

Do you want to move your site to a new web host? Or perhaps you want to create a staging version of your site where you can try out new plugins without affecting your live site.

您想将您的网站移至新的虚拟主机吗? 或者,也许您想创建站点的暂存版本,在此可以试用新插件而又不影响实时站点。

You can move your site manually, but it is a technical process that’s extremely time-consuming and prone to errors.


In this article, we’ll share the best WordPress plugins to clone or duplicate a site to help you save time and hassle.


WordPress plugins to easily clone or duplicate a website
您何时可能要克隆或复制站点? (When Might You Want to Clone or Duplicate a Site?)

There are plenty of situations where you might want to make a copy of your website. You may need to:

在很多情况下,您可能需要复制网站。 您可能需要:

While you can clone, duplicate, and move a WordPress site manually, it’s a time consuming process.


This is why every smart professional WordPress developer and power users utilize a cloning plugin to manage transfers and migrations effectively.


If you’re on a managed WordPress hosting provider, then most of them will have built-in features for easy staging, cloning, and site backups.


Here are some top WordPress hosting companies that have WordPress staging and cloning features: Bluehost, SiteGround, WP Engine, Liquid Web, Dreamhost, etc.

以下是一些具有WordPress暂存和克隆功能的顶级WordPress托管公司: BluehostSiteGroundWP EngineLiquid WebDreamhost等。

If you’re not using managed WordPress hosting, though, then you can simply use a WordPress plugin to clone or duplicate your site from our list below.


Tip: Just looking to create a backup? Many of these plugins will be an overkill. Try our list of the best WordPress backup plugins instead.

提示:只是想创建备份? 这些插件中的许多插件都是过大的。 请尝试使用我们的最佳WordPress备份插件列表。

1. Duplicator Pro (1. Duplicator Pro)

The Duplicator pro plugin for WordPress

Duplicator Pro is our favorite WordPress cloning plugin. It’s extremely popular, with over 15 million downloads. You can use it to simply backup your site, but it’s also a very powerful plugin for cloning a site.

Duplicator Pro是我们最喜欢的WordPress克隆插件。 它非常受欢迎,下载量超过1500万。 您可以使用它简单地备份您的站点,但是它也是克隆站点的功能非常强大的插件。

One of Duplicator’s biggest advantages is that it allows you to move a site between domains or hosts with zero downtime. If you don’t want to miss out on any traffic or customers, this could be a really important consideration.

Duplicator的最大优势之一是,它使您可以在停机时间为零的情况下在域或主机之间移动站点。 如果您不想错过任何流量或客户,这可能是一个非常重要的考虑因素。

Duplicator works by bundling up everything from your site into a single “package” in the form of a zip file. This package includes absolutely everything from your site such as plugins, themes, content, database, and even the WordPress files.

Duplicator的工作原理是将您网站上的所有内容打包成zip文件形式的单个“包”。 该软件包绝对包括您站点中的所有内容,例如插件,主题,内容,数据库,甚至WordPress文件。

This means you can use the package to move everything to a new location. You don’t even need to have WordPress already installed there, as the Duplicator package will contain all the WordPress files.

这意味着您可以使用该程序包将所有内容移动到新位置。 您甚至不需要在这里安装WordPress,因为Duplicator软件包将包含所有WordPress文件。

You can use Duplicator Pro to create scheduled backups, migrate multisite networks, and much more.

您可以使用Duplicator Pro创建计划的备份,迁移多站点网络等等。

We’ve got a full guide on how to clone a website using Duplicator. This takes you through the process step by step.

我们有完整的指南, 介绍如何使用Duplicator克隆网站 。 这将带您逐步完成该过程。



Duplicator Pro costs from $59/year, which lets you use it on up to 3 websites.

Duplicator Pro的费用为每年$ 59起,您最多可以在3个网站上使用它。

If you’re on a tight budget, then the free version of Duplicator is also a great option. This does have some limits though, and you can’t use advanced features like the scheduled backups, multisite network support, etc..

如果预算紧张,那么免费版本的Duplicator也是一个不错的选择。 不过,这确实有一些限制,您不能使用高级功能,例如计划的备份,多站点网络支持等。

2. WP驿马车 (2. WP Stagecoach)

The WP Stagecoach plugin for WordPress

WP Stagecoach is a great plugin that lets you set up a WordPress staging site especially if your WordPress hosting company doesn’t offer this feature.

