combine wwdc_WWDC的失败之处

combine wwdc

WWDC, in case you aren’t familiar with it, is Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, which they hold annually. This year, Apple announced several groundbreaking releases, and while not fully focused on consumers, these releases will help developers and professionals create more immersive, intuitive, and fun experiences for their users. Nonetheless, this was likely Apple’s most jam-packed event thus far.

如果您不熟悉的话,WWDC是每年举行的Apple全球开发者大会。 今年,苹果公司发布了一些突破性的版本,虽然这些版本并未完全面向消费者,但它们将帮助开发人员和专业人员为用户创造更沉浸,直观和有趣的体验。 尽管如此,这可能是苹果迄今为止最繁华的活动。

This article will give you a quick rundown of the major releases in this year’s WWDC conference and help you get a sense of what happened — even if you didn’t have the time to watch the keynote. In case you’re interested in going over it yourself, however, you can watch the full presentation as well as the various sessions throughout the week on Apple’s website.

本文将使您快速了解今年WWDC会议上的主要版本,并且即使您没有时间观看主题演讲,也可以帮助您了解发生了什么。 但是,如果您有兴趣自己复习一下,可以在Apple网站上观看完整的演示文稿以及整个星期的各种会议。

目录 (Table of Contents)

Follow the links to jump to each section.


  • tvOS


  • iOS


  • iPadOS


  • watchOS


  • macOS Catalina


  • Mac Pro

    Mac Pro

  • Pro Display XDR

    Pro Display XDR

  • Developer Tools


操作系统 (tvOS)

The conference began with tvOS after Tim Cook made some opening remarks. Despite minor user interface changes, not much has changed in the newest version of tvOS. Instead, Apple focused on their services, which they launched during the Spring Special Event earlier this year.

蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)发表开幕词后,会议从tvOS开始。 尽管用户界面进行了较小的更改,但最新版本的tvOS并没有太大变化。 相反,Apple专注于他们在今年早些时候的Spring特别活动中推出的服务。

苹果电视+ (Apple TV+)

This service is to provide a Netflix-style streaming service with only Apple’s original content as a part of the service. During the keynote, they showcased one of their original Apple TV+ shows, in which the story of the first moon landing on the moon is revised so that the Soviet Union is the first as opposed to the United States.

该服务将提供仅包含Apple原始内容的Netflix风格的流服务。 在主题演讲中,他们展示了他们最初的Apple TV +节目之一,其中修改了第一个登上月球的故事,以使苏联相对于美国而言是第一个。

新墙纸 (New Wallpapers)

The latest wallpapers on Apple TV are stunning — they keep you immersed and wondering how and when each of the videos were recorded. Last year, Apple partnered with the International Space Station to capture high resolution footage from outer space, but this year, they’re delving into the ocean to get a submarine-style look at underwater life.

Apple TV上的最新壁纸令人惊叹-它们使您沉浸其中,并想知道录制每个视频的方式和时间。 去年,苹果公司与国际空间站合作,从外层空间捕获高分辨率的镜头,但是今年,他们正在钻研海洋,以对水下生物进行水下观察。

的iOS (iOS)

As with every WWDC, we have our latest version of iOS — and they didn’t skip the number thirteen for those with triskaidekaphobia. However, this release did not cover the iPad, and is only available for iPhone—more on that later.

与每个WWDC一样,我们拥有最新版本的iOS-对于具有triskaidekaphobia的用户 ,他们没有跳过第13位。 但是,此版本不适用于iPad,仅适用于iPhone,稍后会提供更多信息。

暗模式 (Dark Mode)

The most popular feature, by far, was Dark Mode. This long-awaited setting allows most apps to switch into a beautiful state, in which menus, bars, and fields become less apparent. This allows users to have a more immersive content experience, while giving the appearance that less of their screen real estate is being wasted.

