iPad,iPad Pro和iPad Mini有什么区别?

Apple’s iPad line has gotten pretty hefty, between the 12.9-inch and 10.5-inch iPad Pro, the (blandly named) iPad, and the iPad Mini 4. They range from $329 all the way up to $1279. So what’s the difference between all these models? Let’s take a look.

苹果的iPad产品线已经变得相当庞大,介于12.9英寸和10.5英寸iPad Pro,(俗称)iPad和iPad Mini 4之间。价格从329美元到1279美元不等。 那么所有这些模型之间有什么区别? 让我们来看看。

有什么不同? (What’s the Same?)

Before diving into the nitty gritty, let’s consider what’s broadly the same.


They’re all iPads running Apple’s iOS operating system. The vast majority of apps will run smoothly on all four models (though some games may not run smoothly or even be available for the iPad Mini 4).

它们都是运行Apple的iOS操作系统的iPad。 绝大多数应用程序将在所有四种型号上流畅运行(尽管某些游戏可能无法流畅运行,甚至可能不适用于iPad Mini 4)。

All the models are available in Silver, Space Grey, and Gold. The 10.5-inch iPad Pro is also available in Rose Gold.

所有型号均提供银色,深空灰色和金色。 10.5英寸iPad Pro也提供玫瑰金。

Each model is available as either a regular model with Wi-Fi, or one with Wi-Fi and Cellular (although if you want to use the Cellular feature, you’ll need to sign up to a data plan with a carrier).


Each model also has a Touch ID fingerprint sensor for security.

每个型号还具有一个Touch ID指纹传感器,以提高安全性。

Lastly, Apple says each iPad has about 10 hours of battery life, regardless of which size, and charges using a Lightning cable.


显示器 (The Display)

The most immediately apparent difference between all the different iPad models is the size of the screen, and thus the size of the device. There are four different sizes:

所有不同型号的iPad之间最明显的区别是屏幕的尺寸,因此也是设备的尺寸。 有四种不同的尺寸:

  • The 12.9” iPad Pro with a 2732‑by‑2048 screen.

    12.9英寸iPad Pro屏幕具有2732×2048。
  • The 10.5” iPad Pro with a 2224‑by‑1668 screen.

    10.5英寸iPad Pro屏幕为2224 x 1668。
  • The 9.7” iPad with a 2048‑by‑1536 screen.

    带有2048 x 1536屏幕的9.7英寸iPad。
  • The 7.9” iPad Mini 4 with a 2048‑by‑1536 screen.

    带有2048 x 1536屏幕的7.9英寸iPad Mini 4。

The screens on the two Pro models use the wider P3 color gamut and also adjust the white balance of the screen so that it better matches the ambient light in the room (apple calls this feature ” TrueTone”). They also have a higher refresh rate than the iPad and iPad Mini 4. Collectively, this means that the display on the two Pro models is significantly, and noticeably, better and smoother.

两个Pro型号的屏幕使用更宽的P3色域,还可以调整屏幕的白平衡,使其更好地匹配房间的环境光(苹果称之为“ TrueTone”功能)。 它们的刷新率也比iPad和iPad Mini 4高。总的来说,这意味着这两种Pro机型的显示效果显着,而且明显更好,更流畅。

中央处理器 (The CPU)

The other big difference between the iPad Pro models and the iPad and iPad Mini 4 is the chip inside. The two iPad Pros have the A10X Fusion system-on-a-chip, while the iPad has the older A9 and the iPad Mini 4 has the even older A8.

iPad Pro机型与iPad和iPad Mini 4之间的另一个大区别是内部的芯片。 两家iPad Pro具有A10X Fusion片上系统,而iPad具有较旧的A9,而iPad Mini 4具有较旧的A8。

This means that the iPad Pros are about 30% faster for single core performance and 80% faster for multi-core performance than the iPad. The iPad Pros also have about 150% faster CPU performance than the iPad Mini.

这意味着iPad Pro的单核性能要比iPad快30%,多核性能要快80%。 iPad Pro的CPU性能也比iPad Mini快150%。

Again, you will see a difference between an iPad Pro and a regular iPad or iPad Mini 4. It will be faster at almost everything, though the difference will be most noticeable in things like games or professional applications. It’s not that the iPad and iPad Mini 4 are slow; it’s just that the iPad Pro is really, really fast.

同样,您会发现iPad Pro与普通iPad或iPad Mini 4之间存在差异。尽管在游戏或专业应用程序等方面差异最为明显,但它在几乎所有功能上都将更快。 并不是说iPad和iPad Mini 4的运行速度慢。 仅仅是iPad Pro真的非常快。

存储 (Storage)

Storage isn’t quite the concern it once was—the iPad is the only model offering less than 64GB. Even with the regular iPad, spending an additional $100 gets you a 128GB, which is a ton of space.

存储不再像以前那样令人担忧-iPad是唯一提供64 GB以下容量的机型。 即使使用普通的iPad,多花100美元也可以获得128GB的存储空间,这是一个巨大的空间。

The iPad Mini 4 is, strangely, only available in 128GB, and the two iPad Pros come in three sizes: 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB.

奇怪的是,iPad Mini 4仅提供128GB,而两个iPad Pro具有三种尺寸:64GB,256GB和512GB。

Unless you want a huge amount of storage space, there is a decent option for every iPad. The 128GB iPad and iPad Mini 4 both have more than enough storage space for most uses; it’s only professionals working with high resolution photos and video who are likely to need the 256GB or 512GB Pro options.

除非您想要大量的存储空间,否则每台iPad都有不错的选择。 128GB iPad和iPad Mini 4都具有足够的存储空间,可满足大多数用途。 只有使用高分辨率照片和视频的专业人员可能需要256GB或512GB Pro选项。

专业配件支持 (Professional Accessory Support)

Doing actual work with a touch screen is difficult. It can be done, but it’s not a lot of fun. To get major work done, you need a keyboard and/or a stylus (depending on your work).

