

by Andrew Brown


人类微芯片化:无偏见的利弊 (Human Microchipping: An Unbiased Look at the Pros and Cons)

人类微芯片? 那是什么? (Human microchipping? What’s that?)

NBC is one of many that have recently predicted that as soon as 2017 we will see all of America’s citizens beginning to be tagged with microchips embedded under their skin, effectively using technology to answer the question, “Am I who I say I am?”


RFID microchips, embedded under the skin with a procedure that’s already cheap and available, provide a digital interface to the real world centered about the holder’s identity: your ID, credit card information, bus pass, library card, and many other sources of information you currently carry in your purse/wallet can instead be stored on an RFID chip under your skin.


As a full disclosure, I am excited for our microchipped future. However, I have done my best to outline the advantages and disadvantages (both short- and long-term) below.

作为全面的披露,我为我们的微芯片未来感到兴奋。 但是,我已尽力概述了以下优点(包括短期和长期的优点和缺点)。

现实(短期)收益: (Realistic (short-term) benefits:)
  • Identification. Our passports already have microchips, and airports, train stations, and bus stations transitioning from scanning your passport to scanning your arm would be a minimal infrastructure change. Same goes for your driver’s license and ID: all the police need is a chip scanner and you can ditch your wallet completely (assuming you already replaced your credit/debit cards with NFC).

    识别。 我们的护照已经具有微芯片,并且机场,火车站和汽车站从扫描护照到扫描手臂的过程将是最小的基础架构更改。 您的驾驶执照和身份证件也是如此:警察所需要的只是一台芯片扫描仪,您可以完全抛弃钱包(假设您已经用NFC替换了信用卡/借记卡)。

  • Memberships. Baja Beach Club was the first club to offer microchipping to VIP clients. Benefits include easy access to membership features (no more carrying around a key-card), plus the ATM component lets you track and maintain food and booze tabs. Also convenient for workplaces to control who can be where and when — obsoleting their own fobs and key-cards. Same goes for libraries, gyms, hotel and restaurant reservations, reward card management, and anywhere else you identify yourself to be granted access.

    会员资格。 Baja Beach Club是第一家为VIP客户提供微芯片的俱乐部。 好处包括轻松访问会员功能(不再随身携带钥匙卡),再加上ATM组件,您可以跟踪和维护食物和酒水饮料标签。 也方便工作场所控制谁可以在何时何地-淘汰了自己的密钥卡和钥匙卡。 图书馆,体育馆,酒店和餐厅的预订,奖励卡管理以及您认为自己将被授予访问权限的其他任何地方也是如此。

  • No more body mix-ups. Unfortunately, about 28,000 babies get mixed up in hospitals every year, ultimately leaving with the wrong parents. On the other end of the spectrum, bodies occasionally get mixed up at funeral homes as well, making for some very awkward situations. A chip implanted at birth completely negates less-capable persons’ inability to identify themselves.

    没有更多的身体混乱。 不幸的是,每年约有28,000个婴儿在医院混血,最终与错误的父母离婚。 另一方面,bodies仪馆有时也会使尸体混杂在一起,使情况变得非常尴尬。 出生时植入的芯片完全消除了能力较弱的人无法识别自己的身份。

  • Infant and elder safety. It’s not uncommon for elders to “escape” from rest homes. More than 2,000 children are kidnapped in the US each day (amounting to over 800,000 kidnapped children per year). Between 1.6–2.8 million youth run away from home each year. Being able to track anyone (that gives you permission to do so, of course!) at any time means peace of mind for millions of parents and caregivers across the country.

    婴幼儿安全。 长者从休养所“逃脱”并不少见。 每天在美国有2,000多名儿童被绑架(每年超过800,000名被绑架的儿童)。 每年有1.6-280万青年人离家出走。 能够随时追踪任何人(当然,这允许您这样做!)意味着全国各地数百万父母和照顾者可以放心。

  • Child abductions. Brazilian millionaires are already chipping their kids to thwart kidnappers, and other nations will follow. The first 3–4 hours are the most critical in the event of an abduction, with nearly 74% of abductions resulting in murder happening within that time-frame. A study by Future Foundation shows that 75% of British parents would buy a device that kept track of their child’s location.

