoluted. Here are some things you should consider before upgrading:

但是,如果您已经拥有PlayStation 4,事情就会变得更加复杂。 升级之前,您应该考虑以下几点:

  • If you have a 4K TV or plan on getting one, the difference is definitely noticeable. Even on your existing 4K TV the enhanced performance and Boost Mode make a big difference, but you’ll really like it once you upgrade to a 4K screen.

    如果您有一台4K电视或打算购买一台4K电视,那么区别肯定很明显。 即使在您现有的4K电视上,增强的性能和增强模式也有很大的不同,但是一旦升级到4K屏幕,您将非常喜欢它。

  • The Wi-Fi performance is significantly better. Honestly, this was the feature that pushed me over the edge. The Wi-Fi performance on my 2013 PS4 was so crummy most of the time I couldn’t even use PlayStation Now to test game streaming—with the Pro’s improved Wi-Fi performance and 5GHz support, however, that changed. That’s a huge point that I feel has gone mostly under the radar, and probably the Pro’s most underappreciated feature at this point.

    Wi-Fi性能明显更好。 老实说,这就是让我感到惊讶的功能。 我的2013 PS4上的Wi-Fi性能非常糟糕,我什至无法使用PlayStation Now测试游戏流,但Pro改进的Wi-Fi性能和5GHz支持改变了这一状况。 我觉得这是一个很重要的问题,在大多数情况下,这是可能的,这可能是Pro目前最不被重视的功能。

  • Boost Mode is legit, son. If you love playing games on your PS4 now, you’ll love all those same titles even more on the Pro—even if they haven’t been updated to support the Pro’s higher resolution. Boost Mode makes everything smoother and faster, which makes gaming more fun. This is definitely a feature you’ll love and a solid reason to want to upgrade to the Pro—even if you’re playing on a 1080p TV.

    儿子,Boost Mode合法。 如果您现在喜欢在PS4上玩游戏,那么您甚至会更喜欢Pro上的所有相同游戏,即使它们尚未进行更新以支持Pro的更高分辨率。 增强模式使一切变得更流畅,更快,从而使游戏变得更加有趣。 这绝对是您会喜欢的功能,也是升级到Pro的充分理由-即使您在1080p电视上播放。

  • Don’t worry about the upscaling thing. I know a lot of people are somewhat concerned about many games not playing in “true” 4K. I’ll tell you right now: don’t worry about it. The upscaled 4K content still looks great, I promise.

    不必担心升级问题。 我知道很多人都担心许多游戏无法在“真正的” 4K下玩。 我现在告诉你:不用担心。 我保证,升级后的4K内容看起来仍然很棒。

Of course, it’s really up to you if you can or can’t justify the upgrade. I will tell you this: if you don’t have a 4K TV and are happy with your current PS4, don’t upgrade yet. Give it some time—you’re not missing out on anything super special right now, and if you wait long enough some sweet bundles will undoubtedly roll out, saving you a decent amount of money. I imagine we’ll see some nice bundles around the holidays.

当然,是否可以进行升级完全取决于您。 我将告诉您:如果您没有4K电视,并且对当前的PS4感到满意,请不要升级 给它一些时间-您现在不会错过任何超特别的东西,并且如果您等待足够长的时间,毫无疑问,一些甜味包将推出,为您节省了可观的金钱。 我想我们在假期期间会看到一些不错的组合。

So yeah, that’s sort of the long and short of it:


  • If you don’t have a PS4, go for the Pro (provided you can fit it into your budget).

  • If you have a 4K TV and a PS4, it’s definitely worth the upgrade, but consider holding out for a PS4 Pro bundle to roll out.

    如果您有一台4K电视和一台PS4,绝对值得升级,但请考虑暂不推出PS4 Pro捆绑包。
  • If you have a 1080p TV and a PS4, the return won’t be nearly as dramatic as it is for users with 4K TVs, so I’d suggest waiting for a bundle. Give it some time—the value will be much higher down the road a ways.

    如果您有一台1080p电视和一台PS4,那么回报将不会像拥有4K电视的用户那样戏剧性,因此我建议您等待捆绑销售。 给它一些时间,其价值将在某种程度上更高。

I know, it’s a lot to take in—like I said, there’s a lot more to it than you may realize at first. Hopefully I’ve been able to help parse some of the details and point out things you haven’t considered. And for what it’s worth: I have zero regret in upgrading to the Pro. I loved my PS4, and I love the Pro even more. It was worth every penny of my hard-earned dollars.

我知道,要接受的东西很多-就像我说的那样,它的意义远不如您一开始可能意识到的多。 希望我能够帮助解析一些细节并指出您尚未考虑的事情。 而且它的价值:升级到Pro,我丝毫不后悔。 我爱我的PS4,甚至更喜欢Pro。 我辛苦赚来的每一分钱都值得。






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