

If you’ve ever wondered how to land an interview with top tech companies or know someone who’s been struggling to get an interview with one, then this article is for you.


This is a compilation of some extremely useful tips from a conversation between a software engineer and a senior technical recruiting coordinator.

这是一些非常 有用的技巧的汇总,这些技巧来自软件工程师和高级技术招聘协调员之间的对话。

A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a friend, Bernadette Lagman, who is currently a senior technical recruiting coordinator for Qualtrics, an experience management platform. Prior to Qualtrics, Bernadette was at Amazon. She’s also a TedX speaker! I highly recommend watching her talk on the Art of Hardship to know her thoughts on how to overcome adversity.

几周前,我与朋友Bernadette Lagman进行了交谈,他目前是体验管理平台Qualtrics的高级技术招聘协调员。 在Qualtrics之前,Bernadette在亚马逊任职。 她也是TedX演讲者 ! 我强烈建议您观看她关于“艰辛艺术”的演讲,以了解她关于如何克服逆境的想法。

10/19/2018: Read more about my courses here to learn how I prepared.8/25/2018: Read here for my experience after a year at Twitter.


这是关于什么的 (What this is about)

Here is the list of questions that Bernadette and I tackled from my perspective as a software engineer, and from her perspective as a recruiting manager.


  • How to network?

  • How to work with your recruiter?

  • What does a great résumé look like?

  • How to land an interview?


如何联网 (How To Network)

软件工程师说 (Software Engineer says)

Networking should happen somewhere that’s closest to you. If you’re a student/fresh grad, then a great place to go is your school alumni network.

联网应该发生在离您最近的地方。 如果您是学生/应届毕业生,那么最好的去处就是您的校友网络。

Many schools have an active alumni network that is kept up-to-date. It’s a great opportunity to get to know people who’ve been in your shoes, who can relate to your college experience and know the rigor of your curriculum, and can vouch for your ability.

许多学校都有活跃的校友网络,并且保持最新状态。 这是一个很好的机会,可以结识曾经穿上鞋子的人,可以与您的大学经历相关,知道您的课程严格程度并可以保证您的能力的人。

I highly recommend reaching out to the alumni either through LinkedIn or email. There are many resources like this that talk at length about how to write a great introduction email, so I won’t get into that today.

我强烈建议您通过LinkedIn或电子邮件与校友联系。 像这样的许多资源详细讨论了如何编写出色的介绍电子邮件,因此今天我不再赘述。

Take note that you should not barge in and start demanding that they spend their time on you. You want to keep the interaction professional and respectful.

请注意,您不应闯入,并开始要求他们花时间在您身上。 您想保持互动的专业性和尊重性。

My suggestion is to be proactive, and offer to buy them a cup of coffee or lunch in exchange for their time. Sincerity goes a long way.

我的建议是要积极主动 ,并愿意为他们买杯咖啡或午餐,以换取他们的时间。 真诚有很长的路要走。

Here’s something to give you an idea of what to say, and what not to say, in a first introductory email:


Hi _, my name is Zhia and I found your contact information on LinkedIn. Thanks for your time in reading this email.
嗨,_,我叫Zhia,我在LinkedIn上找到了您的联系信息。 感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读此电子邮件。
I noticed that we both graduated from the same university, and we also graduated from the same Computer Science program with Dr. X. She grilled me very hard on my CS fundamentals, but it was one of the best programs I’ve ever had!
I’m currently in Seattle, and I’m actively looking for an internship. Can I buy you a coffee or lunch sometime near your work place? I’d love to pick your brain on how to find a job in the tech industry.
我目前在西雅图,并且正在积极寻找实习机会。 我可以在您工作地点附近的某个时间为您买咖啡或午餐吗? 我很想在如何找到技术行业的工作上引起您的注意。

Simple, respectful, and to the point.


For industry hires, Meet-ups are a great place to go to network. Finding an area of interest to start is a great idea. If you’re interested in mobile development or data analytics, then you should make time to go to meet-ups nearby so that you can meet more like-minded individuals. More often than not, these people are also working in the area you’re interested in, and you can build an organic connection that way.

对于行业招聘人员而言, 聚会是联系人脉的好地方 。 找到一个有趣的领域是一个好主意。 如果您对移动开发或数据分析感兴趣,则应该花时间去附近的聚会,以便结识更多志趣相投的人。 这些人通常也在您感兴趣的领域工作,您可以通过这种方式建立有机联系。

招聘团队说 (Recruiting team says)

Bernadette loves the idea of networking through alumni as well. She adds that networking shouldn’t be a strenuous stretch that requires you to dress to the nines at cocktail parties to strike up awkward or unwanted conversations with executives for that next big move.

Bernadette也喜欢通过校友建立网络的想法。 她补充说,社交网络不应该是一个艰巨的过程,它要求您在鸡尾酒会上穿上九分装扮,以进行下一步的重大举动,与高管进行尴尬或不必要的对话。

Even the most unconventional places from your doctor’s office to your local coffee shop can provide opportunities to learn if you are open to them. The key is to keep networking natural and open - don’t ask others for jobs but instead ask how they reached their point of success.
即使是从医生办公室到当地咖啡店的非常规场所,也可以提供学习机会,让您了解自己是否愿意与他们合作。 关键是保持网络的自然和开放-不要问别人要工作,而要问他们如何达到成功点。

She says that recruiters are humans too, and should be approached with a sense of humility. The recruiting team wants to help you succeed, and it should be a two-way discussion with a lot of humility and respect for each other.