WP Stagecoach是一个很棒的插件,可让您设置WordPress登台站点,尤其是在您的WordPress托管公司不提供此功能的情况下。

A staging site is a special testing version of your site where you can try out new plugins or code, or simply perform updates that you don’t want to do live.


With the WP Stagecoach plugin, you can create a short-term staging site. You can use this to test everything out and then push your changes to your live site when you’re ready.

使用WP Stagecoach插件,您可以创建一个短期登台站点。 您可以使用它来测试所有内容,然后在准备好后将所做的更改推送到实时站点。

The plugin merges your database changes, rather than overwriting the database. This means you won’t lose anything that’s happened on your live site in the time since you created the staging site.

该插件合并您的数据库更改,而不是覆盖数据库。 这意味着自创建临时站点以来,您不会丢失实时站点上发生的任何事情。

It’s a really quick and easy plugin to use, with robust testing that means it should work with virtually any site. WP Stagecoach host your staging site on their servers, too, so you won’t need to use your own web hosting space for it.

这是一个使用起来非常便捷的插件,并且经过了可靠的测试,这意味着它几乎可以在任何站点上运行。 WP Stagecoach也在您的服务器上托管您的登台站点,因此您无需使用自己的网络托管空间。

WP Stagecoach doesn’t work with multisite networks, however. If you want to create a staging version of your multisite setup, you’ll need to opt for a different plugin.

但是,WP Stagecoach不适用于多站点网络。 如果要创建多站点安装的暂存版本,则需要选择其他插件。



WP Stagecoach costs from $12/month. You can save money by paying for an annual plan (from $120/year).

WP Stagecoach的费用为每月12美元起。 您可以通过支付包年套餐(每年$ 120起)来省钱。

There’s a 5 day free trial available, plus a full money-back guarantee if the plugin doesn’t work for you.


3. UpdraftPlus高级版 (3. UpdraftPlus Premium)

The UpdraftPlus Premium plugin for WordPress

UpdraftPlus Premium is a great plugin that lets you clone and migrate websites really easily.

UpdraftPlus Premium是一个出色的插件,可让您真正轻松地克隆和迁移网站。

You might have heard of UpdraftPlus before. It’s a fantastic WordPress backup plugin that we frequently recommend.

您可能以前曾经听说过UpdraftPlus 。 这是我们经常推荐的出色的WordPress备份插件

The premium version of UpdraftPlus includes the Migrator tool as well as UpdraftClone. You’ll get all their other add-ons included too.

UpdraftPlus的高级版本包括Migrator工具以及UpdraftClone。 您还将获得其所有其他附加组件。

You can use Migrator to duplicate your website and move it to a new domain name or host. You’ll need to install WordPress and UpdraftPlus on both your original and new sites to begin the process.

您可以使用Migrator复制您的网站并将其移至新的域名或主机。 您需要在原始站点和新站点上都安装WordPress和UpdraftPlus才能开始此过程。

UpdraftPlus’ Migrator even lets you move a standalone WordPress site into a WordPress network.


The UpdraftClone add-on lets you create a temporary site where you can try out changes. It takes just a few clicks to set up the test site as it’s hosted on UpdraftPlus’s servers.

使用UpdraftClone加载项,您可以创建一个临时站点,您可以在其中试用更改。 只需单击几下即可设置测试站点,因为它托管在UpdraftPlus的服务器上。

The drawback to this is that you’ll need to buy tokens in order to create and maintain your staging sites. You do get some of these free with UpdraftPlus Premium, but you’ll probably want to buy more.

这样做的缺点是,您需要购买令牌才能创建和维护登台站点。 您确实可以通过UpdraftPlus Premium免费获得其中的一些,但您可能想购买更多。

You’ll also need to be careful about merging the changes back to your live site if there have been any changes to your live site since you cloned it.




You can get the Migrator add-on for $30. UpdraftClone itself is available with the free version of UpdraftPlus, but you’ll need to pay for tokens. These cost $15 for 5. You can buy more at a time, or take out a monthly subscription, for a better deal.

您可以以30美元的价格获得Migrator附加组件。 免费版本的UpdraftPlus提供了UpdraftClone本身,但您需要支付令牌费用。 这些费用为5美元的15美元。您可以一次购买更多产品,也可以每月订购一次,以获得更优惠的价格。

We recommend buying the premium version of UpdraftPlus. It includes Migrator plus all the other UpdraftPlus add-ons. You’ll also get 12 months of support. It costs from $70/year.

