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There are dozens of options for sharing notes across devices these days, but if you use Slack, there’s one more. With Slack’s direct message interface, it’s easy to send yourself quick private reminders and notes that you can read later on any device. Here’s how.

如今,有数十种选项可用于在设备之间共享笔记,但是如果您使用Slack ,则还有更多选择。 借助Slack的直接消息界面,您可以轻松地向自己发送快速的私人提醒和便笺,以便以后在任何设备上阅读。 这是如何做。

First, open Slack using the platform of your choice. This tip works on PC, Mac, Web, iPhone, iPad, and Android. If the sidebar is not visible, open it up and scroll down to the section titled “Direct Messages.”

首先,使用您选择的平台打开Slack。 本技巧适用于PC,Mac,Web,iPhone,iPad和Android。 如果边栏不可见,请打开并向下滚动到标题为“直接消息”的部分。

Find the entry in the direct message list that says your name with “(You)” after it. For example, if your name is Toby McPeterson, you’ll see “Toby McPeterson (You)” on the list. Click or tap on it.

在直接消息列表中找到条目,该条目的名称后面带有“(您)”。 例如,如果您的名字叫Toby McPeterson,您会在列表上看到“ Toby McPeterson(You)”。 单击或点击它。

Select yourself in Direct Messages in Slack

The screen will change into a direct message conversation view. But, in this case, you’re not talking to someone else on Slack: this is a private area where you can store notes to yourself.

屏幕将变为直接消息对话视图。 但是,在这种情况下,您不是在Slack上与其他人聊天:这是一个私人区域,您可以在其中存储自己的注释。

To write yourself a note, click or tap on the text input area where it says “Jot Something Down,” type something, and hit Enter or tap the “Send” button. It will show up in the Conversation History area above.

要给自己写笔记,请在文本输入区域单击或点按“ Jot Something Down”,键入一些内容,然后按Enter或点按“发送”按钮。 它将显示在上方的“对话历史记录”区域中。

Jot something down to yourself in Slack

You can paste anything you want in your private direct message area, including images and links. Slack will keep track of when you posted it by day, and each entry is timestamped for later reference. You can even upload a file attachment or insert a link you want to view later.

您可以将任何想要的内容粘贴到您的私人直接消息区域中,包括图像和链接。 Slack会跟踪您每天发布的时间,每个条目都带有时间戳,以供以后参考。 您甚至可以上传文件附件或插入要稍后查看的链接。

Examples of notes and links to yourself in Slack

Later, you can see your notes on any device by logging into Slack using either the appropriate app or the Slack web interface.

稍后,您可以使用适当的应用程序或Slack Web界面登录Slack,从而在任何设备上查看笔记。

If you need to delete a note, tap or hover over the message until the action bar appears over it. Then tap or click on the three vertical dots and a menu will pop up. Select “Delete Message.”

如果需要删除便笺,请点击或将其悬停在消息上方,直到操作栏出现在其上方。 然后点击或单击三个垂直点,将弹出一个菜单。 选择“删除消息”。

Click Delete message to delete a message to yourself in Slack

Using that same pop-up menu, you can edit your notes (messages), copy a link to the message, pin the note in place so you always see it, and more.


You can even get Slack to remind you about a message later. To do so, tap or hover over the message and then click or tap the three dots that appear above it. In the menu that pops up, select “Remind Me About This.” Then you can choose a time interval. After the time interval you set, Slackbot will send you a reminder.

您甚至可以让Slack在以后提醒您有关消息的信息。 为此,请在消息上点击或悬停,然后单击或点击消息上方出现的三个点。 在弹出的菜单中,选择“关于此事提醒我”。 然后,您可以选择一个时间间隔。 在您设置的时间间隔后,Slackbot将向您发送提醒。

Setting a Slack message reminder

It’s yet another delightful unexpected feature that makes life a little easier. Enjoy talking to yourself!

这是另一个令人愉悦的意外功能,使生活更加轻松。 喜欢和自己说话!







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