



Every week we bring you interesting facts from the history of Geekdom. This week in Geek History witnessed the first successful demonstration of the electric telegraph, the safe landing of the Spirit rover on the surface of Mars, and the birth of famed fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkien.

每周我们都会带给您Geekdom历史上有趣的事实。 在《极客历史》的这一周,见证了电报的首次成功演示,圣火漫游者在火星表面的安全降落以及著名的幻想作家JRR托尔金的诞生。

电报的首次成功演示 (First Successful Demonstration of the Electric Telegraph)


In 1838, Samuel Morse gave the first successful demonstration of the electric telegraph. Although the original telegraph and the Morse Code tapped out upon it was extremely primitive by today’s communication standards it laid the backbone for modern communication. Because of Samuel Morse the idea of communication at a distance over networks of wires was inserted into the popular imagination and other inventors built upon his idea until what started as a series of long electric taps, over more than a century, slowly transformed into pulses of light over cables that spanned the globe.

1838年,塞缪尔·摩尔斯(Samuel Morse)首次成功演示了电报机。 尽管从今天的通信标准来看,最初的电报和莫尔斯电码是极其原始的,但它为现代通信奠定了基础。 由于塞缪尔·莫尔斯(Samuel Morse),通过电线网络进行远距离通讯的想法被插入了流行的想象中,其他发明家也基于他的想法,直到一个多世纪以来一系列长的电动抽头开始逐渐转变为脉冲点亮遍布全球的电缆。

One interesting and lesser known aspect of the development of the telegraph is why Morse invented it. Classically educated at Yale he supported himself by painting the portraits of wealthy benefactors. While away on a painting assignment his wife fell ill and died during the time it took the letter from his home to reach the distant city he was in. It was because of the heartbreak over not even knowing his wife was dying that he sought to develop a fast means of communication over distances.

莫尔斯发明了电报的原因之一是它有趣而鲜为人知。 他在耶鲁大学受过经典教育,他通过画有钱人的肖像来养活自己。 在去做绘画作业时,他的妻子在从家中带信到达他所居住的遥远城市的过程中病倒并去世。正是由于心碎,他才知道自己的妻子正在死去,甚至不知道他的妻子正在死。一种远距离通讯的快速方式。

(Spirit Lands on Mars)

This week in 2004 the first rover in the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Mission touched down. Formally designated as Mars Exploration Rover A it was referred to more informally as Spirit. Spirit defied all expectations by surviving longer and traveling farther than NASA had ever intended. Spirit covered more than 10 times the distance across the Martian surface than NASA had believe possible thanks to favorable conditions that extended the active life of the probe nearly 22 times longer than they had originally calculated. Spirit roamed the surface of Mars for over 6 years before becoming stuck in soft soil. It continued to send data back even then, though it has been silent since March of 2010—NASA hopes to establish contact again during the Martian summer of 2011.

2004年的这个星期,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)火星探测车任务中的第一辆火星车着陆了。 正式名称为“火星探索漫游者A”,在非正式上更称为“精神”。 Spirit超越了NASA的预期生存时间并走得更远,超出了所有人的期望。 由于有利的条件,Spirit覆盖火星表面的距离是NASA认为可能的10倍以上,这使探测器的有效寿命延长了将近22倍。 在被卡在软土地上之前,Spirit在漫游火星表面超过6年。 尽管自2010年3月以来一直保持沉默,但它一直在向后发送数据。NASA希望在2011年火星夏季再次建立联系。

JRR Tolkien的诞生 (Birth of J.R.R. Tolkien)


Although not geeky in the technological sense the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy are deeply intertwined with geek culture. If ever there was an iconic figure in the realm of fantasy literature it is J.R.R Tolkien. Born in what is now South Africa (in an area that was under British rule) Tolkien went on to write some of the most famous fantasy novels the 20th century would offer, including The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Silmarillion. The world of Arda and the Middle Earth set within it, is one of the most recognized fantasy worlds around thanks to countless reprints of the original books, a series of animated movies, and a series of live action movies that raked in massive sales at the box office.

尽管从技术意义上讲不是怪异的,但科幻小说和奇幻小说的种类与怪胎文化息息相关。 如果在幻想文学领域曾经有过一个标志性人物,那就是JRR Tolkien。 托尔金出生于现在的南非(在英国统治下的一个地区),他继续写了20世纪将提供的一些最著名的幻想小说,包括《霍比特人》,《指环王》三部曲和《 The Silmarillion》。 阿达(Arda)和中土世界位于其中,是世界上最广为人知的幻想世界之一,这要归功于原版书籍的无数再版,一系列动画电影以及一系列实景电影,这些电影在该市场大受欢迎。票房。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39909/this-week-in-geek-history-morse-code-mars-rovers-j.r.r.-tolkiens-birthday/






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