
Are you looking for the best WooCommerce hosting to create your online store? Choosing the best hosting provider is one of the most important decision you’ll make for your eCommerce business.

您是否正在寻找最好的WooCommerce托管商来创建您的在线商店 ? 选择最佳的托管服务提供商是您为电子商务业务做出的最重要决定之一。

A typical shared hosting provider may not always be a good choice for WooCommerce. That’s because you will need more resources, SSL certificate, and WooCommerce-centric support platform. In this guide, we will help you choose the best WooCommerce hosting for your online store.

对于WooCommerce,典型的共享托管提供商可能并不总是一个好的选择。 那是因为您将需要更多资源,SSL证书和以WooCommerce为中心的支持平台。 在本指南中,我们将帮助您为在线商店选择最佳的WooCommerce托管。

At WPBeginner, we have helped more than 100,000+ users start their websites. As the largest unofficial WordPress resource site and years of experience with hosting services, we know the importance of choosing the best WooCommerce hosting for an eCommerce startup. Our goal is to offer insights on things you need to consider when choosing a WooCommerce hosting company.

在WPBeginner,我们已经帮助超过100,000多个用户启动了他们的网站。 作为最大的非官方WordPress资源网站以及多年的托管服务经验,我们知道为电子商务初创公司选择最佳WooCommerce托管的重要性。 我们的目标是提供有关选择WooCommerce托管公司时需要考虑的事项的见解。

To make the process easier, we have also hand-picked the best WooCommerce hosting providers. These are the top eCommerce hosting companies that consistently rank high due to their quality, performance, and excellent customer support.

为了简化流程,我们还挑选了最佳的WooCommerce托管提供商。 这些是顶级的电子商务托管公司,这些公司由于其质量,性能和出色的客户支持而一直排名很高。

什么是WooCommerce托管? (What is WooCommerce Hosting?)

For WooCommerce hosting you need an optimized hosting solution equipped to handle WooCommerce stores out of the box.


WooCommerce is the world’s most popular eCommerce platform. It is used by millions of small and large businesses all over the world. It runs on WordPress, so you will obviously need a hosting provider that supports WordPress.

WooCommerce是世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台。 全世界数以百万计的小型和大型企业都在使用它。 它在WordPress上运行,因此您显然需要一个支持WordPress的托管服务提供商。

But that’s not all.


You will need a domain name (e.g. wpbeginner.com) and an SSL Certificate to accept online payments. You will also need the back-end servers to be optimized for WooCommerce for better performance.

您需要一个域名(例如wpbeginner.com)和一个SSL证书才能接受在线支付。 您还将需要针对WooCommerce优化后端服务器,以提高性能。

As your online store grows, you will have to consider how to handle that traffic with no downtime.


A good WooCommerce hosting company should offer you all these things that you’ll not get with a typical shared WordPress hosting account. To sweeten the deal, you will also get support from staff trained to deal with WooCommerce websites on a daily basis.

一个好的WooCommerce托管公司应该为您提供使用典型的共享WordPress托管帐户无法获得的所有这些功能。 为了使交易更加顺利,您还将获得每天训练有素的与WooCommerce网站打交道的人员的支持。

The idea behind WooCommerce hosting is to offer a hassle free way to set up your online store. This allows you the freedom to focus on growing your business.

WooCommerce托管背后的想法是提供一种轻松的方式来建立您的在线商店。 这使您可以自由地专注于发展业务。

Think of it as a platform designed specifically for your ecommerce store with an army of hosting engineers working in the background.


WooCommerce托管的优点和缺点 (Pros and Cons of WooCommerce Hosting)

WooCommerce hosting sounds amazing but it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you make a decision, take a look at the pros and cons of WooCommerce hosting.

WooCommerce托管听起来很棒,但它有其优点和缺点。 在做出决定之前,请先了解WooCommerce托管的优缺点。

WooCommerce托管的优势 (Advantages of WooCommerce Hosting)

  • WooCommerce Ready – WooCommerce hosting companies offer pre-installed WooCommerce with a ready to use design to go with.

    准备好WooCommerce – WooCommerce托管公司为预装的WooCommerce提供了易于使用的设计。

  • High Performance – Speed is not just important for user experience but also for SEO. WooCommerce hosting platforms offer faster load times for smoother ecommerce transactions.

    高性能 –速度不仅对于用户体验很重要,而且对于SEO也很重要。 WooCommerce托管平台可提供更快的加载时间,从而使电子商务交易更加顺畅。

  • Security – WooCommerce hosting plans come with SSL certificate. This adds a security layer around data transferring from customer’s browser to your website.

    安全性 – WooCommerce托管计划随附SSL证书。 这为从客户的浏览器到您的网站的数据传输增加了一个安全层。

  • WooCommerce Support We all need help now and then. With WooCommerce hosting you get help from actual WooCommerce experts via email, live chat, or phone.

    WooCommerce支持我们不时需要帮助。 使用WooCommerce托管,您可以通过电子邮件,实时聊天或电话获得实际WooCommerce专家的帮助。

  • Hosting Features Apart from WooCommerce specific features, you get all the usual hosting features like unmetered bandwidth, huge disk space, email accounts, and more.


Now you would probably think that this all sounds so amazing, what are the disadvantages?


