


Are you looking for the best WordPress starter theme to create your own theme from scratch?


A WordPress starter theme helps developers to start with a solid foundation. It can become the base for your theme development process and gives you a good head start.

WordPress入门主题可帮助开发人员以坚实的基础开始。 它可以成为主题开发过程的基础,并为您提供良好的开端。

In this article, we have handpicked some of the best WordPress starter themes for theme developers.


Best WordPress Starter Themes for Developers
什么是WordPress入门主题 (What is a WordPress Starter Theme)

A WordPress starter theme is a blank theme with minimum design, and a basic or absolutely no layout. These themes usually come with the most commonly used templates in a WordPress theme.

WordPress入门主题是具有最小设计,基本布局或绝对没有布局的空白主题。 这些主题通常带有WordPress主题中最常用的模板。

They have code to display posts, archive pages, single posts, comments, but with minimum or no styling at all. This allows theme developers to quickly start adding their own styles and build a totally new theme.

它们具有显示帖子,存档页面,单个帖子,评论的代码,但样式很少或根本没有样式。 这使主题开发人员可以快速开始添加自己的样式并构建全新的主题。

Starter themes are different from a parent theme or a theme framework.


Parent themes are fully styled WordPress themes designed to be installed and used on live websites. Theme frameworks provide a lot of hooks and filters for usage in child theme development.

父主题是样式完整的WordPress主题,旨在在实时网站上安装和使用。 主题框架提供了很多用于子主题开发的挂钩和过滤器。

Starter themes do not come with styling, you are not supposed to use them as it is, and they are not frameworks with custom hooks, filters, and template tags. However, they can be used to make a parent theme.

入门主题不随样式一起提供,您不应按原样使用它们,它们也不是具有自定义钩子,过滤器和模板标签的框架。 但是,它们可以用于制作父主题。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best starter themes for WordPress that you can use in your theme development process.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra Theme

Astra is a premium WordPress theme for developers. It comes with over 100 starter themes and ready-made websites to launch a website quickly.

Astra是面向开发人员的高级WordPress主题。 它带有100多个入门主题和现成的网站,可快速启动网站。

The starter themes by Astra are built for different business niches, and you’ll most likely find a perfect demo site to match your requirements.


Unlike other thmes on this list, Astra can be used by both developers and beginners. If you are a beginner looking for something functional to start with, then Astra would make things a lot easier for you.

与该列表中的其他主题不同,Astra可供开发人员和初学者使用。 如果您是初学者,正在寻找可以开始使用的功能,那么Astra将使您的工作变得容易得多。

2.创世记 (2. Genesis)

Genesis by StudioPress

Genesis is a WordPress theme framework by StudioPress. It comes with a 1-click theme setup with tons of useful resources, demo content, plugins, and custom Gutenberg blocks.

GenesisStudioPress提供的WordPress主题框架。 它带有一键式主题设置,其中包含大量有用的资源,演示内容,插件和自定义的Gutenberg块。

With many theme features, you can take advantage of the 6 layout designs, featured content widgets, custom page templates, and powerful theme options panel. It’s easy to customize your website with a few clicks.

借助许多主题功能,您可以利用6种布局设计,特色内容小部件,自定义页面模板和强大的主题选项面板。 只需单击几下即可自定义您的网站。

3.下划线 (3. Underscores)


Underscores is probably the most popular of all WordPress starter themes. It is maintained by Automattic (the company behind WordPress.com blog hosting service).

下划线可能是所有WordPress入门主题中最受欢迎的主题。 它由Automattic(WordPress.com博客托管服务背后的公司)维护。

It is a minimalist starter theme written in HTML5 and CSS. The clean code is meant to get out of your way and help you quickly build a standard compliant WordPress theme.

这是用HTML5和CSS编写的简约入门主题。 简洁的代码旨在摆脱您的困扰,并帮助您快速构建符合标准的WordPress主题。

4.圣人 (4. Sage)


Sage is a modern WordPress starter theme based on Gulp, Bootstrap, and Bower. It uses a Theme Wrapper which helps you avoid repeating the same code in every template.

Sage是基于Gulp,Bootstrap和Bower的现代WordPress入门主题。 它使用主题包装器,可以帮助您避免在每个模板中重复相同的代码。

It is actively maintained and has a strong following among WordPress frontend developers.


5. UnderStrap (5. UnderStrap)


UnderStrap is a WordPress starter theme based on Underscores and Bootstrap 4. It comes with a mobile responsive deisgn and grid framework making it super easy to customize.

UnderStrap是一个基于Underscores和Bootstrap 4的WordPress入门主题。它带有移动响应式设计和网格框架,可轻松自定义。

6. WP钻机 (6. WP Rig)

WP Rig

WP Rig is a WordPress starter theme and development kit that helps you build WordPress themes that are highly optimized for performance. It comes with a build process that lints, optimizes, and minifies your code for better performance.

WP Rig是WordPress入门主题和开发套件,可帮助您构建针对性能进行高度优化的WordPress主题。 它带有一个构建过程,该过程可以简化,优化和最小化您的代码,以提高性能。

7.赶上启动器 (7. Catch Starter)

Catch Starter

Catch Starter is a dark-colored WordPress starter theme for developers. It comes with a set of features including content slider, portfolio, services, and testimonials.

