算法训练营 重编码_您可能不需要$ 15K的编码训练营

算法训练营 重编码

Coding bootcamps have exploded in popularity the past few years. I’m not against them. If they help you get started on a well-paid career in tech, $15,000 USD might be worth it.

在过去的几年中,编码训练营已Swift普及。 我不反对他们。 如果他们帮助您开始从事高薪的技术职业,那么$ 15,000美元可能是值得的。

But one thing is for sure: the steep price of coding bootcamps ends up excluding a lot of people. And that’s before you even factor in the economic opportunity cost associated with not working for three months.

但是可以肯定的是:编码训练营的高昂价格最终导致许多人无法入伍。 而这甚至还没有算上三个月不工作带来经济机会成本

And then there are also plenty of people who feel uncomfortable paying so much money to what are typically unaccredited, for-profit schools, in exchange for just twelve weeks of education.


Luckily, there are cheaper (and completely free) alternatives out there.


I applied to 6 of the top coding bootcamps and got into 5 of them. But I ultimately decided to attend a free, peer-to-peer based coding bootcamp instead.

申请了6个顶级编码训练营,并加入了其中5个。 但是我最终决定参加一个免费的,基于对等的代码训练营。

This is my best attempt at a balanced a perspective on bootcamps. My hope is that this will give you the tools you need to make decisions for yourself.

这是我在平衡训练营方面的最佳尝试。 我希望这将为您提供所需的工具,以便您自己进行决策。

我如何学习编码 (How I learned to code)

Throughout 2013 and 2014, I spent a lot of my spare time teaching myself basic JavaScript and Python through tutorials I found online.


By 2015, I wanted to speed up my learning and become a professional developer. So I applied to a bunch of bootcamps.

到2015年,我想加快学习速度,成为一名专业开发人员。 所以我申请了一堆训练营。

Most of them had price tags between $12K and $18K. Though I was willing to pay up, I struggled to justify the price to myself, as I suspected I didn’t need all the services they offered.

他们中大多数人的价格在$ 12K和$ 18K之间。 尽管我愿意付钱,但我仍在努力向自己证明价格合理,因为我怀疑我并不需要他们提供的所有服务。

So when I discovered Founders and Coders (FAC)— a free bootcamp in London based around peer-to-peer learning instead of teacher-student learning — I immediately sent them an application.

因此,当我发现Founders and Coders (FAC)(伦敦的免费训练营,基于对等学习而不是师生学习)时,我立即向他们发送了申请。

I got accepted, which left me to choose between the two options:


  • A traditional $15K bootcamp that promised “99% of our graduates get hired at a $100K starting salary”

    传统的$ 15K训练营,承诺“我们99%的毕业生将以$ 100K的起始薪水被雇用”
  • A free bootcamp that didn’t brag about metrics or make any grand promises


Even though I was skeptical about a lot of the claims paid bootcamps made, it still wasn’t an easy choice. Their reported hiring rates were impressive.

即使我对付费训练营提出的许多要求表示怀疑,但这也不是一个容易的选择。 他们的录用率令人印象深刻。

免费与付费 (Free versus paid)

So I scheduled a chat with the founder of FAC, Dan Sofer, to better understand their peer-driven model. After discussing it for a while, he said something that really made me think:

因此,我安排了与FAC创始人Dan Sofer的聊天,以更好地了解他们的同行驱动模型。 讨论了一段时间之后,他说了一些让我真正想到的东西:

“Teaching highly motivated students to code is actually not that hard.” — Dan Sofer
“教积极性高的学生进行编码实际上并不难。” —丹·索弗

This stuck a chord with me, as my gut had been telling me the same thing.


His statement also went somewhat against the marketing message that I’d received from paid bootcamps. They usually emphasized their world-class curriculum and pedagogy as the main driver for their success.

他的声明也与我从付费训练营收到的营销信息有所不同。 他们通常强调世界一流的课程和教学法是他们取得成功的主要动力。

Dan moved the focus from the school to the students. Those hungry for knowledge will gain their skills regardless.

Dan将重点从学校转移到了学生身上。 那些渴望知识的人会获得技能。

With this in mind, their 99 percent hiring rates can be viewed in another light. Maybe their students’ success isn’t just because they’re good schools. Maybe it’s because they have the luxury of cherry-picking smart, highly motivated students to join their course.

考虑到这一点,可以从另一角度看待他们99%的招聘率。 也许他们的学生的成功不仅仅是因为他们是一所好学校。 也许是因为他们拥有挑剔的聪明,上进心的学生来参加课程。

Though I don’t claim to have the answer, or any statistics to back it up, this explanation does make sense when you look at how selective they are.


Secondly, Dan told me straight-up that I wouldn’t become a good developer in three months. He said I’d have to spend six to nine months to reach a productive level, and even then I’d still just be a beginner. This too made sense, but I hadn’t heard anything like this from the other bootcamps.

其次,Dan直截了当地告诉我,我将在三个月内成为一名优秀的开发人员。 他说我必须花6到9个月才能达到生产水平,即使那样,我仍然只是一个初学者。 这也很有意义,但是我从其他训练营中都没有听到过这样的消息。

All of this felt refreshingly honest, so I trusted Dan and joined FAC. You can read more about my experience at FAC. In short, it was the most intense learning period of my life. I loved their model, and I got a developer job a month after graduating.

所有这些让我感到耳目一新,所以我信任Dan并加入了FAC。 您可以阅读有关我在FAC的经历的更多信息。 简而言之,那是我一生中最紧张的学习时期。 我喜欢他们的模型,毕业后一个月就得到了开发人员工作。

So at least for me, it would have been a waste of $15K to attend a traditional paid bootcamp.