WooCommerce托管的缺点 (Disadvantages of WooCommerce Hosting)

  • Price – Prices for WooCommerce hosting plans are slightly higher than average shared WordPress hosting plans.

    价格 – WooCommerce托管计划的价格略高于平均共享WordPress托管计划。

  • Pre-Installed Software – Some advanced users may want to install WooCommerce on their own. Pre-installed software may also include WooCommerce ready designs and bonus extensions that some users may not need.

    预先安装的软件 –一些高级用户可能希望自己安装WooCommerce。 预安装的软件还可能包括WooCommerce可用的设计和某些用户可能不需要的奖金扩展。

  • Maintenance – Not all WooCommerce hosting plans offer automatic updates. You will still need to set up automated backups and install updates.

    维护 –并非所有的WooCommerce托管计划都提供自动更新。 您仍然需要设置自动备份并安装更新。

Now that you have looked at the pros and cons of WooCommerce hosting, you are probably still wondering if its the right solution for you?


您何时需要WooCommerce托管? (When do you need WooCommerce Hosting?)

If you are a beginner and don’t intend to sell more than a couple of items, then you can go for a shared WordPress hosting account. We recommend using Bluehost, they are one of the officially recommended WordPress hosting companies.

如果您是初学者,并且不打算出售多于两个的商品,则可以申请一个共享的WordPress托管帐户。 我们建议使用Bluehost ,它们是官方推荐的WordPress托管公司之一。

If you are a small business with intention to open a fully functional online store, then you would be better off with WooCommerce hosting.


Particularly if you don’t know the technical side of installing and setting up WordPress and WooCommerce, then choosing the right WooCommerce hosting will save you a lot of time.


As a business owner you have the option to go for a limited shared hosting plan and then hire someone to manage technical stuff or learn things as you go. This will take up your time and you’ll probably end up paying more than you expected.

作为企业主,您可以选择有限的共享托管计划,然后雇用某人来管理技术资料或随手学习。 这将占用您的时间,并且您最终可能支付的费用超出了预期。

Your second option is to go on the hassle free route with a WooCommerce hosting plan. You’ll have a blazing fast online store ready to go with no technical skills required.

您的第二个选择是使用WooCommerce托管计划轻松进行路由。 您将拥有一家快速的在线商店,无需任何技术技能。

In the end, it comes down to your own priorities. If keeping it low cost is most important factor then you can go for regular WordPress hosting.

最后,它取决于您自己的优先事项。 如果保持低成本是最重要的因素,那么您可以进行常规WordPress托管。

On the other hand, if you want to start selling quickly, then the cost of WooCommerce hosting makes more sense and is easily justifiable.


Now that you have read all about choosing the WooCommerce hosting, it is time for you to make the decision.


As a WordPress resource site we have had the opportunity to work with several top hosting companies in the industry. After having helped 100,000+ users and years of experience, our founder Syed Balkhi have personally hand-picked the most well-reputed and top WooCommerce hosting companies for you.

作为WordPress资源站点,我们有机会与行业中多家顶级托管公司合作。 在为100,000多个用户和多年的经验提供帮助之后,我们的创始人Syed Balkhi亲自为您挑选了声誉最好的WooCommerce托管公司。

Each of these WooCommerce hosting companies offer excellent performance, superior infrastructure, and knowledgeable support. We give each of them a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating. Check out the list of best WooCommerce hosting providers.

这些WooCommerce托管公司均提供出色的性能,卓越的基础架构和知识丰富的支持。 我们给他们每个人满分5星的满分5。 查看最佳WooCommerce托管提供商列表。

最佳WooCommerce托管服务提供商 (Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers)

SiteGround is one of the most popular and highest rated hosting provider in the WordPress community. They provide unique in-house WordPress speed and security solutions to make your site as fast and secure as possible. They are known for the best 24/7 support in the industry which is why they’re an official ‘WordPress’ and ‘WooCommerce’ recommended hosting provider. SiteGround features include pre-installed WooCommerce, free SSL, automatic upgrades, built-in WP caching, CDN, one-click staging and GIT version control. They are also one of the few companies offering location specific hosting with 3 data centers in USA, Europe, and Asia. On top of all this, they have а special 70% discount for WPBeginner readers.

SiteGround是WordPress社区中最受欢迎和评分最高的托管服务提供商之一。 他们提供独特的内部WordPress速度和安全性解决方案,以使您的网站尽可能快速和安全。 他们以业界最佳的24/7全天候支持而闻名,这就是为什么他们成为官方的“ WordPress”和“ WooCommerce”推荐的托管服务提供商。 SiteGround功能包括预装的WooCommerce,免费的SSL,自动升级,内置的WP缓存,CDN,一键登台和GIT版本控制。 他们还是在美国,欧洲和亚洲设有3个数据中心的提供位置特定托管的少数公司之一。 最重要的是,它们为WPBeginner读者提供了70%的特别折扣。

Bluehost is rated the #1 web hosting provider for small businesses. They are an official ‘WordPress’ and ‘WooCommerce’ recommended hosting provider. With Bluehost, you never have to worry about your website being slow even when there is a lot of traffic. Their 24/7 expert support is always there to help via phone, email, or live chat. On top of that, they are offering WPBeginner users an exclusive 51% OFF discount, a free domain, free dedicated IP address, free SSL for secure payments, pre-installed WooCommerce, and a free 2 hour setup call with a dedicated WooCommerce expert.

