
First of all, we wanted to wish you guys a Happy New Year. As we look back at the year of 2012, it was full of success and joy for the WPBeginner team. It was also a great year for the WordPress community in general. Over the course of the year, we wrote tons of tutorials, so we thought we should compile a list of our favorite ones. Let’s do a year in review of WPBeginner.

首先,我们希望祝大家新年快乐。 当我们回顾2012年时,WPBeginner团队充满了成功和喜悦。 总体而言,这对WordPress社区来说也是非常棒的一年。 在这一年中,我们编写了许多教程,因此我们认为应该编制一份我们最喜欢的教程列表。 让我们回顾一下WPBeginner。

2012年1月 (January 2012)

How to Split WordPress posts into Multiple Pages – When writing long posts, you have a few options. You can leave it really long and make the user read it all on one page. You can divide the topic into a post series. Or you can even split the posts into multiple pages. The tutorial above shows you how to do that.

如何将WordPress帖子分成多个页面 –写长帖子时,您有几种选择。 您可以将其保留很长时间,并让用户在一页上全部阅读。 您可以将主题分为多个帖子系列。 或者,您甚至可以将帖子分成多个页面。 上面的教程向您展示了如何做到这一点。

How to Increase Pageviews and Reduce Bounce Rate – When starting out, most bloggers believe that getting people to your blog is hard. Whereas the hard part is getting users to stay on your site. Most users come to your site and end up leaving without even going to the second page. When a user leaves without even going to the second page, it increases your bounce rate. It also decreases your pageviews per visit. On a bigger picture, it decreases your ad revenue. This article will help you improve both your pageviews and bounce rate.

如何增加网页浏览量和降低跳出率 –刚入门时,大多数博客作者都认为很难吸引人们访问您的博客。 而困难的部分是让用户留在您的网站上。 大多数用户来到您的网站,最终甚至都没有进入第二页就离开了。 当用户离开而没有进入第二页时,它会增加跳出率。 这也会降低每次访问的综合浏览量。 从更大的角度看,它会减少您的广告收入。 本文将帮助您提高综合浏览量和跳出率。

2012年2月 (February 2012)

How to Create a Donate Form for Nonprofit organization using WordPress – Easy to follow tutorial that shows you how to create a donate form for non-profit organizations with multiple donation amounts (one-time and recurring).

如何使用WordPress为非营利组织创建捐赠表单 –易于遵循的教程,向您展示如何为具有多个捐赠金额(一次性和定期)的非营利组织创建捐赠表单。

How to Create a Photo Album Gallery in WordPress without a Plugin – Intermediate level tutorial that shows you how to create galleries and organize them by albums in WordPress.

如何在没有插件的情况下在WordPress中创建相册库 –中级教程,向您展示如何在WordPress中创建相册并按相册组织它们。

How to Prevent Youtube from Overriding Your Content – Have you ever been to a site where you notice that media elements such as youtube videos override other content? This can happen if you have drop down menus, floating bars, lightbox popup etc. This tutorial shows you how to prevent that issue on your site.

如何防止Youtube覆盖您的内容 –您是否曾经去过一个网站,注意到youtube视频等媒体元素覆盖了其他内容? 如果您具有下拉菜单,浮动栏,灯箱弹出窗口等,则可能会发生这种情况。本教程向您展示如何在您的网站上防止该问题。

2012年3月 (March 2012)

How to Sort Posts by Post Expiration Date in WordPress – A simple tutorial that shows you how to sort posts by an expiration date.

如何在WordPress中按帖子过期日期对帖子进行排序 –一个简单的教程,向您展示如何按照过期日期对帖子进行排序。

15 Most Frequently Asked Questions by WordPress Beginners -Don’t think this one needs a description


WordPress初学者最常问的15个问题 -别认为这需要描述

2012年4月 (April 2012)

How to fix Error Establishing Database Connection issue in WordPress – Possible fixes for one of the most popular WordPress errors.

如何解决WordPress中的建立数据库连接错误 -可能是最流行的WordPress错误之一的修复。

How to Improve Your Editorial Workflow in WordPress – Edit Flow plugin for WordPress is one of the best ways to have a good editorial workflow.

如何在WordPress中改善编辑流程WordPress的 Edit Flow插件是拥有良好编辑流程的最佳方法之一。

What, Why, and How-To’s of Pingbacks and Trackbacks – A complete explanation of Pingbacks and Trackbacks. It also shows you how to disable them on new and existing posts.

