

by Maple Ong

由Maple Ong

如何成为您认识的超级明星实习生 (How to be The Superstar Intern You Know You Are)

遏制冒名顶替综合症,为即将到来的软件工程实习做准备 (Curb the Impostor Syndrome and get prepared for your upcoming Software Engineering Internship)

I am a self-taught developer with a degree in Health Studies. Naturally, most of what I know about industry-level software development came from my internships.

我是拥有健康研究学位的自学成才的开发人员。 当然,我对行业级软件开发了解的大部分内容都来自我的实习。

I currently have two internship experiences and I am now at my last internship at Shopify. I have received return offers from both of the companies I have previously worked at.

我目前有两次实习经验,现在是我在Shopify的最后一次实习。 我收到了我以前工作过的两家公司的退货要约。

You can bet that making the best out of an internship is on my home turf.


Most interns feel inadequate, especially if it is their first internship ever. Don’t fret, hopefully this will be a helpful guide for the journey through your internship.

大多数实习生觉得自己是不够的,特别是如果这是他们第一次实习。 不用担心,希望这将对您的实习之旅有所帮助。

As a Software Engineering Intern, you are getting paid to learn new technology. No one has the expectation for you to be proficient from day one. Companies are taking a chance on you to find out if you would be a good fit as a full-time hire.

作为软件工程实习生,您将获得报酬来学习新技术。 从第一天起,没有人期望您精通。 公司正在抓住机会寻找您是否适合担任全职员工。

The way you can stand out at your company is to have impact on the work you do, make meaningful connections and grow your skills. Above all else, enjoy your time learning and code away!

在公司中脱颖而出的方法是对您所做的工作产生影响,建立有意义的联系并提高技能。 最重要的是,尽情享受学习和编码的乐趣!

影响力 (Impact)

Depending on the company you work at, you may be assigned work that would otherwise be assigned to a full-time software engineer. This is a great opportunity to make important decisions and in turn, have some sort of (hopefully, positive) impact on the team or project. But, you may also be tasked to fix bugs that are long due.

根据您所在公司的不同,可能会分配给您本应分配给专职软件工程师的工作。 这是做出重要决策的好机会,反过来又会对团队或项目产生某种(希望是积极的)影响。 但是,您可能还被要求修复应有的错误。

If you are fixing bugs, you better make darn sure that there are no bugs left when you’re finished. If you are building an experimental project, build it for the long term.

如果要修复错误,最好确保完成后没有错误。 如果您要构建实验性项目,则需要长期构建。

Regardless of the work assigned, you want to maximize the impact you make on your team and project. As always, there is more than one way to make an impact. You could share your ideas in team meetings or take the initiative to learn something out of your scope to contribute to your projects.

无论分配什么工作,您都希望最大程度地对团队和项目产生影响。 一如既往,产生影响的方法不止一种。 您可以在团队会议中分享您的想法,也可以主动学习超出您的范围的东西来为您的项目做贡献。

If you’re having any doubts on how much work you feel like you are contributing, don’t hesitate to bring it up with your mentor or manager.


Having an impact on your team and project is one of the biggest factors that affect your internship and how you can shine as an intern. This is especially true if you want the opportunity to work at the company full time.

对您的团队和项目产生影响是影响您的实习以及如何成为实习生的最大因素之一。 如果您希望有机会在公司全职工作,则尤其如此。

一对一的时间 (One-on-One Time)

As a Software Engineering Intern, you will likely have a mentor, a manager, or both — and you will also be having one-on-one meetings with them.


One-on-one meetings (sometimes called sync-ups) with your mentor are valuable opportunities.


It is time you can use to ask your mentor, someone with experience working in the field, anything you please. Typically, this is also the time you can talk about any blockers you may be having, any issues you may be experiencing in your day-to-day, or just anything interesting you learned.