Bluehost被评为小型企业的第一大Web托管提供商。 他们是官方的“ WordPress”和“ WooCommerce”推荐的托管服务提供商。 使用Bluehost,即使流量很大,您也不必担心您的网站运行缓慢。 他们始终提供24/7的专家支持,可以通过电话,电子邮件或实时聊天提供帮助。 最重要的是,他们为WPBeginner用户提供了51%的独家折扣,免费域,免费专用IP地址,用于安全支付的免费SSL,预安装的WooCommerce,以及与WooCommerce专家的免费2小时设置电话。

WPEngine is VIP WordPress hosting. Their hassle-free hosting offers fast and robust servers that can handle anything. Your website is practically hacker proof, and their mind-blowing customer service makes you feel like king. They offer automatic security updates, daily backups, one-click restore points, automatic caching, top-tier security, one-click staging area, and more. WPEngine is like having an army of WordPress experts on your side for assistance. Brands like HTC, FourSquare, SoundCloud, Balsamiq, and many others use WPEngine for their WordPress hosting (Just sayin'). If you are a business who do not want to deal with the technical side of running your blog, then WPEngine is the solution for you. Bonus: now you get all 36+ premium StudioPress themes and Genesis framework for free with all WP Engine accounts.

WPEngine是VIP WordPress托管。 他们的无忧托管提供可处理任何内容的快速而强大的服务器。 您的网站实际上是防黑客的工具,其令人赞叹的客户服务使您感觉像国王一样。 他们提供自动安全更新,每日备份,一键还原点,自动缓存,顶级安全性,一键登台区域等等。 WPEngine就像有一支WordPress专家大军在您身边以寻求帮助一样。 像HTC,FourSquare,SoundCloud,Balsamiq等品牌,都使用WPEngine进行WordPress托管(请说)。 如果您是不想处理运行博客的技术方面的企业,那么WPEngine是适合您的解决方案。 奖励:现在,所有WP Engine帐户均可免费获得所有36种以上的StudioPress主题和Genesis框架。

Started in 1997, Liquid Web has become the leader in managed VPS and cloud hosting. They are famous for their fast and high quality support, known as ‘Heroic Support’. All Liquid Web hosting servers are highly tuned for speed, performance, and security making it a completely hassle-free hosting solution. Their new managed WordPress hosting option includes staging sites, automatic updates, image compression tools, free SSL, powerful developer tools, and an intuitive dashboard to manage all your sites in one place. There’s a reason why top companies like Motorola, Red Bull, ESPN, Audi, and FedEx use Liquid Web.

从1997年开始,Liquid Web已成为托管VPS和云托管的领导者。 他们以快速和高质量的支持而著称,被称为“英雄支持”。 所有Liquid Web托管服务器都针对速度,性能和安全性进行了高度调整,使其成为完全无忧的托管解决方案。 他们新的托管WordPress托管选项包括暂存站点,自动更新,图像压缩工具,免费SSL,强大的开发人员工具以及直观的仪表板,可在一个地方管理所有站点。 摩托罗拉,红牛,ESPN,奥迪和联邦快递等顶级公司之所以使用Liquid Web是有原因的。

HostGator hosts over 8 million domains and is one of the most popular web hosts in the industry. With 1-click WordPress installation, 99.9% up time guarantee, and 24/7 support, it’s a smart choice for every store owner. We consider them among best web hosting for businesses. They’re offering our users an exclusive 62% off discount along with a free SSL certificate, and a free domain name.

HostGator托管超过800万个域,并且是业内最受欢迎的Web托管之一。 通过一键式WordPress安装,99.9%的正常运行时间保证和24/7支持,这是每个商店所有者的明智选择。 我们认为它们是最适合企业的虚拟主机。 他们为我们的用户提供了62%的独家折扣,以及免费的SSL证书和免费的域名。

最佳WooCommerce托管比较(2020) (Best WooCommerce Hosting Comparison (2020))

Now after reviewing the top WooCommerce hosting companies listed above, you may be wondering which one of them is best for your online store?


To help you choose the best WooCommerce hosting for your eCommerce website, we have created a few additional resources:


  1. WooCommerce Hosting Quiz


  2. Detailed WooCommerce Hosting Performance Comparison


  3. Side-by-Side WooCommerce Hosting Feature Comparison


The goal here is to help you choose the right hosting company because choosing the wrong provider can cost you more money and headache in the future.


WooCommerce托管测验 (WooCommerce Hosting Quiz)

We know that all this information can be quite overwhelming. Usually we get tons of emails from our users asking for personalized recommendation on which WooCommerce hosting is suitable for their online store.

我们知道,所有这些信息都可能是压倒性的。 通常,我们从用户那里收到大量电子邮件,要求个性化推荐哪种WooCommerce托管适合其在线商店。

To speed this up, we have created a WooCommerce hosting recommendation engine. This questionnaire will help you decide which is the best WooCommerce hosting company based on your particular needs.

为了加快速度,我们创建了一个WooCommerce托管推荐引擎。 这份问卷将帮助您根据您的特定需求,确定哪个是最好的WooCommerce托管公司。

All you have to do is accurately answer the questions in the widget below:


If you still want to get personalized help in choosing a WooCommerce hosting company, then feel free to drop us a message using our contact form. One of our team members will get back to you within 24 hours.