    儿童绑架。 巴西的百万富翁已经在哄骗孩子,以阻止绑架者,其他国家也将效仿。 在发生绑架事件时,最开始的3-4个小时是最关键的时刻,导致谋杀的绑架事件中有将近74%在该时间范围内发生。 未来基金会(Future Foundation)的一项研究表明,有75%的英国父母会购买可以跟踪孩子位置的设备。

  • Health metadata. A simple scan can tell your doctor what you’re allergic to, what antibiotics you’ve been prescribed in the past, what medicines you’re on now, and a wealth of other information that can be taken into account when you need medical attention — even if you’re unconscious.

    健康元数据。 简单的扫描即可告诉您的医生您对什么过敏,过去曾经开过哪些抗生素,现在正在使用哪种药物以及需要医疗时可以考虑的大量其他信息-即使您失去知觉。

  • Theft prevention. Sure, using the RFID chip in your palm to pay for things, borrow books, or open doors isn’t much different from using the RFID in a plastic card in your wallet. There’s at least one notable difference though: you can lose or get your wallet stolen pretty easily. Parts of your body are a lot harder to steal. Additionally, it’s a lot harder to criminals to secretly scan your card data when it’s embedded in your hand or arm, rather than a wallet in your front or back pocket.

    防盗。 当然,在手掌中使用RFID芯片付款,借书或开门与在钱包的塑料卡中使用RFID没什么不同。 不过,至少有一个显着的区别:您可能会丢失或很容易地将钱包偷走。 您的身体部位很难被偷走。 此外,当罪犯将其卡在您的手或手臂中而不是放在前或后口袋中的钱包中时,要秘密地扫描您的卡数据要困难得多。

  • Criminal management. Prisons aren’t safe places; everyone knows that. Microchipping criminals not only obsoletes prison breaks, but also improves information gathering “on the inside”. Who started the fight in the showers last night? Just rewind and inspect GPS intersections.

    刑事管理。 监狱不是安全的地方。 每个人都知道。 对罪犯使用微型计算机不仅使越狱变得过时,而且还改善了“内部”信息的收集。 昨晚谁在阵雨中打架? 只需倒带并检查GPS交叉点。

  • Law enforcement & gun control. Browning and Smith & Wesson have already embraced an implant-firearm system that requires weapons to be within close proximity of their owner to fire. Whether your arsenal is stolen from your home or an officer’s gun is wrestled out of their hands in a struggle, no one but the registered owner will be able to fire them. This also means your kids can’t accidentally fire the pistol they found in your nightstand. This also means no more “lost weapons” at crime scenes: GPS readings in weapon chips can always report where they were, when they were fired, and — inherently — by whom.

    执法和枪支管制。 Browning和Smith&Wesson已经采用了植入式枪械系统,该系统要求武器必须在其拥有者附近才能发射。 无论您的武器库是从家中被盗还是军官的枪支都在斗争中挣脱,只有注册的所有人才能解雇他们。 这也意味着您的孩子不会意外发射他们在床头柜中发现的手枪。 这意味着在犯罪现场不再有“丢失的武器”:武器芯片中的GPS读数始终可以报告它们在哪里,何时被发射以及(固有地)由谁来报告。

现实(短期)劣势: (Realistic (short-term) disadvantages:)
  • Uncertainty. We don’t know what effects microchips will have on the body long-term. We don’t know the societal effects of widespread chipping. We don’t know what problems will arise across every facet of the idea, and we likely won’t know until we try it.

    不确定。 我们不知道微芯片将长期对人体产生什么影响。 我们不知道普遍的筹码对社会的影响。 我们不知道该想法的各个方面都会出现什么问题,并且我们只有尝试一下才会知道。

  • Can’t commit minor crimes. Speeding, seeing an extra movie, etc. Contextualized benefits always come at the cost of broadcasting that extended contextual data: in order to serve you better, those providing services need access to more information about you. A simple always-on GPS also gives the means to know when you’re speeding, for example.

