
2017 is about to come to an end and what a great year it has been. We want to thank all of you for your continued support of WPBeginner over the past 8 years of our existence. To continue our tradition, in this article we will look back at 2017 to highlight the best of best WordPress tutorials on WPBeginner and share the success that our team had in 2017.

2017年即将结束,这是多么伟大的一年。 我们要感谢大家在我们存在的过去8年中一直对WPBeginner的支持。 为了延续我们的传统,在本文中,我们将回顾2017年,重点介绍WPBeginner上最好的WordPress最佳教程,并分享我们团队在2017年取得的成功。

Best of Best WordPress Tutorials of 2017 on WPBeginner
Syed Balkhi撰写的WPBeginner Recap 2017 (WPBeginner Recap 2017 by Syed Balkhi)

2017 has been an amazing year for me both personally and professionally. WPBeginner website set new traffic records, our team grew to over 40 people, and our revenue from our premium WordPress plugins saw significant growth as well.

对于我个人和职业而言,2017年都是令人惊讶的一年。 WPBeginner网站创造了新的流量记录,我们的团队增长到40多人,我们来自高级WordPress插件的收入也取得了显着增长。

In last year’s recap, I set a goal that I wanted to reach 100,000 subscribers on YouTube by the end of 2017. We didn’t quite reach that milestone. At the time of writing this article, we have over 79,000 subscribers and over 10 million video views. I am proud that our videos have improved significantly, and we will be putting even more focus on videos in 2018. If you haven’t done so already, I would really appreciate it if you subscribe to our YouTube channel, so we can reach the 100,000 subscriber mark in 2018.

在去年的回顾中,我设定了一个目标,希望在2017年底之前在YouTube上吸引100,000个订阅者。我们还没有达到这个里程碑。 在撰写本文时,我们有超过7.9万名订阅者和超过1000万次视频观看。 我很自豪我们的视频得到了显着改善,我们将在2018年更加关注视频。如果您还没有这样做,那么如果您订阅我们的YouTube频道 ,我们将非常感谢,因此我们可以2018年有100,000名订阅者。

As for personal life, I’m really enjoying fatherhood. Solomon is 1 year old now, and he learned how to walk earlier this year. It’s been an amazing journey watching him grow and learn all sorts of new things. He has already been to two WordCamps. I think he was the youngest attendee at WordCamp U.S this year. Below is a picture of our family, since I know many of you often ask for it.

至于个人生活,我真的很享受父亲身份。 所罗门(Solomon)现在1岁,今年年初他学会了走路。 看着他成长并学习各种新事物,这是一段了不起的旅程。 他已经去过两个WordCamps。 我认为他是今年WordCamp US中最年轻的参加者。 下面是我们一家人的照片,因为我知道你们中很多人经常要求这样做。

Balkhi Family 2017

I took a complete break from writing on my personal blog, so I can spend maximum time with family. I have been clearing my tasks, so I can start blogging there again next year.

我在个人博客上写了一个完整的休息,因此我可以与家人在一起的时间最多。 我一直在清理任务,因此明年可以在此重新开始写博客。

2017 was a great year for WPBeginner’s family of products.


Last year, we launched WPForms, with a goal to make the most beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. We have both the free version and premium version.

去年,我们启动了WPForms ,其目标是制作最适合初学者的WordPress联系人表单插件 。 我们有免费版和高级版。

Thanks to your support, WPForms has taken the market by storm. It’s being used on over 800,000 websites now and has a 4.9 out of 5 star rating.

感谢您的支持,WPForms席卷了市场。 现在,它已在超过800,000个网站上使用,并获得4.9星(5星评级)。

We completed the phase 1 revamp of MonsterInsights, the Google analytics plugin we acquired from Yoast last year. In phase 1, our goal was to add proper tracking to every area of your WordPress site and send that data to your Google Analytics. Our phase 2 update will be going out soon which will significantly improve the reporting dashboard. Our goal is to bring back helpful data inside WordPress dashboard to help you make data-driven decision.