It’s worth pointing out at this point that I’m not saying any of this to funnel more applications towards FAC. I don’t think they’d get any real economic benefit for increasing their application pool, anyway. They already get far more applicants than they have seats.

在这一点上值得指出的是,我并不是要说这是为了向FAC集中更多的应用程序。 无论如何,我认为他们不会因增加应用程序池而获得任何实际的经济利益。 他们已经获得了比席位更多的申请人。

有空之前要问的问题 (Questions to ask before you go free)

Instead, I want to give aspiring bootcamp students some perspective on the alternative paths to becoming a developer.


There is no one size fits all. Some might need to attend a paid bootcamp. Others can manage a free one, or one of the cheaper ones where you don’t get as much follow up as I’m assuming you get for $15K. A few ninjas might even be able to learn it all on their own online.

没有一种适合所有人。 有些人可能需要参加付费的训练营。 其他人可以管理一个免费的图书馆,也可以管理一个便宜的图书馆,而您得到的跟进额不及我所假设的15,000美元。 一些忍者甚至可以自己在网上学习所有内容。

The goal is to figure out which option best fits you personally.


I believe it boils down to three questions you’ll need to ask yourself. If you can answer yes to all three, then you’re most likely ready for a peer-to-peer based coding bootcamp. If not, I think you should go for a paid bootcamp instead, or learn on your own.

我认为这可以归结为三个您需要问自己的问题。 如果您对这三个问题都可以回答,那么您很可能已经准备好进行基于对等的编码训练营。 如果没有,我认为您应该去付费的训练营,或者自己学习。

问题1:您的动力足够强大吗? (Question 1: Is your motivation strong enough?)

Motivation is by far the most important ingredient for learning how to code. The more you have of it, the less help you’ll need in order to reach your learning goals.

到目前为止,动机是学习如何编码的最重要因素。 您拥有的越多,实现学习目标所需的帮助就越少。

Motivation is what gets you through tough times.


Motivation boils down to why do you want to learn to code. If it’s because the job market for developers is good, you’re going to struggle. But if you’re actually interested in the craft, your chances are much better.

动机归结为您为什么要学习编码。 如果这是因为开发人员的就业市场良好,那么您将陷入困境。 但是,如果您实际上对手Craft.io品感兴趣,那么您的机会就会大得多。

I got a taste of building products out of nothing a few years ago, so I wanted to learn to code for coding’s sake. I felt a burning for coding. As if I was incomplete for not yet knowing how to do it.

几年前,我一无所获地开始构建产品,因此我想学习编码是为了编码。 我为编写代码感到辛苦。 好像我还不知道如何做还不完整。

Here are some checks to see whether you’re motivated enough:


  • Have you spent a significant amount of your spare time trying to learn how to code?

  • Do you feel excitement when you manage to build something?

  • Are there areas of coding which you’re stoked on learning more about?


Ideally, the answer to the above questions should all be yes.


问题2:您可以自己学习东西吗? (Question 2: Can you learn stuff on your own?)

Before you join a free program, you should prove to yourself that you’re capable of learning stuff on your own.


This is because you will run into problems for which no one has an answer. This is a direct consequence of not having paid teachers around you at any given moment (and even if you did, this would likely happen anyway). So it’ll be completely up to you and your peers to figure out how to solve these problems.

这是因为您遇到没人能解决的问题。 这是在任何给定时刻没有聘请您周围的老师的直接结果(即使您这样做,也可能会发生)。 因此,完全由您和您的同伴来决定如何解决这些问题。

You’ll need to be able to accept the uncertainty of not knowing how to solve an issue.


Every problem is also a growth opportunity. It forces you to get out there and find the answer yourself. This is a critical skill that professional developers apply on a daily basis.

每个问题也是一个增长机会。 它迫使您走到那里,自己找到答案。 这是专业开发人员每天应用的一项关键技能。

问题3:您是团队合作者吗? (Question 3: Are you a team player?)

Don’t join a free program if you’re a solo player. Spend your time on your own, getting better at team work through contributing to open source. Or choose a bootcamp that has the resources to adapt its pedagogy to your style.

如果您是独奏者,请勿加入免费程序。 花费自己的时间,通过为开源做出贡献来提高团队合作水平。 或选择一个训练营,该训练营具有使您的教学法适应您的风格的资源。

At FAC you’d be placed in teams. The point is to learn together, and to help each other — not just within the teams, but also across the teams.

在FAC,您将被安排在团队中。 关键是要共同学习,并互相帮助-不仅在团队内部,而且在团队之间。

做出决定 (Making your decision)

So if you’re highly motivated, have the ability to learn stuff on your own, and are a team player, you don’t need a paid bootcamp.


Research the various free alternatives (such as Recurse Center). Apply to Founders and Coders. Find your local Free Code Camp study group and get an in-person experience there.

研究各种免费的替代方案(例如Recurse Center )。 适用于创始人和编码员。 找到您当地的Free Code Camp学习小组,并在那里获得亲身体验。

Whatever you end up doing, good luck!


Thanks for reading! My name is Per Harald Borgen, I’m the co-founder of Scrimba — a tool for creating interactive coding screencasts. Check out our website or this demo to learn more. You can also follow me on Twitter.

谢谢阅读! 我叫Per Harald Borgen,我是Scrimba的共同创始人-一种用于创建交互式编码截屏的工具。 查看我们的网站此演示以了解更多信息。 您也可以在Twitter上关注我。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/you-might-not-need-that-15k-coding-bootcamp-be0ba9697885/

算法训练营 重编码





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