到目前为止,最受欢迎的功能是黑暗模式。 期待已久的设置允许大多数应用切换到漂亮的状态,在这种状态下,菜单,条和字段变得不那么明显。 这使用户拥有更身临其境的内容体验,同时看上去浪费了更少的屏幕空间。

隐私权和数据 (Privacy and Data)

While Apple’s always finding new ways to protect their customers’ data, this year, they’re allowing developers to use a Sign in with Apple button to further protect data. In addition, they’re asking users for nearly everything to ensure privacy, whether it’s location services, notifications, or microphone access.

尽管Apple一直在寻找保护客户数据的新方法,但今年以来,他们允许开发人员使用“使用Apple登录”按钮进一步保护数据。 此外,他们要求用户提供几乎所有确保隐私的内容,无论是位置服务,通知还是麦克风访问权限。

Memoji (Memoji)

Memojis have always been a fun, whimsical way to convey one’s emotions over text, but Apple’s bringing more life than ever to these. You can now add makeup to them, and also set them as a profile picture for all of your iMessage contacts to see.

表情符号一直是一种有趣的,异想天开的方式,可以通过文本表达自己的情感,但苹果公司为这些情感带来了前所未有的生活。 现在,您可以向他们添加化妆品,也可以将它们设置为个人资料图片,以供所有iMessage联系人查看。

地图 (Maps)

After driving around for millions of miles, Apple’s managed to get a high resolution view with Look Around, a feature that allows users to pan through a map as if they were biking or driving through it. While not completed, Apple says they’re working hard to help get this feature to other states and countries as well.

在行驶了数百万英里之后,Apple设法通过Look Around获得了高分辨率的视图,该功能使用户可以像骑自行车或开车穿越地图一样平移地图。 苹果公司表示,虽然尚未完成,但他们仍在努力将这一功能推广到其他州和地区。

iPad操作系统 (iPadOS)

While still sharing its underlying DNA with iOS, iPadOS gives the iPad new functionality, utilizing some of its more unique hardware capabilities. This allows it to become closer to Apple’s dream of a PC-replacement and less of a tablet. While not fully a laptop just yet, the iPad is now closer than ever.

iPadOS仍在与iOS共享其底层DNA,同时利用其一些更独特的硬件功能为iPad提供了新功能。 这样一来,它就可以更接近Apple的PC更换梦想,而更少了平板电脑梦想。 尽管还不算是一台完整的笔记本电脑,但iPad现在比以往更近了。

桌面类浏览 (Desktop-Class Browsing)

Among the bigger changes, Apple announced that users can now use Safari for the desktop version of websites. They used Google Docs and Wordpress as examples to show how you can take advantage of this feature and not be limited by mobile sites or apps.

在更大的变化中,苹果宣布用户现在可以将Safari用于桌面版本的网站。 他们以Google Docs和Wordpress为例,展示了如何利用此功能,而不受移动网站或应用程序的限制。

铅笔套件 (PencilKit)

The Apple Pencil has been improved greatly, with latency reduced from 20ms to just 9ms. In addition, with a wide array of system tools for the pencil, developers now have the option to add their own if they wish to do so.

Apple Pencil有了很大的改进 ,延迟从20毫秒减少到了9毫秒。 此外,借助适用于铅笔的各种系统工具,开发人员现在可以选择添加自己的铅笔。

边车 (Sidecar)

Without any additional tools, you can now use the iPad as a secondary display for your Mac. You can also use it as a drawing tablet, too, using the Apple Pencil on professional apps on your Mac such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Final Cut Pro.

现在,无需任何其他工具,您就可以将iPad用作Mac的辅助显示器。 您也可以在Mac上的专业应用程序(例如Photoshop,Illustrator和Final Cut Pro)上使用Apple Pencil,将其用作绘图板。

watchOS (watchOS)

The Apple Watch has become a staple for many, allowing them to be more active throughout the day, and saving many from life-threatening situations throughout the years of its existence. This year, watchOS makes it even more powerful.

