

Are you looking to create a staging site for WordPress but not sure where to start?


A WordPress staging site is a test site that you can use to “safely” make plugin updates and other changes before going live.


In the past, it used to be very difficult to setup a WordPress staging site, but now that has changed so even a non-technical person can do it.


In this step by step guide, we will show you how to easily create a staging environment for your WordPress site. We will cover several different methods and most of them only require a few clicks.

在本分步指南中,我们将向您展示如何轻松为您的WordPress网站创建过渡环境。 我们将介绍几种不同的方法,其中大多数只需要单击几下即可。

How to create a staging site for WordPress
什么是暂存站点? (What is a Staging Site?)

A staging site is a clone of your live website that is used for testing changes before making them live. Staging sites help you catch errors, so you don’t end up breaking your live website.

登台站点是您的实时网站的克隆,用于在更改生效之前对其进行测试。 登台站点可帮助您捕获错误,因此您最终不会破坏在线站点。

A lot of users install WordPress locally on their Windows or Mac computers to test changes. Once they’re done with the updates, they simply upload those changes from localhost to live server

许多用户在WindowsMac计算机上本地安装WordPress来测试更改。 完成更新后,他们只需将这些更改从localhost上传到实时服务器

The biggest problem with this approach is what if something that worked on your localhost does not work on the live server?


Often localhost and live WordPress hosting servers are not running the same environment.


Since the staging site lives on your web hosting server, you can easily prevent all those errors because it runs the same server configuration as your live site.


With that said, let’s take a look at how to setup a staging site for WordPress.


如何轻松创建WordPress登台站点 (How to Easily Create a WordPress Staging Site)

There are multiple ways to create a staging site for WordPress. The easiest of them is to use your hosting provider’s built-in staging site feature.

有多种方法可以为WordPress创建登台站点。 其中最简单的方法是使用托管服务提供商的内置暂存站点功能。

Some of the best WordPress hosting companies already offer 1-click staging websites. If your website is hosted with one of them, then you can easily create a staging site without any hassle.

一些最好的WordPress托管公司已经提供一键式登台网站。 如果您的网站托管有其中之一,那么您可以轻松创建暂存站点,而不会遇到任何麻烦。

If you’re not with one of these popular hosting solutions, then we also have a solution to help you create a WordPress staging site using a plugin (and even manually).


For faster browsing, you can use the navigation below to jump to the section that’s most applicable to you:


在Bluehost上创建暂存站点 (Creating A Staging Site on Bluehost)

Bluehost is one of the best WordPress hosting companies. They offer a quick 1-click staging site solution which comes with all their plans.

Bluehost是最好的WordPress托管公司之一。 他们提供了所有计划随附的快速一键式登台站点解决方案。

First, you need to login to your WordPress site’s admin area and go to Bluehost » Staging page.


Staging site option on Bluehost

This will bring you to the Bluehost’s staging site wizard. Next, you need to click on the ‘Create Staging Site’ button to continue.

这将带您进入Bluehost的暂存站点向导。 接下来,您需要单击“创建暂存站点”按钮以继续。

Create staging site on Bluehost

Bluehost will now prepare the staging environment for your website. Once finished, you will see a success message with a link to visit your staging site.

Bluehost现在将为您的网站准备登台环境。 完成后,您将看到一条成功消息,其中包含访问您的登台站点的链接。

Go to your staging site

Now, you can click on the ‘Go to staging site’ button to continue.


You will reach the admin area of your staging WordPress site. You will see a red button on top of the admin bar to indicate that you are working in the staging environment.

您将到达暂存WordPress网站的管理区域。 您将在管理栏顶部看到一个红色按钮,指示您正在暂存环境中工作。

You can go ahead and work on your website without worrying about it affecting your live site.


Deploying changes from staging to live site on Bluehost


Once you are ready to push changes from staging to the live site, simply go to Bluehost » Staging page.


Deploy staging to live website on Bluehost

Scroll to the Deployment Options section. You will see three options for deployment. You can deploy only the files, only the database, or both files and database.

滚动到“部署选项”部分。 您将看到三个部署选项。 您只能部署文件,只能部署数据库,或者既可以部署文件又可以部署数据库。

If you’re not sure, then click on the Deploy Files and Database button to deploy all changes from the staging environment.


This will bring up a popup where you will be asked to confirm that you want to deploy the staging site to the production site. Click on ‘Yes, Let’s Deploy’ button to continue.