现在是时候让您问问您的导师,在现场工作有经验的人了,随便问问吧。 通常,这也是您可以谈论可能遇到的任何阻碍因素,您每天可能遇到的任何问题或您学到的任何有趣东西的时候。

I have had the pleasure of being mentored by thoughtful and smart engineers, which made me look forward to my one-on-one time with them. In our meetings, I was able to talk to them about my goals, set any expectations (for both parties), and get to know them better on a professional and personal level.

我很高兴得到有思想和聪明的工程师的指导,这使我期待与他们一对一的交流。 在我们的会议中,我能够与他们讨论我的目标,设定任何期望(对双方),并在专业和个人层面上更好地了解他们。

Don’t take your one-on-one time for granted!


了解您的团队 (Get to Know Your Team)

Aside from that, it is important to make connections with your co-workers as well. They can give you a good idea of how it’s like to work at the company full-time. Also, they are a good resource outside of your mentor and manager for work-related questions.​

除此之外,与您的同事建立联系也很重要。 他们可以为您提供一个全职工作的好主意。 此外,它们是您的导师和经理之外与工作有关的问题的好资源。

I found that having a strong relationship with my coworkers made me feel happier going to work every day. It also increased my work satisfaction.

我发现与同事之间的牢固关系使我每天上班都感到更快乐。 这也增加了我的工作满意度。

Although it may seem intimidating to approach full-time coworkers, people tend to be inclusive regardless of whether or not you are an intern. A great way to get to know people is to show up to social events outside of work, like board game night or the company’s indoor soccer team playoffs.

尽管与全职同事看似令人生畏,但无论您是否是实习生,人们都倾向于包容。 认识人们的一种好方法是参加工作以外的社交活动,例如棋盘游戏之夜或公司的室内足球队季后赛。

Another tip in making connections is to ask questions to learn more about what their role is in the company. People will feel more comfortable answering specific questions about their role and chatting about how their day to day would look like.

建立联系的另一个技巧是提出问题,以了解他们在公司中的角色。 人们会更乐于回答有关其角色的特定问题,并聊聊自己的日常生活。

This is especially useful if you want to gain a better understanding of how the tech stack at your company works. Which, by the way, will be helpful in gaining more insight for the systems design portion in your full-time software engineering interview.

如果您想更好地了解公司技术堆栈的工作方式,则此功能特别有用。 顺便说一句,这将有助于您在专职软件工程访谈中对系统设计部分有更多的了解。

成长心态 (The Growth Mindset)

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work — brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” — Carol Dweck on Mindset

“在成长的心态中,人们认为,他们的最基本能力可以通过奉献和努力工作来发展-大脑和才华仅仅是起点。 这种观点造就了对学习的热爱和对取得巨大成就必不可少的韧性。” — 心态上的 Carol Dweck

Technical growth is a factor that is proportional to the impact you have on your team and project. However, you could be making some level of impact and not be growing as a software developer because you aren’t absorbing anything new.

技术增长是与您对团队和项目的影响成正比的因素。 但是,您可能会产生一定程度的影响,而不会成为软件开发人员,因为您没有吸收任何新东西。

With that said, I find that asking myself, “What can I learn next?” or “Where else can I apply this knowledge?” can show me what I need to do to keep taking my technical skills to the next level. The simple act of asking questions and learning continuously will be beneficial to your growth.

如此说来,我发现问自己:“接下来我能学到什么?” 或“我还能在哪里应用这些知识?” 可以向我展示如何使我的技术技能保持更高水平。 提出问题并不断学习的简单行为将对您的成长有益。

高效学习 (Learn Efficiently)

Science says that learning styles, despite being around since the 1950s, are a myth. However, expanding your knowledge and learning efficiently is a productive habit to have — especially as an intern. So how can we learn more efficiently?

科学认为,尽管自1950年代就开始存在学习风格,这是一个神话 。 但是,扩展知识和有效学习是一种生产习惯,尤其是作为实习生。 那么我们如何才能更有效地学习呢?

One of the first things I noticed about my learning style during my first software engineering internship was that I preferred watching a tutorial video to reading a tutorial. My mind gets easily distracted when I try to read a tutorial and then implement something.