她说,招聘人员也是人,应该谦虚地对待他们。 招聘团队希望帮助您取得成功,这应该是一次双向讨论,并且要谦虚和互相尊重。

People are always open to helping others if you are open and genuine about it. Even if the job interview doesn’t work out, keep an open mind, be respectful, and the next time an opportunity opens up, who do you think the recruiter will call? The candidate who treated them with respect and showed genuine interest in working together, or the jerk who slammed the phone shut after the recruiter told them the team decided they weren’t a good fit?

如果您持开放态度并且真诚地对待他人,那么人们总是乐于帮助他人。 即使工作面试不成功,也要保持开放的心态,尊重他人,下次机会来临时,您认为招聘人员会给谁打电话? 尊重他们并表现出真正对合作的兴趣的候选人,还是在应聘者告诉他们团队认为他们不适合之后就把手机关上的混蛋?

如何与您的招聘人员合作 (How to work with your recruiter)

软件工程师说 (Software Engineer says)

A recruiter should be your partner or resource in a job interview. Finding a job is a bi-directional discussion between you as a candidate and the company. The recruiter acts as a bridge between these two parties, coordinating and orchestrating communication and making sure things go smoothly.

招聘人员应该是您面试时的伴侣或资源 。 找工作是您(应聘者)与公司之间的双向讨论。 招聘人员充当这两方之间的桥梁 ,协调和协调沟通并确保一切顺利。

As a software engineer, you should ask questions like


  • what is the interviewing process

  • how to best prepare for my interview

  • what should I expect during the process

  • what does the timeline look like, etc.


These are all valid questions to ask.


A recruiter should be a resource, much like StackOverflow is a resource for engineers. Ask the recruiter questions that will help you make informed decisions, or have a better expectation of the process.

招聘人员应该是一种资源,就像StackOverflow是工程师的资源一样。 向招聘者提出问题,以帮助您做出明智的决定,或者对过程有更好的期望。

The career levels of software engineers differs across companies, and you can find them on certain websites like levels.fyi. But the most accurate leveling information will come from the recruiter, and that’s one way you can use your recruiter to figure out the title, compensation band, or job requirement for the interview.

各个公司的软件工程师的职业级别有所不同,您可以在某些网站(例如, level.fyi)上找到他们。 但是,最准确的升级信息将来自招聘者,这是您可以使用招聘者来确定面试的头衔,薪酬范围或工作要求的一种方式。

招聘团队说 (Recruiting team says)

Bernadette acknowledges the frustration candidates feel when recruiters don’t communicate with them effectively. Often, a recruiter is doing multiple things at the same time - recruiting, scheduling and coordinating between multiple candidates and multiple teams at the same time.

伯纳黛特(Bernadette)承认,当招聘人员没有与他们有效沟通时,候选人会感到沮丧。 通常,招聘人员会同时做多件事-在多个候选人和多个团队之间同时进行招聘,安排和协调。

She recommends that even if a job interview doesn’t pan out, you should stay on friendly terms with the recruiter, and send follow-up emails to ask for your recruiter’s opinion on how you can improve, which areas of your resume didn’t resonate with the team etc. Again, be genuine and respectful in your interaction.


A recruiter will provide help on salary, level, and compensation information. She says that most recruiters refrain from asking current compensation information due to legal reasons. When a recruiter asks for your desired compensation, you should be as transparent as possible because your recruiter will be representing you in front of the hiring team.

招聘人员将提供有关薪水,级别和薪酬信息的帮助。 她说,由于法律原因,大多数招聘人员都不会询问当前的薪酬信息。 当招聘人员要求您提供所需的报酬时,您应该尽可能透明,因为您的招聘人员将在招聘团队面前代表您。

She notes that compensation information is very transparent in the industry. Recruiters know what is the average compensation for a SDE-2 at Amazon or Microsoft or any other well-known tech company. Thus, you should use your recruiter as a resource for figuring out what the expected compensation should/can be and work towards bridging the gap between what you expect and what the hiring team is willing to commit to.

她指出, 薪酬信息在行业中非常透明。 招聘人员知道在Amazon或Microsoft或任何其他知名技术公司中,SDE-2的平均薪酬是多少。 因此,您应该将招聘人员用作资源,以计算出预期/应该达到的薪酬水平,并努力弥合您的期望值与招聘团队愿意承诺的内容之间的差距。

一份出色的简历是什么样的? (What does a great resume look like?)

I wrote an article on how to write a great resume for software engineers. So I won’t be spending a lot of time on that. ?

我写了一篇关于如何为软件工程师撰写出色简历的文章 。 所以我不会花很多时间在那上面。 ?

