coursera 课程证书_17门仍提供免费证书的课程

coursera 课程证书

Ah, the good old days! Back when Class Central started covering massive open online courses (MOOCs), almost all course certificates were free. Then, one by one, the major MOOC platforms began offering paid upgrades to verified certificates, then all but stopped giving out free certificates.

啊,过去的美好! 当Class Central开始涵盖大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)时 ,几乎所有课程证书都是免费的。 然后,主要的MOOC平台开始对经过验证的证书进行付费升级,然后几乎停止提供免费证书。

This isn’t to say that there isn’t still great content available for free. In fact, Class Central lists more than 1,150 Coursera courses that are still completely free. We’ve also catalogued close to 400 courses you can take for free, that are essentially the same courses that are offered for credit in online degree programs.

这并不是说仍然没有免费的精彩内容。 实际上,Class Central列出了1,150多个仍完全免费的Coursera课程 。 我们还为您免费提供了将近400门课程 ,这些课程基本上与在线学位课程中的学分课程相同。

As it turns out, there are even a few courses in which you can still earn a free certificate. While trying to collect pricing data for FutureLearn courses, I discovered 17 courses on the FutureLearn platform that offer a free “digital upgrade”, which includes unlimited access to the course, quizzes, and a Certificate of Achievement on completion. These courses span a wide range of topics, from soil science to social media. They come from private companies like Accenture, public institutions like the British Council, and respected universities like King’s College London.

事实证明,您甚至可以在几门课程中获得免费证书。 在尝试收集FutureLearn课程的价格数据时,我在FutureLearn平台上发现了17门课程,这些课程提供免费的“数字升级”,其中包括对课程的无限制访问,测验和完成时的成就证书。 这些课程涵盖从土壤科学到社交媒体的广泛主题。 他们来自埃森哲(Accenture)等私人公司,英国文化协会(British Council)等公共机构,以及伦敦国王学院(King's College London)等受人尊敬的大学。

See the full list below:


Basic English 1: ElementaryKing’s College London via FutureLearnLearn basic English for everyday situations and improve your listening skills with this online course.★★★★☆ (1 rating)

基础英语1: 通过FutureLearn伦敦 基础 国王学院通过本在线课程学习日常情况的基础英语并提高您的听力技能。★★★★☆( 1评分 )

Basic English 2: Pre-IntermediateKing’s College London via FutureLearnDevelop your English for use in different everyday situations and build more confidence in your listening skills.★★★★★ (1 rating)

基础英语2: 通过FutureLearn伦敦大学预科课程中高级英语学习,以便在不同的日常情况下使用英语,并增强对听力技能的信心。★★★★★( 1个评分 )

Digital Skills: Web AnalyticsAccenture via FutureLearnLearn about the role of analytics in business, the types of analytics and techniques used and why they are important.★★★★★ (1 rating)

数字技能: 通过FutureLearn进行的 Web Analytics Accenture了解有关分析在业务中的作用,使用的分析类型和技术以及它们为何重要的信息。★★★★★( 1个评分 )

Digital Skills: Social MediaAccenture via FutureLearnLearn how to use social media for business, from creating a social media presence to measuring success.★★★☆☆ (2 ratings)

数字技能: 未来 社交媒体 埃森哲了解如何使用社交媒体开展业务,从创建社交媒体到衡量成功。★★★☆☆( 2评分 )

Caring for Children Moving Alone: Protecting Unaccompanied and Separated ChildrenUniversity of Strathclyde via FutureLearnLearn about unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children.

照顾独自一人的儿童: 通过Future 保护 斯特拉斯克莱德大学的无人陪伴和失散儿童了解无人陪伴和失散的难民和移民儿童。

Bacterial Genomes: Comparative Genomics using Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)Wellcome Genome Campus via FutureLearnLearn to use comparative genomics to improve your knowledge of microbial genomes.

细菌基因组:使用Artemis比较工具(ACT)的 Wellcome基因组园区进行比较基因组学( 通过FutureLearn)了解如何使用比较基因组学来提高您对微生物基因组的了解。

Digital Skills: User ExperienceAccenture via FutureLearnLearn about why user experience (UX) is important, the research and design basics, and the tools and testing techniques used in UX

数字技能: 通过Future获得的 用户体验 埃森哲了解用户体验(UX)为何如此重要,研究和设计基础以及用户体验中使用的工具和测试技术

Digital Skills: RetailAccenture via FutureLearnDiscover the impact digital technology is having on the retail industry and what it means for customers.

数字技能: FutureLearn 零售 埃森哲了解数字技术对零售业的影响及其对客户的意义。

Ideas for a Better World: Leading Change Through PolicymakingBritish Council via FutureLearnLearn how to make effective change through policymaking and develop the skills you need to work in the sector.

创造更美好世界的想法:通过决策来引领变革 英国文化协会通过FutureLearn了解如何通过决策来进行有效变革,以及发展在该领域工作所需的技能。

Digital Skills: MobileAccenture via FutureLearnLearn about mobile design, development and creating mobile experiences, as well as bigger concepts related to mobile technology.

数字技能: FutureLearn的 移动 埃森哲了解有关移动设计,开发和创造移动体验的知识,以及与移动技术相关的更大概念。

What is Genetic Counselling?Wellcome Genome Campus via FutureLearnLearn about genetic counselling and how to become a genetic counsellor with this online course for healthcare professionals.

什么是遗传咨询? 通过FutureLearn在惠康基因组园区学习有关此遗传保健课程的在线课程,了解遗传咨询以及如何成为遗传咨询师。

Health Systems StrengtheningUniversity of Melbourne via FutureLearnThe greatest challenges and advances in global health demand systems strengthening interventions.

卫生系统 通过FutureLearn 加强 墨尔本大学全球卫生需求系统在加强干预方面的最大挑战和进步。

Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UKBritish Council via FutureLearnBe prepared for university study in the UK by familiarising yourself with UK culture and higher education.

英国留学:准备 通过FutureLearn英国文化协会 学习和生活。通过熟悉英国文化和高等教育,为在英国学习大学做好准备。

Citizen Science: Living Soils, Growing FoodUniversity of Dundee via FutureLearnLearn about approaches to food growing that can help regenerate soil and solve environmental issues.

公民科学:活的土壤,不断发展的食品 大学,邓迪大学,通过FutureLearn了解有关可帮助土壤再生和解决环境问题的食品种植方法的信息。

Introduction to Nursing: The Role of Nurses Around the WorldKing’s College London via FutureLearnUnderstand the role of nurses: from personal care, to supporting families and communities, to public heath and infection control.

护理简介:护士在世界各地的角色 通过FutureLearn,伦敦国王学院(King's College London)了解护士的角色:从个人护理到支持家庭和社区,再到公共卫生和感染控制。

Digital Skills: Grow Your CareerAccenture via FutureLearnLearn about how digital is changing the world of work, and how you can successfully grow your career in the digital age.

数字技能: 通过FutureLearn提高 职业生涯的 经验了解数字如何改变工作世界,以及如何在数字时代成功发展自己的职业。

Digital Skills: Digital MarketingAccenture via FutureLearnLearn about some of the different digital marketing strategies and techniques that are available for businesses to use.

数字技能: 通过FutureLearn进行 数字营销 埃森哲了解可用于企业的一些不同的数字营销策略和技术。


coursera 课程证书





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