

Whether you’re an aspiring software engineer or a seasoned developer, there are times when you need to give your résumé a boost to make it much more appealing.


I’ve written extensively about how to write an amazing technical résumé, but today’s article is different. I want to share my insights from interviewing at multiple companies, and how you can incorporate that to make an outstanding technical résumé.

我已经写了很多有关如何编写出色的技术简历的文章,但是今天的文章有所不同。 我想分享在多家公司进行采访时获得的见解,以及如何将其整合成出色的技术简历。

If you find this article useful, make sure you leave a ? down below! (And please come check out my newly launched website that I’m super thrilled about! I’m extremely proud because a student of mine built it :) )

如果您觉得这篇文章有用,请确保留下一个? 在下面! (并且请访问我非常激动的新推出的网站 !我感到非常自豪,因为我的一个学生建造了它:))

附带项目是对话的开始 (Side-projects are conversation starters)

As I was interviewing, I noticed that having interesting side-projects on the résumé made for an amazing conversation starter.


It gave me an opportunity to talk about ideas, concepts and technologies I thought were interesting. It also allowed me to bounce ideas from the interviewers.

它给了我一个讨论我认为有趣的想法,概念和技术的机会。 这也使我可以拒绝面试官的想法。

Most might know this already, but if not, then allow me to reiterate. Most tech interviewers are tech nerds at heart.

大多数人可能已经知道这一点,但是如果没有,请允许我重申。 大多数技术面试官本质上都是技术书呆子。

As an interviewer, I enjoy chatting about side projects candidates worked on, because it often gives me a glimpse into what they’re passionate about. I believe passion is one of the best indicators of success. Plain and simple.

作为一名面试官,我喜欢谈论候选人正在从事的辅助项目,因为它经常让我瞥见他们所热衷的东西。 我相信激情是成功的最好指标之一。 干净利落。

Building side projects is a terrific low-risk-high-return experience that will benefit you in the long run.


Not only do you gain valuable knowledge in certain technologies, but you also get to touch on various stages of shipping a product.


This path is suitable for most people regardless of where they are in their career, because there’s always something you can learn from doing side-projects.


Either you’re building a RESTful microservice as your first foray into web services, or building out a prototype using Kafka Streams for a real-time streaming engine. There’s something for everyone.

您正在构建RESTful微服务作为您首次涉足Web服务,还是使用Kafka Streams构建用于实时流引擎的原型。 每个人都有东西。

Notably, time is a precious commodity. There’s an opportunity cost associated with taking time to build a side project. Therefore, it’s critical to pick a good side project that’s worth your time.

值得注意的是,时间是宝贵的商品。 花时间建立副项目会带来机会成本。 因此,选择一个值得您花费时间的好的附带项目至关重要。

What qualifies, then, as a good side project?


A good rule of thumb is the project should be something you’re passionate about, and solves a personal pain.

一个 好的经验法则是,项目应该是您热衷的事情,并且可以解决个人痛苦。

It doesn’t have to be conceptually “complex” to qualify as a good project, because there are inherent complications with each and every project. More often than not, a project fails because of lack of interest, burn-out, or no momentum.

合格的项目不必从概念上“复杂”,因为每个项目都有内在的复杂性。 一个项目常常由于缺乏兴趣,倦怠或没有动力而失败。

If you’re going to sacrifice nights building something, why don’t you build something that you’ll be enjoying? At least you’ll get some fun out of building it while still learning about technologies you’re interested in.

如果您要牺牲夜晚来建造一些东西,为什么不建造自己会喜欢的东西呢? 至少在学习它感兴趣的技术的同时,您会从构建它中获得一些乐趣。

Here are some ideas about what to build:


  • Web crawlers — here’s how I built a web crawler to automate my job search.


  • Search engines

  • Simple iOS/Android apps — these are easy to build, easy to demonstrate, and are a great conversation starter because you can almost always just pull out your phone and show it. Here’s an example Yelp client that I built as part of a course.

    简单的iOS / Android应用程序-这些易于构建,易于演示,并且是很好的对话入门者,因为您几乎总是可以拔出手机并显示它。 这是我在课程中构建的一个示例Yelp客户端

  • Games — Another great option because games are often great starter projects.