我们建议购买UpdraftPlus的高级版。 它包括Migrator以及所有其他UpdraftPlus附加组件。 您还将获得12个月的支持。 费用每年$ 70美元起。

On the Personal plan, you’ll get 1 free token for use with UpdraftClone. If you buy a more expensive plan, you’ll get more tokens included.

在个人计划中,您将获得1个免费令牌,可用于UpdraftClone。 如果您购买更昂贵的计划,您将获得更多的代币。

4.迁移大师 (4. Migrate Guru)

The Migrate Guru plugin for WordPress

Migrate Guru is a free plugin that works with almost all popular WordPress hosting providers. It’s designed to help you move your site from one host or server to another.

Migrate Guru是一个免费插件,可与几乎所有流行的WordPress托管提供商一起使用。 它旨在帮助您将站点从一台主机或服务器移至另一台主机或服务器。

It comes from the people behind the popular BlogVault plugin, and it uses BlogVault’s servers. This helps make it a quick and easy process. Once your migration is complete, Migrate Guru will remove the copy of your site from the BlogVault servers.

它来自流行的BlogVault插件背后的人员 ,并且使用BlogVault的服务器。 这有助于使其快速而轻松地进行。 迁移完成后,Migrate Guru将从BlogVault服务器中删除您网站的副本。

If you’ve got a fairly large website, Migrate Guru is a good option as it can move a 1 GB site in less than 30 minutes. It can be used on sites as large as 200 GB. You’ll get real-time and email alerts about where your migration has got to.

如果您的网站很大,那么Migrate Guru是一个不错的选择,因为它可以在30分钟内移动1 GB的站点。 它可以在最大200 GB的站点上使用。 您将获得有关迁移到何处的实时和电子邮件警报。

This isn’t suitable for developing a website on your localhost, though, as it doesn’t support moving to/from your localhost and your live website.


With Migrate Guru, you’re limited to 5 site migrations per month. You can move these 5 sites unlimited times, though. This is likely to be more than enough for the majority of users, and developers can apply to have this cap changed.

使用Migrate Guru,您每月只能进行5个网站迁移。 不过,您可以无限制地移动这5个站点。 对于大多数用户而言,这可能绰绰有余,并且开发人员可以申请更改此上限。



Migrate Guru is completely free. There isn’t a paid version or any paid extensions for the plugin.

迁移大师是完全免费的。 该插件没有付费版本或任何付费扩展。

5.多合一WP迁移 (5. All-in-One WP Migration)

The All-in-One WP Migration plugin for WordPress

The All-in-One WP Migration plugin from ServMask is another very straightforward way to clone your website and move it to a new server or domain name.

ServMask的All-in-One WP Migration插件是另一种非常简单的克隆网站并将其移动到新服务器或域名的方法。

The plugin is compatible with a huge range of different hosting providers, as it doesn’t have any dependencies. It also bypasses any file size limits that your web host may have by breaking your data into chunks for importing.

该插件与各种托管服务提供商兼容,因为它没有任何依赖性。 通过将数据分成大块进行导入,它还绕过了Web主机可能具有的任何文件大小限制。

There are a few limitations to the plugin, though. The main one is that it only supports importing up to 512MB of data. This may not be enough if your website is fairly large.

但是,该插件有一些限制。 主要的一点是它仅支持导入多达512MB的数据。 如果您的网站很大,这可能还不够。

You’ll need to add the Unlimited extension to remove this limit. There are lots of other premium extensions available, too. These include a Multisite extension that lets you use the All-in-One WP Migration plugin with a multisite setup.

您需要添加Unlimited扩展名才能删除此限制。 也有许多其他高级扩展可用。 其中包括一个多站点扩展,该扩展使您可以在多站点设置中使用多合一WP迁移插件。



The basic All-in-One WP Migration plugin is free. You can buy paid extensions to add more functionality. The Unlimited extension, which many website owners will want, costs $69 for personal use, and $69 + $29/month for business use.

基本的多合一WP迁移插件是免费的。 您可以购买付费扩展来添加更多功能。 许多网站所有者都想要的Unlimited扩展,个人使用的价格为69美元,商业使用的价格为69美元+ 29美元/月。

Note that there’s no money-back guarantee. Refunds are solely at the company’s discretion.

请注意,没有退款保证。 退款完全由公司决定。

6. XCloner (6. XCloner)

The XCloner plugin for WordPress

XCloner is a simple, free WordPress plugin that lets you create backups of your site. It can create “differential backups” that only include files modified after a certain date.

XCloner是一个简单,免费的WordPress插件,可让您创建网站的备份。 它可以创建“差异备份”,其中仅包含在特定日期之后修改的文件。

You can set XCloner to create automated backups on a regular basis. You can even use it to generate automatic backups before any automatic WordPress updates.