在我第一次软件工程实习期间,我注意到我的学习风格的第一件事是,我更喜欢教程视频而不是阅读教程。 当我尝试阅读教程然后实施一些东西时,我的思想很容易分心。

On the other hand, I also enjoy reading articles that are written by experts in fields I am unfamiliar with. Unlike in tutorial-focused articles, general articles provide a different level of detail and examples that cannot fit into a 3-minute video.

另一方面,我也喜欢阅读由我不熟悉的领域的专家撰写的文章。 与以教程为重点的文章不同,常规文章提供了不同级别的详细信息和示例,而这些内容和示例无法容纳3分钟的视频。

Fortunately, the internet is overflowing with well-written articles. A quick Google search on a topic of your interest would prove this point.

幸运的是,互联网上充斥着写得很好的文章。 谷歌快速搜索您感兴趣的主题将证明这一点。

To learn more efficiently, it is best to focus on the medium you enjoy the most. Perhaps your favorite YouTuber covered a topic you are unfamiliar with. Or a famous CEO wrote an article on that new technology you are curious about. Be open and explore new ways to learn and stick with it.

为了更有效地学习,最好专注于您最喜欢的媒体。 也许您最喜欢的YouTuber涵盖了您不熟悉的主题。 或是一位著名的CEO就您好奇的新技术写了一篇文章。 开放并探索学习和坚持的新方法。

The key is to self-reflect and learn more about how you absorb information. Don’t be afraid to change things up if you find that reading boring API documentation makes you want to rip your hair out.

关键是自我反省,并了解有关如何吸收信息的更多信息。 如果您发现阅读无聊的API文档使您想梳理一下,请不要害怕进行更改。

问好问题 (Ask Good Questions)

People say there are no dumb questions, but for goodness sake — don’t ask your mentor something trivial you can solve with a quick Google search.


Make sure you try to understand and solve the issue to the best of your ability before reaching out for help. There should be a balance between asking for a spoon feed versus having a discussion on the issue.

在寻求帮助之前,请确保您尽力理解并解决该问题。 在要求喂汤与讨论该问题之间应该保持平衡。

Which brings me to my next point: you should always be ready to discuss your thoughts and ideas. Don’t just ask for the answer, show that you have done some thinking and research! After all, you want to use some of your brain power to do the solving.

这使我想起下一个要点:您应该随时准备讨论您的想法。 不要只问答案,要表明你已经做了一些思考和研究! 毕竟,您想使用一些脑力来解决问题。

Regardless of your technical skill level, the effort you put into your internship will be proportional to what you get out of it.


Stay positive and keep learning — your time as an intern will just fly by.


? 行动项目: (? Action Items:)

  • Set expectations with your mentor/lead for the term: What is your goal for this internship? How can we achieve that together?

    与您的导师/领导一起设定以下期望:该实习的目标是什么? 我们如何共同实现?
  • Speak up in meetings, don’t be afraid to contribute!

  • Ask for constructive feedback on both your soft and hard skills

  • Ask someone on your team to go on a coffee run

  • Take part in a non-work social event for fun

  • Find and connect with your coworkers on LinkedIn

  • Listen to a technical podcast that interests you! I highly recommend Software Engineering Daily.

    收听您感兴趣的技术播客! 我强烈推荐《 软件工程日报》

  • Talk to your mentor about what you have learned in the past week. How can you apply that knowledge on a project in the future? What would you like to learn next?

    与您的导师谈谈您在过去一周中学到的知识。 您将来如何将这些知识应用到项目中? 接下来您想学什么?

You made it to the end of this article — thank you for reading! Please give it a clap if you liked it, and a comment ? if you have something to add.

您已完成本文的结尾-感谢您的阅读! 如果喜欢,请给它鼓掌,并发表评论? 如果您要添加一些东西。

Connect with me on LinkedIn and say “Hi!”


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-be-the-superstar-intern-you-know-you-are-54eb0372b5e5/






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