
There’s never been an easier time to get started with streaming your PC gameplay online. Whether you want to share your gameplay with some friends or start streaming on Twitch, streaming tools are now built into everything. Here’s how to find the best tool for the job.

在线流媒体播放PC游戏从未像现在这样简单。 无论您是想与一些朋友分享您的游戏玩法,还是想在Twitch上开始流式传输,流式传输工具现在都内置于一切中。 这是找到最佳工作工具的方法。

You can stream right from Steam and Windows 10, stream using your NVIDIA or AMD graphics drivers, or even use traditional broadcasting utilities for more power. This feature is also built into the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, so even console gamers can get in on the fun.

您可以直接从Steam和Windows 10进行流传输,使用NVIDIA或AMD图形驱动程序进行流传输,甚至可以使用传统的广播实用程序来获得更多功能。 PlayStation 4和Xbox One还内置了此功能,因此即使是主机游戏玩家也可以从中获得乐趣。

蒸汽广播 (Steam Broadcasting)

Broadcasting is built into Steam, so this is a convenient way to broadcast without any additional software. If you enable broadcasting, your friends on steam can watch your gameplay without any additional software. You even even set it to “Friends can request to watch my games” and Steam will allow your friends to drop in on your gameplay from your friends list, only streaming your gameplay online if someone wants to watch.

广播内置于Steam中,因此这是无需任何其他软件即可进行广播的便捷方法。 如果启用了广播,那么不费吹灰之力的朋友就可以观看您的游戏,而无需任何其他软件。 您甚至可以将其设置为“朋友可以要求观看我的游戏”,Steam将允许您的朋友从您的朋友列表中加入您的游戏玩法,仅当有人希望观看时才在线播放您的游戏玩法。

Steam broadcasting can also be used to stream publicly. If you select “Anyone can watch my games”, people can find your stream from the Community > Broadcasts page in Steam. But, if you actually want to stream publicly and build a wider audience, you’ll probably find a larger viewership on services like Twitch and YouTube Live rather than Steam.

蒸汽广播也可以用于公开直播。 如果您选择“任何人都可以观看我的游戏”,人们可以在Steam的“社区”>“广播”页面中找到您的信息流。 但是,如果您实际上想公开流媒体并扩大受众范围,则可能会在Twitch和YouTube Live等服务而非Steam上找到更大的观众群。

While Steam does allow you to enable your microphone so you can talk on the stream, there’s no webcam support so your viewers can’t see you.


Twitch,Facebook和YouTube的NVIDIA GeForce体验 (NVIDIA GeForce Experience for Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube)

NVIDIA now has game broadcasting features built into its GeForce Experience software. You probably already have installed if you have NVIDIA graphics hardware on your computer. NVIDIA’s game broadcasting can stream to Twitch, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live, but can only broadcast to one service at a time.

NVIDIA现在在其GeForce Experience软件中内置了游戏广播功能。 如果您的计算机上装有NVIDIA图形硬件,则可能已经安装了。 NVIDIA的游戏广播可以流向Twitch,Facebook Live或YouTube Live,但一次只能广播到一项服务。

This works using the same underlying technology NVIDIA ShadowPlay uses to record your gameplay. It provides an easy way to get started streaming on Twitch or YouTube Live, if you’re interested in building a following. It can even stream to Facebook, so there’s a convenient location where your friends can view your stream without you having to send any links.

这与NVIDIA ShadowPlay用来记录游戏玩法的基础技术相同。 如果您有兴趣建立关注者,它提供了一种简便的方法来开始在Twitch或YouTube Live上流式传输。 它甚至可以流式传输到Facebook,因此有一个方便的位置,您的朋友可以在不发送任何链接的情况下查看您的流。

This feature is fairly powerful, and it allows you to use push-to-talk or always-on mode for your microphone, if you want to talk on stream. You can also embed video from your webcam, choosing a size and position for the video feed. It even supports a few custom overlays, so you can decorate your stream with images.

此功能相当强大,如果您想在视频流中通话,则可以使用即按即讲或始终在线模式的麦克风。 您还可以嵌入网络摄像头中的视频,选择视频供稿的大小和位置。 它甚至支持一些自定义叠加层,因此您可以用图像来装饰流。

适用于Twitch,Facebook,YouTube等的AMD ReLive (AMD ReLive for Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, and More)

AMD also has a game broadcasting function built into its software as part of ReLive. The ReLive software can stream to Twitch, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Microsoft Mixer, Sina Weibo, or STAGE TEN.

作为ReLive的一部分,AMD的软件还内置了游戏播放功能。 ReLive软件可以流到Twitch,Facebook Live,YouTube Live,Microsoft Mixer,新浪微博或STAGE TEN。

As with NVIDIA GeForce Experience, this provides a way to get started with just your graphics driver’s software. AMD’s Radeon ReLive is supported on systems with desktop AMD Graphics Core Next (GCN) graphics hardware, which should include basically any desktop AMD card made since 2012.

与NVIDIA GeForce Experience一样,这提供了一种仅使用图形驱动程序软件的方法。 具有台式机AMD Graphics Core Next(GCN)图形硬件的系统支持AMD的Radeon ReLive,该硬件基本上应包括自2012年以来制造的所有台式机AMD卡。

Streaming settings can be customized from the AMD Radeon Settings application—just select ReLive > Streaming. Press Alt+Z and click the “Broadcast” button to start broadcasting when you’re ready.