我们完成了第一阶段的改造MonsterInsights中,谷歌分析插件,我们从Yoast去年收购了。 在第1阶段,我们的目标是向WordPress网站的每个区域添加适当的跟踪,并将该数据发送到您的Google Analytics(分析)。 我们的第二阶段更新将很快发布,这将大大改善报告仪表板。 我们的目标是将有用的数据带回WordPress仪表板中,以帮助您做出数据驱动的决策。

Our flagship product, OptinMonster, continued to push the limits in 2017. We launched version 4.0 which came with powerful features like sub-accounts, user permission control, activity logs, custom branding and a new campaign creation workflow. We also added powerful targeting features like InactivitySensor, shareable MonsterLinks, campaign sound effects, and our native Shopify app. We also did a complete redesign of our website.

我们的旗舰产品OptinMonster在2017年继续突破极限。我们推出了4.0版本,该版本具有强大的功能,例如子帐户,用户权限控制,活动日志,自定义品牌和新的广告系列创建工作流程。 我们还添加了强大的定位功能,例如InactivitySensor,可共享的MonsterLinks,广告系列音效以及我们的本地Shopify应用。 我们还对网站进行了完全重新设计。

If you’re not using OptinMonster, then you’re losing subscribers every day. It is the one plugin that every website should have.

如果您不使用OptinMonster,那么您每天都会失去订阅者。 它是每个网站都应该拥有的一个插件。

We also completely redesigned our corporate, Awesome Motive website. It’s really cool, you should check it out. We’re hiring for a lot of different positions, so don’t forget to browse our career page.

我们还完全重新设计了我们公司的Awesome Motive网站。 真的很棒,您应该检查一下。 我们正在招聘许多不同的职位,所以不要忘记浏览我们的职业页面

If you want to keep up with more than just WPBeginner, then you can always follow me on Twitter (@syedbalkhi) where I tweet about our other projects, marketing tips, and tons of other cool things.

如果您想了解的不仅仅是WPBeginner,那么您随时可以在Twitter( @syedbalkhi )上关注我,在那儿我介绍我们的其他项目,营销技巧以及许多其他有趣的东西。

Now let’s take a look at the best of WPBeginner in 2017.


2017年最佳WPBeginner (Best of WPBeginner in 2017)

We wrote many helpful WordPress tutorials through out 2017. Here are some of our favorites.


一月 (January)

How to create your own customize short url for your blog – We started the year with a highly requested tutorial on how to create customized short URLs like wpbeg.in that we use.

如何为您的博客创建自己的自定义短URL –今年开始时,我们强烈要求您提供有关如何创建自定义短URL(如wpbeg.in)的教程。

How to do lead generation in WordPress like a pro – In this article, we discussed why lead generation is important and how you can totally do it on your own like an expert.

如何像专业人士一样在WordPress中进行潜在客户生成 –在本文中,我们讨论了潜在客户生成为何如此重要的原因,以及如何像专家一样完全自己完成潜在客户生成。

What are WordPress plugins? And how do they work? – In this beginner’s guide, we talked a bit about WordPress plugins. Targeted at absolute beginners, this article explains the concept of WordPress plugins as apps for your website and how they work by hooking into your WordPress.

什么是WordPress插件? 以及它们如何工作? –在本初学者指南中,我们讨论了WordPress插件。 针对绝对的初学者,本文介绍了WordPress插件作为您网站的应用程序的概念,以及如何通过与WordPress挂钩来工作。

How to add a customer reviews page in WordPress – In this article we show you the easiest way to add customer reviews and testimonials on your business website.

如何在WordPress中添加客户评论页面 –在本文中,我们向您展示了在企业网站上添加客户评论和推荐的最简单方法。

二月 (February)

How to properly move from Weebly to WordPress – Before this article, it was quite painful to move a website from Weebly to WordPress. We decided to develop a handy tool that will allow you to easily export and import your Weebly site into WordPress. This article has step by step instructions on how to do it.

如何正确地从Weebly迁移到WordPress –在撰写本文之前,将网站从Weebly迁移到WordPress非常痛苦。 我们决定开发一种方便的工具 ,使您可以轻松地将Weebly网站导出和导入WordPress。 本文分步说明了操作方法。

How to install Google Analytics in WordPress for beginners – Google Analytics is the best free analytics tool in the market. In this beginner’s guide, we showed you how to easily install Google Analytics in your WordPress site.