Apple Watch已成为许多人的必备品,使他们在一整天都更加活跃,并在其存在的多年中使许多人免受危及生命的情况的影响。 今年,watchOS使其功能更加强大。

独立应用 (Standalone Apps)

Previously, apps for the Apple Watch needed to be tethered to an iPhone companion app, but now, the Apple Watch is getting its own App Store, which causes a reduction in app download size, and gives it the independence the watch needs to be useful for many applications.

以前,Apple Watch的应用程序需要与iPhone配套应用程序绑定在一起,但是现在,Apple Watch 拥有自己的App Store ,这导致应用程序下载大小减小,并赋予了手表必要的独立性适用于许多应用。

新表盘 (New Watch Faces)

Who doesn’t want new watch faces? Apple recently updated the list with some new ones which both improve the appearance and functionality of the watch, and these can be used for anyone running the latest version of watchOS.

谁不想要新的表盘? 苹果最近更新了该列表,增加了一些新功能,这些功能可以改善手表的外观和功能,并且可以用于运行最新版本watchOS的任何人。

macOS卡塔利娜 (macOS Catalina)

Becoming closer to iPadOS, macOS Catalina has several new features, most of which are centered on developers — and again — helping them make better, more functional apps.

macOS Catalina越来越接近iPadOS,它具有几项新功能,其中大多数功能都集中在开发人员上,并且再次帮助开发人员开发了更好,功能更多的应用程序。

项目催化剂 (Project Catalyst)

While it was foreshadowed during last year’s WWDC, Apple officially announced Project Catalyst this year. Due to the underlying similarities between macOS and iPadOS, this framework will allow developers to directly port their iPad apps as native Mac apps. It will also allow developers to create a single app across all of Apple’s platforms by just checking a box.

尽管在去年的WWDC上有所预料,但Apple今年正式宣布了Project Catalyst 。 由于macOS和iPadOS之间的潜在相似性,该框架将允许开发人员将其iPad应用程序直接移植为本地Mac应用程序。 它还将使开发人员只需选中一个复选框即可在Apple的所有平台上创建一个应用程序。

没有更多的iTunes (No More iTunes)

After eighteen years of having launched iTunes, it is now being discontinued — however, its core functionality still remains. In Finder, you’ll find (no pun intended) your iOS device syncing tools, and in two new apps, Music and Podcasts, you’ll be able to access your music.

在启动iTunes 18年之后,它现已停产 -但是,其核心功能仍然保留。 在Finder中,您会找到 (没有双关语)iOS设备同步工具,在两个新应用程序(音乐和播客)中,您将能够访问音乐。

检测时间 (Screen Time)

Screen time was a very useful addition to iOS last year, allowing users to keep tabs on how much they were using their devices. But — as a developer, I find myself using my Mac way more than my iOS devices, and therefore, having this feature on the Mac is great, because it allows for the same awareness for the computer. In addition, Apple has added some great new parental control features, which allow parents to limit the amount of time their kids spend on their computers, too.

去年,屏幕时间是对iOS的非常有用的补充,它使用户可以了解自己使用设备的程度。 但是-作为开发人员,我发现自己使用Mac的方式比使用iOS设备的方式更多,因此,在Mac上具有此功能非常棒,因为它可以使计算机获得相同的感知。 此外,苹果公司还添加了一些很棒的新的家长控制功能,使父母也可以限制孩子在计算机上花费的时间。

Mac Pro (Mac Pro)

Right in line with macOS, Apple replaced their five-year-old “trashcan” Mac Pro and launched a powerful new model, which is the size of a traditional desktop. It allows for customization, and is targeted at enterprise-level professionals.

与macOS一致,Apple取代了使用了5年的“ trashcan” Mac Pro,并推出了功能强大的新机型,其尺寸与传统台式机相当。 它允许自定义,并且针对企业级专业人员。

设计 (Design)

The Mac Pro is no longer small enough to fit on your desk, but in turn, it comes in a gorgeous aluminum frame with a striking ventilation pattern. Known as the “cheese grater” by the people of the internet, it’s something you’re sure not to miss.