用触摸屏进行实际工作很困难。 可以做到,但并不是很有趣。 要完成主要工作,您需要键盘和/或手写笔(取决于您的工作)。

Apple offers both a Smart Keyboard and an Apple Pencil, but they are only fully compatible with the two iPad Pros. The Pencil will work on a regular iPad or iPad Mini 4, but you won’t get pressure sensitivity, which kind of defeats the purpose of spending $99 on one.

Apple提供了智能键盘和Apple Pencil,但它们仅与两个iPad Pro完全兼容。 铅笔可以在普通的iPad或iPad Mini 4上使用,但您不会获得压力感应,这与花99美元买一个的目的相违背。

That said, you can still find plenty of Bluetooth keyboards, keyboard cases, and styluses that work with the iPad and iPad Mini 4. They just won’t be quite as integrated as Apple’s accessories are with the Pros, and they may not have quite as many features (like the aforementioned pressure sensitivity). But you can get by.

也就是说,您仍然可以找到大量可与iPad和iPad Mini 4配合使用的蓝牙键盘,键盘盒和触控笔。它们只是不像Apple配件与Pros一样集成,并且可能没有一样多的功能(例如上述压力敏感度)。 但是你可以过去。

摄像头和音频 (Camera and Audio)

There are a host of differences between the iPad Pro, iPad, and iPad Mini 4 when it comes to camera and audio playback. Here are the ones you will notice:

在摄像头和音频播放方面,iPad Pro,iPad和iPad Mini 4之间存在许多差异。 您会注意到以下内容:

  • The iPad Pros have a 12-megapixel rear camera with a f/1.8 lens and optical image stabilization. The iPad and iPad Mini 4 only have 8-megapixel cameras with f/2.4 lenses.

    iPad Pro配备了一个带f / 1.8镜头和光学防抖功能的12百万像素后置摄像头。 iPad和iPad Mini 4仅具有带f / 2.4镜头的8百万像素相机。

  • The iPad Pros can record 4K video. The iPad and iPad Mini 4 are limited to 1080p.

    iPad Pro可以录制4K视频。 iPad和iPad Mini 4限制为1080p。
  • The iPad Pros have a 7-megapixel FaceTime camera. The iPad and iPad Mini 4 only have a 1.2-megapixel FaceTime camera.

    iPad Pro具有7百万像素FaceTime相机。 iPad和iPad Mini 4仅具有1.2百万像素的FaceTime相机。
  • The iPad Pros have four speakers; the iPad and iPad Mini 4 only have two.

    iPad Pro具有四个扬声器; iPad和iPad Mini 4只有两个。

The iPad and iPad Mini definitely aren’t weak in this department—all of those specs are solid. Just take note if you really care about image stabilization, 4K video, or speakers.

iPad和iPad Mini在该部门绝对不弱-所有这些规格都是可靠的。 如果您真的关心图像稳定,4K视频或扬声器,请注意。

价格 (The Price)

It should be pretty clear by now that the iPad Pros are a different class of device to the regular iPad and iPad Mini 4. They’re better across the board. Their premium features, however, come at a premium price.

现在应该很清楚,iPad Pros与普通的iPad和iPad Mini 4是另一类设备。它们在整体上都更好。 但是,它们的高级功能要付出高昂的代价。

The two best cheap options—the 128GB Wi-Fi iPad and 128GB Wi-Fi iPad Mini 4—cost just $399 and and $429 respectively. That’s a pretty accessible price point, and those devices will do well for a lot of people.

两种最便宜的选择-128GB Wi-Fi iPad和128GB Wi-Fi iPad Mini 4 –分别仅售399美元和429美元。 这是一个相当容易达到的价格点,这些设备对于很多人来说都做得很好。

The iPad Pro starts at $649 for the 64GB Wi-Fi 10.5 inch iPad Pro. But if you’re getting a Pro, you’re realistically going to spend $99 on an Apple Pencil or $159 ($169 for the larger iPad Pro) on the Smart Keyboard, too. And if you’re really using them for professional applications, 64GB of storage probably isn’t enough either for professional uses…so a lot of people will end up spending over $800 on an iPad Pro if you want all the bells and whistles.

对于64GB Wi-Fi 10.5英寸iPad Pro,iPad Pro的起价为649美元。 但是,如果您要购买Pro,那么实际上您将在Apple Pencil上花费99美元,或者在Smart Keyboard上花费159美元(对于较大的iPad Pro为169美元)。 而且,如果您真的将它们用于专业应用程序,那么64GB的存储空间可能还不足以用于专业用途……因此,如果您想要所有的花哨的东西,很多人最终会在iPad Pro上花费超过800美元。

That means realistically, the iPad Pro and its accessories can cost almost twice as much as the more basic iPads. It’s worth it, but only if you’re really going to take advantage of those features. Unless you’re sure you will use the iPad Pro as a work tool (or are a really heavy iPad gamer), you’re almost certainly better off with an iPad or iPad Mini 4. They are still powerful tablets with great displays that are more than capable of handling most modern apps.

实际上,这意味着iPad Pro及其配件的价格几乎是基本iPad的两倍。 这是值得的,但前提是您确实要充分利用这些功能。 除非您确定要使用iPad Pro作为工作工具(或者是非常沉重的iPad游戏玩家),否则几乎可以肯定,使用iPad或iPad Mini 4会更好。它们仍然是功能强大的平板电脑,具有出色的显示效果,具有处理大多数现代应用程序的能力。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340476/whats-the-difference-between-the-ipad-ipad-pro-and-ipad-mini/





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