这将弹出一个对话框,要求您确认您要将登台站点部署到生产站点。 单击“是,让我们部署”按钮继续。

Confirm deploy

Bluehost will now start deploying your staging site to the live site. Depending on the size of your website, this may take a while.

Bluehost现在将开始将登台站点部署到实时站点。 根据您网站的大小,这可能需要一段时间。

The pop up will automatically disappear when deployment is over. You can now visit your live website to see the changes applied to your production site.

部署结束后,弹出窗口将自动消失。 现在,您可以访问您的实时网站以查看应用于生产站点的更改。

在SiteGround上创建临时站点 (Creating a Staging Site on SiteGround)

SiteGround is another top WordPress hosting company offering 1-click staging feature with their GrowBig and GoGeek plans. If your website is hosted with SiteGround, then this is how you would set up a staging website.

SiteGround是另一家顶级WordPress托管公司,通过其GrowBig和GoGeek计划提供一键式登台功能。 如果您的网站由SiteGround托管,则这就是您建立临时网站的方式。

First, you need to login to your SiteGround cPanel dashboard. Next, scroll down to the ‘WordPress Tools’ section and then click on the Staging icon.

首先,您需要登录到SiteGround cPanel仪表板。 接下来,向下滚动到“ WordPress工具”部分,然后单击“暂存”图标。

Staging icon in SiteGround cPanel

This will bring you to the staging sites page. From here, you need to add your website to the staging site manager. Once you’re done, click on the ‘Add WordPress’ button to continue.

这将带您到暂存站点页面。 从这里,您需要将您的网站添加到暂存站点管理器中。 完成后,点击“添加WordPress”按钮继续。

Add site to staging manager

On the next screen, you need to select the URL where your website is installed. If your WordPress site is installed in a sub-directory, then you can add that in the field next to it and click on the Add URL button to move forward.

在下一个屏幕上,您需要选择安装网站的URL。 如果您的WordPress网站安装在子目录中,则可以在其旁边的字段中添加该网站,然后单击“添加URL”按钮继续前进。

Select URL

The staging site manager will detect your website and add it to the page. You can now click on the ‘Create Staging Copy’ button to continue.

登台站点管理员将检测到您的网站并将其添加到页面中。 现在,您可以单击“创建暂存副本”按钮继续。

Create staging site copy

You will see a popup that allows you to password protect your staging site. This is a good idea because it prevents others from accessing your site. It also prevents Google from indexing duplicate content.

您将看到一个弹出窗口,允许您使用密码保护您的登台站点。 这是个好主意,因为它阻止其他人访问您的网站。 它还可以防止Google将重复的内容编入索引。

Go ahead and provide a username / password and then click ‘Continue’.


Password protect staging site

SiteGround will now create the staging environment for your WordPress website.


Once it’s done, you will see the staging site manager with links to the admin area of your staging site. Go ahead and start working on your WordPress staging site.

完成后,您将看到登台站点管理器以及指向登台站点管理区域的链接。 继续并开始在WordPress登台站点上工作。

After you are done making changes to your website, you can push it live by going to the staging page in cPanel. You need to click on the ‘Manage Staging Copies’ button next to your website.

完成对网站的更改后,可以通过进入cPanel中的登台页面将其实时发布。 您需要单击网站旁边的“管理暂存副本”按钮。

Manage staging copies

On the next page, you can click on the ‘Push to live’ button to push changes from staging to your live website.


Deploy staging to live
在WP Engine上创建暂存站点 (Creating a Staging Site on WP Engine)

WP Engine is the best WordPress managed hosting company in the world. Managed WordPress hosting is a concierge service for your WordPress site where the hosting provider takes care of updates, backups, security and performance.

WP Engine是世界上最好的WordPress管理托管公司。 托管WordPress托管是您的WordPress网站的礼宾服务,托管提供商在其中负责更新,备份,安全性和性能。

WP Engine offers one-click staging solution with all their plans. If you are using WP Engine to host your website, then this is how you would set up a staging environment for your site.

WP Engine提供一键式登台解决方案及其所有计划。 如果您使用WP Engine托管您的网站,那么这就是您为网站设置临时环境的方式。

First, you need to login to your WP Engine dashboard. Next, go to the Sites page and select your website by clicking on it.

首先,您需要登录到WP Engine仪表板。 接下来,转到“网站”页面并通过单击选择您的网站。

Sites WP Engine

This will bring you to your website dashboard. Now, you need to click on the Add Staging link from the left column.

