上海区块链会议演讲ppt_所以您想参加会议演讲吗? 这是我的建议。


You’ve attended a few conferences, watched a lot of presentations, and decided it’s time to give a talk of your own! As someone who has both given talks at conferences, and sat on the proposal review board for others, I’m here to tell you what I’ve learned and to encourage you to submit your own talk proposals.

您已经参加了几次会议,观看了很多演讲,并决定是时候发表自己的看法了! 作为既在会议上进行演讲,又在其他人参加提案审核委员会的人,我在这里是要告诉您我学到的知识,并鼓励您提交自己的演讲建议。

How do you go about doing that?


首先,找到你的利基。 (First, find your niche. )

Figure out what you want to talk about. What are you passionate about? What kind of unique perspective do you bring to this topic? That doesn’t mean that if someone has written about it, or presented about it before, that you should completely avoid the topic.

弄清楚你想说什么。 您热衷于什么? 您对本主题有什么样的独特见解? 这并不意味着如果有人写过它,或者以前曾提出过,那么您应该完全避免使用该主题。

However, you should think about how your presentation is different than the content which already exists, and what new example, viewpoint, or data you’re bringing to the topic (your view on a particular thing counts as a unique viewpoint!). Also, you don’t have to start out by presenting for an hour. Conference talks range from 5 minute lightning talks (a great way to get an introduction to conference speaking!) to 15–30 minute presentations, to 2+ hour workshops or panels. Figure out what you’re comfortable doing.

但是,您应该考虑演示文稿与现有内容有何不同,以及要带入主题的新示例,观点或数据(您对特定事物的观点将被视为唯一观点!)。 另外,您不必花一个小时就可以开始。 会议演讲的范围从5分钟的闪电演讲(这是介绍会议演讲的好方法!)到15–30分钟的演讲,再到2小时的研讨会或小组讨论。 弄清楚自己喜欢做什么。

Then, based on your idea, figure out where to give your talk. You can look at online lists such as CallbackWomen or Paper Call for CFPs (or Call for Presentations/Papers) or try looking at some of the following:

然后,根据您的想法,找出在哪里进行演讲。 你可以看一下在线列表,如CallbackWomen论文的通知为国家重点计划(或征集演讲/论文),或尝试寻找一些如下:

  • Internal company presentations (Can you host a lunch & learn event? What about an annual conference your company might host?)

  • Look at past conferences you’ve attended (or search for conferences based on the topics you’re interested in).

  • Get involved in local organizations, meet the organizers, and ask to present (Meetup is great for this).


然后,写您的建议。 (Then, write your proposal.)

Follow the rules outlined in the call for speakers. Seriously. You’d be surprised how many people don’t do that, and while some reviewers or conferences are willing to overlook that, don’t take the chance. Just follow the requirements.

请遵循演讲邀请中概述的规则。 说真的 有很多人不这样做,您会感到惊讶,而尽管有些审稿人或会议愿意忽略这一点,但是不要抓住机会。 只需遵循要求即可。

  1. Avoid the sales pitch (if you work for a sales-driven organization). It’s fine to use your organization to illustrate a case study, but avoid making your proposal a giant advertisement.

    避免进行销售推销(如果您为销售驱动型组织工作)。 可以使用您的组织来说明案例研究,但是要避免使您的建议成为一个巨大的广告。
  2. Write a great title. Pick something catchy, but that clearly explains what your talk will be about. Think about your title as if you were an attendee. Would the title draw you in? Does it tell you enough about the proposal to pique your interest? I like puns, but that’s a personal (and surprisingly polarizing) choice. The title for the last talk I gave was 'Shooting Phish in a Barrel: Practical Proposals for Reducing Phish Click Rates'

    写一个伟大的标题。 选择一些吸引人的内容,但这可以清楚地说明您的演讲内容。 考虑自己的头衔,就好像您是与会者一样。 标题会吸引您吗? 它是否足以使您了解引起您兴趣的提议? 我喜欢双关语,但这是个人的选择(而且令人惊讶的是两极分化)。 我最近一次演讲的标题是“枪杀网络中的网络钓鱼:降低网络钓鱼点击率的实用建议”
  3. Write the abstract. If a proposal is accepted, the abstract is often used (unedited) as the description of your talk the audience will see, so make sure it caters to the audience (not to the conference reviewers). Think about what matters to them. Tell a story, but keep it brief. Clearly explain what your talk is about (why do I want to go?), who the talk is aimed at (is this talk a good fit for me?), and what your audience will gain from attending (what did I learn from this talk? What can I do now, that I couldn’t before?).

    写摘要。 如果提案被接受,摘要通常被(未经编辑)用作观众将要看到的演讲的描述,因此请确保它适合观众(而不是会议审阅者)。 想想对他们重要的事情。 讲一个故事,但要简短。 清楚地说明您的演讲内容(我为什么要去?),演讲的对象(这个演讲适合我吗?),以及听众将从中受益(我从中学到了什么)说话?我现在该怎么办,而以前却做不到?)。

Personally, I recommend the following structure:


State the problem [Sentence one]. What did you do to approach the problem? [Sentences 2 and 3]. Actionable takeaway for the audience [Sentences 4 and 5]. That's it! Don't use more than 5 sentences, and you can usually do it in less. If it takes you more than that to explain your proposal, it probably isn’t well thought through.