获得创业经验 (Gain experience with a start-up)

While I was working a day job over summer in college, I had some spare time at night and wondered if there were any startups in the area looking to hire a college student for cheap. I was young, hungry, and ready to learn.

暑假期间,我在大学里做一天的工作,晚上我有一些空闲时间,想知道该地区是否有初创公司希望以便宜的价格雇用大学生。 我很小,肚子饿,准备学习。

I looked up networking events in the evenings and participated in many meetups. (Hint: Meetups are great networking events to meet likeminded people)

我晚上看了社交活动,参加了很多聚会。 (提示:聚会是结识志同道合的人的绝佳社交活动)

I met an organizer one day who was also the CEO of a startup. His wife went to and graduated from the same university as I did. We struck up a conversation, and eventually, he offered me a chance to work on his iOS app for a few evenings a week.

有一天,我遇到了一个组织者,他也是一家创业公司的首席执行官。 他的妻子和我一样去了同一所大学并毕业。 我们进行了交谈,最终,他为我提供了一个机会,每周有几个晚上可以使用他的iOS应用程序。

Packing your bags and leaving behind a cushy, well-paid job for the wonders of the wild west in startup land is not something I recommend unless you’re Jeff Bezos. In which case, kudos to you for following your passion.

除非您是杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos),否则我不建议收拾行囊,留下廉价,高薪的工作,在初创土地上探索荒野的西部奇观。 在这种情况下,您应该效法您的热情。

However, if you’re a student in college or you have time in the evenings, joining a startup part-time makes a lot of sense. You can either contribute part-time or on the weekends — this will allow you to keep your full-time job while still learning about modern development.

但是,如果您是大学学生或者晚上有时间,那么兼职创业是很有意义的。 您可以兼职或在周末进行工作,这将使您在保持全职工作的同时仍了解现代发展。

Not only do you get to taste the #startup life, but you also get to design and implement projects that have real-world impact. And you get to work with varying tech stacks, people, and culture while you’re at it — all of which are great things to have on your résumé.

您不仅可以品尝到#startup的生活,还可以设计和实施对现实世界有影响的项目。 您可以随时随地与各种技术堆栈,人员和文化一起工作-所有这些都是您简历中很棒的事情。

How do you find startups that will allow you to work part-time in the evenings, you ask?


Many startups have job postings available on Craigslist and/or AngelList. (If you’re like me, you can automate your job search using a web crawler).

许多创业公司在Craigslist和/或AngelList上都有职位发布。 (如果您像我一样,则可以使用网络搜寻器自动进行求职 )。

Additionally, you can also reach out to your LinkedIn connections to see if anyone requires an extra hand for their startup. I’m sure there is no shortage of projects that would love an extra helping hand.

此外,您还可以与LinkedIn连接,以了解是否有人需要额外的帮助来启动。 我敢肯定,不乏需要额外帮助的项目。

Finally, I have friends who are looking for help to build their startups from time to time as well. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and I can send them your way.

最后,我还有一些朋友也在寻求帮助,以建立自己的初创公司。 随时在LinkedIn上与我联系,我可以按照您的方式发送给他们。

贡献开源 (Contribute to open source)

The open source community is a great place to learn from.


The contributors come from all walks of life, have different sets of expertise and experience, and are also genuinely passionate about building and shipping great projects. Otherwise, why would they spend their weekends on projects that don’t pay a single penny?

贡献者来自各行各业,拥有不同的专业知识和经验,并且对建立和交付伟大的项目也充满热情。 否则,他们为什么要在不花一分钱的项目上度过周末?

In a sense, participating in modern open source projects is much like working for a tech company.


You get to learn an existing code base, make code changes, test your changes, propose improvements, have discussions with fellow contributors, and also potentially own a part of the code base. All of which are critical skills and expertise that are valuable.

您将学习现有的代码库,进行代码更改,测试更改,提出改进,与其他贡献者进行讨论,并且还可能拥有一部分代码库。 所有这些都是宝贵的关键技能和专业知识。

Not all that glitters is gold, however.


One caveat here is that it has become increasingly difficult to find an open source project that’s right for you. Also, there might be a steep learning curve for each project.