这将带您进入网站仪表板。 现在,您需要单击左栏中的“添加分段”链接。

Add staging site in WP Engine

On the next screen, you need to enter a name for your staging site under the ‘Create New’ tab. This name will also be the subdomain of your staging site.

在下一个屏幕上,您需要在“新建”标签下输入您的登台站点的名称。 此名称也将是您的暂存站点的子域。

Create new staging site

Click on the Create Environment button to continue.


WP Engine will now create a staging site for you. However, this staging environment is just an empty WordPress site that does not have any content of your live website.

WP Engine现在将为您创建一个登台站点。 但是,此暂存环境只是一个空的WordPress网站,不包含您的实时网站的任何内容。

Let’s change this.


Switch to your production environment by clicking on production from the left column. On the next screen, click on the Copy to button at the top right corner of the screen.

通过单击左列中的生产切换到您的生产环境。 在下一个屏幕上,单击屏幕右上角的“复制到”按钮。

Copy to staging

Next, you will be asked to select the backup point you want to use for your staging site. If unsure, select the most recent back up of your website.

接下来,将要求您选择要用于登台站点的备份点。 如果不确定,请选择网站的最新备份。

Select back up point

Click on the preview copy button to continue.


You will see a warning popup informing you that you are copying the source website to the staging environment. Click on the Copy Environment button to proceed.

您将看到一个警告弹出窗口,通知您您正在将源网站复制到登台环境。 单击复制环境按钮继续。

Copy website warning

WP Engine will now copy your live website to the staging environment. You will recieve an email notification when it is done.

WP Engine现在将把您的实时网站复制到登台环境。 完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件通知。

After that, you can login to your staging website using the same admin username and password as your live website.


Deploying Staging to Live Website on WP Engine

在WP Engine上将分段部署到实时网站

When you are ready to push the changes from your WordPress staging site to live site, first you will need to create a backup point for your staging site.


A backup point is just like saving your progress in a game. You need to create one before deploying your staging site’s changes to the live site.

备用点就像在游戏中保存进度。 您需要先创建一个,然后再将暂存站点的更改部署到实时站点。

Simply head over to WP Engine dashboard and click on Staging » Backup Points menu from the left column.

只需转到WP Engine仪表板,然后单击左列中的登台»备份点菜单。

Create a backup point for your staging website

Next, provide a description for your backup so you can remember the changes later, and then click on ‘Create staging backup’ button.


Create backup of your staging site

WP Engine will now create a backup point for your website. You will receive an email notification when your backup is complete.

WP Engine现在将为您的网站创建一个备份点。 备份完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件通知。

You are now ready to deploy your staging site.


Simply click on the ‘Copy to’ button at the top right corner of the screen and select ‘Production’.


Copy to production

Next, you will be asked to select a backup point. This time select the backup you created earlier and click on the preview button.

接下来,将要求您选择一个备份点。 这次选择您之前创建的备份,然后单击“预览”按钮。

Select back up point

You will see a warning message, but go ahead and click on the ‘Copy Environment’ button to proceed.


Copying environment

WP Engine will now copy your staging environment to your live website. You will recieve an email notification when it is complete.

WP Engine现在将把您的登台环境复制到您的实时网站。 完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件通知。

After that, you can log in to your live website to ensure everything is working fine, and it should because you tested all your changes on staging.


使用WordPress插件创建暂存站点 (Creating A Staging Site using WordPress Plugin)

If your WordPress hosting company does not provide a staging site feature, then you can still create a staging website using a WordPress plugin.


There are some disadvantages to using this method.


First, a plugin would have limited control on your hosting server. This is why it may not always give the best results.

首先,插件对您的托管服务器的控制有限。 这就是为什么它不一定总能提供最佳结果的原因。

Secondly, the plugin we will be using will store your staging site on their own servers. If you are concerned about privacy and data protection, then this may not be the ideal situation for you.

其次,我们将使用的插件会将您的登台站点存储在自己的服务器上。 如果您担心隐私和数据保护,那么这可能不是您的理想选择。

That being said, let’s see how to create a staging WordPress site using a WordPress plugin.


The first thing that you need to do is install and activate the WP Stagecoach plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Stagecoach插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled WP Stagecoach to your admin bar. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.

激活后,该插件将在您的管理栏中添加一个标记为WP Stagecoach的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

WP Stagecoach settings

You will need to enter your WP Stagecoach username and the API key which you can find under your account on the plugin website.

您将需要输入WP Stagecoach用户名和API密钥,您可以在插件网站上的帐户下找到它们。

After that, you will be able to create your staging website.