陈述问题[句子一]。 您如何处理该问题? [句子2和3]。 为观众提供可行的外卖[句子4和5]。 而已! 不要使用超过5个句子,通常可以用更少的句子来做。 如果您需要花更多的钱来解释您的提案,那么可能就没有经过深思熟虑了。

5.   Most proposals consist of an abstract and a bio, but some will have additional    sections (justification, outline, etc.). For these additional sections, keep in mind the same key principles as above.

5.多数提案由摘要和简介组成,但有些提案将有其他部分(论据,大纲等)。 对于这些其他部分,请记住与上述相同的关键原则。

6 .  Create a bio. This is an opportunity for you to highlight your relevant experience and explain to the organizers (and later attendees) why YOU are the best person to give this talk. What experience do you have that directly relates to this talk? Here’s a helpful place to start (it's my favorite template for writing a conference bio).

6。 创建一个生物。 您可以借此机会突出您的相关经验,并向组织者(及以后的与会者)解释为什么您是本次演讲的最佳人选。 您有什么与这次演讲直接相关的经验? 这是一个有用的起点(这是我编写会议简历的最喜欢的模板)。

Here's mine from a recent conference: Megan Kaczanowski is a Threat Intelligence Analyst at S&P Global who works closely with the threat hunting and incident response teams to protect organizations from emerging cyber threats. Megan understands that delivering effective threat intelligence isn’t about utilizing the latest industry buzzwords – it’s about delivering curated, actionable intelligence to the relevant stakeholders.

这是最近一次会议的消息:Megan Kaczanowski是S&P Global的威胁情报分析师,他与威胁搜寻和事件响应团队密切合作,以保护组织免受新兴网络威胁的侵害。 梅根(Megan)理解,提供有效的威胁情报并不是要利用最新的行业流行语,而是要向相关的利益相关者提供经过策划的可行情报。

In addition to her experience in threat intelligence, Megan runs the simulated phishing training program at her organization and co-leads a Security Champions user awareness initiative. Megan holds a BA in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan.  In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing and is a PADI certified scuba diver.

除了她在威胁情报方面的经验外,Megan在她的组织中运行模拟的网络钓鱼培训计划,并共同领导了“安全冠军”用户意识计划。 Megan拥有密歇根大学经济学和政治学学士学位。 在业余时间,她喜欢攀岩,并且是PADI认证的潜水员。

7. When you’re finished, check your spelling, grammar, and formatting. Use an  app like Hemingway or Grammarly or ask a friend to review it! Little mistakes can impair a reviewer’s ability to read and understand your proposal and you want to make it as easy to read and understand as possible. This is particularly important if you're writing a proposal in a language which isn't your native language. Often reviewers have very little time to look at each proposal simply because there are so many proposals. Make their job easy.

7.完成后,检查拼写,语法和格式。 使用海明威(Hemingway)文法(Grammarly)等应用程序,或请朋友对其进行评论! 小错误可能会削弱审阅者阅读和理解您的建议的能力,并且您希望使其尽可能地易于阅读和理解。 如果您使用的语言不是您的母语编写提案,那么这一点尤其重要。 通常,审阅者很少有时间去看每个提案,仅仅是因为提案太多。 使他们的工作轻松。

8.   Feel free to submit more than one proposal, if the conference is something you’re very interested in (but make sure that all of the topics are something you’re excited about, and feel comfortable speaking on).


Still looking for help? Check out these resources:

还在寻找帮助吗? 查看以下资源:

If your talk is rejected, don’t worry! This can happen for many reasons, and doesn’t mean that your proposal was necessarily bad. Perhaps there were 4 other proposals on the same topic. Perhaps the conference organizers are looking for a range of different tracks/experience levels/topics and yours wasn’t a good fit this time.

如果您的谈话被拒绝,请不要担心! 发生这种情况的原因可能很多,但这并不意味着您的建议一定很糟糕。 也许在同一主题上还有其他四个建议。 也许会议组织者正在寻找各种不同的曲目/体验水平/主题,而这次您不是一个合适的选择。

Whatever the reason, if the conference provided feedback, read it and use it to improve your next proposal. If not, ask for it. They might not have time to provide feedback for every single proposal, but there’s no harm in asking, and feedback will help you improve faster. Don’t let one rejection discourage you. Everyone gets proposals rejected. Improve your proposal, or write a new one, and try again!

不管是什么原因,如果会议提供了反馈,请阅读并使用它来改进您的下一个提案。 如果没有,请提出要求。 他们可能没有时间为每个提案提供反馈,但是询问没有任何危害,反馈将帮助您更快地改进。 不要让一个拒绝让你沮丧。 每个人都拒绝提案。 改进您的建议,或编写一个新的建议,然后重试!

If your talk is accepted, congratulations!


Time to write your talk. Here’s some resources to help:

该写演讲了。 这里有一些资源可以帮助您:

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/break-into-conference-speaking/






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