Catch Starter是针对开发人员的深色WordPress入门主题。 它具有一系列功能,包括内容滑块,作品集,服务和推荐。

The theme is perfect to kickstart your development with WordPress. It also supports translations to create multilingual websites.

该主题非常适合启动WordPress开发。 它还支持翻译以创建多语言网站

8.开始 (8. Start)


Start is based on the Underscores starter theme and Bootstrap framework. It inherits all the code of Underscores and adds Bootstrap magic for rapid frontend development.

启动基于Underscores入门主题和Bootstrap框架。 它继承了Underscores的所有代码,并添加了Bootstrap魔术以快速进行前端开发。

9.豆类 (9. Beans)


Beans is an innovative WordPress starter theme for developers. It is highly flexible with responsive content and adaptive images.

Beans是面向开发人员的创新WordPress入门主题。 它具有自适应内容和自适应图像的高度灵活性。

The theme is SEO friendly and built with an ultimate frontend library to set up and customize your website.


10.接头 (10. JointsWP)


JointsWP is a rock-solid WordPress starter theme. It is based on the Foundation 6 framework and comes in CSS or Sass flavors.

JointsWP是一个坚如磐石的WordPress入门主题。 它基于Foundation 6框架,并具有CSS或Sass风格。

11.夸克 (11. Quark)


Quark is easy to customize WordPress starter theme. It is based on Underscores and Twenty Twelve WordPress theme.

Quark易于自定义WordPress入门主题。 它基于Underscores和十二十二个WordPress主题。

It uses Normalize to make sure that browsers render all elements more consistently, and Mordernizr for detecting HTML5 and CSS3 browser capabilities.


12.星云 (12. Nebula)


Nebula is an advanced WordPress starter theme that is more like a framework. It comes with custom functionality like a recommendation engine for 404 and no-search-result pages, Autocomplete Search, etc.

Nebula是一个高级WordPress入门主题,它更像是一个框架。 它具有自定义功能,例如针对404的推荐引擎和无搜索结果页面,自动完成搜索等。

13. HTML5Blank (13. HTML5Blank)


HTML5Blank is classic WordPress starter theme. It is based on clean HTML5 and CSS3 templates with ready to use code and template tags for you to utilize during your theme development.

HTML5Blank是经典的WordPress入门主题。 它基于干净HTML5和CSS3模板,具有随时可用的代码和模板标签,供您在主题开发过程中使用。

14.通用 (14. Generic)


Generic is a minimal WordPress starter theme. The theme is ideal to built custom websites for your customers or use it as a base to create a new theme.

泛型是最小的WordPress入门主题。 该主题非常适合为您的客户构建自定义网站或用作创建新主题的基础。

15.基石 (15. Cornerstone)


Cornerstone is a modern starter theme for WordPress developers. It is based on the popular Foundation framework and comes ready with a custom header, a sidebar, widgets, and navigation menus.

Cornerstone是WordPress开发人员的现代入门主题。 它基于流行的Foundation框架,并带有自定义标头,侧边栏,小部件和导航菜单。

16. BlankSlate (16. BlankSlate)


Blankslate is a simple and extremely flexible WordPress starter theme. It is designed with developers in mind.

Blankslate是一个简单且非常灵活的WordPress入门主题。 它在设计时考虑了开发人员。

It is simple yet comes with a powerful foundation for your themes to rely on. The theme offers custom CSS styles and SEO optimization.

它很简单,但是为您的主题提供了强大的基础。 主题提供自定义CSS样式和SEO优化

17.龙门 (17. Gantry)


Gantry is a powerful WordPress theme framework for developers. It allows you to create CMS friendly themes quickly.

Gantry是面向开发人员的功能强大的WordPress主题框架。 它使您可以快速创建CMS友好主题。

It is an opensource software with a lot to offer, including mega menu support, layout manager, theme inheritance, user-friendly interface, and more.


18. WP Bootstrap入门 (18. WP Bootstrap Starter)

WP Bootstrap Starter

WP Bootstrap Starter is a WordPress starter theme based on Underscores and Bootstrap. It includes Font Awesome, full-width page template, right and left sidebar templates, blank page template, and more.

WP Bootstrap Starter是一个基于Underscores和Bootstrap的WordPress入门主题。 它包括“真棒字体”,全角页面模板,左右侧边栏模板,空白页面模板等。

19.空气灯 (19. Air-Light)


Air-Light is a minimalist WordPress starter theme based on Underscores. It is a functional WordPress theme with minimal design options leaving room for developers to extend add their own styles to create a new theme.

Air-Light是基于Underscores的简约WordPress入门主题。 这是一个实用的WordPress主题,具有最少的设计选项,为开发人员留出扩展自己的样式以创建新主题的空间。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress starter theme for developers. You may also want to see our guide on how to add dummy content for theme development in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合开发人员的最佳WordPress入门主题。 您可能还想看一下我们的指南,该指南如何在WordPress中为主题开发添加虚拟内容

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/21-best-wordpress-starter-themes-for-developers/






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