如果您仍然想在选择WooCommerce托管公司方面获得个性化帮助,请随时使用我们的联系表向我们发送消息。 我们的团队成员之一会在24小时内回复您。

详细的WooCommerce托管性能比较 (Detailed WooCommerce Hosting Performance Comparison)

The main reason why WPBeginner users trust us is because our reviews are based on actual usage, real-time tests, and accurate data.


Instead of using the information provided by hosting companies, we actually sign up for each WooCommerce hosting provider and thoroughly test their services.


We use professional third-party benchmarking tools like Pingdom, LoadImpact, and Bitcatcha. We run thorough tests for performance and reliability of each company, so we can help you choose the best WooCommerce hosting for your business.

我们使用专业的第三方基准测试工具,例如Pingdom,LoadImpact和Bitcatcha。 我们对每个公司的性能和可靠性进行了全面的测试,因此我们可以帮助您为您的业务选择最佳的WooCommerce托管。

For accurate testing across all WooCommerce hosting companies, we create a sample website on each hosting provider. After that we install a default theme and fill the site with dummy data including images and media. This way our tests resemble an average website.

为了在所有WooCommerce托管公司中进行准确测试,我们在每个托管提供商上创建了一个示例网站。 之后,我们将安装默认主题,并在该站点中填充虚拟数据,包括图像和媒体。 这样,我们的测试就像一个普通的网站。

Here is our step by step testing process:


First, we use Pingdom, an industry leading website speed test service, to measure our sample website speed across multiple WooCommerce hosting companies.


Next, we use Load Impact service to send virtual users (VU) to each website to see how the hosting server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once. This helps us see how the individual WooCommerce hosting company would perform during peak traffic.

接下来,我们使用Load Impact服务将虚拟用户(VU)发送到每个网站,以查看托管服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。 这有助于我们了解各个WooCommerce托管公司在高峰流量期间的表现。

Last but not least, we use Bitcatcha service to test server response times across numerous geographical locations including United States, London, Singapore, Sao Paulo, India, Sydney, and Japan. This helps us decide which WooCommerce hosting is best for which geographical location.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们使用Bitcatcha服务在众多地理位置(包括美国,伦敦,新加坡,圣保罗,印度,悉尼和日本)中测试服务器响应时间。 这有助于我们确定哪种WooCommerce托管最适合哪种地理位置。

Now that you know our test process, let’s compare the performance of the best WooCommerce hosting companies.


1. SiteGround (1. SiteGround)

SiteGround is one of the top-rated hosting company in the WooCommerce community. They provide unique in-house performance optimization and security which is why they’re an officially recommended WooCommerce hosting provider. WPBeginner site is also hosted on SiteGround.

SiteGround是WooCommerce社区中最受好评的托管公司之一。 他们提供了独特的内部性能优化和安全性,这就是为什么它们被官方推荐为WooCommerce托管提供商。 WPBeginner网站也托管在SiteGround上。

Here are the results from our SiteGround performance tests:


Speed test results for SiteGround

As you can see in the test result, our SiteGround test site loaded in less than a second (649 ms to be precise) for a server in Dallas, Texas. Our test site is faster than 95% of tested sites, which is incredible.

正如您在测试结果中看到的那样,我们的SiteGround测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内(准确地说是649毫秒)为德克萨斯州达拉斯的服务器加载。 我们的测试站点比95%的测试站点快,这令人难以置信。

After that, we ran the Load Impact test on SiteGround servers. We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

之后,我们在SiteGround服务器上运行了Load Impact测试。 我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一身份访问者,以查看服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Load Impact test on Siteground

In this chart, the blue line indicates the number of active virtual users on the site. The green line is the server load time. SiteGround performed almost consistently except for a spike at 50 users on the site. It quickly recovered and page load time remained steadily low even with more users.

在此图表中,蓝线表示站点上的活动虚拟用户数。 绿线是服务器加载时间。 SiteGround的表现几乎始终如一,除了站点上有50个用户激增。 它Swift恢复,即使有更多用户,页面加载时间也一直保持稳定。

Next, we ran response time test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.


SiteGround response time

Our SiteGround test site performed really well in the United States and all other locations except Japan.


If your audience is in Asia, then you can ask SiteGround to move you to their Asia-Pacific servers to remedy this.


In our detailed SiteGround review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing.

在我们的详细SiteGround评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。

After our analysis, we find SiteGround to be a great option for WooCommerce hosting for startups because their support is incredibly helpful.


  • PROS: Best WordPress support, good uptime, fast speed, and free SSL.


  • PROS: Officially recommended by WordPress and WooCommerce

    优点: WordPress和WooCommerce官方推荐

  • PROS: Free Site Migration


  • CONS: No free domain and GoGeek Plan is slightly expensive

    缺点:没有免费域名,GoGeek Plan稍微贵一点

Get Started with SiteGround


2. Bluehost (2. Bluehost)

Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WooCommerce hosting provider.


Here are the results from our Bluehost performance tests:


Bluehost speed test results

As you can see in the screenshot above, our test site loaded in less than two seconds. That’s faster than 85% of all tested websites. Considering that the test site wasn’t using any caching plugins or performance optimization tips, this result is very good.

