城市简码_如何使用简码在WordPress中添加Twitter Bootstrap CSS


Adding CSS elements like tooltips, colorful buttons, and roll-over effects can help your content stand out. The problem is that most people don’t know how to use CSS to add colorful buttons, tables, labels, etc. We have shown you how to add colorful widgets and tables in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to use Twitter Bootstrap CSS in WordPress using shortcodes.

添加CSS元素(如工具提示,彩色按钮和鼠标悬停效果)可以帮助您的内容脱颖而出。 问题是大多数人不知道如何使用CSS添加彩色按钮,表格,标签等。我们已经向您展示了如何在WordPress中添加彩色小部件表格 。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用简码在WordPress中使用Twitter Bootstrap CSS。

Twitter Bootstrap is a CSS and JavaScript framework that helps boost your site design and functionality quickly. It was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter as a framework to encourage consistency across their internal tools. Later it was released as an open source tool. It is beautiful, simple, and compatible on all browsers.

Twitter Bootstrap是一个CSS和JavaScript框架,可帮助您快速提升网站设计和功能。 它是由Twitter上的Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton开发的,旨在鼓励内部工具保持一致。 后来它被发布为开源工具。 它美观,简单且在所有浏览器上均兼容。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS plugin. Upon activation, the plugin will add a Twitter Bootstrap menu item in your WordPress admin. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s dashboard.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS插件。 激活后,该插件将在您的WordPress管理员中添加一个Twitter Bootstrap菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的仪表板。

Bootstrap Menu

On the dashboard, you will see an awful lot of advertisements added by the plugin author. Scroll down past them, and you will see the shortcodes that you can add in your posts. Each shortcode is linked to the plugin’s support page where you can see more usage examples of these shortcodes.

在仪表板上,您将看到插件作者添加的大量广告。 向下滚动它们,您将看到可以在帖子中添加的简码。 每个简码都链接到插件的支持页面,您可以在其中看到这些简码的更多用法示例。

Bootstrap shortcode usage examples

Under the Twitter Bootstrap menu item in your admin, there is a link to configure Bootstrap CSS settings. Clicking on that will take you to the configuration page where you can change the settings to fit your needs. You have the option to choose which Bootstrap CSS version you would like to use. Below that you will find options more suited for advance level users.

在管理员的Twitter Bootstrap菜单项下,有一个配置Bootstrap CSS设置的链接。 单击该按钮将带您进入配置页面,您可以在其中更改设置以适合您的需求。 您可以选择要使用的Bootstrap CSS版本。 在此之下,您将找到更适合高级用户的选项。

Now that we have looked at the configuration, let’s add some bootstrap css elements to a blog post. Simply paste the shortcodes like this in your post or page content:

现在,我们已经了解了配置,让我们在博客文章中添加一些引导css元素。 只需将这样的短代码粘贴到您的帖子或页面内容中:

[TBS_BUTTON id="mySpecialButton" color="primary" class="btn-large" link="http://example.com"]Download[/TBS_BUTTON]
[TBS_BUTTON id="mySpecialButton" color="danger" link="http://example.com"]Cancel[/TBS_BUTTON]
[TBS_BUTTON id="mySpecialButton" color="success" link="http://example.com"]Learn more[/TBS_BUTTON]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-globe"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-globe"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-chevron-right"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-music"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-film"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-user"]
[TBS_ICON class="icon-wrench"]
[TBS_LABEL class="warning"]Warning: Label[/TBS_LABEL] 
[TBS_LABEL class="danger"]Danger: Label[/TBS_LABEL] 
[TBS_LABEL class="success"]Green: Label[/TBS_LABEL] 
[TBS_ALERT class="success"]Settings saved[/TBS_ALERT]

This is how these shortcodes will look like in the blog post:


Twitter bootstrap css elements added to a post

There are many more CSS elements that you can add to your posts. Tooltips, accordian menus, popup boxes, progress bars, etc. This plugin’s website has more documentation on how to use these features. If you are curious about icons, then you can look at Twitter Bootstrap’s official site for the complete set of icons that you can use.

您可以在帖子中添加更多CSS元素。 工具提示,Accordian菜单,弹出框,进度栏等。此插件的网站上有更多有关如何使用这些功能的文档 。 如果您对图标感到好奇,则可以在Twitter Bootstrap的官方网站上找到可以使用的完整图标集

We know that theme frameworks like Genesis and others come with their own options. Do you use CSS elements in your posts? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

我们知道,Genesis之类的主题框架和其他框架都有其自己的选择。 您是否在帖子中使用CSS元素? 让我们在下面留下评论。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-twitter-bootstrap-css-in-wordpress-using-shortcodes/






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