引用和引用的内容,原因和方法引用和引用的完整说明。 它还显示了如何在新的和现有的帖子上禁用它们。

2012年5月 (May 2012)

Why WordPress plugins should not have SEO options – Most WordPress themes only add this feature as a marketing scheme. It actually hurts their users and the community in the long run because it restricts you to their platform. Should you ever change your theme, it is not that hard. We hope that in 2013, more companies would follow WooThemes and start switching to the model we recommend in this post.

为什么WordPress插件不应该提供SEO选项 -大多数WordPress主题仅将此功能添加为营销方案。 从长远来看,它实际上伤害了他们的用户和社区,因为它限制了您使用他们的平台。 如果您要更改主题,这并不难。 我们希望在2013年,更多的公司将遵循WooThemes并开始切换到我们在本文中建议的模型。

Beginners Guide to Preventing Blog Content Scraping in WordPress – You can never entirely keep anyone from stealing your content. However, here are some useful tips that will help you prevent a lot of content scrapers.

WordPress中防止博客内容被窃取的初学者指南 –您永远无法完全阻止任何人窃取您的内容。 但是,这里有一些有用的技巧,可以帮助您避免刮擦很多内容。

How to Add Odd/Even Post Class in WordPress Themes – Simple yet handy snippet for theme designers.

如何在WordPress主题中添加奇数/偶数帖子类 –主题设计师的简单却方便的摘录。

2012年6月 (June 2012)

6 Reasons Why We Switched Away from Livefyre – This was one of the most asked questions by our users when switched. This has raised a lot of debate. We would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

我们离开Livefyre的6个理由 -这是用户切换时提出的最常见问题之一。 这引起了很多争论。 我们很想听听您对此事的想法。

How to Get Google’s Verified Authorship in WordPress – Want to increase your search engine click through rate? Add authorship to your site.

如何在WordPress中获得Google的经过验证的作者身份 –想要提高搜索引擎的点击率? 将作者身份添加到您的站点。

2012年7月 (July 2012)

How to Password Protect Your WordPresss WP-Admin Directory – This is a very handy security tip that most popular sites use.

如何使用密码保护您的WordPresss WP-Admin目录 –这是大多数流行网站使用的非常方便的安全性提示。

How to Set Minimum Comment Length in WordPress – This prevents those one word spammy comments.

如何在WordPress中设置最小评论长度 –这样可以防止一个单词成为垃圾评论。

How to Boost Email Newsletter Signups in WordPress – We use this plugin to add the little opt-in box in our comments. It doesn’t add a drastic number of users, but it is just another way to gradually build your email list.

如何在WordPress中提高电子邮件时事通讯注册 –我们使用此插件在评论中添加了小的选择加入框。 它并不会增加大量的用户,但这只是逐步建立电子邮件列表的另一种方法。

How to Install and Setup WordPress CDN using MaxCDN – CDNs improve your site speed. See this article to see how you can speed up your site.

如何使用MaxCDN安装和设置WordPress CDN – CDN可以提高站点速度。 请参阅本文,以了解如何加快网站速度。

2012年8月 (August 2012)

How to Switch Between Users in WordPress – Great plugin when developing websites. It helps you test different user roles and permission levels.

如何在WordPress中的用户之间切换 –开发网站时很棒的插件。 它可以帮助您测试不同的用户角色和权限级别。

5 Reasons Why we use Sucuri – To improve our WordPress security, we decided to use Sucuri. They are the best in the industry.

我们使用Sucuri的5个理由 –为了提高WordPress的安全性,我们决定使用Sucuri 。 他们是业内最好的。

Categories vs. Tags – SEO Best Practices – A comprehensive guide that helps you better understand both categories and tags. Find out which is better for SEO.

类别与标签– SEO最佳做法 –全面的指南,可帮助您更好地理解类别和标签。 找出哪种更适合SEO。

How to Allow Post Previews of Unpublished Posts – Normally only users with access can see your unpublished posts. What if you are doing a paid review for a sponsor? You can show them your unpublished content without creating a user account for them using this plugin.

如何允许未发布帖子的帖子预览 –通常,只有具有访问权限的用户才能看到您未发布的帖子。 如果您正在对赞助商进行付费审查该怎么办? 您可以使用此插件向他们显示您未发布的内容,而无需为他们创建用户帐户。

2012年9月 (September 2012)

How to Fix the White Screen of Death in WordPress – A fairly common error in WordPress. Here are some possible solutions.