如您在上面的屏幕快照中所见,我们的测试站点在不到两秒钟的时间内加载完毕。 这比所有测试网站的85%都要快。 考虑到测试站点未使用任何缓存插件或性能优化技巧 ,因此此结果非常好。

Next, we ran the Load Impact test on Bluehost site. We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

接下来,我们在Bluehost站点上运行了Load Impact测试。 我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一身份访问者,以查看服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Here is the result screenshot:


Bluehost LoadImpact test result

In this chart, the blue line indicates number of active virtual users on the site, and the green line is the server load time. As you can see the server load remained stable through out the test even at peak traffic.

在此图表中,蓝线表示站点上活动的虚拟用户数,绿线表示服务器加载时间。 如您所见,即使在高峰流量下,服务器负载在整个测试过程中也保持稳定。

In the next phase, we used Bitcatcha to test server response time more accurately from different geographical locations.


Bluehost response time test

Response times for our Bluehost test site were exceptionally great in the United States loading under a fraction of a second. Response time in other locations was a bit higher but still under less than a second.

在美国,我们的Bluehost测试站点的响应时间非常短,不到一秒钟。 其他位置的响应时间略长,但不到一秒。

If your target customers are in the United States, then this would hugely benefit your WooCommerce store.


We also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing in our detailed Bluehost review. After this thorough analysis, we believe that Bluehost is a great WooCommerce hosting provider to start your online store.

我们还在详细的Bluehost评论中评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。 经过全面的分析,我们相信Bluehost是一个不错的WooCommerce托管提供商,可以开始您的在线商店

  • PROS: 50% off WooCommerce hosting + Free Domain + Free SSL

    优点: WooCommerce主机+免费域名+免费SSL可获得50%的折扣

  • PROS: Officially recommended by WooCommerce and WordPress

    优点: WooCommerce和WordPress官方推荐

  • PROS: Pre-installed WooCommerce Site


  • CONS: Sometimes support can be slow


Get Started with Bluehost


3. WP引擎 (3. WP Engine)

WP Engine is one of the most popular managed WordPress and WooCommerce hosting provider. They offer in-house performance optimization, managed updates. 1-click staging environment, and more.

WP Engine是最受欢迎的托管WordPress和WooCommerce托管提供商之一。 他们提供内部性能优化,托管更新。 一键式登台环境等。

Here are the results from our WP Engine performance tests:

以下是我们的WP Engine性能测试的结果:

WP Engine speed test

As you can see, our test site loaded in less than a second for a server in New York City, NY. That’s faster than 96% of all tested sites. Considering that we didn’t need to install any performance optimization this result is quite good.

如您所见,我们的测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内加载了纽约州纽约市的服务器。 这比所有测试站点的96%都要快。 考虑到我们不需要安装任何性能优化,这个结果是相当不错的。

But how does WP Engine performs under traffic?

但是WP Engine如何在流量不足的情况下执行?

We ran the Load Impact test on WP Engine server where we gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

我们在WP Engine服务器上运行了Load Impact测试,在此过程中,我们逐渐逐步建立了100个唯一的访问者,以查看服务器如何处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

WP Engine Load Impact test

The green line represents page load time and the blue line represents number of users on the site. As you can see, our test site performed really well up to 80 users, after that it started to slow down.

绿线表示页面加载时间,蓝线表示站点上的用户数。 如您所见,我们的测试站点在运行多达80个用户之后确实表现良好,此后开始放缓。

As you can see in the chart, that WP Engine server performance remained steady throughout the test as the numbers of users increased.

从图表中可以看出,随着用户数量的增加,WP Engine服务器性能在整个测试过程中保持稳定。

After the load impact test, we used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time from various geographical locations.


WP Engine response time

As you can see in the results, WP Engine server response time remained under less than half a second on all geographic locations. It was particularly great in the United States.

从结果中可以看到,WP Engine服务器的响应时间在所有地理位置上都不到半秒。 在美国尤其如此。

In our detailed WP Engine review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing. After our analysis, we find WP Engine to be the best option for managed WordPress and WooCommerce hosting.

在我们详细的WP Engine评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。 经过分析,我们发现WP Engine是托管WordPress和WooCommerce托管的最佳选择。

  • PROS: Optimized for WordPress and WooCommerce with a stable managed hosting platform


  • PROS: 1-click staging environment, free SSL, and integrated support to add CDN service as an addon


  • PROS: Excellent customer support and a custom hosting control panel


  • CONS: Prices are slightly higher for a starter WooCommerce store, but totally worth the $$$.


Get Started with WP Engine

WP Engine入门

4.液体网 (4. Liquid Web)

Liquid Web is another popular choice among the WooCommerce and WordPress community. They offer multiple levels of WooCommerce hosting plans including VPS, cloud sites, managed, and dedicated plans with 24/7 support.

Liquid Web是WooCommerce和WordPress社区中的另一个流行选择。 他们提供24/7全天候支持的WooCommerce托管计划的多个级别,包括VPS,云站点,托管计划和专用计划。

Here are the test results from our Liquid Web performance tests:

以下是我们Liquid Web性能测试的测试结果:

Liquid Web speed test results

As you can see in the test result, our Liquid Web test site loaded in less than a second for a server in San Jose, California. That means our site is faster than 91% of tested sites.