需要注意的是,找到适合您的开源项目变得越来越困难。 此外,每个项目的学习曲线可能都很陡峭。

For example, if you wanted to work on an open source project that’s written in Python, you’d need to first brush up on Python. (This isn’t that bad because there are many resources, like this one, that you can use to ramp up quickly.)

例如,如果您想处理使用Python编写的开源项目,则需要首先使用Python。 (这并不坏,因为有很多的资源,像这一个 ,你可以用它来Swift提高。)

Picking the right open source is becoming more of an art these days with the advent of many good projects. I’d love to know what open source projects you would recommend, so leave a comment below with what you think is a good open source project!

随着许多优秀项目的到来,选择正确的开源越来越成为一种艺术。 我很想知道您会推荐哪些开源项目,因此请在下面留下您认为是一个好的开源项目的评论!

结语 (Wrapping up)

There are many things that you can do to beef up your résumé, but none is more powerful than the act of doing. Find a project you’re interested in, do some exploration to make sure it’s right for you, and then get right down to execution.

您可以做很多事情来增强您的简历,但是没有什么比做事更强大。 找到您感兴趣的项目,进行一些探索以确保它适合您,然后立即执行。

I am hopeful that today’s article has been helpful in driving you to stop wandering and start doing. That’ll be my biggest takeaway from writing this :) And please check out zhiachong.com because I think it’s cool ?)

我希望今天的文章对促使您停止徘徊并开始做事有所帮助。 这将是我撰写本文的最大收获 :)并请访问zhiachong.com,因为我认为这很酷吗?)

我推荐的资源: (Resources I Recommend:)

  • Lean Startup: A great book for figuring out how to bootstrap your own startup. Not only that, I find that the book has actionable tips and tricks that I can apply across many areas of my life. Highly recommended.

    精益创业 :弄清楚如何引导自己的创业的一本好书。 不仅如此,我发现这本书具有可行的技巧和窍门,可以应用于我生活的许多领域。 强烈推荐。

  • Zero to One: One of the best books on #startup life I’ve ever read. This book speaks volumes to what goes into creating an enduring startup, how to find your own niche, and many more. Again, highly recommended.

    零到一 :我读过的有关#startup life的最好的书之一。 本书讲述了如何创建一个持久的创业公司,如何找到自己的利基市场等等。 再次,强烈推荐。

  • Mock Interviews/résumé review: I highly recommend doing a practice run of interviews either with a friend or coworker. This helps get you into the mindset and gives you a good overview of your performance. If you can’t find a friend, I offer mock interview through my website as well (zhiachong.com)

    模拟面试/简历审查:我强烈建议与朋友或同事进行面试练习。 这有助于您进入思维定势,并为您提供良好的绩效概览。 如果找不到朋友,我也会通过我的网站( zhiachong.com )提供模拟面试

  • Elements of Programming Interviews: Great for preparing for coding problems. If you’re preparing for software engineering interviews, I highly recommend this.

    编程面试的要素 :非常适合编写编码问题。 如果您正在准备软件工程面试,我强烈建议您这样做。

  • CodeRunner: I love this Mac app! I used this multiple times to run ad-hoc Python scripts/functions and it just works amazingly well. ? I love this app because it allows me to write quick throwaway apps in the blink of an eye. (Arguably, there are plugins built into Visual Studio Code nowadays that do something similar, but I’m still a fan.)

    CodeRunner :我喜欢这个Mac应用程序! 我多次使用它来运行特定的Python脚本/函数,并且效果非常好。 ? 我喜欢这个应用程序,因为它使我能够在眨眼间就编写出快速扔掉的应用程序。 (可以说,如今,Visual Studio Code中内置了一些插件,它们执行类似的操作,但我还是很喜欢。)

  • Dropbox: I keep all my files, pictures, résumé here. Easy access, installed once and available everywhere. Love it ❤️ (If you sign up thru this link, both of us will get free 500MB!)

    Dropbox :我将所有文件,图片和简历保存在此处。 易于访问,一次安装即可随处使用。 喜欢它❤️(如果您通过此链接注册,我们俩将免费获得500MB!)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-simple-guide-to-building-an-amazing-technical-resume-39cba7420fd5/


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