可以从AMD Radeon设置应用程序自定义流设置-只需选择ReLive>流。 准备好后,按Alt + Z并单击“广播”按钮以开始广播。

Facebook的Battle.net流媒体 (Battle.net Streaming for Facebook)

Blizzard’s Battle.net launcher has an integrated broadcast feature, but it can only stream on Facebook Live. It can’t stream to Twitch or any other service. It only allows you to broadcast Blizzard games like Overwatch, Hearthstone, Starcraft II, Diablo III, Heroes of the Storm, and World of Warcraft.

暴雪的Battle.net启动器具有集成的广播功能,但只能在Facebook Live上流式传输。 它不能流式传输到Twitch或任何其他服务。 它仅允许您播放暴雪游戏,例如《守望先锋》 ,《炉石传说》 ,《星际争霸2》 ,《暗黑破坏神III 》,《风暴英雄》《魔兽世界》

To use this feature, you’ll first need to click the video camera icon at the top right corner of the Battle.net launcher and you’ll be prompted to sign in with a Facebook account. Once you have, you can press Ctrl+F1 within a game to start streaming. These hotkeys and other streaming options are customizable from within the launcher. Just click Blizzard > Settings > Streaming.

要使用此功能,您首先需要单击Battle.net启动器右上角的摄像机图标,然后提示您使用Facebook帐户登录。 拥有后,您可以在游戏中按Ctrl + F1开始流式传输。 这些热键和其他流选项可在启动器中自定义。 只需单击暴雪>设置>流式传输。

适用于Microsoft Mixer的Windows 10广播 (Windows 10 Broadcasting for Microsoft Mixer)

Windows 10 has a built-in game broadcasting feature, but it only streams to Microsoft’s Mixer service. It’s part of the Game Bar, and should work anywhere the Game Bar works.

Windows 10具有内置的游戏广播功能,但仅流向Microsoft的Mixer服务。 它是游戏栏的一部分,并且可以在游戏栏可以工作的任何地方使用。

This is convenient because you can stream with just a Microsoft account, a few keypresses, and no additional software. Anyone who wants to watch you can view your stream on http://mixer.com/your_xbox_gametag_name in their web browser.

这很方便,因为您只需要一个Microsoft帐户,几个按键就可以流媒体播放,而无需其他软件。 任何想观看您的人都可以在其网络浏览器中的http://mixer.com/your_xbox_gametag_name上查看您的视频流。

Microsoft’s Mixer service has a smaller audience than Twitch, so we wouldn’t recommend if if you want to build a following. But Windows 10’s streaming feature is still a great way to start broadcasting your gameplay to some friends without a complicated setup process.

Microsoft的Mixer服务的受众比Twitch少,因此,如果要建立关注者,我们不建议这样做。 但是Windows 10的流功能仍然是无需复杂的设置过程即可开始向某些朋友广播游戏内容的好方法。

Unlike Steam’s broadcasting feature, Mixer can embed video from your webcam as well as audio from your microphone.


OBS可在Twitch和其他服务上进行强大的广播 (OBS for Powerful Broadcasting on Twitch and Other Services)

If you’re looking for something more advanced—or if you want to stream to Twitch, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live and you don’t have the NVIDIA GeForce Experience or AMD ReLive software available—you can use Open Broadcaster Software (OBS).

如果您正在寻找更高级的东西-或想要流式传输到Twitch,Facebook Live或YouTube Live,并且没有NVIDIA GeForce Experience或AMD ReLive软件-您可以使用Open Broadcaster Software(OBS)

Before NVIDIA, AMD, Microsoft, and Valve started offering this feature, tools like OBS were the only game in town. OBS in particular is still popular for streaming on Twitch, and is very configurable with a variety of more advanced settings you won’t find in software like Steam, Mixer, GeForce Experience, and AMD ReLive. For example, you can configure all sorts of custom overlays, content sources, and scene transitions.

在NVIDIA,AMD,Microsoft和Valve开始提供此功能之前,OBS之类的工具是市面上唯一的游戏。 尤其是,OBS在Twitch上流式传输仍然很流行,并且可以通过Steam,Mixer,GeForce Experience和AMD ReLive等软件中找不到的各种更高级的设置进行高度配置。 例如,您可以配置各种自定义叠加层,内容源和场景过渡。

You probably shouldn’t start here if you just want to stream your gameplay to some friends, as it’s more complicated and takes longer to set up. However, if you’re serious about streaming on Twitch or other services and are looking for the options the above tools just won’t give you, OBS is where you’ll find them. It can also be configured to broadcast on other services, including Facebook Live and YouTube Live.

如果您只是想将游戏玩法串流给一些朋友,则可能不应该从这里开始,因为它更加复杂并且需要更长的设置时间。 但是,如果您认真考虑使用Twitch或其他服务进行流式传输,并且正在寻找上述工具无法提供的选项,则可以在OBS上找到它们。 还可以将其配置为在其他服务上广播,包括Facebook LiveYouTube Live

There are other tools, too, like Xsplit. But OBS is particularly popular—and free.

还有其他工具,例如Xsplit 。 但是OBS特别受欢迎,而且是免费的。

Image Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com.

图片来源: Gorodenkoff /Shutterstock.com。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340849/the-best-ways-to-stream-your-games-on-twitch-youtube-and-elsewhere/





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