

At Teamtailor, we work in 6 week cycles (Basecamp’s Shape Up Framework). At the end of every cycle, we have an Innovation Week where everyone in the product team gets to pitch ideas. A few ideas are chosen based on votes and we team up to explore it for a week. As a part of the innovation week in November, I pitched the idea of being able to anonymise candidates.

Teamtailor ,我们每6周工作一次( Basecamp的Shape Up Framework )。 在每个周期的最后,我们都有一个创新周,产品团队中的每个人都可以提出想法。 我们会根据选票选出一些想法,我们将一起探索一周。 作为11月创新周的一部分,我提出了使候选人匿名的想法。

什么是无意识偏见? (What is unconscious bias?)

In the hiring process, unconscious bias happens when you form an opinion about candidates based solely on first impressions. Or, when you prefer one candidate over another simply because the first one seems like someone you’d easily hang out with outside of work. Even in the early hiring stages, a candidate’s resume picture, their name, or their hometown could influence your opinion more than you think. In short, unconscious bias influences your decision — whether positively or negatively — using criteria irrelevant to the job. Read more.

在招聘过程中,仅根据第一印象就应聘者形成意见时,就会出现无意识的偏见。 或者,当您更喜欢一个候选人而不是另一个候选人时,仅仅因为第一个候选人看起来像某个人,您很容易在工作之外闲逛。 即使在早期招聘阶段,候选人的简历图片,他们的名字或他们的家乡也可能比您想像的更多地影响您的意见。 简而言之,无意识的偏见会使用与工作无关的标准(无论是正面还是负面)影响您的决定。 阅读更多

球场: (The pitch:)

  • Allow recruiters to be able to anonymise candidate profiles in any stage of their hiring process.

  • Also allow anonymous profile sharing while seeking feedback about a candidate from the hiring team or other employees/stakeholders in the company.


那么匿名候选人看起来如何? (So how does an anonymous candidate look?)

Within a specific job’s context: The idea is to add an element of fun to the candidate card by generating unique names for the candidate so that it is possible to talk about/remember them like “Hey John, did you have a look at yellow unicorn? The profile looks great!”

在特定工作的背景下:想法是通过为候选人生成唯一的名称来为候选人卡添加乐趣,以便像“嘿约翰,您看过黄色的独角兽”这样谈论/记住它们。 ? 个人资料看起来很棒!”

In the candidate profile: In addition to the anonymous avatar, the personal details of the candidate are blurred. If the candidate has a CV attached, our aim is to generate a duplicate CV where the personal information is hidden (it’s quite a challenge, but hopefully we can solve this).

在候选人个人资料中:除了匿名化身,候选人的个人详细信息也模糊了。 如果候选人附有简历,我们的目标是生成一个隐藏个人信息的重复简历(这是一个很大的挑战,但是希望我们能够解决这个问题)。

A candidate profile where the personal information is blurred. The avatar & name are masked as Teal Elephant.

Initially, only the recruiter/admin can add or remove anonymous mode from the stage. The others in the hiring team might not be aware of this new feature. So to improve learnability, clicking on the anonymous icon gives them a brief overview of this feature.

最初,只有招聘者/管理员可以在阶段中添加或删除匿名模式。 招聘团队中的其他人可能不知道此新功能。 因此,为了提高学习能力,单击匿名图标可以使他们对该功能进行简要概述。

On clicking the mask icon on the screen, an info box shows a brief description along with a Read more link.

我们如何透露候选人? (How do we reveal a candidate?)

In the candidate card, a splash animation reveals the avatar if the candidate is moved from an anonymous to a non-anonymous stage. Furthermore, in the stages view, the same animation reveals the candidate if that candidate’s card is dragged from an anonymous to a non-anonymous stage.

如果候选人从匿名阶段转移到非匿名阶段,则在候选人卡片中,启动动画会显示化身。 此外,在阶段视图中,如果该候选人的名片从匿名阶段拖到非匿名阶段,则相同的动画会显示该候选人。

When the candidate is moved to a non-anonymous stage, the avatar turns from an animal to the actual photo with a splash.

显示的卡片是什么样的? (What does a revealed card look like?)

The revealed candidate card would display the anonymous name, since the recruiters are more familiar with the anonymous names in the initial stages.


The revealed candidate card shows also the original anonymous name, in this case, an Anonymous Teal Elephant.

那么如何启用匿名模式? (So how do you enable the anonymous mode?)

While creating that job ad: The recruiter usually creates stages that should be in the recruitment process. Hence, the anonymise setting needs to be integrated here.

在制作招聘广告时:招聘人员通常会创建应在招聘过程中进行的阶段。 因此,此处需要集成匿名设置。

While creating the job, the anonymous mode can be enabled from the stages view, as shown in this screen.

After creating the job: Our customers are accustomed to adding actions to a stage from the settings button in that stage. Hence, anonymous mode can also be enabled from there.

创建工作后:我们的客户习惯于从该阶段的“设置”按钮向该阶段添加操作。 因此,也可以从那里启用匿名模式。

Anonymous mode can also be enabled after creating the job from the stage settings menu.

We have been receiving incredibly positive feedback from our customers. Recruiters are keen to try this new feature and have requested the beta version. More details will be added once we launch this feature. :)

我们收到了来自客户的令人难以置信的积极反馈。 招聘人员渴望尝试此新功能,并要求提供Beta版本。 一旦启动此功能,将添加更多详细信息。 :)

那接下来呢? (So what next?)

Finding the right balance between the required constraints and a flexible workflow is quite challenging. In the early stages, the anonymous mode can feel quite rigid. For instance, if the recruiter needs to call the candidate to obtain some lacking information, the necessary details would be hidden.

在所需的约束和灵活的工作流程之间找到合适的平衡是非常具有挑战性的。 在早期阶段,匿名模式可能会相当僵化。 例如,如果招聘人员需要致电候选人以获取一些缺少的信息,则必要的细节将被隐藏。

Hence, a potential idea for the next version could be to allow peeking at the candidate’s true profile. This would be logged in the activity feed to add a layer of accountability while still not limiting freedom. It’s a way of providing a responsible and easy way of performing an action that would otherwise be done using a work-around.

因此,下一个版本的潜在想法可能是允许偷看候选人的真实形象。 这将被记录在活动提要中,以添加一层问责制,同时仍然不限制自由度。 这是一种提供负责任且简便的方式来执行操作的方法,而如果使用其他解决方法,则可以执行该操作。

What do you think? I’m open to any thoughts on the subject.

你怎么看? 我愿意就此发表任何想法。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/fighting-unconscious-bias-in-hiring-de478f4ec7ce


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