如何为初学者在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)-Google Analytics(分析)是市场上最好的免费分析工具。 在此初学者指南中,我们向您展示了如何在WordPress网站中轻松安装Google Analytics(分析)。

How to merge two WordPress sites together without losing SEO – Did you buy a new website or just want to merge two of your sites together to better focus? This step by step guide shows you how to properly merge two WordPress sites without losing SEO.

如何在不失去SEO的情况下将两个WordPress网站合并在一起 –是您购买了一个新网站还是只是想将两个网站合并在一起以更好地集中精力? 本分步指南将向您展示如何正确合并两个WordPress网站而不会失去SEO。

32 extremely useful tricks for the WordPress functions file – This article is the one you want to bookmark because it contains a lot of handy WordPress snippets to use in your functions.php file.

WordPress函数文件的32个极其有用的技巧 –本文是您要添加书签的,因为它包含许多可以在functions.php文件中使用的WordPress代码段。

游行 (March)

5 Best WordPress LMS plugins compared (pros and cons) – WordPress is widely used by people and organizations who want to sell courses or use WordPress as their Learning Management System or LMS. In this article, we compared the top WordPress LMS plugins with pros and cons.

比较5个最佳WordPress LMS插件(优缺点) – WordPress被想要出售课程或将WordPress用作学习管理系统或LMS的个人和组织广泛使用。 在本文中,我们比较了最佳WordPress LMS插件的优缺点。

How much does it really cost to build a WordPress website – We are often asked by users about how much would it cost them to build a WordPress site. In this detailed article, we break down the prices and tell you how much it would cost to build different types of WordPress sites and how to reduce your costs.

建立一个WordPress网站实际需要多少费用 –用户经常问我们建立一个WordPress网站需要多少费用。 在这篇详细的文章中,我们将对价格进行细分,并告诉您构建各种类型的WordPress网站将花费多少,以及如何降低成本。

25 legit ways to make money online blogging with WordPress – Another one of the most requested tutorials of 2017. It’s not a get rich quick schemes type article. But if you’re willing to work hard, then this article shares some of the ways to make money blogging.

25种使用WordPress进行在线博客赚钱的合法方法 –这是2017年最受欢迎的教程之一。这不是一篇快速入门的文章。 但是,如果您愿意努力工作,那么本文将分享一些赚钱博客的方法。

How to display the last updated date of your posts in WordPress – A lot of you have asked us how do we display the last updated date on our articles. This article shows you exactly how to do that.

如何在WordPress中显示帖子的最后更新日期 –很多人问我们如何在文章中显示最近更新的日期。 本文向您展示了如何做到这一点。

四月 (April)

5 Best WordPress membership plugins compared – There are many WordPress membership plugins in the market with similar features. In this article, we compared the top WordPress membership plugins to figure out how they stack up against each other.

比较5个最佳WordPress会员插件 –市场上有许多功能相似的WordPress会员插件。 在本文中,我们比较了顶级WordPress成员资格插件,以了解它们如何相互叠加。

28 most frequently asked questions by WordPress beginners – As the largest free WordPress resource site, we get a lot of questions from beginners. In this article, we answered some of the most frequently asked questions by WordPress beginners.

WordPress初学者最常问的28个问题 –作为最大的免费WordPress资源网站,我们从初学者那里收到了很多问题。 在本文中,我们回答了WordPress初学者最常问的一些问题。

How to let users filter posts and pages in WordPress – This is a very sophisticated plugin tutorial that allows you to add neat sorting and filtering option your WordPress site.

如何让用户过滤WordPress中的帖子和页面 –这是一个非常复杂的插件教程,可让您在WordPress网站中添加整洁的排序和过滤选项。

How to add an author’s photo in WordPress – Want to add author bio and photo at the end of each post? This is the tutorial that you need. It’s simple and easy (no coding needed).

如何在WordPress中添加作者的照片 –想要在每篇文章的末尾添加作者的简历和照片? 这是您需要的教程。 这很简单(无需编码)。

可能 (May)

55+ Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks – The best thing about WordPress is that it can be easily customized into doing different things. We compiled a mega list of the most useful WordPress tips, tricks, and hacks that you can try.

55+最想要的WordPress技巧,窍门和技巧 –关于WordPress的最好的事情是,可以轻松地自定义它来做不同的事情。 我们汇总了可尝试的最有用的WordPress技巧,窍门和技巧的清单。

5 best WordPress firewall plugins compared – Firewall plugins for WordPress block bad bots, malware, and malicious attacks on your website. In this article, we compared the top 5 WordPress firewall plugins with their pros and cons.