You need to provide a name for your staging site. This name will also be used as the subdomain of your WordPress staging website.

您需要为登台站点提供一个名称。 此名称也将用作WordPress登台网站的子域。

Don’t forget to check the box next to ‘Password protect the staging site’ option. It will protect your staging website from public view and search engines.

不要忘记选中“密码保护登台站点”选项旁边的框。 它将保护您的登台网站不受公众视野和搜索引擎的影响。

Create staging site using WP Stagecoach

Next, click on the ‘Ride The Stagecoach’ button to continue.


The plugin will now create a backup of your WordPress files and database to export them for your staging site. Once finished, you will see the link to your staging site, and its admin area.

现在,该插件将为您的WordPress文件和数据库创建备份,以将其导出到您的登台站点。 完成后,您将看到到您的登台站点及其管理区域的链接。

You can click the link to visit your staging site and start working on it.


Deploying Staging Site to Live Using WP Stagecoach

使用WP Stagecoach将临时站点部署为实时

Once you are ready to import changes to your live site, head over to WP Stagecoach » Import Changes page and click on the check for changes button.

准备好将更改导入到您的实时站点后,转到WP Stagecoach»导入更改页面,然后单击检查更改按钮。

The plugin will now check for changes on your staging site and then show you options to import them.


Impoting changes from staging

You can select to import only file changes, only database changes, or all changes. Next, click on the import button to continue.

您可以选择仅导入文件更改,仅数据库更改或所有更改。 接下来,单击导入按钮以继续。

The plugin will show you the progress of the import and will notify you when it is done. You can now test your live site to see if all changes were successfully imported.

该插件将向您显示导入进度,并在完成时通知您。 现在,您可以测试您的实时站点,以查看是否已成功导入所有更改。

手动为WordPress创建临时站点 (Create a Staging Site for WordPress Manually)

This method requires you to manually create a staging site for your WordPress install. It is for advanced users and requires more work than other methods described above.

此方法需要您为WordPress安装手动创建一个临时站点。 它适用于高级用户,并且比上述其他方法需要更多的工作。

Another disadvantage of this method is that your website will be temporarily unavailable when deploying changes back from staging to live server.


That being said, let’s see how to manually create a staging environment for your WordPress site.


First, you need to create a subdomain for your staging website. Go to your hosting account’s dashboard and click on the Subdomains link located under the domains section.

首先,您需要为登台网站创建一个子域。 转到您的托管帐户的仪表板,然后单击“域”部分下方的“子域”链接。

Create subdomain for your staging site

Note: We’re using Bluehost in our example screenshot, so your screen may look different.

注意:我们在示例屏幕截图中使用的是Bluehost ,因此您的屏幕可能看起来有所不同。

Provide a name for your subdomain (for example, staging) and then click on the create button.


Your hosting control panel will now add your subdomain, which you can use to import your live WordPress site.


Next, you need to install and activate the Duplicator plugin on your live site.


Upon activation, you need to click on the Duplicator menu in your WordPress admin sidebar and click on the create new button.


Create Duplicator package

After that, you will be asked to click on the Next button to continue.


Duplicator will now run the website duplicator wizard. First, it will run some tests to see if everything is in order. If all items are marked ‘Good’, then click on the ‘Build’ button.

复制器现在将运行网站复制器向导。 首先,它将运行一些测试以查看是否一切正常。 如果所有项目都标记为“良好”,则单击“构建”按钮。

Build package

The plugin will now start creating a duplicator package of your WordPress site. This process may take a few minutes depending on the size of your website.

该插件现在将开始创建WordPress网站的复制程序包。 此过程可能需要几分钟,具体取决于您网站的大小。

Once finished, you’ll see download options for Installer and the Archive package. You need to click on the ‘One click download’ link to download both files on your computer.

完成后,您将看到Installer和Archive软件包的下载选项。 您需要点击“一键下载”链接,以将这两个文件下载到您的计算机上。

Download and package and installer files

Your new staging WordPress site will need a new database. Let’s create one.

您的新暂存WordPress网站将需要一个新数据库。 让我们创建一个。

Head over to your WordPress hosting account’s control panel and click on MySQL Databases icon located under the Databases section.

转到WordPress托管帐户的控制面板,然后单击“数据库”部分下的“ MySQL数据库”图标。

MySQL Database

On the next screen, provide a name for your database and then click on the create database button.


Create database

Next, you need to create a MySQL user for your database. Scroll down to the MySQL Users section and provide a username and password for your new database user.

