

by Matthew Burfield

通过马修·伯菲尔德(Matthew Burfield)

我29岁那年就学会了打字。这值得吗? (I learned to touch type at the ripe old age of 29. Was it worth it?)

I recently read an article that said, in it’s simplest form, that programming is just pressing keys on a keyboard.


Fundamentally, programmers are typists! We just happen to press the keys in a specific order that allows compilers to read the combinations of characters, and convert them into machine code.

从根本上说,程序员是打字员! 我们只是碰巧按特定的顺序按下了按键,使编译器可以读取字符的组合,并将其转换为机器代码。

Therefore, if you are a slow typer, it won’t matter how great your IDE is, or how great your text editor is, or how productive you think your workflow is. You’ll always be bottlenecked by your typing speed.

因此,如果您的打字机很慢,那么IDE的强大程度,文本编辑器的强大程度或工作流程的生产率如何都无所谓。 您的打字速度总是会遇到瓶颈。

Now, I’ve heard the argument made that, as a programmer, typing speed isn’t so important. You should spend most of your time thinking about a given problem/solution, as opposed to actually typing.

现在,我听到有这样的论点,即作为程序员,打字速度并不那么重要。 您应该将大部分时间都花在思考给定的问题/解决方案上,而不是真正地打字。

I tend to agree. But, all things being equal, I’d still rather type faster so I can get on to the next problem as quickly as possible. After all, over the course of my career, I plan to be writing tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of lines of code. That’s a lot of typing.

我倾向于同意。 但是,在所有条件都相同的情况下,我还是希望输入速度更快,以便尽快解决下一个问题。 毕竟,在我的职业生涯中,我计划编写成千上万的代码行(如果不是几百行)。 打字很多。

评估我的技能 (Assessing my skills)

Don’t get me wrong, my typing speed wasn’t horrible. I was typing at around 40 words per minute, which is apparently right around the average (although I couldn’t find any definitive sources). I could even mostly type without looking at the keyboard. Over the years, I had developed a pretty sketchy style where I used four fingers — my two index and middle fingers.

不要误会我的意思,我的打字速度并不可怕。 我每分钟输入大约40个单词,这显然与平均水平差不多(尽管我找不到确切的来源)。 我什至可以不用看键盘就能打字。 多年来,我开发了一种非常粗略的样式,使用了四个手指(两个食指和中指)。

I instinctively knew where they alphabetic keys on the keyboard were, but would still need to look down every now and then. Especially for numbers, symbols, and punctuation (commas, full stops, etc).

我本能地知道它们在键盘上的字母键在哪里,但仍然需要时不时地往下看。 尤其适用于数字,符号和标点符号(逗号,句号等)。

I knew I could be more efficient. What was the harm in attempting to type with all ten fingers for a month and seeing how it went? I could always revert back if I didn’t see any improvements.

我知道我会更有效率。 尝试用所有十个手指打字一个月并查看其操作过程有何危害? 如果看不到任何改进,我总是可以回复。

So, at the ripe old age of 29, I decided it was about time I taught myself how to touch type.


正确的程序入门 (Getting started with the right program)

I did a Google search for learning to touch type, and the first website that came up was TypingClub. It’s free and has a nice interface, so I went with that.

我在Google搜索中学习了触摸输入,然后出现的第一个网站是TypingClub 。 它是免费的,并且具有不错的界面,所以我同意了。

It’s been nearly a month since I started, and have put 14 hours and 44 minutes of practice into it.


As you can see, I only started on the 31st of July, and my speed (wpm — orange line) has been steadily increasing over time.


After only one month, my typing speed has already improved by 10wpm. My code coverage of the keyboard has gotten better, too. It hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing, but it hasn’t exactly been hard either.

仅一个月后,我的打字速度已经提高了10wpm。 我的键盘代码覆盖范围也有所改善。 航行并非一帆风顺,但也并非一帆风顺。

Here are my notes from each week.


第一周 (Week 1)

Average typing speed for the week: 15wpm


The first few days were pretty basic. I started off learning one key at a time. Progression feels quick as you learn knew keys — after an hour or so of practice, I already had three quarters of the alphabet under my belt. Typing felt pretty good and it was relatively easy.

前几天很基础。 我开始一次学习一把钥匙。 当您学习了琴键之后,进步的感觉就会很快-经过一个小时左右的练习,我已经掌握了四分之三的字母。 打字感觉还不错,而且相对容易。

But attempting to use my newly acquired typing skills in the real world was a total disaster.


Not only was I slow, but I was incredibly inaccurate. This made everything I did super unproductive and frustrating. Needless to say couldn’t use my touch typing skills in the real world yet.

