gravity.end_Gravity Forms vs. Wufoo(哪个是更好的表单管理解决方案?)


Recently one of our users asked us which is a better form plugin between Gravity Forms and Wufoo. In the past we have done a lot of posts about Gravity forms but none about Wufoo. We have used both form management softwares personally, so we can give you a fairly un-biased comparison of these two platforms. In this article, we will compare Gravity Forms vs. Wufoo to determine which is the better form management solution for WordPress. One thing that is important to note is that we will be using our frugal blogger / developer mentality to cast the winner.

最近,我们的一个用户问我们哪个是Gravity FormsWufoo之间更好的表单插件。 过去,我们完成了许多有关重力形式的文章,但没有关于Wufoo的文章。 我们已经亲自使用了两种表格管理软件,因此我们可以为您提供这两个平台的相当公正的比较。 在本文中,我们将比较Gravity Forms和Wufoo,以确定哪种是WordPress更好的表单管理解决方案。 需要注意的一件事是,我们将以节俭的博客作者/开发人员的心态来吸引获胜者。

价钱 (Pricing)

Yes we know that pricing is one of the most important factor for bloggers when choosing a platform. It is even more important in this comparison because it shows you a key difference between these two platforms. Gravity Forms is a plugin whereas Wufoo is a hosted service. Having that said, to utilize the full set of features Gravity Forms has to offer, you must get the developer option which costs $199 with a coupon it can get as low as $149. This gets you all what Gravity Forms has to offer with 1 year of support and updates, so it is sort of like an annual subscription except for the renewal price you can get a 50% discount. To utilize all what Wufoo has to offer, you must get their Bona Fide plan which goes for $29.95 / month. This makes it roughly $359 / year.

是的,我们知道定价是博客作者选择平台时最重要的因素之一。 在此比较中,这一点更为重要,因为它向您展示了这两个平台之间的关键区别。 Gravity Forms是一个插件,而Wufoo是托管服务。 话虽这么说,要利用Gravity Forms所提供的全部功能,您必须获得开发者选项,该选项的价格为199美元,附赠券的价格低至149美元。 通过1年的支持和更新,这可以为您提供Gravity Forms所提供的所有内容,因此,它与年度订阅类似,除了续订价格外,您可以享受50%的折扣。 要利用Wufoo提供的所有功能,您必须获得其Bona Fide计划,每月需支付29.95美元。 大约每年$ 359。

Winner: Gravity Forms


使用限制 (Usage Restrictions)

Because Wufoo is a hosted platform there are usage restrictions. With the Bona Fide plan you are only allowed 5 users which is something most can deal with. You get unlimited forms / reports. However, you are limited to 3,000 Entries / month. If you have file attachment option in your form, then you have a total of 1GB storage. Ofcourse you can upgrade to one of their higher plans which goes as high as $199.95 / month for 100,000 entries. So this really depends on how large your site is. Note: If you go over your allocated amount of entries then you pay $0.05 USD per entry.

由于Wufoo是托管平台,因此存在使用限制。 使用Bona Fide计划时,您只能容纳5位用户,这是大多数用户可以处理的。 您可以获得无限制的表格/报告。 但是,每月限制为3,000个条目。 如果您的表单中有文件附件选项,则总共有1GB的存储空间。 当然,您可以升级到他们的更高的计划之一,每月100,000条目的费用高达$ 199.95。 因此,这实际上取决于您的网站的大小。 注意:如果您超过分配的条目数,则每个条目需要支付$ 0.05 USD。

Gravity forms allows you to have unlimited forms, unlimited users (you can have as many in your WordPress install), and there is as much storage available as your web hosting plan allows. Last but certainly not the least, you have unlimited entries.

重力表单使您可以拥有无​​限的表单,无限的用户(可以在WordPress安装中拥有尽可能多的用户),并且可以使用网络托管计划允许的最大存储量。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您有无限的条目。

Winner: Gravity Forms


使用方便 (Ease of Use)

Both platforms are fairly easy to use. Both Gravity forms and Wufoo has a drag drop form editor. You can select the type of field and create it with one click. The process of creating forms on both are fairly intuitive and easy to learn. When it comes to managing entries, the interface is far superior in Wufoo probably because they are not restricted by the WordPress backend UI. Gravity forms tries to adhere to the WordPress user-interface therefore cannot provide a superior UI with icons and such like Wufoo. While Gravity forms have all the similar features, we personally like the Wufoo interface better. You can see it for yourself how Wufoo makes it so much easier to browse between the entries with the navigation. You can also edit, delete, email, or print the entry all from one spot.

这两个平台都非常易于使用。 Gravity表单和Wufoo都有拖放表单编辑器。 您可以选择字段的类型并一键创建。 在两者上创建表单的过程都非常直观并且易于学习。 在管理条目时,该界面在Wufoo中要优越得多,可能是因为它们不受WordPress后端UI的限制。 重力表单试图遵守WordPress用户界面,因此无法提供带有图标的高级UI,例如Wufoo。 虽然重力形式具有所有相似的功能,但我们个人更喜欢Wufoo界面。 您可以亲眼看到它,Wufoo如何使通过导航在条目之间浏览变得如此容易。 您还可以从一个位置编辑,删除,通过电子邮件发送或打印所有条目。

Wufoo Entry UI

While gravity forms have these options, its just not as clear. P.S. There is no option navigate between the entries from the entry page in Gravity forms.