Mac Pro的体积不再足够小,无法放在您的办公桌上,但是反过来,它采用了华丽的铝制框架,并具有醒目的通风方式。 被互联网人们称为“奶酪刨丝器”,这是您一定不能错过的事情。

性能 (Performance)

The computer itself is a powerhouse. By lifting the aluminum enclosure, you get access to the Mac’s internals from all angles, allowing you to take advantage of the 8 PCle slots, and spec it up to 28 cores of processing power, 1.5 TB of memory, and use the best GPU on the planet (not by Nvidia).

计算机本身就是一台强大的计算机。 通过抬起铝制机箱,您可以从各个角度访问Mac的内部组件,从而可以利用8个PCle插槽,并为其指定多达28个处理能力的核心,1.5 TB的内存,并使用最佳的GPU。这个星球(不是Nvidia)。

Pro Display XDR (Pro Display XDR)

As a “companion” for the Mac Pro, you’ll also be able to purchase the Pro Display XDR, which, again, is targeted at commercial-level users. This display is stunning on the specs sheet, and is an uncompromising companion when used with the Mac Pro.

作为Mac Pro的“伴侣”,您还可以购买Pro Display XDR,它再次针对商业级用户。 该显示器在规格表上令人惊叹,并且与Mac Pro一起使用时毫不妥协。

设计 (Design)

Similar to the Mac Pro, this display shares the lattice-like structure in the back to cool the amazing display. As usual, Apple has managed to cram the power of a top-of-the line $40,000 display, which weighs several times the amount of the Pro Display XDR, into a slim, bezel-less form factor.

与Mac Pro相似,该显示器在背面共享格子状结构,以冷却惊人的显示器。 像往常一样,Apple设法将价格为40,000美元的顶级显示屏的功能塞入了无边框的纤薄外形中,该显示屏的重量是Pro Display XDR的几倍。

性能 (Performance)

The brightness of this display is paramount — it can run continuously with a sustained brightness of 1000 nits, and with content which supports it, it peaks at 1600 nits. For a full dynamic range of colors, the display also offers a record 1000000:1 contrast ratio and supports a P3 wide color gamut.

该显示器的亮度至关重要-它可以连续地以1000尼特的亮度连续运行,并且通过支持它的内容物,它可以达到1600尼特的峰值。 对于全动态范围的色彩,该显示器还提供了创纪录的1000000:1对比度,并支持P3宽色域。

安装 (Mounting)

Apple doesn’t sell this stand with any mount, but for most professionals, they’ll already have a VESA mount to use with it. But if not, they can opt for the Pro Stand, which allows for seemingly weightless adjustments due to its over-engineered counterbalancing mechanism.

苹果公司不出售带有任何支架的支架,但是对于大多数专业人士来说,他们已经可以使用VESA支架了。 但是,如果没有的话,他们可以选择Pro Stand,由于其过度设计的平衡机制,它似乎可以进行轻巧的调整。

开发者工具 (Developer Tools)

After all, WWDC is aimed at “developers,” so to honor this, they’ve made huge changes to their developer tools, APIs, and their IDE. Some of these include Core ML, ARKit, and SwiftUI.

毕竟,WWDC的目标是“开发人员”,为此,为了兑现这一点,他们对开发人员工具,API和IDE进行了重大更改。 其中一些包括Core ML,ARKit和SwiftUI。

核心ML 3 (Core ML 3)

Having been their main machine learning framework for several years, Apple continues to make important updates to it. This year, they’ve introduced support for activity classification, image segmentation, and sound classification, as well as extended support for NLP tasks. You can also now train these models with a dedicated Create ML app, as long as you’re running macOS Catalina.