如何修复WordPress中的死亡白屏WordPress中的一个相当常见的错误。 这里是一些可能的解决方案。

How Many Plugins Should you Install in WordPress? – A post answering one of the most asked questions. How many plugins can/should I install? Does plugin quantity slow down my website.

您应该在WordPress中安装多少个插件? –回答最常见问题之一的帖子。 我可以/应该安装多少个插件? 插件数量会减慢我的网站速度吗?

How to Add Twitter Cards in WordPress – Twitter recently introduce twitter cards that adds rich media below every tweet. Learn more about twitter cards and take advantage of this on your WordPress site.

如何在WordPress中添加Twitter卡 – Twitter最近推出了Twitter卡,可在每条推文下方添加富媒体。 了解有关Twitter卡的更多信息,并在WordPress网站上利用它。

How to Effectively Attract and Manage Guest Bloggers in WordPress – Here is how you can manage guest bloggers in WordPress.

如何在WordPress中有效地吸引和管理来宾博客 –这是您可以在WordPress中管理来宾博客的方法。

How to Create a Sticky Floating Footer Bar in WordPress – How to add the floating footer bar on your WordPress site like the one on this site.

如何在WordPress中创建粘性浮动页脚栏 –如何像在本站点上一样在WordPress网站上添加浮动页脚栏。

How to Create a Daily and Weekly Email Newsletter in WordPress – Our users often ask us how to provide daily and weekly newsletters like we do. This article will show you how to do it.

如何在WordPress中创建每日和每周电子邮件新闻通讯 –我们的用户经常问我们如何像我们一样提供每日和每周新闻通讯。 本文将向您展示如何做到这一点。

2012年10月 (October 2012)

What is a WordPress Theme Framework? – An easy to understand tutorial that explains what is a WordPress theme framework. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a WordPress theme framework, and more.

什么是WordPress主题框架? –易于理解的教程,解释了什么是WordPress主题框架。 使用WordPress主题框架的优缺点是什么,等等。

What to Do When you are locked of your WordPress Admin – If you are locked out of your WordPress admin, then this article will help.

当您被锁定WordPress管理员时该怎么办 –如果您被锁定WordPress管理员之外,那么本文将对您有所帮助。

How to Add Tooltip Testimonials in WordPress – A neat way of adding testimonials on your site.

如何在WordPress中添加工具提示推荐 –在您的网站上添加推荐的一种简便方法。

WordPress Body Class 101 – This is a must see article for new designers. Body class is a powerful tool that can help you customize your site without using a lot of complex PHP.

WordPress Body Class 101 –这是新设计师必看的文章。 Body类是一个功能强大的工具,可以帮助您自定义网站,而无需使用大量复杂PHP。

2012年11月 (November 2012)

How to Find a Backdoor in WordPress and Fix it – If your WordPress site is hacked, then make sure you scan it for a backdoor. Otherwise, you will be hacked again.

如何在WordPress中找到后门并进行修复 –如果您的WordPress网站被黑,请确保您对其进行扫描以查找后门。 否则,您将再次被黑客入侵。

How to Automatically Tag your Posts – Tagging posts can take some time. This plugin allows you to automatically tag your posts and save time.

如何自动标记您的帖子 –标记帖子可能需要一些时间。 此插件可让您自动标记帖子并节省时间。

2012年12月 (December 2012)

How to Credit Multiple Authors (co-authors) in WordPress – This plugin helps you properly credit each author.


How to Efficiently Manage Post Series in WordPress – Post series are a great way to keep users engaged. This article shows you how to properly manage them.

如何在WordPress中有效地管理帖子系列 -帖子系列是保持用户参与度的好方法。 本文向您展示如何正确管理它们。

These were the best WordPress tutorials of WPBeginner in 2012. We hope that you liked them. We want to thank you for supporting us by sharing our articles, giving us feedback, and suggesting new topics. We cannot do anything without our community. We hope to add more useful tutorials in 2013.

这些是2012年WPBeginner最好的WordPress教程。我们希望您喜欢它们。 我们要感谢您通过分享我们的文章,给我们反馈和建议新主题来支持我们。 没有我们的社区,我们将无能为力。 我们希望在2013年添加更多有用的教程。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-of-best-wordpress-tutorials-of-2012-on-wpbeginner/

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