    不能犯轻微罪行。 加速,观看额外的电影等。上下文相关的好处总是以广播扩展的上下文数据为代价:为了更好地为您服务,提供服务的人员需要访问有关您的更多信息。 例如,简单的始终在线GPS也可以让您知道何时超速。

  • Access control. Allowing companies to scan your chip for identification inherently also gives them access to where you are within their establishment.

    访问控制。 允许公司从本质上扫描您的芯片以进行识别,也使他们可以访问您在公司内的位置。

  • Data leaks. Any new technology is always rife with bugs and exploits. Putting so much information and reliance on a single chip makes it a prime target for hackers and other no-gooders. If information is writable (in addition to readable), there is also potential for impersonation or data corruption.

    数据泄漏。 任何新技术总是充斥着漏洞和漏洞。 将如此多的信息和依赖性放在单个芯片上,使其成为黑客和其他劣质对象的主要目标。 如果信息是可写的(除了可读性外),还可能冒充或破坏数据。

  • Replacement hardware. There’s no doubt this technology will improve over time, adding more and more features. It’s possible these new features will require new hardware, and that early hardware may not have an easy way to be physically replaced.

    更换硬件。 毫无疑问,这项技术会随着时间的推移而改进,增加了越来越多的功能。 这些新功能可能需要新的硬件,而早期的硬件可能没有物理替换的简便方法。

  • No universal standards. Unfortunately due to the wide variety of digital identification systems in place, no one card handles them all. You’d need to implant an RFID chip for the subway, one for your credit card, one for your library card, and so on (or, at least, implant a rewriteable chip and store one of the above at a time).

    没有通用标准。 不幸的是,由于存在各种各样的数字识别系统,因此没有人可以用一张卡来处理它们。 您需要为地铁植入RFID芯片,为信用卡植入一个RFID芯片,为图书证植入一个RFID芯片,等等(或者至少植入一个可重写芯片并一次存储其中之一)。

  • Bodily migration. If proper care is not taken of implanted chips, they are capable of migrating within the body. This would be less of an issue if chips were ubiquitous (since they could just be looked for), but until then it’s entirely possible they could be completely overlooked (in medical emergencies, for example) if not found in the usual location.

    身体迁移。 如果未对植入的芯片进行适当的护理,它们将能够在体内迁移。 如果芯片无处不在(因为只需寻找芯片),那么问题就不那么重要了,但是在此之前,如果在通常的位置找不到芯片,则很有可能被完全忽略(例如在医疗紧急情况下)。

  • Medical treatment. The FDA has stated that several risks for human microchipping include adverse tissue reactions, electrical hazards, and — potentially most importantly — “incompatibility” with strong-magnet medical equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). You can’t take anything metal into an MRI; that includes pacemakers, aneurysm clips, dental implants, hip/knee replacements (unless they’re nonmagnetic titanium), and embedded microchips.

    药物治疗。 FDA指出,人类微芯片的几种风险包括不利的组织React,电危害,以及(最重要的是)与强磁医疗设备(如核磁共振成像(MRI))“不兼容”。 您无法将任何金属带入MRI; 其中包括起搏器,动脉瘤夹,牙科植入物,髋/膝关节置换物(除非它们是非磁性的钛金属) 嵌入式微芯片。

乌托邦主张: (Utopian claims:)
  • Digital world augmentations. Bringing a digital identity to the real world can have seemingly “magical” implications: rooms that automatically adjust the thermostat to your preference when you enter, cars that start your favorite radio station when you sit down, TVs that continue whatever show you were watching when you sit down in front of them, stores that use drones to deliver contents to your cart that you need while you shop, and so on.

    数字世界增强。 将数字身份带入现实世界似乎具有“神奇”的含义:进入时自动根据您的喜好自动调节恒温器的房间,坐下时启动喜欢的广播电台的汽车,当您观看时连续播放任何节目的电视您坐在他们的前面,商店使用无人机将购物时需要的物品运送到购物车,依此类推。

  • Seamless 2-factor authentication. The security adage for optimal security is to use something you know (passwords) in combination with something you have (often your phone, right now). Your phone has plenty of downsides (it can be stolen, lost, dead, hacked, wiped, etc) that are solved by a seamless solution that could augment passwords for increased security without the (admittedly mild) inconvenience of current 2FA solutions.