如何进行面试 (How to land an interview)

软件工程师说 (Software Engineer says)

In general, there are three ways of doing it:


  • Online application

  • Coding challenges

  • Referral


In the tech industry, there’s an unspoken rule that online applications have the lowest chance of success. There are some exceptions to the rule, but that’s the exception. You’re being pitted against hundreds of other online applications, and the chances that you’ll get picked are extremely low.

在技​​术行业中,有一个不言而喻的规则,即在线应用程序成功的可能性最低 。 规则有一些例外,但这是例外。 您正与其他数百种在线应用程序竞争,而被选中的机会非常低。

There are some online coding challenges, which give you the opportunity to interview if you solve them. In my view, these are 50–50 because some companies don’t actually reach out after you solve them. This has happened to a lot of people, and generally I don’t recommend this approach unless you really have no other way of getting in.

存在一些在线编码难题,如果您解决了这些难题,就可以给您提供面试的机会。 我认为这些数字是50–50,因为有些公司在您解决它们后实际上并没有伸出援手。 这已经发生在很多人身上,除非您确实没有其他进入的方式,否则通常我不建议您使用这种方式。

For college hires, there’s another great opportunity to get noticed: job fairs. Most universities will organize an on-campus job fair where different companies set up booths to attract new graduates. I’ve seen a lot of companies, like Google and Facebook, conduct white-board interview sessions on-site. Sometimes, you’ll even get an offer the same day if you do really well.

对于大学毕业生来说,还有另一个绝佳的机会可以引起注意:招聘会。 大多数大学都会组织一个校园招聘会,不同的公司会设立展位来吸引新的毕业生。 我已经看到许多公司(例如Google和Facebook)在现场进行白板面试。 有时候,如果您做得非常好,您甚至会在当天获得报价。

On rare occasions, some companies also offer interview blitz where there’s a room full of candidates and you’re put through different interviewing loops in one day. These are great, because you get to talk to different teams on the same day, and if you do well, you can expect to get an offer pretty much the same day too.

在极少数情况下,一些公司还会提供面试闪电战,那里到处都是应聘者,您在一天内会经历不同的面试循环。 这些功能很棒,因为您可以在同一天与不同的团队进行交谈,如果做得好,您也可以期望在同一天获得报价。

My best recommendation is to ask for referrals. Referrals are the best in terms of getting in front of a hiring manager. And you’ll get fast-tracked through the process, because you’re not competing against hundreds of other faceless applications anymore. You’re a highly coveted referral from someone who already works there and can vouch for your abilities.

我最好的建议是要求转诊 。 在与招聘经理见面方面,推荐人是最好的。 而且您将快速跟踪整个过程,因为您不再与数百个其他匿名应用程序竞争。 您是已经在此工作并可以保证您能力的人的引人入胜的推荐

If you want to know how to get a referral, then refer to the above section on How To Network.


招聘团队说 (Recruiting team says)

All of the above we touched on will help you land an interview. Bernadette adds that when you’re applying online, you’re competing universally with everyone else like new grads and industry hires.

以上我们所涉及的所有内容都将帮助您获得面试机会。 Bernadette补充说,当您在线申请时,您正在与其他所有人(例如应届毕业生和行业招聘人员)进行普遍竞争。

However, if you know someone from the company or a referral, you’ll likely leap bounds ahead because internal references are trusted sources within a company. She notes that there are some companies that much prefer referrals over online applications.

但是,如果您认识公司或推荐人中的某人,您可能会越过边界,因为内部推荐是公司内可信任的来源。 她指出,有些公司比在线申请更喜欢推荐。

When a recruiter goes through hundreds of resumes in a day, everyone looks the same on paper. She adds that it’s important to get face-to-face time with recruiters or hiring managers either through meet-ups or LinkedIn. A recruiter is much more likely to recommend you for the position if they can put a face to a name and they know exactly who you are and what your skills sets are.

当招聘人员一天要浏览数百份简历时,每个人在纸上看起来都是一样的。 她补充说,通过聚会或LinkedIn与招聘人员或招聘经理进行面对面交流很重要。 如果招聘人员可以给您一个名字的名字,并且他们确切地知道您是谁以及您的技能是什么,那么他很可能会推荐您担任该职位。

我推荐的资源和工具 (Resources and Tools I Recommend)

学分 (Credits)

Thanks to Open source portfolio for proof-reading and providing invaluable suggestions on how to improve this article. They are a contributor on effai, a publication that writes about intentional living, mindfulness, and financial independence.

感谢开放源代码产品组合进行校对并提供有关如何改进本文的宝贵建议。 他们是effai的撰稿人 ,该出版物写有意的生活,正念和财务独立性。

Zhia Chong is a software engineer at Twitter. He works on the Ads Measurement team in Seattle, measuring ads impact and ROI for advertisers. Twitter is hiring!

Zhia Chong是Twitter的软件工程师。 他在西雅图的广告衡量团队工作,为广告客户衡量广告影响和投资回报率。 Twitter正在招聘!

You can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to his newsletter to find out his code snippets, tricks and daily life!

您可以在TwitterLinkedIn上找到他。 订阅他的时事通讯 ,了解他的代码片段,技巧和日常生活!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-an-interview-with-top-tech-companies-c27f18e9d157/






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