比较5个最佳WordPress防火墙插件WordPress防火墙插件可阻止您网站上的不良bot,恶意软件和恶意攻击。 在本文中,我们比较了前5个WordPress防火墙插件的优缺点。

25 Interesting facts about WordPress (infographic) – In this article, we researched and compiled a list of the most interesting facts about WordPress. We then created a beautiful infographic so that you can easily share them.

关于WordPress(信息图表)的25个有趣事实 –在本文中,我们研究并整理了有关WordPress最有趣的事实的列表。 然后,我们创建了一个漂亮的信息图,以便您可以轻松共享它们。

How to optimize your WordPress database with one click – Optimizing your database cleans up unwanted data which reduces database size and can improve overall website performance. This is a handy tutorial that you should use at least once a year.

如何一键优化您的WordPress数据库 –优化数据库可以清除不需要的数据,从而减少数据库大小并提高整体网站性能。 这是一个方便的教程,您应该每年至少使用一次。

六月 (June)

How to track outbound links in WordPress – Many of our users wanted to know how to track outbound links on their websites. These are the links that take users away from your site. In this article, we showed you how to easily track outbound links in WordPress using Google Analytics.

如何在WordPress中跟踪出站链接 –我们的许多用户都想知道如何在其网站上跟踪出站链接。 这些链接使用户离开您的站点。 在本文中,我们向您展示了如何使用Google Analytics(分析)轻松跟踪WordPress中的出站链接。

How WordPress actually works behind the scenes (infographic) – Curious about what goes on inside WordPress core when someone visits your website? In this article, we gave you a behind the scene tour of how WordPress works with a beautiful infographic.

WordPress在幕后的实际运作方式(信息图表) –对有人访问您的网站时WordPress核心内部发生的事情感到好奇吗? 在本文中,我们为您提供了WordPress如何与精美信息图一起工作的幕后导览。

How to add custom meta boxes in WordPress posts and post types – In this tutorial we showed how to create custom meta boxes to use in your WordPress posts and custom post types.

如何在WordPress帖子和帖子类型中添加自定义meta框 –在本教程中,我们展示了如何创建在WordPress帖子和自定义帖子类型中使用的自定义meta框。

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org (Comparison Chart) – We updated a popular article on our site with a brand new infographic and comparison table.

WordPress.com与WordPress.org(比较表) –我们使用全新的信息图表和比较表更新了网站上的热门文章。

How to add two-factor authentication in WordPress (for free) – You probably have already noticed that many popular sites offer two-factor authentication to improve security. This tutorial walks you through how to add it in WordPress.

如何在WordPress中免费添加两因素身份验证 –您可能已经注意到,许多流行的网站都提供两因素身份验证以提高安全性。 本教程将引导您完成如何在WordPress中添加它。

七月 (July)

How to easily add custom code in WordPress (without breaking your site) – Normally, users paste code snippets from web in their theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin. In this article, an easier method for beginners to easily add custom code in WordPress.

如何轻松地在WordPress中添加自定义代码(不破坏您的网站) –通常,用户将Web中的代码片段粘贴到其主题的functions.php文件或特定站点的插件中 。 在本文中,这是让初学者更轻松地在WordPress中轻松添加自定义代码的方法。

13 crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly – As a self-hosted WordPress site owner, you are responsible for the maintenance of your website. In this article, we created a handy checklist of crucial maintenance tasks that you need to perform regularly.

定期执行的13项重要WordPress维护任务 –作为自托管的WordPress网站所有者,您负责网站的维护。 在本文中,我们创建了一份方便的清单,其中包含您需要定期执行的重要维护任务。

10 best WordPress plugins for podcasters – WordPress is used by the top podcasters. In this article, we shared the best WordPress plugins for podcasters that will help you easily manage and grow your podcast.

适用于播客的10个最佳WordPress插件 –顶级播客使用WordPress。 在本文中,我们为播客分享了最佳的WordPress插件,这些插件将帮助您轻松管理和发展播客。

12 signs that your WordPress site is hacked – We are often asked about what are some signs that indicate a WordPress site has been hacked. Here are 12 that you should watch out for.