尽管重力形式具有这些选择,但其含义还不清楚。 PS在重力形式的条目页面中,条目之间没有导航选项。

Winner: Slight edge to Wufoo


安全 (Security)

Security can be crucial when you are collecting important information through your forms. While gravity forms is a secure plugin, it is not a service. So the security responsibility of the data collected falls on you. Wufoo comes with SSL encryption, so all of your data is transmitted securely. Getting a SSL certificate can cost as much as $79 bucks, but if you install it on your server then Gravity Forms is hundred percent compatible with it.

当您通过表单收集重要信息时,安全性至关重要。 虽然重力形式是安全的插件,但它不是服务。 因此,所收集数据的安全责任落在您身上。 Wufoo带有SSL加密,因此所有数据都可以安全传输。 获取SSL证书的费用可能高达$ 79美元,但如果将其安装在服务器上,则Gravity Forms可以百分百兼容

Winner: If you are paying for SSL with Gravity Forms and handling your server security then there is tie. Otherwise Wufoo wins.

优胜者:如果您要通过Gravity Forms支付SSL费用并处理服务器安全性,那就很容易了。 否则Wufoo获胜。

多页表单 (Multi-Page Forms)

Often when doing lead generation, you may find a need to collect some extra information to provide superior service. Multi-page forms help a ton in order to increase your submission rate. Thankfully both of these platforms have the option that allows you to easily create multi-page forms. In the layout, you have the option to show the progress bar which helps the user see how long the form really is. However, one thing that gives Wufoo a huge edge in our eyes is the partial form submission. A lot of times users tend to leave the survey / form half way through if they feel that it is way too long. Wufoo allows you to save that partial entry everytime a user goes on to then next page of the form. If you are only showing like 2-3 questions / page, then you will get as much information from the user as possible. Gravity forms on the other hand has no way to store a partial submission.

通常,在进行销售线索生成时,您可能需要收集一些额外的信息以提供优质的服务。 多页表单可以帮助您提高提交率。 值得庆幸的是,这两个平台都具有允许您轻松创建多页表单的选项。 在布局中,您可以选择显示进度条,以帮助用户查看表单的实际长度。 但是,使Wufoo拥有巨大优势的一件事是部分表单提交。 很多时候,如果用户觉得调查/表格过长,则往往会中途离开。 Wufoo允许您在用户每次进入表单的下一页时保存该部分条目。 如果您每页仅显示2-3个问题,那么您将从用户那里获得尽可能多的信息。 另一方面,重力形式无法存储部分提交。

If you are a consultant and you have a client survey, you might as well have as much information possible rather than losing the whole lead entirely.


Winner: Wufoo


第三方整合 (Third Party Integrations)

Gravity Forms offer integrations with Aweber, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Freshbooks, PayPal, and Twilio. This allows you to collect emails from your forms and collect payments as well. Wufoo which has been in the market since 2006 with a fairly recent acquisition of $35 million boasts a lot of third party integrations. To list some popular ones: PayPal, Authorize.Net, Google Checkout, Freshbooks, HighRise, Salesforce, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and more.

Gravity Forms提供与Aweber ,MailChimp,Campaign Monitor,Freshbooks,PayPal和Twilio的集成。 这使您可以从表单中收集电子邮件并收集付款。 Wufoo自2006年以来一直在市场上,最近才以3500万美元价格被收购,它拥有许多第三方集成。 要列出一些流行的:贝宝,Authorize.Net,谷歌结帐,Freshbooks,高层,Salesforce的, MailChimp ,运动监视器,以及更多

Wufoo has a lot of third party integrations, but they have a much larger team and funding. Not to mention they have been around for longer.

Wufoo有很多第三方集成,但是他们拥有更大的团队和资金。 更不用说他们已经存在更长的时间了。

Winner: Wufoo


能够接受客人的帖子 (Ability to take Guest Posts)

Gravity forms has an option that allows you to accept guest post submission using Gravity forms and save them as drafts. This has made our life so much easier in managing our WordPress Gallery. You can have the option for attachments, categories, tags etc. While Wufoo is a great form management solution, it does not have this feature available for WordPRess.

Gravity表单具有一个选项,允许您使用Gravity表单接受来宾帖子提交并将其另存为草稿。 这使我们的生活变得更加轻松地管理WordPress Gallery 。 您可以选择附件,类别,标签等选项。尽管Wufoo是出色的表单管理解决方案,但它没有WordPRess可以使用的此功能。

Winner: Gravity Forms


用户注册 (User Registration)

Gravity Forms have a powerful user-registration add-on that works seamlessly with Multi-site and BuddyPress installs. Wufoo lacks such integration with WordPress. You can use this add-on to create custom user meta so much easier than before.

Gravity Forms具有功能强大的用户注册附加组件 ,可与Multi-site和BuddyPress安装无缝配合。 Wufoo缺乏与WordPress的集成。 您可以使用此加载项来创建自定义用户元,这比以前容易得多。

Winner: Gravity Forms


很酷的例子 (Cool Examples)

Wufoo has a page dedicated to examples of how users are using their service.


Gravity Forms should have something like that, but they do not. The two cool uses that we have found are:

重力形式应该有类似的东西,但是没有。 我们发现两个很酷的用途是:

WPBeginner WordPress GalleryCustom Post Type Generator

WPBeginner WordPress画廊 自定义帖子类型生成器

As you can see that both of these platforms have something unique to offer. It is very hard to say that one is completely superior to other. We still use Gravity Forms on our sites. We are also using Wufoo on some of our other projects. It really depends on what you really need.

如您所见,这两个平台都有独特之处。 很难说一个人完全优于另一个人。 我们仍然在我们的网站上使用重力表。 我们还在其他一些项目中使用Wufoo。 这实际上取决于您的实际需求。



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