如您在测试结果中所见,我们的Liquid Web测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内为加利福尼亚圣何塞的服务器加载了。 这意味着我们的网站比91%的测试网站快。

Next, we ran the Load Impact test on Liquid Web servers where we gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

接下来,我们在Liquid Web服务器上运行了“负载影响”测试,在该测试中,我们逐渐逐渐建立了100个唯一的访问者,以查看服务器如何处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Load Impact test on Liquid Web

The blue line is the number of active virtual users on the site, and the green line is the server load time. As you can see the server load remained stable through out the test even at peak traffic.

蓝线是站点上活动的虚拟用户数,绿线是服务器加载时间。 如您所见,即使在高峰流量下,服务器负载在整个测试过程中也保持稳定。

After that, we ran response times test to see how fast Liquid Web servers respond to requests from different geographic locations.

之后,我们进行了响应时间测试,以了解Liquid Web服务器对来自不同地理位置的请求的响应速度。

Liquid Web response time

As you can see in the results, Liquid Web test site responded with in less than a second. The response time was particularly higher in the United States.

从结果中可以看到,Liquid Web测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内做出了响应。 在美国,响应时间特别长。

In our detailed Liquid Web review, we also evaluated their customer support, features, and pricing.

在我们详细的Liquid Web评论中 ,我们还评估了他们的客户支持,功能和价格。

After our analysis, we find Liquid Web to be a reliable option for WooCommerce hosting for all size of online stores.

经过我们的分析,我们发现Liquid Web是所有规模的在线商店的WooCommerce托管的可靠选择。

  • PROS: Powerful managed cloud hosting that is incredibly fast.

  • PROS: Fully managed servers, SSL included, excellent support.

  • PROS: Easy to scale as your business grows. Great for Enterprise.

    优点:可以随着业务增长轻松扩展。 非常适合企业。
  • CONS: Price is higher than shared WooCommerce hosting providers


Get Started with Liquid Web

Liquid Web入门

5. HostGator (5. HostGator)

HostGator is one of the top web hosting companies. They host over 8 million domains. WPBeginner website is hosted on HostGator dedicated servers, and we have been using them since 2007 for our various websites.

HostGator是顶级网络托管公司之一。 他们托管超过800万个域。 WPBeginner网站托管在HostGator专用服务器上,自2007年以来,我们一直在各种网站上使用它们。

Here are the results from our HostGator performance tests:


HostGator speed Test

As you can see in the screenshot, our test site loaded in just under a second for a server in Dallas, Texas. That’s faster than 94% of all tested sites. Considering that our test site wasn’t using any caching plugins or performance optimization tips, this result is great.

正如您在屏幕快照中看到的那样,我们的测试站点在不到一秒钟的时间内加载了德克萨斯州达拉斯的服务器。 这比所有测试站点的94%都要快。 考虑到我们的测试站点未使用任何缓存插件或性能优化技巧,因此此结果很好。

Next, we wanted to test how does HostGator perform during peak traffic?


We ran the Load Impact test on HostGator servers. We gradually built up to 100 unique visitors at once to see how the server would handle increased requests from multiple connections at once.

我们在HostGator服务器上运行了Load Impact测试。 我们逐渐逐步建立了多达100个唯一身份访问者,以查看服务器如何一次处理来自多个连接的增加的请求。

Load Impact result for HostGator

In this chart the green line indicates page load time and the blue line represents number of users on the site. As you can see, our test site performed really well up to 80 users, after that it started to slow down.

在此图表中,绿线表示页面加载时间,蓝线表示站点上的用户数。 如您所见,我们的测试站点在运行多达80个用户之后确实表现良好,此后开始放缓。

It is quite normal for shared hosting environments as you share server resources with other sites on the server. As your WooCommerce store grows you’ll need to move to VPS or managed hosting providers.

对于共享主机环境,这是很正常的,因为您与服务器上的其他站点共享服务器资源。 随着WooCommerce商店的增长,您需要迁移到VPS或托管托管提供商。

Next, we tested the server response time from different geographic locations. We used Bitcatcha to test more accurate server response time.

接下来,我们测试了来自不同地理位置的服务器响应时间。 我们使用Bitcatcha来测试更准确的服务器响应时间。

HostGator response time

As you can see our test site responded in less than a second for all locations. In the United States, the response time was merely 37 ms.

如您所见,我们的测试站点对所有位置的响应都在不到一秒钟的时间内。 在美国,响应时间仅为37毫秒。

We also evaluated HostGator’s customer service, pricing, and features in our detailed HostGator review.


  • PROS: Fast and reliable with good support


  • PROS: WPBeginner website is hosted with HostGator

    优点: WPBeginner网站由HostGator托管

  • PROS: Free Site Migration


  • CONS: No free domain and renewal fees are higher


* Note: You will need to use the Business plan to get private SSL which is needed to accept online payments.


Get Started with HostGator


最佳WooCommerce托管(快速回顾) (Best WooCommerce Hosting (Quick Recap))

Now that you have compared the performance results of the top WooCommerce hosting companies, you need to decide which is the best for your eCommerce business.


To make it easier, we have created a table with a side-by-side feature list, so you can easily compare the best WooCommerce hosting companies.