我不仅慢了,而且我的举止非常不准确。 这使我所做的一切都变得毫无成效和令人沮丧。 不用说还不能在现实世界中使用我的触摸打字技能。

第二周 (Week 2)

Average typing speed for the week: 22wpm


After the second week, I had covered all of the alphabet and some numbers.


But it was interesting: the shift key on the right side of the keyboard was totally foreign to me and I’d never used it before. With touch typing, you use the right shift to capitalize the left hand keys, and the left shift key to capitalize the right hand keys.

但这很有趣:键盘右侧的Shift键对我来说完全陌生,我以前从未使用过。 使用触摸输入时,您可以使用向右移动将左键大写,而向左移动则将右键大写。

Typing in the real world was still too slow. I still hadn’t had enough practice typing on all the keys, especially symbol keys which are used all the time in programming.

在现实世界中打字仍然太慢。 我仍然没有足够的练习来键入所有键,尤其是在编程中一直使用的符号键。

第三周 (Week 3)

Average typing speed: 39 wpm

平均打字速度:39 wpm

Week three down and I’ve finally covered the entire keyboard. I’m already typing as fast as I was before I started. It’s crazy! After only three weeks of deliberate practice I’m already typing as fast as I was with my old method.

第三周下来,我终于涵盖了整个键盘。 我的打字速度已经和开始之前一样快。 这很疯狂! 经过仅三周的认真练习,我的打字速度已经和旧方法一样快。

I’m even able to start touch typing in real world scenarios!


There are two major things slowing me down at the moment:


  1. It takes me a second just to line up my fingers over the right keys. I have to position my left fingers over the a,s,d,f keys, and my right fingers over the j,k,l,; keys. It’s important that I position them correctly first, as otherwise my accuracy goes waaaaaay down.

    我只需要花一秒钟的时间就可以将手指对准正确的按键。 我必须将左手指放在a,s,d,f键上,而将右手指放在j,k,l上; 键。 首先正确放置它们很重要,否则我的精度会下降。
  2. In touch typing, you use your right pinky finger for a bunch of keys (see below). I’m still pretty inefficient and inaccurate at hitting all of them, and I use them all the time in programming.

    在触摸式打字中,您可以用右手的小指按住一堆键(请参见下文)。 我仍然无法高效地使用它们,并且在编程中一直使用它们。

That’s a lot of ground to cover for the right pinky. And it will definitely take me a while longer to get efficient with it.

对于正确的小指来说,这有很多基础。 当然,要使它高效,我将花费更长的时间。

It’s no surprise that TypingClub shows my right pinky finger to be my least efficient finger.


So far, I’m about 70% of the way though TypingClub. There isn’t really anything more to learn, so it’s just practice at this point. I’m going to try to finish it. I’m currently typing at around 50 wpm on average, and my best has been around 61 wpm. My accuracy usually hovers around 95%.

到目前为止,我使用TypingClub的方式大约占70%。 确实没有什么要学习的,因此这只是练习。 我将尝试完成它。 我目前的平均输入速度为50 wpm,而我最好的输入速度是61 wpm。 我的准确性通常徘徊在95%左右。

结论 (Conclusion)

I think this one-month investment to upgrade my typing style has been well worth it. I saw my typing speed improve dramatically in weeks three and four, with the potential now for it to improve even more.

我认为这一个月的投资来升级我的打字风格非常值得。 我看到我的打字速度在第3和第4周有了显着提高,现在有潜力进一步提高。

I’ve already surpassed my previous typing speeds, and can use my touch typing in the wild now without feeling frustrated.


The most annoying part of touch typing right now is that, most of the time, I’m only typing small amounts. Like, a couple of words. And it takes a relatively long time just to position my hands correctly on the keyboard. No doubt this will improve over time as I continue to get more familiar with touch typing.

现在,触摸打字最烦人的部分是,在大多数情况下,我只打字少量。 就像两个字一样。 仅将我的手正确放在键盘上就需要花费相对较长的时间。 毫无疑问,随着时间的流逝,随着我继续更加熟悉触摸输入,这种情况将会有所改善。

I also need to improve my accuracy for numbers and sybmols — but again, this will come with time.


Overall I’m really thankful I took the time to upgrade this skill. I’m sure it will server me well over my career.

总的来说,我非常感激我花时间升级了这项技能。 我相信它将在我的职业生涯中为我服务。

If you enjoyed this post, please give me some claps so more people see it. Thanks!

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请给我一些鼓掌,以便更多人看到。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/i-learned-to-touch-type-at-the-ripe-old-age-of-29-was-it-worth-it-112ef2150fec/


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