您可以将XCloner设置为定期创建自动备份。 您甚至可以在任何自动WordPress更新之前使用它来生成自动备份。

Once you’ve created a backup, you can either use it to restore your website or in a new location. This lets you duplicate your website on a new host or at a new domain.

创建备份后,您可以使用它来还原网站或将其还原到新位置。 这使您可以在新主机或新域上复制网站。

It’s completely free. However, it’s a little more technical than some other plugins. You may want to pick a different plugin if you haven’t got a reasonable amount of experience with WordPress.

它是完全免费的。 但是,它比其他一些插件更具技术性。 如果您没有足够的WordPress使用经验,则可能需要选择其他插件。



XCloner is currently free. You can pay to get premium 24/7 support, though, which currently costs €49.95/year or €99.95 for lifetime support.

XCloner当前是免费的。 不过,您可以付费获得24/7全天候支持,目前每年的费用为€49.95或终身支持€99.95。

At the time of writing, XCloner had just been acquired by Watchful. This means it’s possible that the pricing will change in the near future.

在撰写本文时,XCloner刚刚被Watchful收购。 这意味着价格可能会在不久的将来发生变化。

7. NS克隆 (7. NS Cloner)

The NS Cloner plugin for WordPress

NS Cloner is specifically designed for WordPress multisite networks. It lets you take any existing site on your network and make a new, identical site with the same theme settings, plugins, and content.

NS Cloner专为WordPress多站点网络而设计。 它使您可以访问网络上的任何现有站点,并使用相同的主题设置,插件和内容创建一个新的相同站点。

It’s a great plugin if you host and manage lots of client sites within a multisite environment. It also works well if you want to set up multiple test sites or produce sites for members of an organization.

如果您在多站点环境中托管和管理许多客户端站点,则它是一个很棒的插件。 如果您要设置多个测试站点或为组织成员创建站点,那么它也很好用。

Keep in mind that it only works with WordPress multisite. You’ll need the NS Cloner pro version if you want to use it with single sites. The pro version also lets you clone between single and multisite WordPress and vice versa.

请记住,它仅适用于WordPress多站点。 如果要在单个站点上使用它,则需要NS Cloner专业版。 专业版还允许您在单站点和多站点WordPress之间进行克隆,反之亦然。

With the pro version, you also get extra features, like the ability to clone all the site’s users and their permissions.




NS Cloner is free. There’s a pro version too that offers extra features and costs from $298.

NS Cloner是免费的。 还有一个专业版,提供额外的功能,价格从298美元起。

哪个是克隆或复制网站的最佳WordPress插件? (Which is the Best WordPress Plugin to Clone or Duplicate a Site?)

For the vast majority of use-cases, Duplicator Pro is the best WordPress plugin to clone or duplicate a website.

对于绝大多数用例而言, Duplicator Pro是克隆或复制网站的最佳WordPress插件。

Whether you’re looking to migrate a site, move a site to local server, or anything else, Duplicator can do the job.


If your goal is to create a staging site, then we always recommend using the option that’s built-in to your WordPress hosting provider. All good hosting providers like SiteGround, Bluehost, WP Engine, Liquid Web, etc offer this feature to their users.

如果您的目标是创建一个登台站点,那么我们始终建议您使用WordPress托管服务提供商内置的选项。 所有好的托管服务提供商,例如SiteGroundBluehostWP EngineLiquid Web等,都为其用户提供此功能。

However if your host doesn’t have the staging feature, then you can use WP Stagecoach. It’s easy to use, budget-friendly, and has a free trial.

但是,如果您的主机不具有登台功能,则可以使用WP Stagecoach 。 它易于使用,预算友好,并有免费试用版。

Finally, if you’ve got a multisite network of sites, then NS Cloner might be just what you need. It’s specifically designed to copy sites within a multisite network, and the basic version is free.

最后,如果您拥有站点的多站点网络,那么NS Cloner可能正是您所需要的。 它是专门为复制多站点网络中的站点而设计的,基本版本是免费的。

We hope this article helped you learn about the best WordPress plugins to clone or duplicate a site. You might also want to see our comparison of the best WordPress page builder plugins and the best email marketing services for small business.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解克隆或复制网站的最佳WordPress插件。 您可能还希望看到我们对最佳WordPress页面构建器插件最佳小型企业电子邮件营销服务的比较。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-plugins-to-clone-or-duplicate-a-site/


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