HostingCostFree DomainFree SSL1-Click Install
WP Engine$20/moNoYesNo
Liquid Web$19/moNoYesYes
HostGator (Business)$5.68/moNoYesYes
代管 成本 免费域名 免费SSL 一键安装
SiteGround $ 3.95 /月 没有
蓝主机 $ 3.95 /月
WP引擎 $ 20 /月 没有 没有
液体网 $ 19 / mo 没有
HostGator(业务) $ 5.68 /月 没有

In our in-depth WooCommerce hosting review, we believe that if you are looking to start an online store, then Bluehost is your best option. Their plans are affordable, include free domain and free SSL for $6.95 per month. By far the best value.

在我们深入的WooCommerce托管审查中,我们相信,如果您希望开设在线商店 ,那么Bluehost是您的最佳选择。 他们的计划价格合理,包括免费域和免费SSL,每月6.95美元。 到目前为止,最大的价值。

If you have a mid-to-large eCommerce store, then you should go with WP Engine because they offer a completely hassle free experience. While the cost is slightly higher, it’s worth the money.

如果您拥有一家中型到大型的电子商务商店,则应选择WP Engine,因为它们提供了完全无忧的体验。 虽然成本略高,但还是值得的。

In fact, you can’t go wrong with any of the best WooCommerce hosting companies that we have compared above. They all offer blazing fast servers, great uptime, excellent support, and prices for different budgets.

实际上,我们上面比较过的任何最好的WooCommerce托管公司都不会错。 它们都为不同的预算提供了快速的服务器,出色的正常运行时间,出色的支持和价格。

WooCommerce托管常见问题 (WooCommerce Hosting FAQs)

Having helped thousands of users, we have heard just about every hosting question. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about WooCommerce hosting:

在帮助了成千上万的用户之后,我们几乎听到了每个托管问题。 以下是有关WooCommerce托管的一些最常见问题的解答:

Do I need WooCommerce hosting to start an online store?


If you are building an online store with WooCommerce, then you’ll need WooCommerce hosting. Hosting is the place where all your website’s files are stored. Every website and online store uses a hosting provider.

如果要使用WooCommerce建立在线商店,则需要WooCommerce托管。 托管是存储所有网站文件的地方。 每个网站和在线商店都使用托管服务提供商。

Can I install WooCommerce on my shared WordPress hosting account?


Yes, you can. However, shared WordPress hosting plans are designed to cater the needs of small business and personal websites. WooCommerce is a transactional app that needs more resources particularly when you have more than a hundred customers on your website. This is why you need a WooCommerce hosting plan, so that you can run your online store without any downtime and at faster speeds.

是的你可以。 但是,共享的WordPress托管计划旨在满足小型企业和个人网站的需求。 WooCommerce是一个交易型应用程序,需要更多资源,尤其是当您的网站上有一百多个客户时。 这就是为什么您需要WooCommerce托管计划的原因,以便可以在不停机的情况下以更快的速度运行在线商店。

Are there any free WooCommerce hosting providers?


None that we are aware of. Even if you find a free WooCommerce hosting, we will strongly recommend that you stay away from them. In most cases, free hosting providers put advertisements on your website. They may even distribute malware to your customers. Last but not least, they can shut down your website at anytime without any notification. Avoid anyone who offers to give you free hosting, specially if you are serious about your site.

我们没有人知道。 即使您找到免费的WooCommerce托管,我们也强烈建议您远离它们。 在大多数情况下,免费托管服务提供商会在您的网站上投放广告。 他们甚至可能向您的客户分发恶意软件。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,他们可以随时关闭您的网站,而无需任何通知。 避免提供您免费托管的任何人,特别是如果您对网站很认真的话。

How much does it cost to build an online store with WooCommerce?


The total cost of your WooCommerce store is calculated based on hosting costs, domain name, and SSL certificate. The cost of maintaining your online store grows as your business grows. We have created a detailed guide on how much does it cost to build a website, jump to the ecommerce section for tips on keeping your costs down.

WooCommerce商店的总费用是根据托管费用,域名和SSL证书计算的。 随着业务发展,维护在线商店的成本也随之增加。 我们已经建立了有关建立网站的成本的详细指南,跳至电子商务部分以获取降低成本的提示。

I already purchased a domain. Can I use it with my WooCommerce hosting?

我已经购买了一个域名。 我可以在WooCommerce托管中使用它吗?

Yes, you can. Once you purchase a domain name, you are free to use it with any hosting company. All you need to do is go to your domain settings and point its DNS to your WooCommerce hosting company. Each of our top WooCommerce hosting companies have step by step instructions on how to do that. See our guide on the difference between domain name and web hosting.

是的你可以。 购买域名后,您可以在任何托管公司自由使用它。 您所需要做的就是转到您的域设置,并将其DNS指向您的WooCommerce托管公司。 我们的每一个顶级WooCommerce托管公司都具有逐步说明。 请参阅我们的指南,了解域名和网络托管之间区别

Do I need to buy domain and WooCommerce hosting from same company?


No you don’t. You can buy a domain name from one company and WooCommerce hosting from another. However, it does help to get them from the same company as you will not have to change DNS settings, and you will be able to manage your domain and hosting under the same dashboard.

不,你不会。 您可以从一个公司购买域名,从另一个公司购买WooCommerce托管。 但是,由于不必更改DNS设置,因此确实可以从同一公司获得它们,并且可以在同一仪表板下管理域和托管。

Do I need to buy any addons when signing up for WooCommerce hosting?