12个迹象表明您的WordPress网站已被黑客入侵 –我们经常被问到哪些迹象表明WordPress站点已被黑客入侵。 这里是您应该注意的12点。

八月 (August)

How much does a custom WordPress theme cost? – Another one of the most often asked questions is how to get a custom WordPress theme and how much it would actually cost. In this article, we talk about the cost of getting a custom WordPress theme made specifically for your website.

自定义WordPress主题的费用是多少? –另一个最常被问到的问题是如何获得自定义WordPress主题及其实际成本。 在本文中,我们讨论了专门为您的网站制作自定义WordPress主题的成本。

How to manually update WordPress plugins via FTP – Sometimes you may not be able to update a WordPress plugin from the admin area, in that case you will need to use FTP to update it. In this step by step guide, we show you how to manually update WordPress plugins via FTP.

如何通过FTP手动更新WordPress插件 –有时您可能无法从管理区域更新WordPress插件,在这种情况下,您将需要使用FTP对其进行更新。 在本逐步指南中,我们向您展示如何通过FTP手动更新WordPress插件。

Best WordPress landing page plugins compared – Want to build custom landing pages for your marketing campaigns? In this article, we compared the top WordPress landing page plugins and their pros and cons.

比较最佳的WordPress登陆页面插件 –想为您的营销活动构建自定义登陆页面吗? 在本文中,我们比较了热门的WordPress登陆页面插件及其优缺点。

How to style each post WordPress post differently – A handy resource for theme development when you want to style each post differently.

如何为每个帖子设置不同的样式WordPress帖子 –当您希望为每个帖子设置不同的样式时,方便的主题开发资源。

九月 (September)

How to add a slide out contact form in WordPress – Slide out contact forms divert user’s attention to the contact with the slide in animation. It helps you generate more leads and sales. In this step by step guide, we showed you how to easily add a slide out contact form in WordPress.

如何在WordPress中添加滑出式联系表单 –滑出式联系表单会将用户的注意力转移到动画中的幻灯片上。 它可以帮助您产生更多的线索和销售。 在本循序渐进指南中,我们向您展示了如何轻松地在WordPress中添加幻灯片输出联系表单。

7 Best WordPress CDN services (Compared) – Content delivery network or CDN help you serve static cache from different servers and locations. This boosts your site’s speed and decreases page load time. In this article, we have hand-picked the best CDN services that you can use with your WordPress site.

7种最佳WordPress CDN服务(比较) –内容交付网络或CDN帮助您从不同的服务器和位置提供静态缓存。 这可以提高您的网站速度,并减少页面加载时间。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了可用于WordPress网站的最佳CDN服务。

How to create a pay-per-view site with WordPress – Want to build a pay-per-view site to earn money from your content? In this guide, we show you how to easily create a pay per view site with WordPress.

如何使用WordPress创建按次计费网站 –想要建立按次计费网站以从您的内容中赚钱? 在本指南中,我们向您展示如何使用WordPress轻松创建按观看次数付费的网站。

How to find which WordPress theme a site is using – Often we get emails from readers asking us for help in finding the exact theme that a specific website is using. This article shows you how to easily find out which WordPress a specific website is using.

如何查找网站使用的WordPress主题 –通常,我们会收到读者的电子邮件,要求我们提供帮助以找到特定网站正在使用的确切主题。 本文向您展示如何轻松找出特定网站使用的WordPress。

十月 (October)

How to properly disable Google AMP in WordPress – In this article, we talk about how to and why you should disable Google AMP in WordPress.

如何在WordPress中正确禁用Google AMP –在本文中,我们讨论了如何以及为什么应该在WordPress中禁用Google AMP。

Ultimate guide to creating a WordPress membership site – Want to a build a membership website but dont know where to start? In this step by step guide, we showed how to easily create a fully-functional WordPress membership website.

创建WordPress会员网站的终极指南 –想要建立会员网站,但不知道从哪里开始? 在本逐步指南中,我们展示了如何轻松创建功能齐全的WordPress会员网站。

7 best WordPress ad management plugins and solutions – Many WordPress powered websites rely on advertising for revenue. In this article, we shared the top WordPress ad management plugins and solutions that will help you maximize your ad revenue.