多年来,Apple一直是其主要的机器学习框架,但仍在对其进行重要更新。 今年,他们引入了对活动分类,图像分割和声音分类的支持,以及对NLP任务的扩展支持。 现在,只要您正在运行macOS Catalina,就可以使用专用的Create ML应用程序训练这些模型。

Among one of the bigger changes is the ability to have custom models on users’ devices without needing a server-side database, which means that the model will adapt according to user patterns and be unique for each person’s device. This allows personalized results to be shown to the user, while still maintaining the privacy of local data processing.

最大的变化之一是无需服务器端数据库即可在用户设备上拥有自定义模型的能力,这意味着该模型将根据用户模式进行调整,并且对于每个人的设备都是唯一的。 这允许将个性化结果显示给用户,同时仍保持本地数据处理的私密性。

ARKit (ARKit)

Augmented reality works great on Apple’s platforms. And this year, it works even better. For those without any formal 3D design experience, Apple has announced Reality Composer and RealityKit, two tools which go hand-in-hand to allow developers to create augmented reality experiences with ease. In code, RealityKit provides — as the name suggests — a way for developers to apply effects to improve the realism of their apps.

增强现实在Apple平台上效果很好。 今年,它的效果甚至更好。 对于没有任何正式3D设计经验的人,Apple推出了Reality ComposerRealityKit ,这两种工具可以并驾齐驱,使开发人员可以轻松地创建增强现实体验。 顾名思义,在代码中,RealityKit提供了一种方法,供开发人员应用效果以改善其应用程序的真实感。

People have always been the center of ARKit, but now, it’s more apparent than ever. Three major features in this year’s release of ARKit are people occlusion, motion capture, and the ability to track multiple faces at once. This allows developers to create very immersive experiences, since augmented reality content can now appear to move behind people, and the ability to map people’s motions to a wireframe skeleton allows for much more flexibility. Previously, face detection was limited to one face, but now, developers can detect multiple faces using the front and rear cameras simultaneously.

人们一直是ARKit的中心,但是现在,它比以往任何时候都更加明显。 今年的ARKit发行版的三个主要功能是人物遮挡,动作捕捉以及一次跟踪多个面部的功能。 由于增强现实内容现在似乎可以在人后移动,并且允许将人的动作映射到线框骨架的功能允许更大的灵活性,因此这使开发人员可以创建非常身临其境的体验。 以前,人脸检测仅限于一张脸,但是现在,开发人员可以使用前后摄像头同时检测多张脸。

SwiftUI (SwiftUI)

With all of their other great releases, Apple also launched a new framework for responsive and data-driven user interface design. This framework allows developers to use a new Swift-based syntax to layout their apps and have them work natively across multiple device sizes, layouts, and types. Along with this, they’ve added the ability to “live preview” the app without needing to run it each time you make a change.

除了所有其他出色的发行版,Apple还启动了用于响应式和数据驱动型用户界面设计的新框架。 该框架允许开发人员使用基于Swift的新语法来布局其应用程序,并使它们在多种设备尺寸,布局和类型之间进行本地工作。 除此之外,他们还添加了“实时预览”应用程序的功能,而无需在每次更改时都运行它。

In conclusion, this year’s WWDC was packed with new features, products, and developer tools, and hopefully, you were able to get a glimpse of it through this article. While you’re here, stay tuned for some great new tutorials on the latest frameworks, and get ahead of the crowd by taking use of them before they’re released to the public in the fall.

总而言之,今年的WWDC挤满了新功能,新产品和开发人员工具,希望您可以通过本文对它有所了解。 当您在这里时,请继续关注有关最新框架的一些出色的新教程,并在秋天将它们发布给公众之前利用它们来领先于人群。

Be sure to share this tutorial on social media, and follow me on Twitter.

请务必在社交媒体上分享本教程 ,并在Twitter上关注我。

Vardhan Agrawal (@vhanagwal) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from Vardhan Agrawal (@vhanagwal). Completely self-taught #ios developer, #instructor, and human…

Vardhan Agrawal(@vhanagwal)| Twitter 来自Vardhan Agrawal(@vhanagwal)的最新推文。 完全自学成才的#ios开发人员,#instructor和人类…


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