During the sign up process, some hosting companies will offer to sell you add-on services. You can safely uncheck them as they would add to the cost of your hosting bill.

在注册过程中,一些托管公司将提供向您出售附加服务。 您可以安全地取消选中它们,因为它们会增加您的托管费用。

Later on, if you feel you need one of these add-on services, then you can simply add them to your hosting plan from your account dashboard.


How many customers can these WooCommerce hosting companies handle?


All hosting companies in our best WooCommerce hosting list handle millions of pageviews every day. They are all equipped to handle smaller stores as well as large online stores even during peak holiday shopping traffic.

我们最好的WooCommerce托管列表中的所有托管公司每天都处理数百万次的网页浏览。 它们全都可以处理较小的商店以及大型的在线商店,即使在高峰假日购物流量期间也是如此。

The traffic your site can handle largely depends on the plan you choose. With shared WooCommerce hosting providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator, your website will be able to handle 1,000 – 5,000 visitors a day with speed optimization.

您的网站可以处理的流量在很大程度上取决于您选择的计划。 借助共享的WooCommerce托管服务提供商(例如Bluehost,SiteGround和HostGator),您的网站每天可以通过优化速度来处理1,000至5,000个访问者。

With managed hosting providers, you should be able to handle as much traffic as you need because their team would automatically scale your account as needed.


Do WooCommerce hosting companies keep backups of my site?


Yes, many of them do. However, we don’t recommend relying on your hosting company’s backups. You must always create your own backups by using a WordPress backup plugin.

是的,其中许多人都这样做。 但是,我们不建议您依赖托管公司的备份。 您必须始终使用WordPress备份插件创建自己的备份。

Can I change my WooCommerce hosting later?


Yes, you can totally change your WooCommerce hosting company if you are unhappy with them. Most hosting companies offer migration services that you can utilize with minimum downtime. You can also move your website on your own, see our guide on how to move a WordPress site to new host.

是的,如果您对WooCommerce托管公司不满意,可以完全改变他们。 大多数托管公司提供的迁移服务可在最少的停机时间内利用。 您也可以自己移动网站,请参阅有关如何将WordPress网站移动到新主机的指南

What are the best WooCommerce hosting companies in your opinion?


Our three top choices for WooCommerce hosting are:


  1. Bluehost – Best overall in terms of performance, price, and features.

    Bluehost –就性能,价格和功能而言总体最佳。

  2. WP Engine – Best for large eCommerce sites who need top-notch performance, support, and scalability.

    WP Engine –最适合需要一流性能,支持和可伸缩性的大型电子商务网站。

  3. SiteGround – Best WooCommerce hosting for growing businesses (use the GoGeek plan).

    SiteGround –成长中企业的最佳WooCommerce托管(使用GoGeek计划)。

  4. This last question is not by mistake. We still get this question even when we refer users to this guide.

    最后一个问题不是错误的。 即使我们推荐用户使用本指南,我们仍然会遇到这个问题。

    We hope that this guide helped you find the best WooCommerce hosting for your online store. If you have a WooCommerce hosting question that we didn’t cover, then please send us a message using our contact form. One of our team members will respond back within 24 hours.

    我们希望本指南能帮助您找到适合您的在线商店的最佳WooCommerce托管。 如果您有我们没有解决的WooCommerce托管问题,请使用我们的联系表向我们发送消息 我们的团队成员之一将在24小时内回复。


    Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi. Trusted by over 1.3 million readers worldwide.

    WPBeginner的编辑人员是由Syed Balkhi领导的WordPress专家团队。 受到全球130万读者的信赖。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/best-woocommerce-hosting/

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当你在使用WooCommerce主题开发时,可以使用许多钩子(hooks)来自定义主题的外观和功能。以下是一些常用的WooCommerce主题钩子及其示例: 1. woocommerce_before_main_content:在主要内容之前添加内容,例如一个页面标题。 示例:添加一个标题到商品页面: ``` add_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'my_custom_title', 10 ); function my_custom_title() { echo '<h1>Welcome to our store</h1>'; } ``` 2. woocommerce_after_main_content:在主要内容之后添加内容,例如一个联系表单。 示例:在商品页面之后添加一个联系表单: ``` add_action( 'woocommerce_after_main_content', 'my_custom_contact_form', 10 ); function my_custom_contact_form() { echo '<h2>Contact us</h2>'; echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="1234" title="Contact form"]' ); } ``` 3. woocommerce_before_shop_loop:在商店循环之前添加内容,例如一个筛选器。 示例:添加一个筛选器到商店页面: ``` add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'my_custom_filter', 10 ); function my_custom_filter() { echo '<form method="get">'; echo '<select name="filter">'; echo '<option value="all">All products</option>'; echo '<option value="featured">Featured products</option>'; echo '</select>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Filter">'; echo '</form>'; } ``` 4. woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item:在每个商品循环的结尾添加内容,例如一个加入购物车按钮。 示例:在每个商品之后添加一个加入购物车按钮: ``` add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'my_custom_button', 10 ); function my_custom_button() { echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '?add-to-cart=' . get_the_ID() . '" class="button add_to_cart_button">Add to cart</a>'; } ``` 以上是一些常用的WooCommerce主题钩子和示例,您可以使用它们来自定义您的WooCommerce主题。


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