7个最佳的WordPress广告管理插件和解决方案 –许多WordPress驱动的网站都依靠广告来获得收入。 在本文中,我们分享了顶级的WordPress广告管理插件和解决方案,这些插件和解决方案将帮助您最大程度地提高广告收入。

十一月 (November)

How to track user engagement in WordPress with Google Analytics – Want to learn how users spend their time while visiting your website? In this article, we showed how to track user engagement in Google Analytics.

如何通过Google Analytics(分析)跟踪WordPress中的用户参与度 –是否想了解用户如何在访问您的网站时花费时间? 在本文中,我们展示了如何跟踪用户在Google Analytics(分析)中的参与度。

Evolution of WordPress user interface (2003 – 2017) – Want to see how WordPress looked in its early days? In this article, we showed you how the WordPress user interface evolved over the years.

WordPress用户界面的演变(2003年至2017年) –想了解WordPress早期的外观吗? 在本文中,我们向您展示了WordPress用户界面多年来的发展。

How to appear in Google Answer boxes with your WordPress site – Google Answer boxes highlight the best answer to question in search results by putting it at top in an answer box. In this article, we talked about how you can improve your content to easily appear in Google answer boxes with your WordPress posts.

如何在WordPress网站的 Google答案框中显示– Google答案框将答案放在搜索框中,从而在搜索结果中突出显示问题的最佳答案。 在本文中,我们讨论了如何改进内容以使其易于显示在带有WordPress帖子的Google答案框中。

How to restrict media library access to user’s own uploads in WordPress – By default, WordPress allows authors to see all images on your site’s media library. This could be problematic if you invite a lot of guest authors. Here’s how to fix that.

如何在WordPress中限制媒体库对用户自己上载的访问 –默认情况下,WordPress允许作者​​查看您网站媒体库中的所有图像。 如果邀请许多来宾作者,这可能会出现问题。 解决方法如下。

十二月 (December)

How to add a mega menu on your WordPress site (step by step) – You might have seen popular sites like Buzzfeed, Starbucks, etc have interactive mega navigation menus on their sites. Here’s a tutorial how to add a mega menu on your website.

如何在WordPress网站上逐步添加大型菜单 -您可能已经看到Buzzfeed,Starbucks等热门网站在其网站上具有交互式的巨型导航菜单。 这是一个如何在您的网站上添加大型菜单的教程。

How to accept Bitcoin payments in WordPress – More and more ecommerce websites are now accepting Bitcoin payments along with traditional payment methods. In this article, we show you how to easily accept Bitcoin payments in WordPress.

如何在WordPress中接受比特币付款 –越来越多的电子商务网站现在正在接受比特币付款以及传统的付款方式。 在本文中,我们向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中接受比特币付款。

How to use SMTP server to send WordPress emails – Many shared WordPress hosting providers don’t have their servers properly configured to send out WordPress emails. This troublesome as you may not be able to get important notifications or even password recovery emails. In this article, we show you how to use SMTP server to send WordPress emails.

如何使用SMTP服务器发送WordPress电子邮件 –许多共享的WordPress托管提供商没有正确配置其服务器以发送WordPress电子邮件。 这很麻烦,因为您可能无法收到重要的通知甚至密码恢复电子邮件。 在本文中,我们向您展示如何使用SMTP服务器发送WordPress电子邮件。

How and why you should leave reviews on WordPress – Many WordPress plugins and themes need your encouragement to continue the project, particularly the free ones. In this article, we discussed how and why you should leave reviews on WordPress projects like plugins and themes.

如何以及为什么要在WordPress上留下评论 –许多WordPress插件和主题需要您的鼓励才能继续进行该项目,尤其是免费的项目。 在本文中,我们讨论了如何以及为什么您应该对WordPress项目(如插件和主题)留下评论。

These were some of the best WordPress tutorials on WPBeginner in 2017. We hope that you liked them.


We would like to thank all WPBeginner users, who visited our website, gave feedback, left comments, and shared it with others. We are truly very thankful. We look forward to add more useful WordPress tutorials in 2018.

我们要感谢所有访问我们网站,提供反馈,发表评论并与他人共享的WPBeginner用户。 我们真的非常感谢。 我们期待在2018年添加更多有用的WordPress教程。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-of-best-wordpress-tutorials-of-2017-on-wpbeginner/





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