    无缝的2因子认证。 为了获得最佳安全性,安全格言是将已知的信息(密码)与已有的信息(现在通常是手机)结合使用。 您的手机有很多缺点(可以被盗,丢失,死亡,被黑客入侵,擦掉等),可以通过无缝解决方案来解决,该解决方案可以增加密码以提高安全性,而不会给当前2FA解决方案带来(一定程度的不便)麻烦。

反乌托邦声称: (Dystopian claims:)
  • Revolutionary firepower. When guns are paired to the chips in their owners, revolutionary heroes can no longer break into their oppressor’s arsenal to turn their firepower against them.

    革命性的火力。 当枪支与拥有者的筹码配对时,革命英雄就不再能够闯入其压迫者的武器库,以将火力转向他们。

  • Affordability and availability. Putting so much importance on a device only available to those that seek it out requires keeping close tabs on its availability and affordability. If the advantages effectively disadvantage those who choose not to participate, gaps between classes may widen.

    负担能力和可用性。 要对只有寻求它的用户可用的设备如此重要,就需要密切关注其可用性和可承受性。 如果优势有效地不利于那些选择不参加的人,那么阶级之间的差距可能会扩大。

  • Digital mimicry. In a world controlled entirely by chips within your skin, it’s possible that hackers and Evil Doers could scan and replicate the data on your chips onto their own, effectively replicating your physical presence (which is notably different from just stealing digital credentials).

    数字模仿。 在一个完全由皮肤内的芯片控制的世界中,黑客和邪恶行为者可能会扫描并复制芯片上的数据到自己的芯片上,从而有效地复制您的物理状态(这与窃取数字凭据的情况明显不同)。

  • Big Brother. Every Hollywood movie has taught us that implanted microchips are primarily for Big Brother, governments, and corporations to continuously track our every whereabouts. This is a real concern that needs to be handled with privacy controls and good security practices from the get-go.

    大哥 每部好莱坞电影都向我们表明,植入的微芯片主要是给“老大哥”,政府和公司用来不断追踪我们的下落的。 这是一个真正的问题,需要从一开始就通过隐私控制和良好的安全实践来处理。

  • Chip freedom. In a world where you purchase food with the chip in your hand, it’s not hard to think that some people might prefer to use a card in their wallet instead. However, it’s also not hard to imagine a world in which the “benefits” of a microchip mandate its usage — basically requiring everyone to receive a microchip or starve, lose their job, etc.

    芯片自由度。 在您手里拿着薯条购买食物的世界中,不难想到有些人可能更喜欢在钱包里使用卡。 然而,这也是不难想象的世界里,在一个微芯片的“好处”的职权范围继续使用-基本上,需要人人都能接受的微芯片或挨饿,失去工作等。

  • Secret chips. One of the benefits of a microchip is that it’s invisible to those who don’t know about it, making it harder for thieves and adversaries to steal your information. However, this advantage is a double-edged sword when you consider that people could potentially be oblivious to microchips implanted by others in themselves while sleeping or unconscious.

    秘密筹码。 微芯片的好处之一是,它对不了解微芯片的人是不可见的,这使窃贼和对手更难窃取您的信息。 但是,当您认为人们在睡觉或昏迷时可能会忽略他人植入的微芯片时,此优势是一把双刃剑。

其他注意事项: (Other considerations:)
  • Biblical apocalyptics claim it could be the “Mark of the Beast”, indicating the beginning of the Revelation.

  • There is currently no government agency that oversees or controls neuroelectric interface enhancements, with the closest body being the FDA due to its broad jurisdiction over medical devices.

Did I miss anything? Let me know in a comment and I’ll add it to the list!
我想念什么吗? 在评论中让我知道,我将其添加到列表中!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/human-microchipping-an-unbiased-look-at-the-pros-and-cons-ba8f979ebd96/


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