接下来,您需要为数据库创建一个MySQL用户。 向下滚动至“ MySQL用户”部分,并为新数据库用户提供用户名和密码。

Create MySQL user

Now you need to give this user permissions to access and modify the database you created earlier. Simply scroll down to the ‘Add user to database’ section and select your database and the user you just created.

现在,您需要授予该用户访问和修改您先前创建的数据库的权限。 只需向下滚动到“将用户添加到数据库”部分,然后选择数据库和刚创建的用户。

Add user to database

After that, click on the ‘Add’ button to continue.


You will be asked to select privileges for the user. Go ahead and select ‘All Privileges’ checkbox and then click on the ‘Make changes’ button.

系统将要求您为用户选择权限。 继续并选中“所有特权”复选框,然后单击“进行更改”按钮。

Grant privileges

Now your database is ready to be used for your staging website.


Next, you need to open a new browser tab and visit enter the subdomain of your staging site like this:




Don’t forget to replace yoursubdomain with the actual subdomain and example.com with your own domain name.


This will launch the Duplicator installer wizard.


Duplicator installer wizard

The installer will look for the archive file. You need to check the terms and conditions checkbox and click on the next button to continue.

安装程序将查找存档文件。 您需要选中条款和条件复选框,然后单击下一步按钮以继续。

Now, the installer will ask you to enter your WordPress database information.


Your host will likely be localhost. After that, you will enter the details of the database you created for your new domain name in the earlier step.

您的主机可能是本地主机。 之后,您将在上一步中输入为新域名创建的数据库的详细信息。

Connect database

Once done, click on the next button to continue.


Duplicator will now unpack your WordPress database backup from the archive into your new database.


Next, it will ask you to update the site URL or Path. You shouldn’t have to change anything since it automatically detects the URL of your new subdomain and its path.

接下来,它将要求您更新站点URL或路径。 您无需更改任何内容,因为它会自动检测新子域的URL及其路径。

If it doesn’t, then you can change the URL to your new subdomain. After that, click on the next button to continue.

如果不是,则可以将URL更改为新的子域。 之后,单击下一步按钮继续。

Update URLs if needed

Duplicator will now finish the migration.


You can click on the ‘Admin Login’ button to enter the WordPress admin area of your website on the new staging site.


Now you have your staging site set up. Let’s protect it by adding password protection to your subdomain.

现在,您已经设置了登台站点。 让我们通过在子域中添加密码保护来保护它。

Head over to your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard and click on the directory privacy icon.


Directory privacy

Next, you need to select your subdomain folder and then select the option to ‘password protect this directory’ checkbox. You will be asked to provide a name for this setting, and then enter a username and password.

接下来,您需要选择子域文件夹,然后选择“对该目录进行密码保护”复选框。 系统将要求您提供此设置的名称,然后输入用户名和密码。

Password protect your staging site

Click on the save button to store your settings. Your staging site will now be hidden behind the password protection.

单击保存按钮以存储您的设置。 现在,您的登台站点将被隐藏在密码保护的后面。

You can now work on your staging site and make any changes you want.


Manually Deploy Staging Site to Live


After you are ready to deploy changes from your staging site to the live server, you will follow the same steps described above.


Simply create a new Duplicator package on your staging site and download the Installer and Archive files to your computer.


Next, you need to head over to your live site and create a complete WordPress backup (you can use Duplicator to create a complete backup as well).

接下来,您需要转到您的实时站点并创建完整的WordPress备份 (您也可以使用Duplicator创建完整的备份)。

Once you are done, you will need to delete all WordPress files and folders from your live website. This means your WordPress site will be down for a while.

完成后,您将需要从实时网站中删除所有WordPress文件和文件夹。 这意味着您的WordPress网站将关闭一段时间。

Finally, follow the instructions above to run the Duplicator installer wizard to import staging site to live server.


As you can see, the last method is not the best method at all. You should avoid this at all costs. We recommend using a reliable hosting provider like Bluehost, SiteGround, or WP Engine that offers built-in staging site features.

如您所见,最后一种方法根本不是最佳方法。 您应该不惜一切代价避免这种情况。 我们建议使用可靠的托管提供程序,例如BluehostSiteGroundWP Engine ,它们提供内置的暂存站点功能。

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create a staging environment for your WordPress site. If you run into any issues, check out our ultimate guide to fixing the most common WordPress errors.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地为WordPress网站创建临时环境。 如果您遇到任何问题,请查看我们的终极指南,以修复最常见的WordPress错误

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-staging-environment-for-a-wordpress-site/


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